def getIssuerState(sessionid, db):
    """ This function is called by ACLValidation2 to get
		the issuer state.
		Whenever it is used, it is marked as used.
    (conn, cur) = db
    returnStatus = 0
    issuer_state = None
        param = (str(sessionid), )

        # in case we are using two coins, the first one will pass this
        # and at the end of this function it will be set to 1.
        # then the next coin will see this and will attach "coin2"
        # at the end to access the second's coin data.
        # This is in line with how saving is done.
        # see @ ### ACL Validation 1 ###.
        # If this doesn't happen then there is a bug
            """SELECT * FROM issuer_state WHERE session_id=(?) AND used=1""",
        numRes = len(cur.fetchall())
        if numRes > 0:
            param = (sessionid + "coin2", )

            """SELECT u_packed,r1p_packed,r2p_packed,cp_packed FROM issuer_state WHERE session_id=(?) """,

        issuer_state = acl.StateHolder()
        # TODO check query returns only one thing
        for r in cur.fetchall():
            (u, ) = crypto.unmarshall(r[0])
            (r1p, ) = crypto.unmarshall(r[1])
            (r2p, ) = crypto.unmarshall(r[2])
            (cp, ) = crypto.unmarshall(r[3])

            issuer_state.u = u
            issuer_state.r1p = r1p
            issuer_state.r2p = r2p
            issuer_state.cp = cp

        cur.execute("""UPDATE issuer_state SET used=1 WHERE session_id=(?)""",
        returnStatus = -1

    if returnStatus == -1:
        return -1
        return issuer_state
Exemple #2
    def loadAC(id):

        coinTemp = dbUser.getACById(id)

        denomination = int(coinTemp[0])
        packedData = coinTemp[1]
        data = crypto.unmarshall(packedData)
        (issuer_pub, signature, sig) = data

        secretPacked = coinTemp[2]
        secretData = crypto.unmarshall(secretPacked)

        coin = ACL(denomination, issuer_pub, signature, sig, secretData,
        return coin
Exemple #3
def verifyACL():
    """ Spends a coin """

    # get a coin
    (coin_id, coin) = choose_coin()

    # Get details of the coin in the right format
    (issuer_pub, numAttr, signature, sig) = coin.getACL()
    # pack them
    toPack = [issuer_pub, numAttr, signature, sig]
    encoded = crypto.marshall(toPack)
    # send them
    encoded_rcv = send(None, "verify", encoded)
    # decode response
    m = crypto.unmarshall(encoded_rcv)

    if (m == False):
        print "Sorry, this coin is no longer valid!"
        print "Coin Spent!"

    # TODO: ask for coin deletion. The reason is that if something goes wrong
    # by auto deleting coins then the user might lose coins
    deleteCoin = raw_input("Delete coin " + str(coin_id) + " ?[y/n]")
    if deleteCoin == "y":
    return 0
Exemple #4
def ACLVerify(params, encoded, db, keys, innerCall=False):
    """ Verifies a coin. Returns False if verification failed,
	    a value otherwise. """

    (issuer_pub, numOfAttributes, signature, sig) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded)

    m = acl.BL_verify_cred(params, issuer_pub, numOfAttributes,
                           signature, sig, db, keys)

    if m == False:
        return False
        encoded = crypto.marshall([m])
        return encoded
Exemple #5
def ACLValidation2(params, sessionid, encoded, db, keys):
    # 50 for GID=713, 55 for GID=714, 75 for GID=715, 100 for GID=716
    length = 50
    if settings.SERVER_GID == 713:
        length = 50
    elif settings.SERVER_GID == 714:
        length = 55
    elif settings.SERVER_GID == 715:
        length = 75
    elif settings.SERVER_GID == 716:
        length = 100

