Exemple #1
def setRurallinkDeviceConfig(session_id, asset_id, type):
    """Updates the device asset record to reflect the configuration type"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    if asset_id == -1:
        # Called by a device itself, use the CN of the certificate to
        # lookup the mac address and find an asset ID
        mac = ":".join([session.username[(i * 2) - 2 : i * 2] for i in range(1, 7)])
        if not isValidMAC(mac):
            raise ccs_rurallink_error("Asset not specified!")
        asset = getAssetByMac(session_id, mac)
        asset_id = asset["asset_id"]

    asset = ccs_asset(session_id, asset_id)

    if type == "CPE":
        asset.updateAssetDetail("description", "RuralLink Farm Terminal")
    elif type == "Repeater":
        asset.updateAssetDetail("description", "RuralLink Farm Repeater")
    elif type == "Master":
        asset.updateAssetDetail("description", "Rurallink Farm AP (Master Node)")
        raise ccs_rurallink_error("Unknown configuration type!")

    return True
Exemple #2
    def getNetworkTemplateVariables(self):
        """Returns a dictionary containing template variables for all hosts

        See the getTemplateVariables function for more details.
        session = getSessionE(self._session_id)
        variables = {}
        name = self._service["service_name"]
        variables["service_name"] = name
        variables["%s_enabled" % name] = self.getState()
        # Include basic properties
        # Include a list of hosts that the service is enabled on
        variables["direct_mesh"] = self.buildConnectedMesh()
        variables["hosts"] = self.getEnabledHostList()

        #Get list of central sites
        sql = "SELECT h.host_name from service_hostdata s, host h where " \
            "h.host_id = s.host_id AND service_id = %s AND service_prop_id = " \
            "(select service_prop_id from service_prop where prop_name = " \
            "'amplet_group') AND value = 'gtw'"
        variables['gtws'] = session.query(sql, (self.service_id))

        return variables
Exemple #3
    def initialiseService():
        """Called by the system the very first time the service is loaded.

        This should setup an entry in the service table and load any default
        service properties into the service_prop table.
        session = getSessionE(ADMIN_SESSION_ID)
        session.begin("initialising HostAPD service")        

            session.execute("INSERT INTO service (service_id, service_name, " \
                    "enabled) VALUES (DEFAULT, %s, DEFAULT)", \
            service_id = session.getCountOf("SELECT currval('" \
                    "service_service_id_seq') AS server_id", ())
            # Commit the changese
            log_info("Created hostapd service entries and tables in database")
            log_error("Unable to initialise hostapd database entries!", \
            raise hostapd_error("Failed to setup database tables!")

        return service_id
Exemple #4
    def getDetails(self):
        """Returns a detailed object describing the host"""
        session = getSessionE(self._session_id)

        sql = "SELECT * FROM host_detail WHERE host_id=%s"
        res = session.query(sql, (self.host_id))
        return res[0]
Exemple #5
def getAvailHostAssets(session_id, site_id=-1):
    """Returns a list of assets that could be used for a new host

    Returns a list of assets that are assigned to a site and could be used
    for a new host. If the site_id is -1 then a list of assets in stock that
    could be used for a new host are returned.
    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    if site_id==-1:
        # Return generic list of available host assets at site 'stock'
        sql = "SELECT s.asset_id, s.description FROM site_host_assets_avail " \
                "s, asset a WHERE a.asset_id=s.asset_id AND s.site_id IN " \
                "(SELECT site_id FROM asset_stock_location) " \
                "AND s.asset_id NOT IN (SELECT asset_id FROM host WHERE " \
                "asset_id IS NOT NULL) AND a.asset_type_id IN " \
                "(SELECT asset_type_id FROM asset_type_map WHERE " \
        p = ()
        # Verify site_id is OK
        validateSiteId(session_id, site_id)
        # Return list of host assets assigned to site but not yet to a host
        sql = "SELECT asset_id, description FROM site_host_assets_avail " \
                "WHERE site_id=%s"
        p = (site_id)
    res = session.query(sql, p)
    return res
Exemple #6
def getGraphVars(session_id, graph_id):
    """Returns all vars that are defined"""

    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    sql = "SELECT varname from graph_parts WHERE graph_id=%s AND (type='DEF' OR type='CDEF')"
    res = session.query(sql, (graph_id))
    return res
Exemple #7
def snmpDeleteHost(session_id, host_id):
    """This removes a host from the snmp_discovery table"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    sql = "DELETE FROM snmp_discovery WHERE host_id=%s"
    session.execute(sql, (host_id))
    return 1
Exemple #8
def getGroups(session_id):
    """Returns the list of admin groups"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    sql = "SELECT * FROM admin_group"
    res = session.query(sql, ())
    return res
Exemple #9
def addGroup(session_id, group):
    """Adds the specified group to the database
    If the group was sucessfully added to the data a dictionary with two
    items, (group_id and errMsg) is returned. errMsg may contain details
    of an error that occured but did not prevent the group from being
    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    # verify group details
    verifyGroup(session_id, group, True)

