Exemple #1
def wce_features(LABELS):
    '''CRF features for Web Content Extractor'''
    features = Features(LABELS)
    for label in LABELS:
        # keywords
        for word in "Copyright|All Rights Reserved|広告掲載|会社概要|無断転載|プライバシーポリシー|利用規約|お問い合わせ|トラックバック|ニュースリリース|新着|無料|確認メール|コメントする|アソシエイト|プロフィール|カレンダー|カテゴリー|ログイン|検索|トップ|個人情報|".split('|'):
            features.add_feature( lambda x, y, w=word, l=label: 1 if x.has(w) and y == l else 0 )
            #features.add_feature( lambda x, y, w=word, l=label: 1 if re.search(w, x.org_text, re.I) and y == l else 0 )

        # html tags
        for tag in "a|p|div|span|ul|ol|li|br|dl|dt|dd|table|tr|td|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|b|i|center|strong|big|small|meta|form|input|select|option|object|img|iframe|noscript".split('|'):
            features.add_feature( lambda x, y, t=tag, l=label: 1 if y == l and x[t] > 0 else 0 )
            features.add_feature( lambda x, y, t=tag, l=label: 1 if y == l and x[t] < 3 else 0 )
            features.add_feature( lambda x, y, t=tag, l=label: 1 if y == l and x[t] > 5 else 0 )

        # date & affiliate link
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has_date and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.affi_link and y == l else 0 )

        # punctuation
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten==0 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten>0 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten>1 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten>3 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten>5 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_maru==0 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_maru>0 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_maru>1 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_maru>3 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_maru>5 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten+x.n_maru==0 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten+x.n_maru>0 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten+x.n_maru>1 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten+x.n_maru>3 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_ten+x.n_maru>5 and y == l else 0 )

        # text length
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.len_text==0 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.len_text>10 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.len_text>20 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.len_text>50 and y == l else 0 )

        # linked rate
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linked_rate>0.8 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linked_rate<0.2 and y == l else 0 )

    # label bigram
    for label1 in features.labels:
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label1: 1 if y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature_edge( lambda y_, y, l=label1: 1 if y_ == l else 0 )
        for label2 in features.labels:
            features.add_feature_edge( lambda y_, y, l1=label1, l2=label2: 1 if y_ == l1 and y == l2 else 0 )

    return features
Exemple #2
def main():
    def load_data(data):
        texts = []
        labels = []
        text = []
        data = "\n" + data + "\n"
        for line in data.split("\n"):
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) == 0:
                if len(text) > 0:
                text = []
                label = []
                token, info, chunk = line.split()
                text.append((token, info))
        return (texts, labels)

    texts, labels = load_data("""
    This DT B-NP
    temblor-prone JJ I-NP
    city NN I-NP
    dispatched VBD B-VP
    inspectors NNS B-NP
    , , O

    firefighters NNS B-NP
    and CC O
    other JJ B-NP
    earthquake-trained JJ I-NP
    personnel NNS I-NP
    to TO B-VP
    aid VB I-VP
    San NNP B-NP
    Francisco NNP I-NP
    . . O

    print texts, labels

    test_texts, test_labels = load_data("""
    Rockwell NNP B-NP
    said VBD B-VP
    the DT B-NP
    agreement NN I-NP
    calls VBZ B-VP
    for IN B-SBAR
    it PRP B-NP
    to TO B-VP
    supply VB I-VP
    200 CD B-NP
    additional JJ I-NP
    so-called JJ I-NP
    shipsets NNS I-NP
    for IN B-PP
    the DT B-NP
    planes NNS I-NP
    . . O

    features = Features(labels)
    tokens = dict([(i[0], 1) for x in texts for i in x]).keys()
    infos = dict([(i[1], 1) for x in texts for i in x]).keys()

    for label in features.labels:
        for token in tokens:
            features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label, t=token: 1
                                 if y == l and x[0] == t else 0)
        for info in infos:
            features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label, i=info: 1
                                 if y == l and x[1] == i else 0)
    features.add_feature_edge(lambda y_, y: 0)

    fvs = [FeatureVector(features, x, y) for x, y in zip(texts, labels)]
    fv = fvs[0]
    text_fv = FeatureVector(features,
                            test_texts[0])  # text sequence without labels

    crf = CRF(features, 0)
    theta0 = crf.random_param()
    print "initial log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta0)

    print ">> Steepest Descent"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.5
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood(fvs, theta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.95
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (
        numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)

    print ">> SGD"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.5
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        for fv in fvs:
            theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood([fv], theta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.95
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (
        numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)

    print ">> SGD + FOBOS L1"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.5
    lmd = 0.01
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        lmd_eta = lmd * eta
        for fv in fvs:
            theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood([fv], theta)
            theta = (theta > lmd_eta) * (theta - lmd_eta) + (
                theta < -lmd_eta) * (theta + lmd_eta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.95
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (
        numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)

