def obj_inference_crop(obj_inferece, img, resize_scale):

    roitransformer = obj_inferece
    det = roitransformer.inference_single(img)

    det = det[0]
    # 如果某一类中出现了多个检测,那就取其中confidence最高的那一个检测,升序的[-1],并且取前8个值为坐标
    # print('det:{}'.format(det))
    # assert det==np.empty((0,9))

    if det.shape != (0, 9):
        # print(det)
        rgt_det = det[np.argmax(det[:, -1]), :-1]

        # 根据长宽比进行调整
        # xc, yc=np.mean(rgt_det[0::2]),np.mean(rgt_det[1::2])

        _, reranked_nodes = re_rank(rgt_det)  # re_rank之后是shape为(-1,2)的列表
        reranked_nodes = np.array(reranked_nodes)
        near_w = np.abs(reranked_nodes[0, 0] - reranked_nodes[1, 0])
        near_h = np.abs(reranked_nodes[0, 1] - reranked_nodes[2, 1])

        # 调整坐标和图片保证正立或倒立,但不倾倒

        if near_h < near_w:


            imgRotation, matRotation = DumpRotateImage(img, 90)
            for i in range(len(reranked_nodes)):
                points_arr = reranked_nodes[i, :]
                reranked_nodes[i, :] =
                    np.array([[points_arr[0]], [points_arr[1]],
            img = imgRotation

        rgt_det = [reranked_nodes.reshape(-1)]

        words = crop_words(img,
                           np.array(rgt_det) / resize_scale,

        return words[0]
        # rgt_det = det
        return None
Exemple #2
    def crop_boxes(self, result, grayscale=True):
        img = self.resized_image

        if len(result) > 0:

            rboxes = result[:, 12:17]

            boxes = np.asarray([rbox3_to_polygon(r) for r in rboxes])
            rboxes = np.array([polygon_to_rbox(b) for b in np.reshape(boxes, (-1, 4, 2))])

            bh = rboxes[:, 3]
            # NOTE : without margin
            # rboxes[:,2] += bh * 0.1
            # rboxes[:,3] += bh * 0.2

            boxes = np.array([rbox_to_polygon(f) for f in rboxes])

            boxes = np.flip(boxes, axis=1)
            boxes = np.reshape(boxes, (-1, 8))

            # boxes_mask_a = np.array([b[2] > b[3] for b in rboxes]) # width > height, in square world
            boxes_mask_b = 1 - np.array([(np.any(b < 0) or np.any(b > 1)) for b in boxes])  # box inside image

            # added filter to filter out detections near edges
            # NOTE : RoI is located on the centre of image
            boxes_mask_c = 1 - np.array([(np.any(b[:2] < 0.2) or np.any(b[:2] > 0.8)) for b in boxes])
            boxes_mask_c = np.array(boxes_mask_c)

            # NOTE : fancier methods using numpy slicing didnt work
            # had to do it old school way
            # boxes_mask = np.array(boxes_mask_a* boxes_mask_b*boxes_mask_c)
            boxes_mask = np.array(boxes_mask_b * boxes_mask_c)
            boxes_ = []

            for i, m in enumerate(boxes_mask):
                if m == 1:
            boxes = np.array(boxes_)

            if len(boxes) == 0:
                return -1, -1, -1

            words = crop_words(img, boxes, self.input_height, width=self.input_width, grayscale=True)
            words = np.asarray([w.transpose(1, 0, 2) for w in words])

            return words, boxes, 1
            return -1, -1, -1
 boxes = boxes[boxes_mask]
 rboxes = rboxes[boxes_mask]
 if len(boxes) == 0:
     boxes = np.empty((0,8))
 #for b in boxes:
 #    xy = b.reshape((-1,1,2)) / input_size * [vid_w, vid_h]
 #    xy = np.round(xy)
 #    xy = xy.astype(np.int32)
 #    cv2.polylines(img1, [xy], True, (0,0,255))
 boxes = np.clip(boxes/512, 0, 1)
 words = crop_words(img, boxes, input_height, width=input_width, grayscale=True)
 words = np.asarray([w.transpose(1,0,2) for w in words])
 if len(words) > 0:
     res_crnn = rec_model.predict(words)
 xy = rboxes[:,:2]
 xy[:,0] = xy[:,0] - rboxes[:,2] / 2
 xy = xy / input_size * [vid_w, vid_h]
 for i in range(len(words)):
     idxs = np.argmax(res_crnn[i], axis=1)
     confs = res_crnn[i][range(len(idxs)),idxs]
     non_blank_mask = idxs != len(alphabet)-1
     if np.any(non_blank_mask):
    boxes[:, 0::2] /= img_width
    boxes[:, 1::2] /= img_height

    boxes = np.concatenate([boxes, np.ones([boxes.shape[0], 1])], axis=1)

    boxes = np.copy(boxes[:, :-1])

    # drop boxes with vertices outside the image
    mask = np.array([not (np.any(b < 0.) or np.any(b > 1.)) for b in boxes])
    boxes = boxes[mask]

    if len(boxes) == 0: continue

        words = crop_words(img, boxes, input_height, input_width, True)
    except Exception as e:
        import traceback


    mask = np.array([w.shape[1] > w.shape[0] for w in words])
    words = [words[j] for j in range(len(words)) if mask[j]]
    if len(words) == 0: continue

    idxs_words = np.arange(len(words))
    words = [words[j] for j in idxs_words]