def exc_daily_cleaning(exc_list, day_to_clean): previous_day = int(day_to_clean) - DAY_IN_SEC # download from MongoDB the exc raw data of yesterday q_dict: Dict[str, str] = {} q_dict = {"Time": str(day_to_clean + DAY_IN_SEC)} daily_mat = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_raw"), q_dict) # fixing the "pair volume" information in the daily df daily_mat_vol_fix = daily_exc_pair_vol_fix(daily_mat, exc_list) # creating different df based on the hour of download (daily_mat_00, daily_mat_12, _, _) = exc_time_split(daily_mat_vol_fix) # transpose the Time information by 86400 seconds (1 day) ###### str o int??? daily_mat_00["Time"] = [str(int(element) - DAY_IN_SEC) for element in daily_mat_00["Time"]] daily_mat_12["Time"] = [str(int(element) - DAY_IN_SEC) for element in daily_mat_12["Time"]] # completing the daily matrix with dead crypto-fiat pair daily_mat_complete = exc_daily_key_mngm( daily_mat_00, daily_mat_12, day_to_clean) # downloading from MongoDB the matrix referring to the previuos day q_dict_bfr: Dict[str, int] = {} q_dict_bfr = {"Time": int(previous_day)} day_bfr_mat = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_clean"), q_dict_bfr) fixed_daily_mat = exc_daily_fix_op(day_bfr_mat, daily_mat_complete) return fixed_daily_mat
def daily_conv_op(day_to_conv_TS, conversion_fiat=CONVERSION_FIAT, stable=STABLE_COIN, series="CW"): # querying the data from mongo query_data = {"Time": int(day_to_conv_TS)} query_rate = {"Date": str(day_to_conv_TS)} query_stable = {"Time": int(day_to_conv_TS)} # querying the data from mongo matrix_rate = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_ecb_clean"), query_rate) if series == "CW": matrix_data = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_clean"), query_data) elif series == "EXC": matrix_data = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_clean"), query_data) matrix_rate_stable = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_stable_rate"), query_stable) # converting the "matrix_rate" df converted_df = conv_into_usd( DB_NAME, matrix_data, matrix_rate, matrix_rate_stable, conversion_fiat, stable) return converted_df
def cw_hist_conv_op(cleaned_df, conv_fiat=CONVERSION_FIAT, stable=STABLE_COIN): matrix_rate = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_ecb_clean")) matrix_rate_stable = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_stable_rate")) # converting the "matrix_rate" df converted_df = conv_into_usd(DB_NAME, cleaned_df, matrix_rate, matrix_rate_stable, conv_fiat, stable) return converted_df
def daily_check_mongo(coll_to_check, query, day_to_check=None, coll_kind=None): day_before_TS, _ = days_variable(day_to_check) if coll_kind is None: query["Time"] = int(day_before_TS) elif coll_kind == "ecb_raw": query["TIME_PERIOD"] = str(day_before_TS) elif coll_kind == "ecb_clean": query["Date"] = str(day_before_TS) # retrieving the wanted data on MongoDB collection matrix = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_to_check), query) if isinstance(matrix, list): res = False else: res = True return bool(res)
def index_hist_total(coll_to_use="coll_data_feed", crypto_asset=CRYPTO_ASSET, exc_list=EXCHANGES, pair_list=PAIR_ARRAY): # drop the pre-existing collections mongo_coll_drop("index_hist") # define the mongo indexing mongo_indexing() data_df = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_to_use)) (crypto_asset_price_arr, crypto_asset_vol_arr, exc_vol_tot, logic_matrix_one) = index_hist_loop(data_df, crypto_asset, exc_list, pair_list) print(crypto_asset_vol_arr) (crypto_asset_price, crypto_asset_vol, price_ret, weights_for_board, first_logic_matrix_df, second_logic_matrix_df, ewma_df, double_checked_EWMA, syntethic, syntethic_relative_matrix, divisor_array, reshaped_divisor, index_values, index_1000_base) = index_hist_op(crypto_asset_price_arr, crypto_asset_vol_arr, logic_matrix_one) index_hist_uploader(crypto_asset_price, crypto_asset_vol, exc_vol_tot, price_ret, weights_for_board, first_logic_matrix_df, second_logic_matrix_df, ewma_df, double_checked_EWMA, syntethic, syntethic_relative_matrix, divisor_array, reshaped_divisor, index_values, index_1000_base)