    # insert the group record
    sql = "INSERT INTO admin_group (admin_group_id, group_name) VALUES " \
            "(DEFAULT, %s)"
    session.execute(sql, (group["group_name"]))
    # Get the group_id that was created for the group
    sql = "SELECT currval('admin_group_admin_group_id_seq') as " \
    res = session.query(sql, ())
    group_id = res[0]["admin_group_id"]
    # Raise the event
    triggerEvent(session_id, "groupAdded", group_id=group_id)
    return group_id
Exemple #10
def disableLogin(session_id, login_id):
    """Disables the account of the specified login"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    # Verify login_id is OK
    verifyLoginID(session_id, login_id)

    # If not in a changeset, create one to group these commands together
    commit = 0
    if session.changeset == 0:
        session.begin("Disabled login %s" % login_id, '', 1)
        commit = 1

    sql = "UPDATE logins SET enabled=0 WHERE login_id=%s"
    session.execute(sql, (login_id))

    sql = "UPDATE first_login SET enabled=0 WHERE login_id=%s"
    session.execute(sql, (login_id))
    # If we started a changeset, commit it
    if commit == 1:
        session.commit("Automatically generated changeset.")
    # Raise an event
    triggerEvent(session_id, "loginModified", login_id=login_id)
    return 0
Exemple #11
def getAdminID(session_id, username):
    global users
    Returns the admin_id of the user with the specified username
    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    return users[username]["admin_id"]
Exemple #12
def getAvail(session_id, group_id):
    """Returns the list of users / groups not in the specified group"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    # Verify group_id is OK
    verifyGroupID(session_id, group_id)
    sql = "SELECT c.admin_id, l.username, c.givenname, c.surname, " \
        "g.admin_group_id, g.group_name FROM (((admins c INNER JOIN " \
        "logins l ON c.login_id=l.login_id) LEFT JOIN group_membership gm " \
        "ON c.admin_id=gm.admin_id AND gm.parent_group_id=%(c)s) FULL JOIN " \
        "(admin_group g LEFT JOIN group_membership gm2 ON " \
        "g.admin_group_id=gm2.group_id AND gm2.parent_group_id=%(c)s) ON " \
        "l.passwd=g.group_name) WHERE ((c.admin_id IS NOT NULL AND " \
        "(gm.parent_group_id IS NULL OR gm.parent_group_id!=%(c)s)) OR " \
        "(g.admin_group_id IS NOT NULL AND (gm2.parent_group_id IS NULL OR " \
        "gm2.parent_group_id!=%(c)s) AND g.admin_group_id!=%(c)s)) ORDER BY " \
        "g.group_name, l.username"

    res = session.query(sql, {"c":group_id})
    if len(res) < 1:
        return []

    # Filter out groups that are parents of this group
    res2 = []
    for member in res:
        # Skip normal contacts
        if member["admin_group_id"] == "":
        # Check group membership
        if isGroupMemberG(session_id, group_id, member["admin_group_id"]):
        # It's ok 
    return res2
Exemple #13
def initPhoneHome():
    """Initailises the phone home support."""
    global devices

    session = getSessionE(ADMIN_SESSION_ID)

    # Find every asset with a Rural Link serial number and add it ot the array
    sql = (
        "SELECT a.asset_id, a.description, d.value AS serialno FROM "
        "asset_data d, subasset s, asset a, subasset_property sp, "
        "asset_property ap WHERE d.subasset_id=s.subasset_id AND "
        "s.asset_id=a.asset_id AND d.subasset_property_id="
        "sp.subasset_property_id AND sp.asset_property_id="
        "ap.asset_property_id AND ap.description=%s AND "
        "a.description LIKE '%%AP%%'"
    for device in session.query(sql, (RURALLINK_SERIAL_DESCRIPTION)):
        serialno = int(device["serialno"])
        data = {
            "serialno": serialno,
            "asset_id": device["asset_id"],
            "ip": None,
            "timestamp": None,
            "timestamp_str": "",
            "location": "",
            "description": device["description"],
        devices[data["serialno"]] = data
Exemple #14
def getPhoneHome(session_id):
    """Returns phone home status details"""
    global devices
    rv = devices.copy()

