def get_nodes_from_csv() -> List[Node]:
		Reads the predetermined CSV and then returns the list of nodes including the client node itself
		:return: A list of nodes, including the client node itself
		node_container = []
			with open(BASE_PROJECT_DIR+'/node_directory_service'+'/tor_nodes_list.csv') as f:
				data = csv.reader(f)
				for i, row in enumerate(data):
					id_pub = CoreCryptoRSA.load_public_key_from_disc(
						BASE_PROJECT_DIR + '/node_directory_service' + '/keyfiles' + '/' + row[2]+'.pub')

					onion_pub = CoreCryptoRSA.load_public_key_from_disc(
						BASE_PROJECT_DIR + '/node_directory_service' + '/keyfiles' + '/' + row[3]+'.pub')

					node = Node(row[0], int(row[1]), None, id_pub, None, onion_pub)

					# Only for the client node we load its private keys. Other nodes we can't
					# if i == 0:
					id_priv = CoreCryptoRSA.load_private_key_from_disc(
						BASE_PROJECT_DIR + '/node_directory_service' + '/keyfiles' + '/' + row[2])
					node.identity_key_pri = id_priv

					onion_priv = CoreCryptoRSA.load_private_key_from_disc(
						BASE_PROJECT_DIR + '/node_directory_service' + '/keyfiles' + '/' + row[3])
					node.onion_key_pri = onion_priv


			return node_container
			print("Trying to read from CSV. Something went wrong!")
			return list()
Exemple #2
	def process_create_cell(cell: Cell, private_onion_key, y_bytes: bytes) -> (bytes, Dict):
		Process the create cell and return the g^x (public key of sender)
		:param y_bytes: The private DH key generated by the router node in bytes
		:param cell: The Create Cell Object
		:param private_onion_key: The private key of the receiver which will be used in hybrid decrypt
		:return: g^x as bytes object
		create_cell_payload = cell.PAYLOAD
		gx_bytes = CoreCryptoRSA.hybrid_decrypt(create_cell_payload.HDATA, private_onion_key)
		gxy = CoreCryptoDH.compute_dh_shared_key(gx_bytes, y_bytes)
		kdf_dict = CoreCryptoRSA.kdf_tor(gxy)
		return gx_bytes, kdf_dict
Exemple #3
	def build_extended_cell(y, gy, streamID: int, circ_id: int, gx: str, recognized) -> Cell:
		The method to build the extended Cell object
		:param y:
		:param gy:
		:param streamID:
		:param circ_id:
		:param gx:
		:param recognized:
		:return: The Extended Cell
		gxy = CoreCryptoDH.compute_dh_shared_key(y, gx)
		kdf_dict = CoreCryptoRSA.kdf_tor(gxy)
		server_h_data = TapSHData(gy, kdf_dict['KH'])

		# Construct extended2 payload
		extended_cell_payload_relay = RelayExtendedPayload(RelayExtendedPayload.TAP_S_HANDSHAKE_LEN, server_h_data)

		# Calculate digest from the extended2 payload
		payload_dict = {
			'HLEN': extended_cell_payload_relay.HLEN,
			'HDATA': extended_cell_payload_relay.HDATA
		digest = CoreCryptoMisc.calculate_digest(payload_dict)

		# Construct the Relay cell with extended2 payload which is the payload for the Cell class
		extended_cell_payload = RelayCellPayload(RelayCellPayload.RELAY_CMD_ENUM['EXTENDED2'], recognized, streamID,
		                                         digest, Cell.PAYLOAD_LEN - 11, extended_cell_payload_relay)
		# Construct the actual cell
		extended_cell = Cell(circ_id, Cell.CMD_ENUM['RELAY'], Cell.PAYLOAD_LEN, extended_cell_payload)
		return extended_cell
Exemple #4
	def build_extend_cell(handshake_type: str, x_bytes: bytes, gx_bytes: bytes, circ_id: int, onion_key, hop2_ip, hop2_port) -> Cell:
		The method used to build a Extend/Extend2 cell
		:param handshake_type: The handshake type. TAP or ntor.
		:param x_bytes: The diffie hellman private key as a bytes object
		:param gx_bytes: The diffie hellman public key as a bytes object
		:param circ_id: The circuit ID
		:param onion_key: The onion key of the next hop used in hybrid_encrypt method
		:param lspec: The link specifier as a string
		:return: The extend Cell object
		client_h_data = CoreCryptoRSA.hybrid_encrypt(gx_bytes, onion_key)
		nspec = 1  # Always keep this 1 to avoid going to hell
		lspec = bytearray(IPv4Address(hop2_ip).packed) + pack('!H', int(hop2_port))
		extend_cell_payload = RelayExtendPayload(nspec,

