Exemple #1
def forgot_password(
        email, new_pass,
        confirm_pass):  # Used to change the user password if forgotten
    if password_check(
            new_pass, confirm_pass
    ) is True:  # validation for password from remake_register
        password_store = bcrypt.hashpw(new_pass.encode("utf8"),
        # changes the password into a hashed value using bcrypt
        if (student_email(email) is not False
                and teacher_email(email) is False):
            # Checks if the email is in the student table and not in the teacher table
            update_student = ("UPDATE Students SET password=? WHERE email=?")
            # sql for changing the student password
            cursor.execute(update_student, [(password_store), (email)])
            # executes the sql statement with password_store variable that has the specific email
            db.commit()  # saves changes made
            return True  # refers back to the tkinter page

        elif (student_email(email) is False
              and teacher_email(email) is not False):
            # email must be in teacher table and not student table
            update_teacher = ("UPDATE Teachers SET password=? WHERE email=?")
            # sql statement for changing the teacher password
            cursor.execute(update_teacher, [(password_store), (email)])
            # executes the sql statement with password_store variable on the condition of the user that has the email
            db.commit()  # save changes made
            return True  # refers back to the tkinter page
                "Email doesn't exist either message support or register as you haven't made an account"
            )  # this is error message shown if student_check and teacher check fails
        pass  # no error message is needed here as password_check has its own error messages
Exemple #2
def end_loop(loop, user, correct, incorrect, score, level, total):
    if total == 0:  # no questions attempted
        return False
        store_id = get_student(user)  # gets the user id using get_student
        total = len(question_store)
        # gets the len of question store for total questions attempted
        if loop is "Pure":  # if loop is pure
            sql = """INSERT INTO pure_results (user_id,level, score, Correct, Incorrect,total_questions, time_stamp)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?) """ # sql for inserting a record into pure_results table
                [(store_id), (level), (score), (correct), (incorrect), (total),
                 (current_date)])  # executes the statment with python variales
            db.commit()  # saves changes made to database file
            question_store.clear()  # removes all the values in question_store
            return True

        elif loop is "Applied":  # if loop is applied
            sql = """INSERT INTO applied_results (user_id,level, score, Correct, Incorrect,total_questions, time_stamp)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?) """ # sql for inserting a record into applied_results table
                [(store_id), (level), (score), (correct), (incorrect), (total),
                 (current_date)])  # executes the statment with python variales
            db.commit()  # saves changes made to database file
            question_store.clear()  # removes all the values in question_store
            return True
Exemple #3
def register2(username, password, confirm_password, email, var1):
    # checks whether a existing username with the username enter exists
    if username_check(username):
        # ensures the password passes all the vaildations
        if password_check(password, confirm_password):
            password_store = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode("utf8"),
            if email_check(email):  # ensures the email passes the vaildation
                if var1 == 1:  # inserts one whole record into student table
                    insert_student = (
                        "INSERT INTO Students(Forename,Surname,Age,Class,Gender,Username,Password,Email) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                    cursor.execute(insert_student, [(shared_data["firstname"]),
                                                    (password_store), (email)])
                    send_email(email, username)

                elif var1 == 2:  # inserts one whole record into the teacher table
                    insert_teacher = (
                        "INSERT INTO Teachers(Forename,Surname,Age,Class,Gender,Username,Password,Email) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                    cursor.execute(insert_teacher, [(shared_data["firstname"]),
                                                    (password_store), (email)])
                    send_email(email, username)

                db.commit()  # saves the changes to the database file
                return True
                return False
            return False
        return False
Exemple #4
def forgot_password(
        email, new_pass,
        confirm_pass):  # Used to change the user password if forgotten
    if (student_email(email) is not False and teacher_email(email) is False):
        if password_check(
                new_pass, confirm_pass
        ) is True:  # validation for password from remake_register
            password_store = bcrypt.hashpw(
                bcrypt.gensalt())  # hashes the new password
            update_student = ("UPDATE Students SET password=? WHERE email=?")
            # updates the password based on the user email and it being a student
                 (email)])  # performs the update on the Student table
            db.commit()  # saves changes made
            return True  # refers back to the tkinter page