    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    sql = (
        "SELECT a.asset_id, d.value AS serialno, "
        "date_part('epoch', al.location_updated) AS location_updated, "
        "COALESCE(s.location, 'Attached to Asset #' || "
        "al.attached_to) AS location FROM asset_data d, "
        "subasset sa, asset a, subasset_property sp, asset_property ap, "
        "asset_location al LEFT JOIN site s ON "
        "al.site_id=s.site_id WHERE d.subasset_id=sa.subasset_id AND "
        "sa.asset_id=a.asset_id AND "
        "d.subasset_property_id=sp.subasset_property_id AND "
        "sp.asset_property_id=ap.asset_property_id AND "
        "ap.description=%s AND a.description LIKE '%%AP%%' AND "
    for device in session.query(sql, (RURALLINK_SERIAL_DESCRIPTION)):
        serialno = int(device["serialno"])
        if serialno not in rv.keys():
        rv[serialno]["location"] = device["location"]
        if rv[serialno]["timestamp"] is None:
            rv[serialno]["timestamp_str"] = "Never"
            rv[serialno]["timestamp_str"] = roundTime(time.time() - rv[serialno]["timestamp"])

    return rv
Exemple #15
def getGraphGroup(session_id, group_id):
    """Simple function to return a group"""

    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    sql = "SELECT * from graph_group WHERE group_id=%s"
    res = session.query(sql, (group_id))
    return res[0]
Exemple #16
    def createStatic(self, details):
        """Creates a static route on the specified host"""
        session = getSessionE(self._session_id)
        # Validate
        props = [ "host_id", "description", "prefix", "next_hop", "metric" ]
        for prop in props:
            if prop!="metric" and not prop in details.keys():
                raise ccs_quagga_error("Missing required property '%s'!" % \
            if prop in details.keys():
                validateStaticProp(self._session_id, prop, details[prop])

        # Build the SQL
        (sql, values) = buildInsertFromDict("quagga_statics", props, details)
        session.execute(sql, values)
        # Get the ID
        static_id = session.getCountOf("SELECT currval('" \
                    "quagga_statics_static_id_seq') AS static_id", ())
        # Raise the event
        triggerEvent(self._session_id, "quaggaStaticCreated", \
                service_id=self.service_id, host_id=details["host_id"], \
        return static_id
Exemple #17
def getGraphType(session_id, graph_id):
    """Simple function to return a graph type"""

    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    sql = "SELECT * from graph_type WHERE graph_id=%s"
    res = session.query(sql, (graph_id))
    return res[0]
Exemple #18
    def createOSPFArea(self, area_no, link_class_id):
        """Creates a new OSPF area, possibly bound to a link class"""
        session = getSessionE(self._session_id)
            area_no = int(area_no)
            if area_no < 1:
                raise quagga_error("Invalid area number!")
            (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
            raise quagga_error("Invalid area number! - %s" % value)
            link_class_id = int(link_class_id)
            link_class_id = -1
        if link_class_id != -1:
            log_warn("Link Class ID: %s" % link_class_id)
            validateLinkClassId(self._session_id, link_class_id)
            session.execute("INSERT INTO quagga_ospf_area (area_no, " \
                    "link_class_id) VALUES (%s,%s)", (area_no, link_class_id))
            session.execute("INSERT INTO quagga_ospf_area (area_no) " \
                    "VALUES (%s)", (area_no))

        return 0
Exemple #19
def updateGraphTypeDetails(session_id, graph_id, newDetails):
    """Updates the details of the Graph type.

    newDetails should be a dictionary containing only these class paramters
    that have changed and need to be updated in the database.
    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    # Build SQL
    props = ["title", "class_id", "virtical_label", "auto_comment", "rigid", "upper"]

    nulls = []

    if "upper" in newDetails and newDetails["upper"] == "":

    (sql, values) = buildUpdateFromDict("graph_type", props, newDetails, "graph_id", graph_id, False, nulls)

    if values == None:
        # No changes made... ?
        return 1

    # Run the query
    session.execute(sql, values)

    return 1
Exemple #20
    def getOSPFAreas(self):
        """Returns details on the available OSPF areas"""
        session = getSessionE(self._session_id)

        return session.query("SELECT a.*, lc.description AS link_class_desc " \
                "FROM quagga_ospf_area a LEFT JOIN link_class lc ON " \
                "a.link_class_id=lc.link_class_id", ())
Exemple #21
def snmpFlush(session_id):
    """This flushes the entire snmp_discovery table"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)

    sql = "DELETE FROM snmp_discovery"
    session.execute(sql, ())
    return 1
Exemple #22
def getHostList(session_id):
    """ A custom getHostList that only returns hosts that there are graohs for"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    sql = "SELECT DISTINCT host_id, host_name from graphview"
    res = session.query(sql, ())
    res.sort(key=lambda obj: obj["host_name"].lower())
    return res
Exemple #23
    def removeInterfaceSubassetLinks(self):
        """Removes the subasset associated with each interface on the host

        This function is called when the host's asset is removed, for each
        subasset that was part of the host's asset the associated interface is
        disabled and set to have no associated hardware. 

