def get_password_hash(self, password_hash, one_time_salt, data=None): password_hash = crypto.hash( crypto.from_string(password_hash), crypto.from_string(one_time_salt), ) if data is not None: password_hash = crypto.hash(data, password_hash) return crypto.to_string(password_hash)
def authenticate(self, request, user, salt, one_time_salt, password_hash, data=None): password = crypto.parse_password(user.password) try: session_one_time_salt = request.session['one_time_salt'] except KeyError: return if crypto.from_string(session_one_time_salt) == one_time_salt and password['salt'] == salt: valid_password_hash = crypto.hash(password['hash'], one_time_salt) if data: valid_password_hash = crypto.hash(data, valid_password_hash) if crypto.constant_time_compare(valid_password_hash, password_hash): request.user = user return user
def verifySignature(m, signature, publicKey): """ Verify a type 0 signature over m @param m: binary message @type m: string @param signature: The OpenPGP signature over m. @type signature: SignatureMessage @param publicKey: The public key of the signer. @type publicKey: PublicKeyMessage @return: Returns true if the signature is valid. """ data = (m + signature.packets[TAG_SIGNATURE].hashdata()) plainhash = crypto.hash( data, signature.packets[TAG_SIGNATURE].hashAlgorithm.value) if signature.packets[TAG_SIGNATURE].hashLeftTwo != plainhash[0:2]: return False codedhash = encoding.pkcs15( plainhash, publicKey.packets[TAG_PUBKEY].n.bits(), signature.packets[TAG_SIGNATURE].hashAlgorithm.value) codedhashInt = elements.ScalarElement(codedhash).value rsaN = publicKey.packets[TAG_PUBKEY].n.value rsaE = publicKey.packets[TAG_PUBKEY].e.value return crypto.rsaVerify(signature.packets[TAG_SIGNATURE].sig.value, codedhashInt, rsaE, rsaN)
def calculate_hash(message): hash_type = None if HASH_TYPE in message: hash_type = message[HASH_TYPE] m = plain(message) h = crypto.hash(m, hash_type) return h
def report(self, reporting_user, send_user, ts, ctxt, fbtag, msg): fbtag = binascii.unhexlify(fbtag) assert fbtag == self._gen_fbtag(ctxt, send_user, reporting_user, int(ts)), "fake report" ctxt = binascii.unhexlify(ctxt) msg = binascii.unhexlify(msg) crypto.validate_outer_commitment(ctxt, msg) (mid, km, hcm, _) = crypto.split_outer_message(msg) cm = binascii.unhexlify(self.get_msg(mid)) assert crypto.hash(cm) == hcm, "bad message hash" message = crypto.decrypt_inner(km, cm) # The actual abuse check: if b"abuse" in message.lower(): if send_user == self._client: self._should_exit = True return b"You are banned for sending 'abuse'" return b"Thank you for reporting 'abuse'!" else: if reporting_user != self._client and send_user == self._client: with open('flag', 'rb') as f: self._should_exit = True return (b"You were erroneously reported for 'abuse', " b"here's a consolation prize: %s" % return b"This message does not contain 'abuse'."
