def get_dionysos_declaration(username=None, password=None, request=None): """ Retrieves student's newest declaration from """ """ Declaration includes the following information: Lesson code eg 121E Title eg ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΣΜΟΣ Ι (Θ) Semester eg Β DM eg 2 Hours eg 4 Type eg Y Grade Some of the above results are inside single HTML tags (<td>2</td>) and some are in double ones (<td><span>4</span</td>). We work around this with a try/except block. """ try: url = ";showDil&" output = dionysos_auth_login(username, password, url, request) soup = BeautifulSoup(output).find_all("table")[13].find_all("table")[0] """ Temp variables are named based on the HTML tags they contain. Those variables give faster results, since we don't have to regenerate the same data in each time the for loop is executed. """ temp_td_bottom = soup.find_all("td", "bottomborderLight") declaration = temp_td_bottom i = 0 while i < len(declaration): try: """ Add information that is inside double HTML tags """ declaration[i] = unicode(declaration[i].contents[0].contents[0]).strip() except AttributeError: """ Add information that is inside single HTML tags """ declaration[i] = unicode(declaration[i].contents[0]).strip() i += 1 return ":".join(declaration).replace("&", "&") except Exception as error: logger_syslog.error(error, extra=log_extra_data(username, request)) logger_mail.exception(error) raise CronosError(u"Αδυναμία ανάκτησης Δήλωσης")
def get_dionysos_grades(username=None, password=None): """ Retrieves student's grades from """ try: """ The URL is different, so we need a new HTML output from dionysos """ url = "" output = dionysos_auth_login(username, password, url, request) soup = BeautifulSoup(output) grades = u"" i = 0 """ Temp variables are named based on the HTML tags they contain. Those variables give faster results, since we don't have to regenerate the same data in each time the for loop is executed. """ temp_td = soup.findAll("table")[13].findAll("td") length_temp_td = len(temp_td) semesters = soup.findAll("table")[13].findAll("td", "groupHeader") lessons = soup.findAll("table")[13].findAll("td", "topBorderLight") while i < length_all_td: temp_td_item = temp_td[i] if temp_td_item in semesters: grades += str(item0.contents[0]) + "," """elif temp_td_item in lessons: year = str(item[i+6].contents[0].i.contents[0]).strip() year = year[:10] + year[-9:] grades += '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,' % ( str(item0.contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+1].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+2].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+3].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+4].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+5].span.contents[0]).strip().replace(',', '.'), year.replace('--', '-'), ) try: if item[i+9].contents[1].strip()[4] in [u'Θ', u'Ε']: year = str(item[i+14].contents[0].i.contents[0]).strip() year = year[:10] + year[-9:] grades += '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,' % ( str(item[i+9].contents[1]).strip(), '', str(item[i+10].i.contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+11].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+12].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+13].contents[0]).strip().replace(',', '.'), year.replace('--', '-'), ) year = str(item[i+22].contents[0].i.contents[0]) year = year[:10] + year[-9:] grades += '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,' % ( str(item[i+17].contents[1]).strip(), '', str(item[i+18].i.contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+19].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+20].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+21].contents[0]).strip().replace(',', '.'), year.replace('--', '-'), ) i += 11 except: pass i += 6 try: if item0.contents[0][:6] == u'Σύνολα': grades += '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,' % ( str(item0.b.contents[0]), str(item[i+1].contents[1].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+1].contents[3].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+1].contents[5].contents[0]).strip(), str(item[i+1].contents[7].contents[0]).strip(), 'total' + str(i), ) i += 1 except: pass""" i += 1 """general = soup.findAll('table')[13].findAll('tr', 'subHeaderBack')[-1] grades += '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,' % ( str(general.b.contents[2][-2:]), str(general.contents[1].span.contents[0]), str(general.contents[1].b.contents[3].contents[0]), str(general.contents[1].b.contents[5].contents[0]), str(general.contents[1].b.contents[7].contents[0]), ) return grades[:-1]""" except Exception as error: logger_syslog.error(error, extra=log_extra_data(request, form)) logger_mail.exception(error) raise CronosError(u"Αδυναμία ανάκτησης Bαθμολογίας")