    # This check basically distinguishes if the sender sends 2 things or one
    # i.e. if we are in a splitACL phase or not
    if len(encoded) < length:
        (msg_to_issuer,) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded)

        issuer_state = database.getIssuerState(sessionid, db)
        msg_to_user = acl.BL_issuer_validation_2(params, issuer_state,
                                                 msg_to_issuer, keys)

        encoded = crypto.marshall([msg_to_user])
        return encoded

    else:  # splitACL
        (msg_to_issuer_p, msg_to_issuer_pp) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded)

        issuer_state_p = database.getIssuerState(sessionid, db)
        msg_to_user_p = acl.BL_issuer_validation_2(params, issuer_state_p,
                                                   msg_to_issuer_p, keys)

        issuer_state_pp = database.getIssuerState(sessionid, db)
        msg_to_user_pp = acl.BL_issuer_validation_2(params, issuer_state_pp,
                                                    msg_to_issuer_pp, keys)

        encoded = crypto.marshall([msg_to_user_p, msg_to_user_pp])
        return encoded
Exemple #6
def ACLCombine(params, sessionid, encoded, db, keys):
    (public, proof) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded)

    # Verify that indeed the new commitment
    # is the sum of the 2 given
    if crypto.verifyCombineCoin(params, public, proof) == False:
        return "Proof of combineACL failed."

    ## check that is not the same coin sent two times
    # Prepare the arguments
    verifyParams1 = [public["issuer_pub_c1"], public["numAttr_c1"],
                     public["signature_c1"], public["sig_c1"]]
    verifyParams2 = [public["issuer_pub_c2"], public["numAttr_c2"],
                     public["signature_c2"], public["sig_c2"]]

    if public["signature_c1"] == public["signature_c2"] or \
                    public["sig_c1"] == public["sig_c2"]:
        return "Are you using the same coin?"

    verifyParams1Encoded = crypto.marshall(verifyParams1)
    verifyParams2Encoded = crypto.marshall(verifyParams2)

    # check double spending
    if ACLVerify(params, verifyParams1Encoded, db, keys,
                 innerCall=True) == False or \
                    ACLVerify(params, verifyParams2Encoded, db, keys,
                              innerCall=True) == False:
        return "ACL verification failed due to double spending."

    # save session
    if _saveSessionid(sessionid, db) == -1:
        return -1

    userCom = public["C"]
    issuer_pub = keys[1]  # acl.BL_issuer_keys()

    ### ACL Preparation ###
    aclPrep = _ACLPreparation(params, sessionid, userCom)
    if aclPrep == -1:
        return -1
    (rnd, z1, z2) = aclPrep

    ### ACL Validation 1 ###
    (a, a1p, a2p) = _ACLValidation1(params, sessionid, z1, z2, db)

    ### Prepare to return ###
    ret = [rnd, a, a1p, a2p, issuer_pub]
    retEncoded = crypto.marshall(ret)
    return retEncoded
Exemple #7
def deposit(testing=False):
    """ Mints an ACL """

    if testing == False:
        amount = raw_input("Enter the amount to make a coin:")
        amount = int(amount)
        timeSent = time.time()
        amount = 10

    # get session. Session lasts for a minute
    session = getSession()

    ### ACL registration ###

    # setup user locally
    user_state = acl.BL_user_setup([amount])
    user_commit = user_state.C

    # pack
    encoded = crypto.marshall([user_commit])

    # send
    debug_print("len deposit registration = " + str(len(encoded)))
    encoded_rsp = send(session, "deposit", encoded)
    debug_print("len prep-val1 (server to client) = " + str(len(encoded_rsp)))
    if encoded_rsp == "-1":
        raise ValueError, "Something went wrong in the service."
    debug_print("deposit received = " + encoded_rsp)
    decoded_rsp = crypto.unmarshall(encoded_rsp)
    (rnd, a, a1p, a2p, issuer_pub) = decoded_rsp
    coin_stuff = (rnd, a, a1p, a2p)

    # if the code reaches here, then we can do the ACL protocol
    coin = ACL_protocol(amount, issuer_pub, user_state, session, coin_stuff)
    if coin == -1:
        raise ValueError, "Something went wrong while executing the ACL protocol"

    coin_, amount, alias = coin
    if settings.TESTING_MODE == False:
        timeDiff = time.time() - timeSent
        print "Time diff = ", timeDiff
        print "Successfully minted a coin"
        print "Coin %s of value: %d" % (alias, amount)

    return coin_
Exemple #8
def ACL_protocol(amount, issuer_pub, user_state, session, coin_stuff):
    """ Runs the ACL protocol and creates a credential """
    (rnd, a, a1p, a2p) = coin_stuff