def send(self, msg, *users): km, cm = crypto.encrypt_inner(msg) mid = self.server.put_msg(binascii.hexlify(cm)) hcm = crypto.hash(cm) for user in users: self._send_ctxt(mid, km, hcm, user)
def getpswd(DB, site, mpswd): if crypto.hash(mpswd) == DB.mpswd: login , pswd = DB.DB[site] return (login, crypto.decrypt(pswd, mpswd)) else: raise PasswordError("Password didn't math!") return 0
def generateKey(self, passphrase, algorithm): if self.specifier == 0: raise Exception('not implemented') elif self.specifier == 1: raise Exception('not implemented') elif self.specifier == 3: hashdata = '' m = self.salt + passphrase bytes = 0 while bytes < self.count: for i in range(0, len(m)): hashdata += m[i] bytes += 1 if bytes == self.count: break self.key = crypto.hash(hashdata, self.hashalgorithm) if len(self.key) < crypto.SYMALGORITHM_KEYSIZE[algorithm]: self.key += crypto.hash('\x00' + hashdata, self.hashalgorithm) else: raise Exception('invalid s2k specifier') return self.key[:crypto.SYMALGORITHM_KEYSIZE[algorithm]]
def authenticate(self, request, user, salt, one_time_salt, password_hash, data=None): password = crypto.parse_password(user.password) try: session_one_time_salt = request.session['one_time_salt'] except KeyError: return if crypto.from_string(session_one_time_salt ) == one_time_salt and password['salt'] == salt: valid_password_hash = crypto.hash(password['hash'], one_time_salt) if data: valid_password_hash = crypto.hash(data, valid_password_hash) if crypto.constant_time_compare(valid_password_hash, password_hash): request.user = user return user
def compute_merkle_root(self): n = len(self.transactions) depth = math.ceil(math.log2(n)) s = self.transactions q = queue.SimpleQueue() for x in s: q.put(hash(x)) for _ in range(depth): length = q.qsize() width = math.floor(length / 2) + (length % 2) for _ in range(width): if length == 1: a = q.get() q.put(a) length -= 1 else: a = q.get() b = q.get() q.put(hash(str(a) + str(b))) length -= 2 return q.get()
def mint(self, Node, lastBlock, stop): tx = chr(random.randint(1, 100)) mroot = hashlib.sha256(tx).hexdigest() timestamp = str( c_header = str(lastBlock.hash) + mroot + timestamp keys = Node.keys() signature = crypto.sign( str(lastBlock.index + 1) + str(lastBlock.hash), keys) hash_result = crypto.hash(str(c_header)) if stop.is_set(): return False, False, False, False elected = self.election(Node, lastBlock) if elected: return block.Block(lastBlock.index + 1, lastBlock.hash, keys, signature, hash_result)
def execute(self, args, debug=False): print "ARRRGHS",args self.args = copy.deepcopy(args) signature = args.pop() print signature if crypto.hash("".join(map(str, args))) != signature.hash(): self.nextTxn = Invalid() return # args[0] - prooflist for mRootHash # args[1] - list of branches to Execute ret = merkleVerifyExec(signature, self.mRootHash, args, self.amt, debug=debug) # defines ret when executing, pass all args if not ret: raise ValueError("Invalid ret") print ret self._nextTxn = self.verify(ret)
def execute(self, args, debug=False): print "ARRRGHS", args self.args = copy.deepcopy(args) signature = args.pop() print signature if crypto.hash("".join(map(str, args))) != signature.hash(): self.nextTxn = Invalid() return # args[0] - prooflist for mRootHash # args[1] - list of branches to Execute ret = merkleVerifyExec( signature, self.mRootHash, args, self.amt, debug=debug ) # defines ret when executing, pass all args if not ret: raise ValueError("Invalid ret") print ret self._nextTxn = self.verify(ret)
