Exemple #1
def test_env_whitelist_in_handler(app_config_file, handler_file,
                                  whitelist_file, headers):
    app = Flask("mytestname")
    webhook = WebhookApp(app, loadconfig=False)

    # Add handler for checking the environment is correct
    handler = os.path.abspath("tests/handler_test_env.py")
    add_handler(handler_file, "testevent", handler)

    # Add whitelist
    whitelist_env = {'FIRSTENV': 'foo', 'SECONDENV': 'bar'}
    whitelist = ' '.join(list(whitelist_env))
    add_whitelist(whitelist_file, "testevent", whitelist)

    test_client = webhook.app.test_client()

    token = 'foo'
    data = ''
    headers['X-Hub-Signature'] = b'sha1=' + get_digest(token, data)
    headers['X-GitHub-Event'] = b'testevent'

    # patch os.environ so it actually contains the values we are whitelisting
    with patch.dict(os.environ, whitelist_env):
        # This should return 200
        rv = test_client.post('/webhook', headers=headers, data=data)

    assert (rv.status_code == 200)
Exemple #2
def test_arguments(flaskapp_mock):
    # Ensure the arguments are what is expected
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
    assert (("__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: "
             "'app'") in str(excinfo.value))

    # Ensure non flask arguments fail
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
Exemple #3
def test_verify_digest():
    token = "foo"
    data = "somedata"
    digest = b"sha1=" + get_digest(token, data)

    # Verify that a computed token by openssl matches one computed by
    # _verify_digest
    result = WebhookApp._verify_digest(token, data, digest)

    # Verify that an invalid digest fails
    result = WebhookApp._verify_digest(token, data, "foo")
    assert(not result)
Exemple #4
def test_verify_digest():
    token = "foo"
    data = "somedata"
    digest = b"sha1=" + get_digest(token, data)

    # Verify that a computed token by openssl matches one computed by
    # _verify_digest
    result = WebhookApp._verify_digest(token, data, digest)
    assert (result)

    # Verify that an invalid digest fails
    result = WebhookApp._verify_digest(token, data, "foo")
    assert (not result)
Exemple #5
def test_get_env_from_whitelist(flaskapp_mock):
    webhook = WebhookApp(flaskapp_mock, loadconfig=False)

    # Test that no whitelist_config returns the current environment
    webhook.whitelist_config = None

    env = webhook._get_env_from_whitelist('testevent')
    assert (env == os.environ)

    # Test that an event that doesn't exist returns an empty environment
    whitelist_config = Mock()
    whitelist_config.get = Mock(return_value='')
    webhook.whitelist_config = whitelist_config

    # patch os.environ so it actually contains the values we are whitelisting
    env = webhook._get_env_from_whitelist('testevent')
    assert (env == {})

    # Test that the returned environment only contains the whitelisted values
    whitelist_env = {'FIRSTENV': 'foo', 'SECONDENV': 'bar'}
    whitelist_config = Mock()
    whitelist_config.get = Mock(return_value=' '.join(whitelist_env.keys()))
    webhook.whitelist_config = whitelist_config

    # patch os.environ so it actually contains the values we are whitelisting
    with patch.dict(os.environ, whitelist_env):
        env = webhook._get_env_from_whitelist('testevent')
        assert (env == whitelist_env)
Exemple #6
def test_key_set_in_environment(request, flaskapp_mock):
    def fin():


    os.environ['CROPS_WEBHOOK_KEY'] = 'testkey'
    webhook = WebhookApp(flaskapp_mock)

    assert (webhook.key == 'testkey')
Exemple #7
def test_gethandler_expected_result(flaskapp_mock, handler_file):
    with patch('crops_webhook.get_key') as mock_get_key:
        webhook = WebhookApp(flaskapp_mock)

        # Common mocking
        flaskapp_mock.config = {}
        config = Mock()
        webhook._load_handlers_config = Mock(return_value=config)
        webhook._handler_sane = Mock(return_value=True)
        webhook.app.config['HANDLERS_FILE'] = handler_file
        dirname = os.path.dirname(handler_file)

        # Check absolute paths work as expected
        config.get = Mock(return_value='/absolute')
        handler = webhook._gethandler('')
        assert (handler == '/absolute')

        # Check relative paths work as expected
        config.get = Mock(return_value='relative')
        handler = webhook._gethandler('')
        assert (handler == os.path.join(dirname, 'relative'))
Exemple #8
def test_client(handler_file, app_config_file):
    app = Flask("mytestname")
    webhook = WebhookApp(app)
    return webhook.app.test_client()