    ### ACL Preparation ###
    acl.BL_user_preparation(user_state, rnd)

    ### ACL Validation 1 ###
    # make epsilon
    msg_to_issuer = acl.BL_user_validation(user_state, issuer_pub,
                                           (a, a1p, a2p))

    ### ACL Validation 2 ###
    encoded = crypto.marshall([msg_to_issuer])
    debug_print("len prep-validation1 (client to server)= " +
    encoded_rcv = send(session, "validation2", encoded)
    debug_print("len validation2 (servet to client) = " +
    debug_print("ACL_protocol response=" + encoded_rcv)
    (msg_from_issuer, ) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded_rcv)

    ### Signatures ###
    signature = acl.BL_user_validation2(user_state, msg_from_issuer)

    sig = acl.BL_user_prove_cred(user_state)

    ### Create Coin ###
    # TODO change to raw_input
    alias = "time coin"  # raw_input("Name/notes for this coin:")

    R = user_state.R
    gamma = user_state.gam
    rnd = user_state.rnd
    secret_data = (gamma, rnd, R)

    # Create coin and automatically save it
    coin = modWallet.ACL(amount, issuer_pub, signature, sig, secret_data,
                         alias, True)

    return coin, amount, alias
Exemple #9
def ACLDeposit(params, sessionid, encoded, db, keys):
    (userCom,) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded)

    # since the user has gotten thus far and has began registration
    # add the session id in the database
    if _saveSessionid(sessionid, db) == -1:
        return -1

    issuer_pub = keys[1]  # acl.BL_issuer_keys()

    ### ACL Preparation ###
    aclPrep = _ACLPreparation(params, sessionid, userCom)
    if aclPrep == -1:
        return -1
    (rnd, z1, z2) = aclPrep

    ### ACL Validation 1 ###
    (a, a1p, a2p) = _ACLValidation1(params, sessionid, z1, z2, db)

    ### Prepare to return ###
    ret = [rnd, a, a1p, a2p, issuer_pub]
    retEncoded = crypto.marshall(ret)
    return retEncoded
Exemple #10
def _loadKeys(_keys=settings.SERVER_KEYS):
    #f = open(filename, 'r')
    #_keys =
    keys = crypto.unmarshall(_keys)
    return keys
Exemple #11
def combineACL(coin1, coin2):
    """ The user combines 2 ACLs to create a new one whose balance will be the
    sum of the 2. """

    timeSent = time.time()

    ## Get coin denomination, zeta1, gamma, R, and rnd for each coin
    # For coin 1:
    coin1Data = {}
    coin1Data["denomination"] = coin1.getDenomination()
    coin1Data["zeta1"] = coin1.getZeta1()
    (gamma, rnd, R) = coin1.getSecretData()
    coin1Data["gamma"] = gamma
    coin1Data["rnd"] = rnd
    coin1Data["R"] = R
    # For coin 2:
    coin2Data = {}
    coin2Data["denomination"] = coin2.getDenomination()
    coin2Data["zeta1"] = coin2.getZeta1()
    (gamma, rnd, R) = coin2.getSecretData()
    coin2Data["gamma"] = gamma
    coin2Data["rnd"] = rnd
    coin2Data["R"] = R

    ## Calculate h0^gamma, h1^gamma, g^gamma
    (_, o, g, _, _, hs) = pparams
    h0 = hs[0]
    h1 = hs[1]
    # for coin 1
    coin1Data["h0gamma"] = coin1Data["gamma"] * h0
    coin1Data["h1gamma"] = coin1Data["gamma"] * h1
    coin1Data["ggamma"] = coin1Data["gamma"] * g
    # for coin 2
    coin2Data["h0gamma"] = coin2Data["gamma"] * h0
    coin2Data["h1gamma"] = coin2Data["gamma"] * h1
    coin2Data["ggamma"] = coin2Data["gamma"] * g

    assert coin1Data["zeta1"] == (
        coin1Data["R"] * coin1Data["h0gamma"] +
        coin1Data["denomination"] * coin1Data["h1gamma"] +
        coin1Data["rnd"] * coin1Data["ggamma"])

    assert coin2Data["zeta1"] == (
        coin2Data["R"] * coin2Data["h0gamma"] +
        coin2Data["denomination"] * coin2Data["h1gamma"] +
        coin2Data["rnd"] * coin2Data["ggamma"])