def recv(self): lines = self.server.recv(self.uid) msgs = [] for line in lines: who, ts, msg, fbtag = line.split(b" ") msgs.append( (who, int(ts), binascii.unhexlify(msg), binascii.unhexlify(fbtag)) ) out = [] for (who, ts, ctxt, fbtag) in msgs: msg = crypto.decrypt_outer(ctxt, self._priv_key) (mid, km, hcm, _) = crypto.split_outer_message(msg) cm = binascii.unhexlify(self.server.get_msg(mid)) assert crypto.hash(cm) == hcm, "bad message hash" m = crypto.decrypt_inner(km, cm) self._all_messages[who].append((mid, ts, ctxt, msg, fbtag)) out.append((who, mid, m)) return out
def blind(publicKey, sigTime, data): keyID = publicKey.packets[TAG_PUBKEY].keyID() n = publicKey.packets[TAG_PUBKEY].n e = publicKey.packets[TAG_PUBKEY].e if sigTime is None: sigTime = _randomTime(publicKey.creationTime(), publicKey.expirationTime()) sigPacket = _prepareSignature(crypto.HASH_SHA256, sigTime, keyID) sigdata = data + sigPacket.hashdata() plainhash = crypto.hash(sigdata, sigPacket.hashAlgorithm.value) codedhash = encoding.pkcs15(plainhash, n.bits(), sigPacket.hashAlgorithm.value) m = elements.ScalarElement(codedhash).value while True: r = elements.ScalarElement(crypto.randomBytes(n.octets())).value if r > 1 and r < n.value and crypto.gcd(n.value, r) == 1: break packet = packets.BlindMessagePacket() packet.m = elements.MPIElement(crypto.rsaBlind(m, r, e.value, n.value)) return r, plainhash[0:2], sigTime, messages.BlindMessageMessage.fromPackets((packet,))
def computeSignature(m, secretKey): """ Compute a type 0 signature. @param m: Message of binary data to sign. @type m: string @param secretKey: Key used for signature. @type secretKey: SecretKeyMessage @return: An OpenPGP signature message. """ sigPacket = packets.SignaturePacket() sigPacket.version = elements.ScalarElement(4) sigPacket.signatureType = elements.ScalarElement(0) sigPacket.pubAlgorithm = elements.ScalarElement(1) sigPacket.hashAlgorithm = elements.ScalarElement(crypto.HASH_SHA256) sigPacket.hashedSubpackets.add(subpackets.CreationTimeSubpacket( sigPacket.subpackets.add( subpackets.IssuerSubpacket(secretKey.packets[TAG_SECKEY].keyID())) data = (m + sigPacket.hashdata()) plainhash = crypto.hash(data, sigPacket.hashAlgorithm.value) sigPacket.hashLeftTwo = plainhash[0:2] codedhash = encoding.pkcs15( plainhash, secretKey.packets[TAG_SECKEY].n.bits(), sigPacket.hashAlgorithm.value) codedhashInt = elements.ScalarElement(codedhash).value rsaN = secretKey.packets[TAG_SECKEY].n.value rsaD = secretKey.packets[TAG_SECKEY].d.value s = crypto.rsaSign(codedhashInt, rsaD, rsaN) sigPacket.sig = elements.MPIElement(s) pgpMessage = messages.SignatureMessage.fromPackets((sigPacket,)) return pgpMessage
def _mix_seed(self, for_epoch): epoch_number_bytes = for_epoch.to_bytes(32, config.ENDIANNESS) mixer = int.from_bytes(crypto.hash(epoch_number_bytes), config.ENDIANNESS) return (self.initial_seed * mixer) % crypto.order
def generate_prime(l, r): n = random.randint(l, r) while not is_prime(n): n = random.randint(l, r) return n def generate_keys(): p = generate_prime(1000, 2000) q = generate_prime(2000, 3000) assert p != q n = p * q phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1) e = 101 d = 1 while (d * e) % phi != 1: d += 1 return PublicKey(e, n), PrivateKey(d, n) public, private = generate_keys() wallet = { 'public_key': public.dumps(), 'private_key': private.dumps(), 'address': hash(str(public)) } o = open('wallet.json', 'w') print(json.dumps(wallet), file=o) o.close()