def cw_hist_cleaning(vol_fixed_df, start_date, crypto_list=CRYPTO_ASSET, exc_list=EXCHANGES): tot_date_arr = date_gen(start_date) cleaned_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=CLEAN_DATA_HEAD) for crypto in crypto_list: pair_arr = crypto_fiat_pair_gen(crypto) for exchange in exc_list: ex_matrix = vol_fixed_df.loc[vol_fixed_df["Exchange"] == exchange] for cp in pair_arr: crypto = cp[:3] cp_matrix = ex_matrix.loc[ex_matrix["Pair"] == cp] cp_matrix = cp_matrix.drop(columns=["Exchange", "Pair"]) # checking if the matrix is not empty if cp_matrix.shape[0] > 1: # check if the historical series start at the same date as # the start date if not fill the dataframe with zero values cp_matrix = homogenize_series(cp_matrix, tot_date_arr) # check if the series stopped at certain point in # the past, if yes fill with zero cp_matrix = homogenize_dead_series(cp_matrix, tot_date_arr) # checking if the matrix has missing data and if ever fixing it if cp_matrix.shape[0] != tot_date_arr.size: print("fixing") cp_matrix = CW_series_fix_missing( cp_matrix, exchange, cp, tot_date_arr, DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_vol_chk"), ) # turn Time columns into string [str(date) for date in cp_matrix["Time"]] # add exchange and currency_pair column cp_matrix["Exchange"] = exchange cp_matrix["Pair"] = cp reordered = df_reorder(cp_matrix, column_set="conversion") cleaned_df = cleaned_df.append(reordered) return cleaned_df
def hist_data_feed_op(): # define the array containing the date where the index uses CW feed data CW_date_arr = date_gen(START_DATE, EXC_START_DATE) CW_date_str = [str(date) for date in CW_date_arr] # drop the pre-existing collection (if there is one) mongo_coll_drop("index_feed") # downloading the EXC series from MongoDB EXC_series = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_final")) EXC_series = EXC_series[ ["Time", "Close Price", "Crypto Volume", "Pair Volume", "Exchange", "Pair"]] # downloading the CW series from MongoDB and selecting only the date # from 2016-01-01 to 2020-04-17 CW_series = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_final")) CW_series["Time"] = [str(x) for x in CW_series["Time"]] print("CW") print(CW_series) CW_sub_series = CW_series.loc[CW_series.Time.isin(CW_date_str)] print(CW_sub_series) CW_sub_series = CW_sub_series[ ["Time", "Close Price", "Crypto Volume", "Pair Volume", "Exchange", "Pair"]] CW_sub_series["Time"] = [int(x) for x in CW_sub_series["Time"]] CW_sub_series.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) print(CW_sub_series) # creting an unique dataframe containing the two different data source data_feed = CW_sub_series.append(EXC_series, sort=True) data_feed.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) data_feed = data_feed[ ["Time", "Close Price", "Crypto Volume", "Pair Volume", "Exchange", "Pair"]] print(data_feed) data_feed = homogeneize_feed(data_feed) print("post hom") print(data_feed) # put the converted data on MongoDB mongo_upload(data_feed, "collection_data_feed") return None
def cw_exc_merging(start_date=START_DATE, exc_start=EXC_START_DATE, db=DB_NAME, coll_cw="coll_cw_final", coll_exc="coll_exc_final"): cw_date_arr = date_gen(start_date, exc_start, EoD="N") exc_series = query_mongo(db, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_exc)) exc_part = df_reorder(exc_series, column_set="conversion") # downloading the CW series from MongoDB and selecting only the date # from 2016-01-01 to 2020-04-17 cw_series = query_mongo(db, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_cw)) cw_part = cw_series.loc[cw_series.Time.isin(cw_date_arr)] cw_part = df_reorder(cw_part, column_set="conversion") # creting an unique dataframe containing the two different data source merged_series = cw_part.append(exc_part, sort=True) merged_series["Time"] = [int(d) for d in merged_series["Time"]] return merged_series