    Rpp = o.random()
    C = Rpp * h0 + coin1Data["denomination"] * h1 + coin2Data[
        "denomination"] * h1

    ## Set Public values
    nizkPublic = {}
    # coin 1 public
    nizkPublic["zeta1_c1"] = coin1Data["zeta1"]
    nizkPublic["h0gamma_c1"] = coin1Data["h0gamma"]
    nizkPublic["h1gamma_c1"] = coin1Data["h1gamma"]
    nizkPublic["ggamma_c1"] = coin1Data["ggamma"]
    # coin 2 public
    nizkPublic["zeta1_c2"] = coin2Data["zeta1"]
    nizkPublic["h0gamma_c2"] = coin2Data["h0gamma"]
    nizkPublic["h1gamma_c2"] = coin2Data["h1gamma"]
    nizkPublic["ggamma_c2"] = coin2Data["ggamma"]
    # add Commitment
    nizkPublic["C"] = C
    # nizkPublic["h0"] = h0
    # nizkPublic["h1"] = h1

    ## Set Secret values
    nizkSecret = {}
    # coin 1 secrets
    nizkSecret["R_c1"] = coin1Data["R"]
    nizkSecret["gamma_c1"] = coin1Data["gamma"]
    nizkSecret["x_c1"] = coin1Data["denomination"]
    nizkSecret["rnd_c1"] = coin1Data["rnd"]
    # coin 2 secrets
    nizkSecret["R_c2"] = coin2Data["R"]
    nizkSecret["gamma_c2"] = coin2Data["gamma"]
    nizkSecret["y_c2"] = coin2Data["denomination"]
    nizkSecret["rnd_c2"] = coin2Data["rnd"]
    # add commitment's R
    nizkSecret["Rpp"] = Rpp

    t0 = time.time()
    proof = crypto.proveCombineCoin(pparams, nizkPublic, nizkSecret)
    # assert crypto.verifyCombineCoin(nizkPublic, proof)
    t1 = time.time() - t0
    global proofTime
    proofTime += t1

    (issuer_pub, numAttr, signature, sig) = coin1.getACL()
    nizkPublic["issuer_pub_c1"] = issuer_pub
    nizkPublic["numAttr_c1"] = numAttr
    nizkPublic["signature_c1"] = signature
    nizkPublic["sig_c1"] = sig

    (issuer_pub, numAttr, signature, sig) = coin2.getACL()
    nizkPublic["issuer_pub_c2"] = issuer_pub
    nizkPublic["numAttr_c2"] = numAttr
    nizkPublic["signature_c2"] = signature
    nizkPublic["sig_c2"] = sig

    ### ACL Registration ###
    newDenomination = coin1Data["denomination"] + coin2Data["denomination"]
    user_state = acl.StateHolder()
    user_state.C = C
    user_state.attributes = [newDenomination]
    user_state.R = Rpp

    ### ACLCombine ###
    session = getSession()
    # send public stuff to the service
    encoded = crypto.marshall([nizkPublic, proof])
    debug_print("len combine registration = " + str(len(encoded)))
    encoded_rcv = send(session, "combine", encoded)
    debug_print("len prep-val1 (Server to client) = " + str(len(encoded_rcv)))
    if encoded_rcv == "-1":
        raise ValueError, "An error occurred. The service could not combine the two coins"

    # decode response
    debug_print("combine ACL response = " + encoded_rcv)
    decoded_rcv = crypto.unmarshall(encoded_rcv)
    (rnd, a, a1p, a2p, issuer_pub) = decoded_rcv
    coin_stuff = (rnd, a, a1p, a2p)

    coin = ACL_protocol(newDenomination, issuer_pub, user_state, session,
    coin_, _, _ = coin
    return coin_
Exemple #12
def splitACL(coin, split1, split2):
    """ The user chooses an ACL to split by some amount, and if everything
	goes well, gets 2 coins of splitted value. """
    (_, o, _, _, _, _) = pparams