    elif (student_email(email) is False and teacher_email(email) is not False):
        if password_check(
                new_pass, confirm_pass
        ) is True:  # validation for password from remake_register
            password_store = bcrypt.hashpw(
                bcrypt.gensalt())  # hashes the new password
            update_student = ("UPDATE Teachers SET password=? WHERE email=?")
            # updates the password based on the user email and it being a teacher
            cursor.execute(update_student, [(password_store), (email)])
            # performs the update on the Teacher table
            db.commit()  # saves changes made
            return True  # refers back to the tkinter page

    else:  # if either condition is met then it returns an tkinter error message
            "Email doesn't exist either message support or register as you haven't made an account"
        )  # this is error message
Exemple #5
                         Username VARCHAR(30),Password VARCHAR(80), Email VARCHAR(30))"""

create_teacher_table = (
                        Forename VARCHAR(30) ,
                        Surname VARCHAR(30) ,  Age INTEGER ,
                        Class VARCHAR (3) , Gender VARCHAR (30),
                         Username VARCHAR(30), Password VARCHAR(80), Email VARCHAR(30))"""
# Sql statment to create the table where the user information will be stored
cursor.execute(create_student_table)  # executes the sql statement

# Sql statment to create the table where the user information will be stored
cursor.execute(create_teacher_table)  # executes the sql statement
db.commit()  # saves changes made to the sql file

def get_forename(
):  # gets the user forename using the user id from the table Students
    sql_forename = """SELECT Forename FROM Students WHERE ID = ?"""
    cursor.execute(sql_forename, [(user_id)])
    return cursor.fetchone()[0]  # returns the forename of the user

def get_surname(
):  # gets the user surname using the user id from the table Students
    sql_surname = """SELECT Surname FROM Students WHERE ID = ?"""
    cursor.execute(sql_surname, [(user_id)])
Exemple #6
def make_question(question_text, type, level, answer):
    answer_string = str(answer)
    match = re.match("[\w,\s,.]*$", question_text)
    if match is not None and (len(question_text) >= 50):
        if type is 1:
            question_type = "Pure"
            if level is 1:
                if answer_string.isalnum() is True:
                    question_level = "AS"
                    insert_question = (
                        """INSERT INTO maths_questions(test_type, test_level, question,answer)
                        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """)
                    cursor.execute(insert_question, [(question_type),
                    return True
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
            elif level is 2:

                if answer_string.isalnum() is True:
                    question_level = "A2"
                    insert_question = (
                        """INSERT INTO maths_questions(test_type, test_level, question, answer)
                        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """)
                    cursor.execute(insert_question, [(question_type),
                    return True
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
                messagebox.showerror("Level", "Level cannot be left blank")
        elif type is 2:
            question_type = "Applied"
            if level is 1:
                if answer_string.isalnum() is True:
                    question_level = "AS"
                    insert_question = (
                        """INSERT INTO maths_questions(test_type, test_level, question, answer)
                        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """)
                    cursor.execute(insert_question, [(question_type),
                    return True
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
            elif level is 2:
                if answer_string.isalnum() is True:
                    question_level = "A2"
                    insert_question = (
                        """INSERT INTO maths_questions(test_type, test_level, question, answer)
                        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """)
                    cursor.execute(insert_question, [(question_type),
                    return True
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
                messagebox.showerror("Level", "Level cannot be left blank")
            messagebox.showerror("Type", "Type cannot be left blank")
            "Question cannot be left blank and make a reasonable question")
Exemple #7
from create_connection import cursor, cursor1, db

current_date = dt.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
create_pure_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pure_results
(maths_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER, level TEXT , score INTEGER ,
total_questions INTEGER, Correct INTEGER, Incorrect INTEGER,  time_stamp DATE,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES Students(ID))"""
create_applied_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS applied_results
(maths_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER, level TEXT , score INTEGER ,total_questions INTEGER,
Correct INTEGER, Incorrect INTEGER, time_stamp DATE,FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES Students(ID))"""
create_question_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
maths_questions(question_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, test_type TEXT,test_level TEXT, question TEXT, answer TEXT) """