        Assets that are attached to the hosts's asset and are configured as an 
        interface are relocated to the site the host is present at.

        This needs to be called before the internal properties are updated so 
        that self._properties["asset_id"] contains the ID of the asset that is
        being removed.
        session = getSessionE(self._session_id)

        # Disable the interfaces that used subassets of the host asset
        session.execute("UPDATE interface SET subasset_id=NULL, " \
                "interface_active='f' WHERE host_id=%s AND subasset_id IN " \
                "(SELECT subasset_id FROM interface_subassets WHERE " \
                "asset_id=%s)", (self.host_id, self._properties["asset_id"]))

        # Move attached assets configured as an interface to the hosts site
        res = session.query("SELECT a.asset_id FROM interface i, subasset s, " \
                "asset a WHERE i.subasset_id=s.subasset_id AND " \
                "s.asset_id=a.asset_id AND i.host_id=%s AND " \
                "i.subasset_id NOT IN (SELECT subasset_id FROM " \
                "interface_subassets WHERE asset_id=%s)", 
                (self.host_id, self._properties["asset_id"]))
        for iface in res:
            asset = ccs_asset(self._session_id, iface["asset_id"])
            if self.hasSite():
Exemple #24
def getGraphGroups(session_id):
    """Simple function to return all graph groups"""

    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    sql = "SELECT * from graph_group"
    res = session.query(sql, ())
    return res
Exemple #25
    def getHostDetails(self, host_id):
        """Returns data relating to amplet"""
        session = getSessionE(self._session_id)

        service = ccsd_service.getHostDetails(self, host_id)

        return service
Exemple #26
def getGraphParts(session_id, graph_id):
    """Simple function to return all graph parts of a graph"""

    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    sql = "SELECT * from graph_parts WHERE graph_id=%s ORDER BY graph_order"
    res = session.query(sql, (graph_id))
    return res
Exemple #27
def handleHostApEvent(eventName, host_id, session_id, service_id):
    """Receives service callbacks to update the radius client table"""
    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    hostapService = -1
    ethernetService = -1

    # Ignore events that don't relate to the hostap or ethernet customer
    # services
        hostapService = getServiceID(session_id, "hostapd")
    except ccs_service_error:
        # Hostapd service not installed
        ethernetService = getServiceID(session_id, "ethernet_customer")
    except ccs_service_error:
        # Ethernet customer service not installed

    if int(service_id) not in [hostapService, ethernetService]:

    if eventName == "serviceAdded":
        # Create a RADIUS client record for this host
        session.execute("INSERT INTO radius_client (host_id, secret) " \
                "VALUES (%s, %s)", (host_id, createPassword(16)))
    elif eventName == "serviceRemoved":
        # Remove the RADIUS client record for this host
        # XXX: Don't remove, the other service might still want it
        #session.execute("DELETE FROM radius_client WHERE host_id=%s", 
        #        (host_id))
        # Invalid event
Exemple #28
def getGraphPart(session_id, part_id):
    """Simple function to return a graph part"""

    session = getSessionE(session_id)
    sql = "SELECT * from graph_parts WHERE part_id=%s"
    res = session.query(sql, (part_id))
    return res[0]
Exemple #29
 def updateHostAPdInterface(self, host_id, interface_id, val):
     """Enables HostAPd on the specified interface"""
     session = getSessionE(self._session_id)
     if val == "0":
         session.execute("DELETE FROM hostapd_interface WHERE " \
                 "interface_id=%s", (interface_id))
         # Raise the event
         triggerHostEvent(self._session_id, "hostapdInterfaceDisabled", \
                 service_id=self.service_id, host_id=host_id, \
         if hostapdInterfaceEnabled(self._session_id, interface_id):
             #raise hostapd_error("HostAPd already enabled on interface!")
             session.execute("UPDATE hostapd_interface SET auth=%s " \
                     "WHERE interface_id = %s", (val, interface_id))
             session.execute("INSERT INTO hostapd_interface (interface_id, auth) " \
                     "VALUES (%s, %s)", (interface_id, val))
         # Raise the event
         triggerHostEvent(self._session_id, "hostapdInterfaceEnabled", \
                 service_id=self.service_id, host_id=host_id, \
     return True
Exemple #30
def editEmailDomain(session_id, details):
    Edit existing email domain
    session = getSessionE(ADMIN_SESSION_ID)
    #Check values

        if len(details['catchall']) == 0:
            details['catchall'] = -1
    except ValueError or KeyError:
        details['catchall'] = -1
        if len(details['redirect']) == 0:
            details['redirect'] = -1
    except ValueError or KeyError:
        details['redirect'] = -1
    props = ['customer_id', 'domain', 'catchall', 'redirect']
    sql, values = buildUpdateFromDict("email_domain", props, details, "domain", details['domain'], True)
    return True