    # Get coin denomination, zeta1, gamma, R, and rnd
    denomination, zeta1, secret_data = _getCoinData(coin)

    # calculate h0^gamma, h1^gamma, g^gamma
    (gamma, rnd, R) = secret_data
    (h0gamma, h1gamma, ggamma) = _getToTheGamma(gamma)

    assert zeta1 == (R * h0gamma + denomination * h1gamma + rnd * ggamma)

    t0 = time.time()
    proofs1 = crypto.proveCommitmentAndPositivity(pparams, split1)
    (Cp, Rp, proofCp, ComListp, proofListp) = proofs1
    proofp = (proofCp, ComListp, proofListp)

    proofs2 = crypto.proveCommitmentAndPositivity(pparams, split2)
    (Cpp, Rpp, proofCpp, ComListpp, proofListpp) = proofs2
    proofpp = (proofCpp, ComListpp, proofListpp)

    # Create proof that the two new commitment value adds up to the previous.
    # i.e. split1+split2 = denomination
    proof = crypto.proveSplitCoin(pparams, h0gamma, h1gamma, ggamma, R, gamma,
                                  Rp, split1, Rpp, split2, rnd, zeta1, Cp, Cpp)
    t1 = time.time() - t0
    global proofTime
    proofTime += t1

    ### ACL Registration ###
    # Prepate ACL Registration for coin1
    user_state_p = acl.StateHolder()
    user_state_p.C = Cp
    user_state_p.attributes = [split1]
    user_state_p.R = Rp
    # Prepare ACL Registration for coin2
    user_state_pp = acl.StateHolder()
    user_state_pp.C = Cpp
    user_state_pp.attributes = [split2]
    user_state_pp.R = Rpp

    ### ACL Preparation - ACL Validation 1 ###
    # pack
    toPack = [
        h0gamma, h1gamma, ggamma, zeta1, Cp, Cpp, proof, proofp, proofpp,
    encoded = crypto.marshall(toPack)
    debug_print("len splitACL registration = " + str(len(encoded)))
    # get Session. Session lasts for a minute
    session = getSession()
    encoded_response = send(session, "split", encoded)
    debug_print("len prep-val1 (server to client) = " +
    if encoded_response == "-1":
        print "splitACL didn't work"
        return -1

    # decode response
    # In this case a response is 3 things:
    # rnd, a, a1p, a2p for coin1
    # rnd, a, a1p, a2p for coin2
    # issuer_pub
    decoded_rcv = crypto.unmarshall(encoded_response)
    coin1_stuff = decoded_rcv[0]
    coin2_stuff = decoded_rcv[1]
    issuer_pub = decoded_rcv[2]

    ### ACL Validation 2 - Coin Creation ###
    (rnd_p, a_p, a1p_p, a2p_p) = coin1_stuff
    acl.BL_user_preparation(user_state_p, rnd_p)

    (rnd_pp, a_pp, a1p_pp, a2p_pp) = coin2_stuff
    acl.BL_user_preparation(user_state_pp, rnd_pp)

    ### ACL Validation 1 ###
    # make epsilon
    msg_to_issuer_p = acl.BL_user_validation(user_state_p, issuer_pub,
                                             (a_p, a1p_p, a2p_p))
    msg_to_issuer_pp = acl.BL_user_validation(user_state_pp, issuer_pub,
                                              (a_pp, a1p_pp, a2p_pp))

    ### ACL Validation 2 ###
    encoded = crypto.marshall([msg_to_issuer_p, msg_to_issuer_pp])  # pack
    debug_print("len prep - val1. (client to server) = " + str(len(encoded)))
    encoded_response = send(session, "validation2", encoded)
    debug_print("len validation2 =" + str(len(encoded_response)))
    # decode response
     msg_from_issuer_pp) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded_response)

    ### Signatures ###
    signature_p = acl.BL_user_validation2(user_state_p, msg_from_issuer_p)
    sig_p = acl.BL_user_prove_cred(user_state_p)

    signature_pp = acl.BL_user_validation2(user_state_pp, msg_from_issuer_pp)
    sig_pp = acl.BL_user_prove_cred(user_state_pp)