def exc_hist_conv(exc_fix_df): # querying the rates collection from MongoDB matrix_rate = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_ecb_clean")) matrix_rate = matrix_rate.rename({"Date": "Time"}, axis="columns") matrix_rate = matrix_rate.loc[matrix_rate.Time.isin(date_array_str)] # querying the stable rates collection from MongoDB matrix_rate_stable = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_stable_rate")) matrix_rate_stable = matrix_rate_stable.loc[matrix_rate_stable.Time.isin( date_array_str)] converted_data = conv_into_usd(DB_NAME, exc_fix_df, matrix_rate, matrix_rate_stable, CONVERSION_FIAT, STABLE_COIN) converted_data["Time"] = [int(element) for element in converted_data["Time"]] return converted_data
def exc_key_mngmt(exc_clean_df): # downloading from MongoDB the matrix containing the exchange-pair logic values logic_key = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_keys")) # creating the exchange-pair couples key for the daily matrix exc_clean_df["key"] = exc_clean_df["Exchange"] + "&" + exc_clean_df["Pair"] # ## adding the dead series to the daily values # selecting only the exchange-pair couples present in the historical series key_present = logic_key.loc[logic_key.logic_value == 1] key_present = key_present.drop(columns=["logic_value"]) exc_clean_df = exc_clean_df.loc[exc_clean_df.Time != str(today_TS)] # selecting the last day of the EXC "historical" series last_day_with_val = max(exc_clean_df.Time) last_day = exc_clean_df.loc[exc_clean_df.Time == last_day_with_val] # applying a left join between the prresent keys matrix and the last_day # matrix, this operation returns a matrix containing all the keys in # "key_present" and, if some keys are missing in "all_data" put NaN merged = pd.merge(key_present, last_day, on="key", how="left") # selecting only the absent keys merg_absent = merged.loc[merged["Close Price"].isnull()] header = CLEAN_DATA_HEAD header.extend(["key"]) # create the historical series for each selected element for k in merg_absent["key"]: mat_to_add = pd.DataFrame(columns=header) mat_to_add["Time"] = date_array_str split_val = k.split("&") mat_to_add["Exchange"] = split_val[0] mat_to_add["Pair"] = split_val[1] mat_to_add["Close Price"] = 0.0 mat_to_add["Crypto Volume"] = 0.0 mat_to_add["Pair Volume"] = 0.0 exc_clean_df = exc_clean_df.append(mat_to_add) # uploading the cleaned data on MongoDB in the collection EXC_cleandata exc_clean_df = exc_clean_df.drop(columns=["key"]) exc_clean_df["Time"] = [int(element) for element in exc_clean_df["Time"]] # deleting the 17/04/2020 from the df (if presents) exc_complete_df = exc_clean_df.loc[exc_clean_df.Time != 1587081600] return exc_complete_df
def cw_daily_conv_op(day_to_conv_TS): # querying the data from mongo query_data = {"Time": int(day_to_conv_TS)} query_rate = {"Date": str(day_to_conv_TS)} query_stable = {"Time": int(day_to_conv_TS)} # querying the data from mongo matrix_rate = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_ecb_clean"), query_rate) matrix_data = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_clean"), query_data) matrix_rate_stable = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_stable_rate"), query_stable) # converting the "matrix_rate" df converted_df = conv_into_usd(DB_NAME, matrix_data, matrix_rate, matrix_rate_stable, CONVERSION_FIAT, STABLE_COIN) return converted_df
