#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet as frt

key="" #Add key
token="" #Add toke

print('key: {0}, type: {1}'.format(key, type(key)))
print('token: {0}, type: {1}'.format(token, type(token)))

output = f.decrypt(bytes(token, 'utf-8'))
output_decoded = output.decode('utf-8')
print ('decrypted: {0}'.format(output_decoded))
Exemple #2
def decode(request, s):
    f = frt(request.session['key'].encode('utf-8'))
    token = f.decrypt(s.encode('utf-8'))
    # print(token.decode('utf-8'))
    return token.decode('utf-8')
Exemple #3
def decode(request, s):
    f = frt(request.session['key'].encode('utf-8'))
    token = f.decrypt(s.encode('utf-8'))
    # print(token.decode('utf-8'))
    return token.decode('utf-8')

# def compute(request,count):
#     i=datetime.strptime('2020413', '%Y%m%d')
#     # print(str(i.date()))
#     j=0
#     obj=[]
#     temp_label=[]
#     temp_obj=[]
#     label=[]
#     temp_status=[]
#     status=[]
#     c=1
#     today=datetime.now()
#     threshold=today-timedelta(days=8)
#     today=today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
#     # today=datetime.strptime('2020505', '%Y%m%d')
#     # print(today)
#     # if str(i.date()) == str(today):
#     #     print("yes")
#     # else:
#     #     print("no")

#     # print(i)
#     # print(type(i.date()))
#     # print(today)
#     # print(str(i.date()))
#     flag=0
#     days=["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]
#     # print(type(i.date()))
#     # print(type(threshold.date()))
#     # p=i.date()<threshold.date()
#     # print(p)
#     while str(i.date()) != today:

#             temp_obj.append(count[i.date()])
#             if count[i] == None:
#                 temp_obj.append(0)
#             temp_label.append(days[i.date().weekday()])

#             # print(label[j],"   ",obj[j])

#             c=c+1
#             i=i+timedelta(days=1)

#             if c % 8 == 0 and i.date() <= threshold.date():
#                 obj.append(temp_obj)
#                 label.append(temp_label)
#                 # status.append(temp_status)
#                 temp_obj=[]
#                 temp_label=[]
#                 # temp_status=[]
#                 c=1

#                 continue

#             elif i.date() > threshold.date() and temp_label != None:
#                 # print("here")
#                 flag=1
#                 if c % 8 == 0 :
#                     obj.append(temp_obj)
#                     label.append(temp_label)
#                     # status.append(temp_status)
#                     temp_obj=[]
#                     temp_label=[]
#                     # temp_status=[]
#                     c=1
#                 continue
#     if flag==1:
#         # print("here23")
#         obj.append(temp_obj)
#         label.append(temp_label)
#         # status.append(temp_status)
#         temp_obj=[]
#         temp_label=[]

#                 # temp_status=[]

#     print('labels:',label)
#     print('data:',obj)
#     # print('status:',status)
#     return [label,obj]