		relay_cell_payload = RelayCellPayload(RelayCellPayload.RELAY_CMD_ENUM['RELAY_EXTEND2'], 0, 0, b'', Cell.PAYLOAD_LEN - 11, extend_cell_payload)

		relay_extend_cell = Cell(circ_id, Cell.CMD_ENUM['RELAY'], Cell.PAYLOAD_LEN, relay_cell_payload)

		return relay_extend_cell
Exemple #5
	def build_create_cell(handshake_type: str, x_bytes: bytes, gx_bytes: bytes, circ_id: int, onion_key) -> Cell:
		The method used to build a Create/Create2 cell
 		:param x_bytes: The diffie hellman private key as a bytes object
		:param gx_bytes: The diffie hellman public key as a bytes object
		:param circ_id: The circuit ID
		:param onion_key: The onion key of the next hop used in hybrid_encrypt method
		:return: The create Cell object
		client_h_data = CoreCryptoRSA.hybrid_encrypt(gx_bytes, onion_key)
		create_cell_payload = CreateCellPayload(CreateCellPayload.CREATE_HANDSHAKE_TYPE[handshake_type],
		create_cell = Cell(circ_id, Cell.CMD_ENUM['CREATE2'], Cell.PAYLOAD_LEN, create_cell_payload)
		return create_cell
Exemple #6
	def build_created_cell(y_bytes: bytes, gy_bytes: bytes, circ_id: int, gx_bytes: bytes) -> Cell:
		The method used to build a created/created2 cell object
		:param y_bytes: The diffie hellman private key bytes of the receiver
		:param gy_bytes: The diffie hellman public key bytes of the receiver
		:param circ_id: The circuit ID
		:param gx_bytes: The diffie hellman public key bytes of the sender
		:return: The created Cell object
		gxy = CoreCryptoDH.compute_dh_shared_key(gx_bytes, y_bytes)
		kdf_dict = CoreCryptoRSA.kdf_tor(gxy)

		server_h_data = TapSHData(gy_bytes, kdf_dict['KH'])
		created_cell_payload = CreatedCellPayload(CreatedCellPayload.TAP_S_HANDSHAKE_LEN, server_h_data)
		created_cell = Cell(circ_id, Cell.CMD_ENUM['CREATED2'], Cell.PAYLOAD_LEN, created_cell_payload)
		return created_cell
Exemple #7
	def process_created_cell(cell: Cell, required_circ_id: int, x_bytes: bytes):
		The method to process a created cell and return the kdf_dict that will be used after DH handshake
		:param cell: The Created Cell Object
		:param required_circ_id: The circuit ID that is expected
		:param x_bytes: The private key of the sender in bytes
		:return: The KDF Dict
		if cell.CIRCID == required_circ_id:
			created_h_data = cell.PAYLOAD.HDATA
			gy_bytes = created_h_data.GY
			gxy = CoreCryptoDH.compute_dh_shared_key(gy_bytes, x_bytes)
			kdf_dict = CoreCryptoRSA.kdf_tor(gxy)
			if created_h_data.KH == kdf_dict['KH']:
				print("Handshake successful!")
				return kdf_dict
				return None
			return None
Exemple #8
	def process_extended_cell(cell: Cell, required_circ_id: int, x_bytes: bytes):
		The processing functions for created and extended cells return
		dictionaries created by kdf_tor() function.

		For verifying KH, the kdf_dict has to be accessed. This is added
		to the 'extended' cell handling and similar changes have been made
		in the parsing and processing of 'created' cells
		if cell.CIRCID == required_circ_id:
			extended_h_data = cell.PAYLOAD.Data.HDATA
			gy_bytes = extended_h_data.GY
			gxy = CoreCryptoDH.compute_dh_shared_key(gy_bytes, x_bytes)
			kdf_dict = CoreCryptoRSA.kdf_tor(gxy)
			if extended_h_data.KH == kdf_dict['KH']:
				print("Handshake successful!")
				return kdf_dict
				return None
			return None