def cw_daily_key_mngm(volume_checked_df, time_to_check, date_tot_str): if isinstance(volume_checked_df, list): volume_checked_tot = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_vol_chk")) last_day_with_val = max(volume_checked_tot.Time) volume_checked_df = volume_checked_tot.loc[volume_checked_tot.Time == last_day_with_val] # downloading from MongoDB the matrix with the daily values and the # matrix containing the exchange-pair logic values logic_key = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_keys")) # creating the exchange-pair couples key for the daily matrix volume_checked_df["key"] = volume_checked_df["Exchange"] + \ "&" + volume_checked_df["Pair"] # selecting only the exchange-pair couples present in the historical series key_present = logic_key.loc[logic_key.logic_value == 1] key_present = key_present.drop(columns=["logic_value"]) # applying a left join between the prresent keys matrix and the daily # matrix, this operation returns a matrix containing all the keys in # "key_present" and NaN where some keys are missing merged = pd.merge(key_present, volume_checked_df, on="key", how="left") # assigning some columns values and substituting NaN with 0 # in the "merged" df merged["Time"] = int(time_to_check) split_val = merged["key"].str.split("&", expand=True) merged["Exchange"] = split_val[0] merged["Pair"] = split_val[1] merged.fillna(0, inplace=True) # checking potential new exchange-pair couple cw_new_key_mngm(logic_key, volume_checked_df, time_to_check, date_tot_str) return merged
def index_norm_logic_op(crypto_asset, daily_ewma): past_start_quarter_list = start_q() last_start_q = past_start_quarter_list[len(past_start_quarter_list) - 1] # downloading from mongoDB the current logic matrices (1 e 2) logic_one = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_log1")) # taking only the logic value referred to the current period # current_logic_one = logic_one.iloc[[len(logic_one["Date"]) - 2]] current_logic_one = logic_one.iloc[logic_one.Time == int(last_start_q)] current_logic_one = current_logic_one.drop(columns=["Date", "Time"]) logic_two = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_log2")) # taking only the logic value referred to the current period # current_logic_two = logic_two.iloc[[len(logic_two["Date"]) - 2]] current_logic_two = logic_two.iloc[logic_two.Time == int(last_start_q)] current_logic_two = current_logic_two.drop(columns=["Date", "Time"]) # computing the ewma checked with both the first and second logic matrices daily_ewma_first_check = np.array(daily_ewma) * np.array(current_logic_one) daily_ewma_double_check = daily_ewma_first_check * \ np.array(current_logic_two) daily_ewma_double_check = pd.DataFrame(daily_ewma_double_check, columns=crypto_asset) return daily_ewma_double_check
def daily_fix_miss_op(daily_complete_df, day, collection): _, two_before_TS = days_variable(day) # defining the query details q_dict_time: Dict[str, int] = {} q_dict_time = {"Time": int(two_before_TS)} # downloading from MongoDB the matrix referring to the previuos day day_bfr_mat = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get(collection), q_dict_time) # add the "key" column day_bfr_mat["key"] = day_bfr_mat["Exchange"] + "&" + day_bfr_mat["Pair"] # looping through all the daily keys looking for potential missing value for key_val in day_bfr_mat["key"]: new_val = daily_complete_df.loc[daily_complete_df.key == key_val] # if the new 'Close Price' referred to a certain key is 0 the script # check the previous day value: if is == 0 then pass, if is != 0 # the values related to the selected key needs to be corrected if np.array(new_val["Close Price"]) == 0.0: d_before_val = day_bfr_mat.loc[day_bfr_mat.key == key_val] if np.array(d_before_val["Close Price"]) != 0.0: price_var = daily_fix_miss(new_val, daily_complete_df, day_bfr_mat) # applying the weighted variation to the day before 'Close Price' new_price = (1 + price_var) * d_before_val["Close Price"] # changing the 'Close Price' value using the new computed price daily_complete_df.loc[daily_complete_df.key == key_val, "Close Price"] = new_price else: pass else: pass daily_complete_df.drop(columns=["key"]) daily_complete_df["Time"] = [int(d) for d in daily_complete_df["Time"]] daily_fixed_df = daily_complete_df return daily_fixed_df