question_store = []
questions = []
question_answers = []

def make_question(question_text, type, level, answer):
    answer_string = str(answer)
    match = re.match("[\w,\s,.]*$", question_text)
    if match is not None and (len(question_text) >= 50):
        if type is 1:
            question_type = "Pure"
            if level is 1:
                if answer_string.isalnum() is True:
                    question_level = "AS"
Exemple #8
def make_question(question_text, type, level,
                  answer):  # function for making questions
    # sql for inserting a question into maths questions
    insert_question = ("""INSERT INTO maths_questions 
                    (test_type, test_level, question, answer)
                    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """)
    answer_string = str(answer)  # makes sure answer is in string form
    match = re.match(
        "[\w,\s,.]*$", question_text
    )  # ensures a space and alphanumeric characters in question text
    if match is not None and (len(question_text) >=
                              50):  # question text has to be longer than 50
        if type is 1:  # when type is 1 question type is pure
            question_type = "Pure"
            if level is 1:  # when level is 1 question type is AS
                if answer_string.isalnum(
                ) is True:  # ensures question meets alphanumeric validation
                    question_level = "AS"

                             ),  # executes inserts question into db
                    db.commit()  # saves changes made and returns true
                    return True
                else:  # error message when answer doesn't meet alpha-numeric validation
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
            elif level is 2:  # when level is 2 question type is A2
                if answer_string.isalnum(
                ) is True:  # ensures question meets alphanumeric validation
                    question_level = "A2"

                             ),  # executes insert question into db
                    db.commit()  # saves changes made and returns true
                    return True
                else:  # error message when answer doesn't meet alpha-numeric validation
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
            else:  # level can only be 1 or 2 if not then return error message
                messagebox.showerror("Level", "Level cannot be left blank")
        elif type is 2:  # when type is 2 then question type is applied
            question_type = "Applied"
            if level is 1:  # when level is 1 question type is AS
                if answer_string.isalnum(
                ) is True:  # ensures question meets alphanumeric validation
                    question_level = "AS"
                             ),  # executes insert question into db
                    db.commit()  # saves changes made and returns true
                    return True
                else:  # error message when answer doesn't meet alpha-numeric validation
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
            elif level is 2:
                if answer_string.isalnum(
                ) is True:  # error message when answer doesn't meet alpha-numeric validation
                    question_level = "A2"
                             ),  # executes insert question into db
                    db.commit()  # saves changes made and returns true
                    return True
                else:  # error message when answer doesn't meet alpha-numeric validation
                        "Answer cannot be left blank and no spaces in answer")
            else:  # when level is not 1 or 2 then return error message
                messagebox.showerror("Level", "Level cannot be left blank")
        else:  # when type is not 1 or 2 then return error message
            messagebox.showerror("Type", "Type cannot be left blank")
    else:  # when question doesn't meet the length requirement or regex expression return error message
            "Question cannot be left blank and make a reasonable question")
Exemple #9
current_date = dt.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")  # current date

# two database for storing pure and applied results
create_pure_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pure_results
(maths_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER, level TEXT , score INTEGER ,
total_questions INTEGER, Correct INTEGER, Incorrect INTEGER,  time_stamp DATE,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES Students(ID))"""
create_applied_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS applied_results
(maths_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER, level TEXT , score INTEGER ,total_questions INTEGER,
Correct INTEGER, Incorrect INTEGER, time_stamp DATE,FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES Students(ID))"""
create_question_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
maths_questions(question_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, test_type TEXT,test_level TEXT, question TEXT, answer TEXT) """
db.commit()  # saves changes made to db file

question_store = []  # list for storing all the questions attempted

def make_question(question_text, type, level,
                  answer):  # function for making questions
    # sql for inserting a question into maths questions
    insert_question = ("""INSERT INTO maths_questions 
                    (test_type, test_level, question, answer)
                    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """)
    answer_string = str(answer)  # makes sure answer is in string form
    match = re.match(
        "[\w,\s,.]*$", question_text
    )  # ensures a space and alphanumeric characters in question text
    if match is not None and (len(question_text) >=