Exemple #1
    def setUp(self):
        # Creating the model data
        self.model = self.MODEL
        self.data = self.model.createData()

        # Creating shooting problem
        self.problem = ShootingProblem(self.model.State.zero(), [self.model, self.model], self.model)
Exemple #2
    def createProblem(self, x0, comGoTo, timeStep, numKnots):
        # Compute the current foot positions
        q0 = a2m(x0[:self.rmodel.nq])
        pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)
        com0 = m2a(pinocchio.centerOfMass(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0))

        # Defining the action models along the time instances
        comModels = []

        # Creating the action model for the CoM task
        comForwardModels = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(numKnots)
        comForwardTermModel = self.createModels(
            [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            com0 + [comGoTo, 0., 0.])
        comForwardTermModel.differential.costs['comTrack'].weight = 1e6

        # Adding the CoM tasks
        comModels += comForwardModels + [comForwardTermModel]

        # Defining the shooting problem
        problem = ShootingProblem(x0, comModels, comModels[-1])
        return problem
Exemple #3
    def setUp(self):
        # Creating the model
        self.model = self.MODEL
        self.data = self.model.createData()

        # Defining the shooting problem
        self.problem = ShootingProblem(self.model.State.zero(), [self.model, self.model], self.model)

        # Creating the KKT solver
        self.kkt = SolverKKT(self.problem)

        # Setting up a warm-point
        xs = [m.State.zero() for m in self.problem.runningModels + [self.problem.terminalModel]]
        us = [np.zeros(m.nu) for m in self.problem.runningModels]
        self.kkt.setCandidate(xs, us)
Exemple #4
rdata = robot.data
rmodel.defaultState = np.concatenate([m2a(robot.q0), np.zeros(rmodel.nv)])

# ----------------Load Contact Phases and PostProcess-----------------------
cs = ContactSequenceHumanoid(0)
csw = ContactSequenceWrapper(cs, conf.contact_patches)
csw.createCentroidalPhi(rmodel, rdata)
csw.createEESplines(rmodel, rdata, conf.X_init, 0.005)

# ----------------Define Problem----------------------------
models = createMultiphaseShootingProblem(rmodel, rdata, csw, conf.DT)

# disp = lambda xs: disptraj(robot, xs)

problem = ShootingProblem(m2a(conf.X_init[0]), models[:-1], models[-1])

# Set contacts in the data elements. Ugly.
# This is defined for IAMEuler. If using IAMRK4, differential is a list. so we need to change.
for d in problem.runningDatas:
    if hasattr(
            d, "differential"
    ):  # Because we also have the impact models without differntial.
        for (patchname,
             contactData) in d.differential.contact.contacts.iteritems():
            if "forces_" + patchname in d.differential.costs.costs:
                d.differential.costs["forces_" +
                                     patchname].contact = contactData
# ---------Ugliness over------------------------

models += [
    runningModel([rightId], {leftId: left0 + [0, 0, 0.1]},
                 com=com0 + [-0.1, 0, 0],

pass1 = models[10]
pass2 = models[21]

pass1.differential.costs['com'].weight = 100000
pass2.differential.costs['com'].weight = 100000
pass2.differential.costs['track16'].weight = 100000

# --- DDP
problem = ShootingProblem(initialState=x0,
ddp = SolverDDP(problem)
# ddp.callback = [ CallbackDDPLogger(), CallbackDDPVerbose() ]
ddp.th_stop = 1e-6

m = models[0]
d = m.createData()

m = m.differential
d = d.differential

# m=m.differential.contact['contact30']
# d=d.differential.contact['contact30']
m.calcDiff(d, ddp.xs[0], ddp.us[0])
Exemple #6
xref = fix.State.rand()
xref[fix.rmodel.nq:] = 0

f = ff
f.u[:] = (
    0 *
    pinocchio.rnea(fix.rmodel, fix.rdata, fix.q, fix.v * 0, fix.v * 0)).flat
f.v[:] = 0
f.x[f.rmodel.nq:] = f.v.flat

# f.u[:] = np.zeros(f.model.nu)
f.model.differential.costs['pos'].weight = 1
f.model.differential.costs['regx'].weight = 0.01
f.model.differential.costs['regu'].weight = 0.0001

fterm = f.__class__()
fterm.model.differential.costs['pos'].weight = 1000
fterm.model.differential.costs['regx'].weight = 1
fterm.model.differential.costs['regu'].weight = 0.01

problem = ShootingProblem(f.x, [f.model] * T, fterm.model)
u0s = [f.u] * T
x0s = problem.rollout(u0s)