def new_synth_op(crypto_asset, daily_return_df, synt_ptf_value): past_start_quarter_list = start_q() new_start_q = past_start_quarter_list[len(past_start_quarter_list) - 1] # downloading from mongoDB the current weights tot_weights = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_weights")) new_weights = tot_weights.loc[tot_weights.Time == int(new_start_q), crypto_asset] # daily syntethic matrix computation daily_ret_arr = np.array(daily_return_df[crypto_asset]) synt_weights = np.array(new_weights) * synt_ptf_value new_synth = synt_weights * (1 + daily_ret_arr) daily_synthh = pd.DataFrame(new_synth, columns=crypto_asset) return daily_synthh
def check_missing(tot_date_arr, coll_to_check, query, days_to_check=10): # selecting the last five days and put them into an array last_days = tot_date_arr[(len(tot_date_arr) - days_to_check):len(tot_date_arr)] print(last_days) # retrieving the wanted data on MongoDB collection matrix = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_to_check), query) # checking the time column and selecting only the last five days retrived # from MongoDB collection try: date_list = np.array(matrix["Time"]) except KeyError: try: date_list = np.array(matrix["TIME_PERIOD"]) except KeyError: date_list = np.array(matrix["Date"]) to_del = np.array([0]) date_list = np.setdiff1d(date_list, to_del) last_days_db = date_list[(len(date_list) - days_to_check):len(date_list)] # last_days_db_str = [str(single_date) # for single_date in last_days_db] # finding the date to download as difference between # complete array of date and date now stored on MongoDB date_to_add = Diff(last_days, last_days_db) print(date_to_add) if len(date_to_add) > 9: date_to_add = None return date_to_add
def exc_hist_op(): mongo_coll_drop("exc") mongo_indexing() # defining the crytpo_fiat array crypto_fiat_arr = all_crypto_fiat_gen() # querying all raw data from EXC_rawdata exc_raw_df = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_raw")) midnight_clean = exc_initial_clean(exc_raw_df, crypto_fiat_arr) mongo_upload(midnight_clean, "collection_exc_uniform") # deleting the values for xrp in the coinbase-pro exchange midnight_clean["key"] = midnight_clean["Exchange"] + \ "&" + midnight_clean["Pair"] midnight_clean = midnight_clean.loc[midnight_clean.key != "coinbase-pro&xrpusd"] midnight_clean = midnight_clean.loc[midnight_clean.key != "coinbase-pro&xrpeur"] # deleting the values for zec and xmr in the bittrex exchange midnight_clean = midnight_clean.loc[midnight_clean.key != "bittrex&zecusd"] midnight_clean = midnight_clean.loc[midnight_clean.key != "bittrex&zecusdt"] midnight_clean = midnight_clean.loc[midnight_clean.key != "bittrex&zecusdc"] midnight_clean = midnight_clean.loc[midnight_clean.key != "bittrex&xmrusdt"] midnight_clean = midnight_clean.drop(columns="key") exc_complete_df = exc_key_mngmt(midnight_clean) exc_fixed_df = exc_hist_fix(exc_complete_df) mongo_upload(exc_fixed_df, "collection_exc_clean") exc_converted = exc_hist_conv(exc_fixed_df) exc_converted.fillna(0, inplace=True) mongo_upload(exc_converted, "collection_exc_final_data") return None
def exc_daily_feed(day=None): day_before_TS, _ = days_variable(day) if day is None: if daily_check_mongo("coll_data_feed", {"Exchange": "coinbase-pro", "Pair": "ethusd"}) is False: query_data = {"Time": int(day_before_TS)} exc_daily_df = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_final"), query_data) mongo_upload(exc_daily_df, "collection_data_feed") else: print("The collection index_data_feed is already updated") else: pass return None
