Exemple #1
 def decrypt_message(self, encrypted, magic=b'BIE1'):
     encrypted = base64.b64decode(encrypted)
     if len(encrypted) < 85:
         raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: length')
     magic_found = encrypted[:4]
     ephemeral_pubkey_bytes = encrypted[4:37]
     ciphertext = encrypted[37:-32]
     mac = encrypted[-32:]
     if magic_found != magic:
         raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid magic bytes')
         ecdsa_point = _ser_to_python_ecdsa_point(ephemeral_pubkey_bytes)
     except AssertionError as e:
         raise Exception(
             'invalid ciphertext: invalid ephemeral pubkey') from e
     if not ecdsa.ecdsa.point_is_valid(generator_secp256k1, ecdsa_point.x(),
         raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid ephemeral pubkey')
     ephemeral_pubkey = ECPubkey.from_point(ecdsa_point)
     ecdh_key = (ephemeral_pubkey *
     key = hashlib.sha512(ecdh_key).digest()
     iv, key_e, key_m = key[0:16], key[16:32], key[32:]
     if mac != hmac_oneshot(key_m, encrypted[:-32], hashlib.sha256):
         raise InvalidPassword()
     return aes_decrypt_with_iv(key_e, iv, ciphertext)
Exemple #2
def _CKD_pub(cK, c, s):
    I = hmac_oneshot(c, cK + s, hashlib.sha512)
    pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(I[0:32]) + ecc.ECPubkey(cK)
    if pubkey.is_at_infinity():
        raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
    cK_n = pubkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    c_n = I[32:]
    return cK_n, c_n
Exemple #3
def bip32_root(seed, xtype):
    I = hmac_oneshot(b"Bitcoin seed", seed, hashlib.sha512)
    master_k = I[0:32]
    master_c = I[32:]
    # create xprv first, as that will check if master_k is within curve order
    xprv = serialize_xprv(xtype, master_c, master_k)
    cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(master_k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, master_c, cK)
    return xprv, xpub
Exemple #4
def _CKD_priv(k, c, s, is_prime):
        keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(k)
    except ecc.InvalidECPointException as e:
        raise BitcoinException(
            'Impossible xprv (not within curve order)') from e
    cK = keypair.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    data = bytes([0]) + k + s if is_prime else cK + s
    I = hmac_oneshot(c, data, hashlib.sha512)
    I_left = ecc.string_to_number(I[0:32])
    k_n = (I_left + ecc.string_to_number(k)) % ecc.CURVE_ORDER
    if I_left >= ecc.CURVE_ORDER or k_n == 0:
        raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
    k_n = ecc.number_to_string(k_n, ecc.CURVE_ORDER)
    c_n = I[32:]
    return k_n, c_n
Exemple #5
    def encrypt_message(self, message: bytes, magic: bytes = b'BIE1'):
        ECIES encryption/decryption methods; AES-128-CBC with PKCS7 is used as the cipher; hmac-sha256 is used as the mac

        randint = ecdsa.util.randrange(CURVE_ORDER)
        ephemeral_exponent = number_to_string(randint, CURVE_ORDER)
        ephemeral = ECPrivkey(ephemeral_exponent)
        ecdh_key = (self * ephemeral.secret_scalar).get_public_key_bytes(
        key = hashlib.sha512(ecdh_key).digest()
        iv, key_e, key_m = key[0:16], key[16:32], key[32:]
        ciphertext = aes_encrypt_with_iv(key_e, iv, message)
        ephemeral_pubkey = ephemeral.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
        encrypted = magic + ephemeral_pubkey + ciphertext
        mac = hmac_oneshot(key_m, encrypted, hashlib.sha256)

        return base64.b64encode(encrypted + mac)
def is_new_seed(x: str, prefix=version.SEED_PREFIX) -> bool:
    x = normalize_text(x)
    s = bh2u(hmac_oneshot(b"Seed version", x.encode('utf8'), hashlib.sha512))
    return s.startswith(prefix)
Exemple #7
def get_secret_from_seed(seed):
    bip32_seed = mn.Mnemonic.mnemonic_to_seed(seed, '')
    I = crypto.hmac_oneshot(b"Harmony seed", bip32_seed, hashlib.sha512)
    master_k = I[0:32]
    secret = string_to_number(master_k)
    return secret
Exemple #8
        return bh2u(bytes([opcodes.OP_0]))
    elif data_len == 1 and data[0] <= 16:
        return bh2u(bytes([opcodes.OP_1 - 1 + data[0]]))
    elif data_len == 1 and data[0] == 0x81:
        return bh2u(bytes([opcodes.OP_1NEGATE]))

    return op_push(data_len) + bh2u(data)

def add_number_to_script(i: int) -> bytes:
    return bfh(push_script(script_num_to_hex(i)))

hash_encode = lambda x: bh2u(x[::-1])
hash_decode = lambda x: bfh(x)[::-1]
hmac_sha_512 = lambda x, y: hmac_oneshot(x, y, hashlib.sha512)

def is_new_seed(x, prefix=version.SEED_PREFIX):
    from . import mnemonic
    x = mnemonic.normalize_text(x)
    s = bh2u(hmac_sha_512(b"Seed version", x.encode('utf8')))
    return s.startswith(prefix)

def is_old_seed(seed):
    from . import old_mnemonic, mnemonic
    seed = mnemonic.normalize_text(seed)
    words = seed.split()
        # checks here are deliberately left weak for legacy reasons, see #3149