def lcm_multi(numbers):
    Calculate lcm for the list of numbers
    :param numbers: list of numbers
    :return: lcm(a,b,c,d,...)
    return multiply(numbers) / gcd_multi(numbers)
Exemple #2
def get_fi_distinct_primes(primes):
    Get Euler totient for list of pairwise co-prime numbers
    :param primes: list of co-prime numbers
    :return: fi(n) = (p-1)(q-1)...
    return multiply((p - 1) for p in primes)
Exemple #3
def prepare_values():
    prefix = bytes_to_long("X: ")
    factors, _ = factor(prefix)
    base1 = multiply(factors[:len(factors) / 2])
    base2 = multiply(factors[len(factors) / 2:])
    assert base1 * base2 == prefix

    shift = 5
    x = base1 * 256**shift + 0
    y = base2 * 256**shift + 0
    z = base1 * 256**shift + 1
    v = base2 * 256**shift + 1

    A = x * y
    B = z * v
    C = x * v
    D = y * z
    assert (A * B == C * D == x * y * z * v)

    for x in [A, B, C, D]:
        assert (long_to_bytes(x)[:3] == 'X: ')
        assert (len(long_to_bytes(x)) < 16)
    return A, B, C, D
Exemple #4
def factor_worker(data):
    flag, i, primes = data
    factors, residue = factor_p(flag, primes)
    print('factors', i, factors)
    for potential_exp in subsets(factors):
        if len(potential_exp) == 0:
        exp = multiply(potential_exp)
        bits = recover_bits(flag, exp)
        if bits is not None:
            data = int("".join(map(str, bits[::-1])), 2)
            data = long_to_bytes(data)
            if "IHDR" in data and "PNG" in data:
                print("FOUND!", i, flag, data)
                save_png(data, i, exp)
                return data
Exemple #5
def solve_crt(residue_and_moduli):
    Solve CRT for given modular residues and modulus values, eg:
    x = 1 mod 3
    x = 2 mod 4
    x = 3 mod 5
    x = 58
    residue_and_moduli = [(1,3), (2,4), (3,5)]
    :param residue_and_moduli: list of pairs with (modular residue mod n, n)
    :return: x
    residues, moduli = zip(*residue_and_moduli)
    N = multiply(moduli)
    Nxs = [N // n for n in moduli]
    ds = [modinv(N // n, n) for n in moduli]
    mults = [r * Nx * d for r, Nx, d in zip(residues, Nxs, ds)]
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, mults) % N
Exemple #6
def modular_sqrt_composite(c, factors):
    Calculates modular square root of composite value for given all modulus factors
    For a = b^2 mod p*q*r*m... calculates b
    :param c: residue
    :param factors: list of modulus prime factors
    :return: all potential root values
    n = multiply(factors)
    roots = [[(modular_sqrt(c, x), x), (x - modular_sqrt(c, x), x)]
             for x in factors]
    solutions = []
    for x in itertools.product(*roots):
        solution = solve_crt(list(x))
        assert solution**2 % n == c
    return solutions
Exemple #7
def paillier_decrypt(c, factors, g):
    Decrypt data using Paillier Cryptosystem
    Actually it's the same as Damgard Jurik with s=1
    :param c: ciphertext
    :param factors: prime factors
    :param g: random public integer g
    :return: decrypted data as long

    def L(u, n):
        return int((u - 1) // n)

    lbd = lcm_multi([p - 1 for p in factors])
    n = multiply(factors)
    x = L(pow(g, lbd, n * n), n)
    mi = int(modinv(x, n))
    m = L(pow(c, lbd, n * n), n) * pow(mi, 1, n)
    return m % n
def combine_signatures(signatures, N):
    return multiply(signatures) % N