    ### Create Coin ###
    # TODO change to raw_input
    alias = "time coin"  # raw_input("Name/notes for this coin:")

    R_p = user_state_p.R
    gamma_p = user_state_p.gam
    rnd_p = user_state_p.rnd
    secret_data_p = (gamma_p, rnd_p, R_p)

    R_pp = user_state_pp.R
    gamma_pp = user_state_pp.gam
    rnd_pp = user_state_pp.rnd
    secret_data_pp = (gamma_pp, rnd_pp, R_pp)

    # Create coin and automatically save it
    coin1 = modWallet.ACL(split1, issuer_pub, signature_p, sig_p,
                          secret_data_p, alias, True)

    coin2 = modWallet.ACL(split2, issuer_pub, signature_pp, sig_pp,
                          secret_data_pp, alias, True)

    return coin1, coin2
Exemple #13
def ACLSpend(params, encoded):
    (h0gamma, h1gamma, ggamma, zeta1, proof, coin) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded)
    publicParams = (h0gamma, h1gamma, ggamma, zeta1)
    if crypto.verifySpend(params, publicParams, proof) == False:
        return "Couldn't verify coin spend"
    return "coin spend verified!"
Exemple #14
def ACLSplit(params, sessionid, encoded, db, keys):
	When a user wants to split two coins, he must call this function.
	It takes as input: h0^gamma, h1^gamma, g^gamma, zeta1, Cp, Cpp, proof, coin
	-zeta1 is the blinded coin the user has obtained from the service in the past
	-Cp, Cpp are the 2 commitments that will be used to register.
    	-proof is a NIZK which proves that what is hidden in the commitments adds up 
	 to the values within zeta1
	-coin is the coin the user will split. This coin must be verified
    (h0gamma, h1gamma, ggamma, zeta1, Cp, Cpp,
     proof, proofp, proofpp, coin) = crypto.unmarshall(encoded)

    (issuer_pub, numAttr, signature, sig) = coin

    # verify positivity
    if crypto.verifyCommitmentAndPositivity(params, Cp, proofp) == False:
        return "Couldn't verify the Cp commitment"

    if crypto.verifyCommitmentAndPositivity(params, Cpp, proofpp) == False:
        return "Couldn't verify the Cpp commitment"

    # Verify the split coin proof
    verifyParams = (h0gamma, h1gamma, ggamma, zeta1, Cp, Cpp, proof)
    if crypto.verifySplitCoin(params, verifyParams) == False:
        return "Couldn't verify proof of SplitCoin"

    # Verify that there is no double spending and invalidate the coin
    # so it can't be further used
    toPack = [issuer_pub, numAttr, signature, sig]
    encoded_coin = crypto.marshall(toPack)
    if ACLVerify(params, encoded_coin, db, keys, innerCall=True) == False:
        return "ACL verification failed due to double spending."

    # If the code reaches here, the service must create
    # what is needed by the user to create two coins

    # save sessionid
    if _saveSessionid(sessionid, db) == -1:
        return -1
    if _saveSessionid("".join([sessionid, "coin2"]), db) == -1:
        return -1

    issuer_pub = keys[1]  # acl.BL_issuer_keys()

    ### ACL Preparation ###
    # rndp and rndpp are to be sent to the user
    # z1, z2 are private, not to be sent
    rnd_p, z1_p, z2_p = _ACLPreparation(params, sessionid, Cp)
    rnd_pp, z1_pp, z2_pp = _ACLPreparation(params, sessionid, Cpp)
    if rnd_p == -1 or rnd_pp == -1:
        return -1

    ### ACL Validation 1 ###
    (a_p, a1p_p, a2p_p) = _ACLValidation1(params, sessionid, z1_p, z2_p, db)
    sessionid = "".join([sessionid, "coin2"])
    (a_pp, a1p_pp, a2p_pp) = _ACLValidation1(params, sessionid, z1_pp, z2_pp,

    ### Prepare to return ###
    ret_p = [rnd_p, a_p, a1p_p, a2p_p]
    ret_pp = [rnd_pp, a_pp, a1p_pp, a2p_pp]
    ret = [ret_p, ret_pp, issuer_pub]
    retEncoded = crypto.marshall(ret)

    return retEncoded