Exemple #1
def load_data(fn: str):
    Load data from prepared working set in JSON from ``fn`` file.

    For each image:
    1. Load from JSON
    2. Convert to grayscale

    :param fn: JSON file with
    :return: two tables in dict: ``id_array`` with hit ID's and `bitmap_array`` with array of gray bitmaps
    id_array = []
    bitmap_array = []
    stored = {}

    def load_parser(obj: dict, count: int, ret: List[dict]) -> Optional[bool]:
        progress_load_filter(obj, count, ret)
        load_image(obj, False)
        st = '%03d' % ((count - 1) // 1000)
        stored[obj[ID]] = st
        store_png(OUTPUT_DIR, ['images', st], str(obj[ID]), obj[FRAME_CONTENT])


        return False

    load_json(fn, load_parser)

    return {
        'id_array': id_array,
        'bitmap_array': bitmap_array,
        'stored': stored
Exemple #2
def div_per_parts():
    files = glob.glob('%s/*.json' % OUTPUT_DIR)
    files = sorted(files)

    for fn in files:
        load_json(fn, part_write)

    if len(part) > 0:
def measure_angle(fn: str):
    hits, count, errors = load_json('../../data/%s' % fn,
    for h in hits:
        nkg_make_track(h, scale=1, downscale=False, skeleton_method='zhang')
        angle = 0
        if h.get(NKG_PATH):
            angles = analyse_path(h.get(NKG_PATH), cut_first=1, cut_latest=1)
            if len(angles):
                angle = angles[0]
        if math.isnan(angle):
            angle = 0
        store_png('/tmp/credo', [fn], '%03d_%s' % (abs(angle), str(h.get(ID))),
def run_file(fn):
    log_prefix = '%s: ' % str(threading.get_ident())

    fn_name = fn[len(INPUT_DIR) + 1:]
    print('%sStart file: %s' % (log_prefix, fn_name))
    fn_load = time.time()

    # load and analyse
    detections, count, errors = load_json(fn, load_parser)
    print('%s  ... droped by non image: %d' % (log_prefix, count - len(detections)))
    if len(errors):
        print('%s   ... errors in: %s' % (log_prefix, fn))
        lp = 0
        for error in errors:
            lp += 1
            with open('%s/%s-%06d.txt' % (ERROR_DIR, fn_name, lp), 'w') as f:

    start_analyze(detections, log_prefix)

    # found IDs of goods
    leave_good = []
    for d in detections:
        if d.get(CLASSIFIED) != CLASS_ARTIFACT:
            if CLASSIFIED in d.keys():
                del d[CLASSIFIED]
            if ARTIFACT_NEAR_HOT_PIXEL2 in d.keys():
                del d[ARTIFACT_NEAR_HOT_PIXEL2]
            if ARTIFACT_TOO_OFTEN in d.keys():
                del d[ARTIFACT_TOO_OFTEN]
            if IMAGE in d.keys():
                d[CROP_WIDTH] = d[IMAGE].size[0]
                d[CROP_HEIGHT] = d[IMAGE].size[1]
                del d[IMAGE]

    # load again and save as
    fn_out = '%s/%s' % (OUTPUT_DIR, fn_name)
    write_detections(leave_good, fn_out)

    print('%s  file %s done, since start: %03ds, hits with images: %d, dropped: %d, leaved: %d' % (log_prefix, fn_name, time.time() - fn_load, count, count - len(leave_good), len(leave_good)))
    if not DEBUG:
        os.rename(fn, '%s/%s' % (PASSED_DIR, fn_name))
    return len(leave_good)
Exemple #5
def run_file(fn):
    log_prefix = '%s: ' % str(threading.get_ident())

    fn_name = fn[len(INPUT_DIR) + 1:]
    print('%sStart file: %s' % (log_prefix, fn_name))
    fn_load = time.time()

    # load and analyse
    detections, count, errors = load_json(fn, load_parser)
    print('%s  ... droped by non image: %d' %
          (log_prefix, count - len(detections)))
    if len(errors):
        print('%s   ... errors in: %s' % (log_prefix, fn))
        lp = 0
        for error in errors:
            lp += 1
            with open('%s/%s-%06d.txt' % (ERROR_DIR, fn_name, lp), 'w') as f:

    start_analyze(detections, log_prefix)

    for d in detections:
        if IMAGE in d.keys():
            del d[IMAGE]

    # load again and save as
    fn_out = '%s/%s' % (OUTPUT_DIR, fn_name)
    write_detections(detections, fn_out)

        '%s  file %s done, since start: %03ds, hits with images: %d, dropped: %d, leaved: %d'
        % (log_prefix, fn_name, time.time() - fn_load, count,
           count - len(detections), len(detections)))
    if not DEBUG:
        os.rename(fn, '%s/%s' % (PASSED_DIR, fn_name))
    return len(detections)
def main():
    def load_parser(obj: dict, count: int, ret: List[dict]) -> Optional[bool]:
        progress_load_filter(obj, count, ret)
        load_image(obj, False)
        return True

    objs, count, errors = load_json(WORKING_SET, load_parser)
    # config data source, please uncomment and use one from both

    spots = []
    tracks = []
    worms = []
    others = []
    all = []
    multi = []

    for d in objs:

        if d[ASTROPY_FOUND] == 1:

            if d[ASTROPY_ELLIPTICITY][0] < 0.1 and d[ASTROPY_SOLIDITY][0] > 0.8:
            elif d[ASTROPY_ELLIPTICITY][0] > 0.8 and d[ASTROPY_SOLIDITY][
                    0] > 0.8:
            elif d[ASTROPY_SOLIDITY][0] < 0.8:
        elif d[ASTROPY_FOUND] > 1:

    def store_pngs(arr, subdir):
        for a in arr:
                OUTPUT_DIR, [subdir, 'by_solidity'], '%.3f_%.3f_%d' %
                (a[ASTROPY_SOLIDITY][0], a[ASTROPY_ELLIPTICITY][0], a[ID]),
                OUTPUT_DIR, [subdir, 'by_ellipticity'], '%.3f_%.3f_%d' %
                (a[ASTROPY_ELLIPTICITY][0], a[ASTROPY_SOLIDITY][0], a[ID]),

            s = int(a[ASTROPY_SOLIDITY][0] * 5) * 2
            e = int(a[ASTROPY_ELLIPTICITY][0] * 5) * 2
            store_png(OUTPUT_DIR, [
                subdir, 'by_matrix_solidity_per_ellipticity',
                '%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d' % (s, s + 2, e, e + 2)
            ], '%d' % a[ID], a[IMAGE])

            # a.pop(IMAGE)
        # with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, '%s.json' % subdir), 'w') as json_file:
        #     json.dump({'detections': arr}, json_file)

    store_pngs(spots, 'spots')
    store_pngs(tracks, 'tracks')
    store_pngs(worms, 'worms')
    store_pngs(others, 'others')
    store_pngs(all, 'all')
    store_pngs(multi, 'multi')
def prepare_working_set(input_file: Union[str, List[str]],
                        output_file: str = None,
                        exclude_edge: bool = True) -> Iterable[dict]:
    Prepare detections set for working. Function save output as JSON file or return as iterable of detections.

    The detections are filter by follow rules:
      1. Has image (exclude i.e. CosmicWatch detections).
      2. Image is not corrupted.
      3. Image has size 60px x 60px.
      4. (optional) Image has not ``edge`` key.

    Note: function print progress and result logs to stderr

    Note: when ``input_file`` (or element in ``input_file`` when is a list) is the ``"-"`` string then input will be read from ``stdin``.
    Otherwise the file will be open as input text stream.

    Note: the return is the lazy evaluated iterable object. Because is need to compute. Do when you not use it then not be computed.
    If you want get true list please use::


    Note: pleas not run in whole CREDO database. Function load all detections before write to RAM. TODO: implement stream writing to JSON to solve this problem

    :param input_file: file or list of files
    :param output_file: output file name, when is None then output will not be written
    :param exclude_edge: exclude image with EDGE key, default: True
    :return: iterable with filtered object

    objs = []
    count = 0

    # load detection from file or list of files
    if isinstance(input_file, list):
        for fn in input_file:
            print('Load file: %s' % fn, file=sys.stderr)
            os, c = load_json(fn, progress_load_filter)
            count += c
        print('Load file: %s' % input_file, file=sys.stderr)
        objs, count = load_json(input_file, progress_load_filter)

    # set of ID of detections without
    non_image_count = 0
    corrupted_count = 0
    other_size_count = 0
    edge_count = 0

    # filtered will be save from original JSON objects
    detections = deepcopy(objs)

    # make set of detections to save
    to_save = set()
    for d in detections:
        if not d.get(FRAME_CONTENT):
            non_image_count += 1


            # free memory: clean original base64 frame contend and byte array with decoded it, save only PIL.Image object

            if not d.get(CROP_SIZE) == (60, 60):
                other_size_count += 1

            if exclude_edge and d.get(EDGE):
                edge_count += 1

        except Exception as e:
            print('Fail of load image in object with ID: %d, error: %s' %
                  (d.get(ID), str(e)),
            corrupted_count += 1

    # print logs
    print('The results count: %d and the excluded counts:' % len(to_save),
    print('- whole detections: %d' % count, file=sys.stderr)
    print('- non image count: %d' % non_image_count, file=sys.stderr)
    print('- corrupted image count: %d' % corrupted_count, file=sys.stderr)
    print('- other size count: %d' % other_size_count, file=sys.stderr)
    if exclude_edge:
        print('- detections in edge count: %d' % edge_count, file=sys.stderr)

    # filter detections for save from original JSON objects
    objs_to_save = filter(lambda obj: obj.get(ID) in to_save, objs)

    # (optional) write filtered detections to JSON file
    if output_file is not None:
        out = sys.stdout if output_file == '-' else open(output_file, 'w')

        json.dump({'detections': list(objs_to_save)}, out)

        if output_file != '-':
        print('Saved to: %s' % output_file, file=sys.stderr)

    # return lazy iterable of detections with additional keys
    return filter(lambda obj: obj.get(ID) in to_save, detections)
import math

from credo_cf import load_json, progress_and_process_image, group_by_id, GRAY, nkg_mark_hit_area, NKG_MASK, nkg_make_track, NKG_PATH, NKG_DIRECTION, \
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import unravel_index
import numpy as np
import itertools
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.dok import dok_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra

# prepare dataset: hits - JSON's objects, and grays - numpy grayscale images 60x60
objects, count, errors = load_json('../data/manual.json',
by_id = group_by_id(objects)
used_hits = {
    4711435, 6234182, 9152349, 4913621, 5468291, 7097636, 4976474, 5206452,
    4876475, 5951007, 4714801, 4819239, 4660572, 4705446, 8280225, 8459656,
    8471578, 9124308, 9314789, 4813841
hits = []
for u in used_hits:
grays = list(map(lambda x: x['gray'], hits))

# settings
used_kernel = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]

used_kernel2 = [[-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1],
                [-1, 1]]