def daily_pair_vol_fix2(time_to_fix): # defining the query details q_dict: Dict[str, int] = {} q_dict = {"Time": time_to_fix} # querying oin MongoDB collection daily_mat = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_raw"), q_dict) daily_mat = daily_mat.loc[daily_mat.Time != 0] daily_mat = daily_mat.drop(columns=["Low", "High", "Open"]) for Crypto in CRYPTO_ASSET: ccy_pair_array = [] for i in PAIR_ARRAY: ccy_pair_array.append(Crypto.lower() + i) for exchange in EXCHANGES: for cp in ccy_pair_array: mat = daily_mat.loc[daily_mat["Exchange"] == exchange] mat = mat.loc[mat["Pair"] == cp] # checking if the matrix is not empty if mat.shape[0] > 1: mat["Pair Volume"] = mat["Close Price"] * \ mat["Crypto Volume"] # put the manipulated data on MongoDB try: mongo_upload(mat, "collection_cw_vol_check") except TypeError: pass return None
def daily_pair_vol_fix(day): # defining the query details q_dict: Dict[str, int] = {} q_dict = {"Time": day} # querying on MongoDB collection daily_mat = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_raw"), q_dict) try: daily_mat = daily_mat.loc[daily_mat.Time != 0] daily_mat = daily_mat.drop(columns=["Low", "High", "Open"]) daily_vol_fix = pair_vol_fix(daily_mat) except AttributeError: daily_vol_fix = [] return daily_vol_fix
def cw_hist_operation(start_date=START_DATE): date_tot = date_gen(start_date) last_day_TS = date_tot[len(date_tot) - 1] mongo_indexing() # deleting previous MongoDB collections mongo_coll_drop("cw_hist_clean") mongo_coll_drop("cw_hist_conv") # fix and upload the series for the "pair volume" info tot_raw_data = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_raw")) cw_vol_fix_data = cw_hist_pair_vol_fix(tot_raw_data) mongo_upload(cw_vol_fix_data, "collection_cw_vol_check") # clean and upload all the series cleaned_df = cw_hist_cleaning(cw_vol_fix_data, start_date) mongo_upload(cleaned_df, "collection_cw_clean") # compute and upload USDC and USDT rates series usdt_rates, usdc_rates = stable_rates_op("coll_cw_clean", None) mongo_upload(usdt_rates, "collection_stable_rate") mongo_upload(usdc_rates, "collection_stable_rate") # convert and upload all the data into USD converted_df = cw_hist_conv_op(cleaned_df) mongo_upload(converted_df, "collection_cw_converted") # logic matrix of crypto-fiat keys key_df = key_log_mat(DB_NAME, "coll_cw_conv", last_day_TS, EXCHANGES, CRYPTO_ASSET, PAIR_ARRAY) mongo_upload(key_df, "collection_CW_key") mongo_upload(key_df, "collection_EXC_key") # fill zero-volume data and upload on MongoDB final_df = cw_hist_zero_vol_fill_op(converted_df) mongo_upload(final_df, "collection_cw_final_data") return None
def exc_daily_key_mngm(daily_mat_00, daily_mat_12, day_to_clean_TS): logic_key = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_keys")) # adding to the daily matrix the value referred to dead crypto-fiat pair daily_mat_with_dead = exc_dead_key_mng( logic_key, daily_mat_00, daily_mat_12, day_to_clean_TS) # searching for possible new crypto-fiat pair new_key_hist = exc_new_key_mng(logic_key, daily_mat_00, day_to_clean_TS) if new_key_hist != []: collection_dict_upload = mongo_coll() # upload the new artificial historical series on MongoDB # collection "EXC_cleandata" mongo_upload(new_key_hist, collection_dict_upload.get( "collection_exc_clean")) else: pass return daily_mat_with_dead
date_tot = [str(single_date) for single_date in date_complete_int] # #################### setup mongo connection ################## # creating the empty collections cleandata within the database index mongo_indexing() collection_dict_upload = mongo_coll() # ################# DAILY DATA CONVERSION MAIN PART ################## # querying the data from mongo query_data = {"Time": str(y_TS)} query_rate = {"Date": str(y_TS)} query_stable = {"Time": str(y_TS)} matrix_rate = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_ecb_clean"), query_rate) matrix_rate = matrix_rate.rename({"Date": "Time"}, axis="columns") matrix_data = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_clean"), query_data) print(matrix_data) matrix_rate_stable = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_stable_rate"), query_stable) # creating a column containing the fiat currency matrix_rate["fiat"] = [x[:3].lower() for x in matrix_rate["Currency"]] matrix_data["fiat"] = [x[3:].lower() for x in matrix_data["Pair"]] matrix_rate_stable["fiat"] = [ x[:4].lower() for x in matrix_rate_stable["Currency"] ]
