def test_parser_parse_populates_internal_dict(): parser = CronParser("1 2 3 4 5", "command") parser.parse() assert parser._parsed_values == { "minute": {1}, "hour": {2}, "day of month": {3}, "month": {4}, "day of week": {5}, }
def test_parser_parse_replaces_first_instance_of_month_strings_with_number_representation(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(cronus.parser, "parse_section", mock.Mock()) parser = CronParser("1 2 3 JANJAN 5", "command") parser.parse() assert cronus.parser.parse_section.call_args_list == ["1", 0, 59),"2", 0, 23),"3", 0, 30, True),"1JAN", 0, 11, True),"5", 0, 6), ]
def test_parser_parse_parses_correct_sections(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(cronus.parser, "parse_section", mock.Mock()) parser = CronParser("1 2 3 4 5", "command") parser.parse() assert cronus.parser.parse_section.call_args_list == ["1", 0, 59),"2", 0, 23),"3", 0, 30, True),"4", 0, 11, True),"5", 0, 6), ]
def test_parser_render_with_wrapped_range(): mock_stdout = io.StringIO() parser = CronParser("*/15 0 20-3/2 * 1-5", "/usr/bin/find") parser.parse() with mock.patch("sys.stdout", mock_stdout): parser.render() assert mock_stdout.getvalue().split("\n")[:-1] == [ "minute 0 15 30 45", "hour 0", "day of month 1 3 21 23 25 27 29 31", "month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12", "day of week 1 2 3 4 5", "command /usr/bin/find", ]
def test_parser_render_example_with_strings(): mock_stdout = io.StringIO() parser = CronParser("*/15 0 1,15 * MON-FRI", "/usr/bin/find") parser.parse() with mock.patch("sys.stdout", mock_stdout): parser.render() assert mock_stdout.getvalue().split("\n")[:-1] == [ "minute 0 15 30 45", "hour 0", "day of month 1 15", "month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12", "day of week 1 2 3 4 5", "command /usr/bin/find", ]
def test_parser_render(): mock_stdout = io.StringIO() parser = CronParser("1 2 3 4 5", "command") parser.parse() with mock.patch("sys.stdout", mock_stdout): parser.render() assert mock_stdout.getvalue().split("\n")[:-1] == [ "minute 1", "hour 2", "day of month 3", "month 4", "day of week 5", "command command", ]
def test_parser_parse_with_invalid_strings_raises_syntax_error(): parser = CronParser("*/15 0 1,15 * MONMON", "/usr/bin/find") with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as exc: parser.parse() assert str(exc.value) == "Invalid range"
def test_parser_parse_raises_on_invalid_crontab(monkeypatch): parser = CronParser("1 2 3 4 5 6", "command") with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as exc: parser.parse() assert str(exc.value) == "Invalid crontab"