# disp = lambda xs: disptraj(f.robot, xs)
ddp = SolverDDP(problem)
# ddp.callback = [ CallbackDDPLogger(), CallbackDDPVerbose() ]
ddp.th_stop = 1e-18
Exemple #7
assertNumDiff(data.Fu, dnum.Fu,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 3.16e-2, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)
assertNumDiff(data.Lx, dnum.Lx,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 3.16e-2, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)
assertNumDiff(data.Lu, dnum.Lu,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 3.16e-2, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)
assertNumDiff(dnum.Lxx, data.Lxx,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 3.16e-2, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)
assertNumDiff(dnum.Lxu, data.Lxu,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 3.16e-2, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)
assertNumDiff(dnum.Luu, data.Luu,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 3.16e-2, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- DDP FOR THE ARM ---
dmodel = DifferentialActionModelPositioning(rmodel)
model = IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel)

problem = ShootingProblem(model.State.zero() + 1, [model], model)
kkt = SolverKKT(problem)
kkt.th_stop = 1e-18
xkkt, ukkt, dkkt = kkt.solve()

ddp = SolverDDP(problem)
ddp.th_stop = 1e-18
xddp, uddp, dddp = ddp.solve()

assert (norm(uddp[0] - ukkt[0]) < 1e-6)
Exemple #8
model.timeStep = 1e-1
dmodel.costs['pos'].weight = 1
dmodel.costs['regx'].weight = 0
dmodel.costs['regu'].weight = 0

# Choose a cost that is reachable.
x0 = model.State.rand()
xref = model.State.rand()
xref[:7] = x0[:7]
xref[3:7] = [0, 0, 0,
             1]  # TODO: remove this after adding assertion to include any case
pinocchio.forwardKinematics(rmodel, rdata, a2m(xref[:rmodel.nq]))
pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(rmodel, rdata)
c1.ref[:] = m2a(rdata.oMf[c1.frame].translation.copy())

problem = ShootingProblem(x0, [model], model)

ddp = SolverDDP(problem)
ddp.callback = [CallbackDDPLogger()]
ddp.th_stop = 1e-18
xddp, uddp, doneddp = ddp.solve(maxiter=400)

assert (doneddp)
assert (norm(ddp.datas()[-1].differential.costs['pos'].residuals) < 1e-3)
assert (norm(
        c1.frame].translation) - c1.ref) < 1e-3)

u0 = np.zeros(model.nu)
x1 = model.calc(data, problem.initialState, u0)[0]
x0s = [problem.initialState.copy(), x1]
# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------
np.set_printoptions(linewidth=400, suppress=True)

nq = 4
nu = 2
nv = nq

dmodel = DifferentialActionModelLQR(nq, nu)
model = IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, withCostResiduals=False)
nx = model.nx
nu = model.nu
T = 1

problem = ShootingProblem(model.State.zero() + 2, [model] * T, model)
xs = [m.State.zero() for m in problem.runningModels + [problem.terminalModel]]
us = [np.zeros(m.nu) for m in problem.runningModels]
x0ref = problem.initialState

xs[0] = np.random.rand(nx)
xs[1] = np.random.rand(nx)
us[0] = np.random.rand(nu)
# xs[1] = model.calc(data,xs[0],us[0])[0].copy()

ddpbox = SolverBoxDDP(problem)
ddpbox.qpsolver = quadprogWrapper
ddp = SolverDDP(problem)

ddp.setCandidate(xs, us)
Exemple #10

# --- TEST KKT ---
# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------
NX = 1
NU = 1
model = ActionModelUnicycle()
data = model.createData()
LQR = isinstance(model, ActionModelLQR)

x = model.State.rand()
u = np.zeros([model.nu])

problem = ShootingProblem(model.State.zero(), [model, model], model)
kkt = SolverKKT(problem)
xs = [m.State.zero() for m in problem.runningModels + [problem.terminalModel]]
us = [np.zeros(m.nu) for m in problem.runningModels]

# Test dimensions of KKT calc.
kkt.setCandidate(xs, us)

# Test that the solution respect the dynamics (or linear approx of it).
dxs, dus, ls = kkt.computeDirection()
x0, x1, x2 = dxs
u0, u1 = dus
l0, l1, l2 = ls

# If LQR. test that a random solution respect the dynamics
xs = [m.State.rand() for m in problem.runningModels + [problem.terminalModel]]