def verify(self): return hash(str(self))[0:4] == "0000"
def testPhase(s): print "#" * (len(s) + 12) print "# %s #" % s print "#" * (len(s) + 12) if __name__ == "__main__": testPhase("Verifying Content Behavior") IO = io.__IO__() IO.push(10) IO.push(100) IO.heap[1] = 100 print "Verifying Content Execution" __Content__(crypto.hash("IO.heap[100] = 10"), 'run').verifyAdd("IO.heap[100] = 10").execute(IO) assert IO.heap[100] == 10 print "...Content Executed" print "Verifying bad Content Rejection" try: __Content__("Fail", 'run').verifyAdd("IO.heap[100] = 10").execute(IO) raise Exception("Should have failed to verifyAdd") except ValueError: print "... Bad Content Rejected" a = Mast('compile', "print 10") a.addBr('print 10').addBr('print 100') b = a.addBr('print 10').addBr('print 100') b.addBr('print 1000') b.addBr('print 1') testPhase("Printing Tree from MAST")
def test_hash(self): h = hash(_msg) self.assertEqual(h, _hash, 'hash does not equal: ' + h + ' != ' + _hash)
return self._hash def __str__(self): return "Hash: %s\nMode:%s\nCode:\n\"\"\"\n%s\n\"\"\""%(self.hash().encode('hex'),self.mode, self.code) def testPhase(s): print "#"*(len(s)+12) print "# %s #"%s print "#"*(len(s)+12) if __name__ == "__main__": testPhase("Verifying Content Behavior") IO = io.__IO__() IO.push(10) IO.push(100) IO.heap[1] = 100 print "Verifying Content Execution" __Content__(crypto.hash("IO.heap[100] = 10"), 'run').verifyAdd("IO.heap[100] = 10").execute(IO) assert IO.heap[100] == 10 print "...Content Executed" print "Verifying bad Content Rejection" try: __Content__("Fail", 'run').verifyAdd("IO.heap[100] = 10").execute(IO) raise Exception("Should have failed to verifyAdd") except ValueError: print "... Bad Content Rejected" a = Mast('compile', "print 10") a.addBr('print 10').addBr('print 100') b = a.addBr('print 10').addBr('print 100') b.addBr('print 1000') b.addBr('print 1') testPhase("Printing Tree from MAST") print a
def isGood(self): return hash(str(self))[0:4] == "0000"
def get_hash(self, prev_hash): return hash(prev_hash + self.transactions_hash + str(self.nonce))
def test(): b = Block() for i in range(13): b.add_transaction(i) b.mine() print(hash(str(b)), b.nonce)
def __init__(self, mpswd): self.mpswd = crypto.hash(mpswd) self.DB = {}
def addpswd(DB, site, login, pswd, mpswd): if crypto.hash(mpswd) == DB.mpswd: DB.DB[site] = (login, crypto.encrypt(pswd, mpswd)) else: raise PasswordError("Password didn't math!")
def transactions_hash(self): input = '' for transaction in self.transactions: # hash(transaction) input += str(transaction) return hash(input)
,(OP_RSHIFT,lambda:(InvalidOpcode.rz("OP_RSHIFT"), ,(OP_BOOLAND,lambda:(stack.append(1 if stack.pop() != 0 and stack.pop() != 0 else 0), ,(OP_BOOLOR,lambda:(stack.append(0 if stack.pop() == 0 and stack.pop() == 0 else 1), ,(OP_NUMEQUAL,lambda:(stack.append(1 if stack.pop() == stack.pop() else 0, ,(OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY,lambda:(stack.append(1 if stack.pop() == stack.pop() else 0),OP_VERIFY)) ,(OP_NUMNOTEQUAL,lambda:(stack.append(0 if stack.pop() == stack.pop() else 1), ,(OP_LESSTHAN,lambda:(stack.append( 1 if stack.pop() > stack.pop() else 0), ,(OP_GREATERTHAN,lambda:(stack.append(1 if stack.pop() < stack.pop() else 0), ,(OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL,lambda:(stack.append(1 if stack.pop() >= stack.pop() else 0), ,(OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL,lambda:(stack.append( 