def test_gmac2():
    encryption_key = bytes.fromhex("000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F")
    authentication_key = bytes.fromhex("D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDF")
    security_control = SecurityControlField(
        security_suite=0, authenticated=True, encrypted=False
    client_invocation_counter = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("00000001"), "big")
    client_system_title = bytes.fromhex("4D4D4D0000000001")
    # server_system_title = bytes.fromhex("4D4D4D0000BC614E")
    # server_invocation_counter = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("01234567"), "big")
    # client_to_server_challenge = bytes.fromhex("4B35366956616759")
    server_to_client_challenge = bytes.fromhex("503677524A323146")

    iv = client_system_title + client_invocation_counter.to_bytes(4, "big")

    assert iv == bytes.fromhex("4D4D4D000000000100000001")

    # Construct an AES-GCM Cipher object with the given key and iv
    encryptor = Cipher(
        modes.GCM(initialization_vector=iv, tag=None, min_tag_length=12),

    # associated_data will be authenticated but not encrypted,
    # it must also be passed in on decryption.
    associated_data = (
        security_control.to_bytes() + authentication_key + server_to_client_challenge

    assert associated_data == bytes.fromhex(

    # Encrypt the plaintext and get the associated ciphertext.
    # GCM does not require padding.
    ciphertext = encryptor.update(b"") + encryptor.finalize()

    # dlms uses a tag lenght of 12 not the default of 16. Since we have set the minimum
    # tag length to 12 it is ok to truncated the tag.
    tag = encryptor.tag[:12]

    assert ciphertext == b""
    result = ciphertext + tag

    assert result == bytes.fromhex("1A52FE7DD3E72748973C1E28")