    print ">> Steepest Descent + FOBOS L1"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.2
    lmd = 0.5
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood(fvs, theta)
        lmd_eta = lmd * eta
        theta = (theta > lmd_eta) * (theta - lmd_eta) + (theta < -lmd_eta) * (
            theta + lmd_eta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.9
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (
        numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)
    #print theta

    print ">> BFGS"
    t = time.time()
    theta = crf.inference(fvs, theta0)
    print "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (
        numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)
Exemple #3
def wce_features(LABELS):
    '''CRF features for Web Content Extractor'''
    features = Features(LABELS)
    for label in LABELS:
        # keywords
        for word in "Copyright|All Rights Reserved|広告掲載|会社概要|無断転載|プライバシーポリシー|利用規約|お問い合わせ|トラックバック|ニュースリリース|新着|無料|確認メール|コメントする|アソシエイト|プロフィール|カレンダー|カテゴリー|ログイン|検索|トップ|個人情報|".split(
            features.add_feature(lambda x, y, w=word, l=label: 1
                                 if x.has(w) and y == l else 0)
            #features.add_feature( lambda x, y, w=word, l=label: 1 if re.search(w, x.org_text, re.I) and y == l else 0 )

        # html tags
        for tag in "a|p|div|span|ul|ol|li|br|dl|dt|dd|table|tr|td|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|b|i|center|strong|big|small|meta|form|input|select|option|object|img|iframe|noscript".split(
            features.add_feature(lambda x, y, t=tag, l=label: 1
                                 if y == l and x[t] > 0 else 0)
            features.add_feature(lambda x, y, t=tag, l=label: 1
                                 if y == l and x[t] < 3 else 0)
            features.add_feature(lambda x, y, t=tag, l=label: 1
                                 if y == l and x[t] > 5 else 0)

        # date & affiliate link
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has_date and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.affi_link and y == l else 0)

        # punctuation
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten == 0 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten > 0 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten > 1 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten > 3 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten > 5 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_maru == 0 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_maru > 0 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_maru > 1 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_maru > 3 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_maru > 5 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten + x.n_maru == 0 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten + x.n_maru > 0 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten + x.n_maru > 1 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten + x.n_maru > 3 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_ten + x.n_maru > 5 and y == l else 0)

        # text length
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.len_text == 0 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.len_text > 10 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.len_text > 20 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.len_text > 50 and y == l else 0)

        # linked rate
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linked_rate > 0.8 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linked_rate < 0.2 and y == l else 0)

    # label bigram
    for label1 in features.labels:
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label1: 1 if y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature_edge(lambda y_, y, l=label1: 1 if y_ == l else 0)
        for label2 in features.labels:
            features.add_feature_edge(lambda y_, y, l1=label1, l2=label2: 1
                                      if y_ == l1 and y == l2 else 0)

    return features
Exemple #4
def pg_features(LABELS):
    '''CRF features for Project Gutenberg Content Extractor'''

    features = Features(LABELS)
    for label in LABELS:
        # keywords
        for word in "project/gutenberg/e-?text/ebook/copyright/chapter/scanner/David Reed/encoding/contents/file/zip/web/http/email/newsletter/public domain/donation/archive/ascii/produced/end of (the)? project gutenberg/PREFACE/INTRODUCTION/Language:/Release Date:/Character set/refund/LIMITED RIGHT".split(
            features.add_feature(lambda x, y, w=word, l=label: 1
                                 if x.has(w) and y == l else 0)

        # type case
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.all_upper and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'[A-Z]{3}') and y == l else 0)

        # numeric
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'[0-9]') and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'[0-9]{2}') and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'[0-9]{3}') and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'[0-9]{4}') and y == l else 0)

        # line head
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linehead[' '] >= 2 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linehead[' '] >= 4 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linehead['*'] >= 1 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linehead['*'] >= 2 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linehead['*'] >= 3 and y == l else 0)

        # line tail
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linetail['*'] >= 1 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linetail['*'] >= 2 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.linetail['*'] >= 3 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'\n\n$') and y == l else 0)

        # symbols
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'@') and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'#') and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'\?') and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.has(r'\[') and y == l else 0)

        # line number
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_lines == 1 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_lines == 2 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_lines == 3 and y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label: 1
                             if x.n_lines > 3 and y == l else 0)

    # labels
    for label1 in features.labels:
        features.add_feature(lambda x, y, l=label1: 1 if y == l else 0)
        features.add_feature_edge(lambda y_, y, l=label1: 1 if y_ == l else 0)
        for label2 in features.labels:
            features.add_feature_edge(lambda y_, y, l1=label1, l2=label2: 1
                                      if y_ == l1 and y == l2 else 0)

    return features
Exemple #5
Fichier : pg.py Projet : 52nlp/iir
def pg_features(LABELS):
    '''CRF features for Project Gutenberg Content Extractor'''

    features = Features(LABELS)
    for label in LABELS:
        # keywords
        for word in "project/gutenberg/e-?text/ebook/copyright/chapter/scanner/David Reed/encoding/contents/file/zip/web/http/email/newsletter/public domain/donation/archive/ascii/produced/end of (the)? project gutenberg/PREFACE/INTRODUCTION/Language:/Release Date:/Character set/refund/LIMITED RIGHT".split('/'):
            features.add_feature( lambda x, y, w=word, l=label: 1 if x.has(w) and y == l else 0 )