1 if stack.pop() <= stack.pop() else 0), ,(OP_MIN,lambda:(stack.append(min(stack.pop(), stack.pop())), ,(OP_MAX,lambda:(stack.append(min(stack.pop(), stack.pop()), ,(OP_WITHIN,lambda:(stack.append( 1 if stack[-2] <= stackstack[-1] < stack[-3] else 0 ), stack.pop(), stack.pop(), stack.pop(), ,(OP_RIPEMD160,lambda:(stack.append(crypto.ripemd160(stack.pop())), ,(OP_SHA1,lambda:(stack.append(crypto.sha1(stack.pop())), ,(OP_SHA256,lambda:(stack.append(crypto.hash(stack.pop())), ,(OP_HASH160,lambda:(stack.append(crypto.ripemd160(crypto.sha256(stack.pop()))), ,(OP_HASH256,lambda:(stack.append(crypto.hash(crypto.hash(stack.pop()))), ,(OP_CODESEPARATOR,lambda:(InvalidOpcode.rz("Implement this plz", #TODO what does this do? ,(OP_CHECKSIG,lambda:( stack.append(1 if signed(stack.pop(),stack.pop()) else 0), ,(OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY,lambda:( stack.append(1 if signed(stack.pop(),stack.pop()) else 0),OP_VERIFY)) ,(OP_CHECKMULTISIG,lambda:(None, #TODO ,(OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY,lambda:(None, #TODO ] # OP_NA ,genHandler(lambda num: lambda: (stack.append("".join([chr( for _ in xrange(num)])),, 1, 75) # OP_int ,genHandler(lambda num: lambda: (stack.append(num-80),, 82, 96) # OP_NOP ,genHandler(lambda _: lambda: (,) , 176, 186)))
def test_hash(): original_data = 'Chainium' expected = 'Dp6vNLdUbRTc1Y3i9uSBritNqvqe4es9MjjGrVi1nQMu' actual = crypto.hash(original_data.encode()) assert expected == actual
(stack.append(1 if stack.pop() <= stack.pop() else 0), ))), (OP_MIN, lambda: (stack.append(min(stack.pop(), stack.pop())),, (OP_MAX, lambda: (stack.append(min(stack.pop(), stack.pop()),, (OP_WITHIN, lambda: (stack.append(1 if stack[-2] <= stackstack[-1] < stack[-3] else 0), stack.pop(), stack.pop(), stack.pop(),, (OP_RIPEMD160, lambda: (stack.append(crypto.ripemd160(stack.pop())),, (OP_SHA1, lambda: (stack.append(crypto.sha1(stack.pop())),, (OP_SHA256, lambda: (stack.append(crypto.hash(stack.pop())),, (OP_HASH160, lambda: (stack.append( crypto.ripemd160(crypto.sha256(stack.pop()))),, (OP_HASH256, lambda: (stack.append( crypto.hash(crypto.hash(stack.pop()))),, (OP_CODESEPARATOR, lambda: (InvalidOpcode.rz( "Implement this plz", #TODO what does this do? , (OP_CHECKSIG, lambda: (stack.append(1 if signed( stack.pop(), stack.pop()) else 0),, (OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, lambda: (stack.append(1 if signed( stack.pop(), stack.pop()) else 0), OP_VERIFY)), (OP_CHECKMULTISIG, lambda: (None, #TODO , (OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY, lambda: (None, #TODO ]
sys.path.append(os.path.join(base, '../src')) import collide # type: ignore import crypto # type: ignore import client # type: ignore assert len(sys.argv) == 3, f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} host port" c = client.Client(client.RemoteServer(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))) target = c.list()[1] msg = b"abuse" pad = b"a" * (collide.BLOCK_SIZE - len(msg)) k1, k2, iv, n, ctxt, t = collide.collide_encrypt(pad + msg) cm = iv + ctxt + t mid = c.server.put_msg(binascii.hexlify(cm)) hcm = crypto.hash(cm) # type: ignore c._send_ctxt(mid, k2, hcm, target) print('sent first message') flag = None try: c._send_ctxt(mid, k1, hcm, target) except AssertionError as e: flag = str(e) print(flag)
def validate(self): ok = hash(str(self.public_key)) == self.from_addr return ok and check_sign(self.message(), self.sign, self.public_key)