        # type case
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.all_upper and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'[A-Z]{3}') and y == l else 0 )

        # numeric
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'[0-9]') and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'[0-9]{2}') and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'[0-9]{3}') and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'[0-9]{4}') and y == l else 0 )

        # line head
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linehead[' ']>=2 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linehead[' ']>=4 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linehead['*']>=1 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linehead['*']>=2 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linehead['*']>=3 and y == l else 0 )

        # line tail
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linetail['*']>=1 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linetail['*']>=2 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.linetail['*']>=3 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'\n\n$') and y == l else 0 )

        # symbols
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'@') and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'#') and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'\?') and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.has(r'\[') and y == l else 0 )

        # line number
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_lines==1 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_lines==2 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_lines==3 and y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label: 1 if x.n_lines>3 and y == l else 0 )

    # labels
    for label1 in features.labels:
        features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label1: 1 if y == l else 0 )
        features.add_feature_edge( lambda y_, y, l=label1: 1 if y_ == l else 0 )
        for label2 in features.labels:
            features.add_feature_edge( lambda y_, y, l1=label1, l2=label2: 1 if y_ == l1 and y == l2 else 0 )

    return features
Exemple #6
def main():
    def load_data(data):
        texts = []
        labels = []
        text = []
        data = "\n" + data + "\n"
        for line in data.split("\n"):
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) == 0:
                if len(text)>0:
                text = []
                label = []
                token, info, chunk = line.split()
                text.append((token, info))
        return (texts, labels)

    texts, labels = load_data("""
    This DT B-NP
    temblor-prone JJ I-NP
    city NN I-NP
    dispatched VBD B-VP
    inspectors NNS B-NP
    , , O

    firefighters NNS B-NP
    and CC O
    other JJ B-NP
    earthquake-trained JJ I-NP
    personnel NNS I-NP
    to TO B-VP
    aid VB I-VP
    San NNP B-NP
    Francisco NNP I-NP
    . . O

    print texts, labels

    test_texts, test_labels = load_data("""
    Rockwell NNP B-NP
    said VBD B-VP
    the DT B-NP
    agreement NN I-NP
    calls VBZ B-VP
    for IN B-SBAR
    it PRP B-NP
    to TO B-VP
    supply VB I-VP
    200 CD B-NP
    additional JJ I-NP
    so-called JJ I-NP
    shipsets NNS I-NP
    for IN B-PP
    the DT B-NP
    planes NNS I-NP
    . . O

    features = Features(labels)
    tokens = dict([(i[0],1) for x in texts for i in x]).keys()
    infos = dict([(i[1],1) for x in texts for i in x]).keys()

    for label in features.labels:
        for token in tokens:
            features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label, t=token: 1 if y==l and x[0]==t else 0 )
        for info in infos:
            features.add_feature( lambda x, y, l=label, i=info: 1 if y==l and x[1]==i else 0 )
    features.add_feature_edge( lambda y_, y: 0 )

    fvs = [FeatureVector(features, x, y) for x, y in zip(texts, labels)]
    fv = fvs[0]
    text_fv = FeatureVector(features, test_texts[0]) # text sequence without labels

    crf = CRF(features, 0)
    theta0 = crf.random_param()
    print "initial log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta0)

    print ">> Steepest Descent"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.5
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood(fvs, theta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.95
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)

    print ">> SGD"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.5
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        for fv in fvs:
            theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood([fv], theta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.95
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)

    print ">> SGD + FOBOS L1"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.5
    lmd = 0.01
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        lmd_eta = lmd * eta
        for fv in fvs:
            theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood([fv], theta)
            theta = (theta > lmd_eta) * (theta - lmd_eta) + (theta < -lmd_eta) * (theta + lmd_eta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.95
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)

    print ">> Steepest Descent + FOBOS L1"
    theta = theta0.copy()
    eta = 0.2
    lmd = 0.5
    t = time.time()
    for i in range(20):
        theta += eta * crf.gradient_likelihood(fvs, theta)
        lmd_eta = lmd * eta
        theta = (theta > lmd_eta) * (theta - lmd_eta) + (theta < -lmd_eta) * (theta + lmd_eta)
        print i, "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
        eta *= 0.9
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)
    #print theta

    print ">> BFGS"
    t = time.time()
    theta = crf.inference(fvs, theta0)
    print "log likelihood:", crf.likelihood(fvs, theta)
    print "time = %.3f, relevant features = %d / %d" % (time.time() - t, (numpy.abs(theta) > 0.00001).sum(), theta.size)