# create the indexing for MongoDB and define the variable containing the # MongoDB collections where to upload data mongo_indexing() collection_dict_upload = mongo_coll() # ####################### check for the cw_rawdata #################### # selecting the last five days and put them into an array last_five_days = date_tot[(len(date_tot) - 5):len(date_tot)] print(last_five_days) # defining the details to query on MongoDB query = {"Exchange": "coinbase-pro", "Pair": "ethusd"} # retrieving the wanted data on MongoDB collection matrix = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_raw"), query) # checking the time column and selecting only the last five days retrived # from MongoDB collection date_list = np.array(matrix["Time"]) last_five_days_mongo = date_list[(len(date_list) - 5):len(date_list)] last_five_days_mongo = [ str(single_date) for single_date in last_five_days_mongo ] print(last_five_days_mongo) # finding the date to download as difference between # complete array of date and date now stored on MongoDB date_to_add = Diff(last_five_days, last_five_days_mongo) if date_to_add != []:
# creating the empty collection cleandata within the database index mongo_indexing() collection_dict_upload = mongo_coll() # ########## USDC/USD and USDT/USD computation ##################### start = time.time() Exchanges = EXCHANGES # taking BTC/USD pair historical first_query = {"Pair": "btcusd", "Exchange": "kraken"} first_call = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_clean"), first_query) # isolating some values in single variables time_arr = first_call[["Time"]] price_df = first_call[["Close Price"]] volume_df = first_call[["Pair Volume"]] price_df = price_df.rename(columns={"Close Price": "kraken"}) volume_df = volume_df.rename(columns={"Pair Volume": "kraken"}) Exchanges.remove("kraken") for exchange in Exchanges: query = {"Pair": "btcusd", "Exchange": exchange} single_ex = query_mongo( DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_clean"), query) try:
def ECB_setup(key_curr_vector, start_period, end_period, timeST="N", db=DB_NAME, coll_raw="coll_ecb_raw"): # defining the array of date to be used date_ECB = date_gen(start_period, end_period, EoD="N") # defining the headers of the returning data frame header = ["Date", "Currency", "Rate"] # for each date in "date" array the funcion retrieves data from # ECB website and append the result in the returning matrix Exchange_Matrix = np.array([]) for i, single_date in enumerate(date_ECB): query = {"TIME_PERIOD": str(date_ECB[i])} # retrieving data from MongoDB 'index' and 'ecb_raw' collection single_date_ex_matrix = query_mongo(db, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_raw), query) # check if rates exist in the specified date if len(single_date_ex_matrix) != 0: # find the USD/EUR rates useful for conversions cambio_USD_EUR = float( np.array(single_date_ex_matrix.loc[ single_date_ex_matrix.CURRENCY == "USD", "OBS_VALUE"])) # add a column to DF with the USD based rates single_date_ex_matrix["USD based rate"] = ( single_date_ex_matrix["OBS_VALUE"]) / cambio_USD_EUR # creat date array date_arr = np.full(len(key_curr_vector), single_date) # creating the array with 'XXX/USD' format curr_arr = single_date_ex_matrix["CURRENCY"] + "/USD" curr_arr = np.where(curr_arr == "USD/USD", "EUR/USD", curr_arr) # creating the array with rate values USD based rate_arr = single_date_ex_matrix["USD based rate"] rate_arr = np.where( rate_arr == 1.000000, 1 / single_date_ex_matrix["OBS_VALUE"][0], rate_arr, ) # stacking the array together array = np.column_stack((date_arr, curr_arr, rate_arr)) # filling the return matrix if Exchange_Matrix.size == 0: Exchange_Matrix = array else: Exchange_Matrix = np.row_stack((Exchange_Matrix, array)) # if the query returns an empty matrix, function will takes values of # the last useful day else: date_arr = np.full(len(key_curr_vector), single_date) # take the curr_arr values of the previous day curr_arr = curr_arr # take the rate_arr values of the pevious day rate_arr = rate_arr # stack the array together array = np.column_stack((date_arr, curr_arr, rate_arr)) if Exchange_Matrix.size == 0: Exchange_Matrix = array else: Exchange_Matrix = np.row_stack((Exchange_Matrix, array)) if timeST != "N": for j, element in enumerate(Exchange_Matrix[:, 0]): to_date = datetime.strptime(element, "%Y-%m-%d") today_TS = int(to_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) Exchange_Matrix[j, 0] = today_TS return pd.DataFrame(Exchange_Matrix, columns=header)
def ECB_daily_setup(key_curr_vector, day_to_clean=None, db=DB_NAME, coll_raw="coll_ecb_raw", coll_clean="coll_ecb_clean"): if day_to_clean is None: today_str ="%Y-%m-%d") today = datetime.strptime(today_str, "%Y-%m-%d") # timestamp date today_TS = int(today.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) day_to_clean_TS = today_TS - DAY_IN_SEC two_before_TS = day_to_clean_TS - DAY_IN_SEC # human format date day_to_clean_human = timestamp_to_human([day_to_clean_TS]) else: day_to_clean_d = datetime.strptime(day_to_clean, "%Y-%m-%d") # timestamp date day_to_clean_TS = int( day_to_clean_d.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) two_before_TS = day_to_clean_TS - DAY_IN_SEC # human format date day_to_clean_human = timestamp_to_human([day_to_clean_TS]) # defining the headers of the returning data frame header = ["Currency", "Rate"] # retrieving data from MongoDB 'index' and 'ecb_raw' collection ecb_raw_mat = query_mongo(db, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_raw)) # searching into the df only the values referred to yesterday y_ecb_raw = ecb_raw_mat.loc[ecb_raw_mat.TIME_PERIOD == str( day_to_clean_TS)] if y_ecb_raw.empty is False: # find the USD/EUR rates useful for conversions exc_USD_EUR = float( np.array(y_ecb_raw.loc[y_ecb_raw.CURRENCY == "USD", "OBS_VALUE"])) # add a column to DF with the USD based rates usd_based = y_ecb_raw["OBS_VALUE"] / exc_USD_EUR y_ecb_raw["USD based rate"] = usd_based # creating the array with 'XXX/USD' format curr_arr = y_ecb_raw["CURRENCY"] + "/USD" curr_arr = np.where(curr_arr == "USD/USD", "EUR/USD", curr_arr) # creating the array with rate values USD based rate_arr = y_ecb_raw["USD based rate"] exc_EUR_USD = float(y_ecb_raw.loc[y_ecb_raw.CURRENCY == "USD", "OBS_VALUE"]) rate_arr = np.where(rate_arr == 1.000000, 1 / exc_EUR_USD, rate_arr) # stacking the array together array = np.column_stack((curr_arr, rate_arr)) # converting into dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(array, columns=header) df["Date"] = str(day_to_clean_TS) df["Standard Date"] = day_to_clean_human[0] exc_ecb = df[["Date", "Standard Date", "Currency", "Rate"]] else: query = {"Date": str(two_before_TS)} prev_clean = query_mongo(db, MONGO_DICT.get(coll_clean), query) # changing "Date" and "Standard Date" from two day before to yesterday prev_clean["Date"] = str(day_to_clean_TS) prev_clean["Standard Date"] = day_to_clean_human[0] exc_ecb = prev_clean[["Date", "Standard Date", "Currency", "Rate"]] return exc_ecb
crypto = cp[:3] fiat_curr = cp[3:] # ######### LEAVING OUT NEW CRYPTO-FIAT PAIRS ################## c_1 = exchange == "bittrex" and fiat_curr == "eur" c_2 = exchange == "bittrex" and crypto == "ltc" and fiat_curr == "usd" c_3 = exchange == "poloniex" and crypto == "bch" and fiat_curr == "usdc" if c_1 or c_2 or c_3: continue # ############################################################### # defining the dictionary for the MongoDB query query_dict = {"Exchange": exchange, "Pair": cp} # retriving the needed information on MongoDB matrix = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_final"), query_dict) try: matrix = matrix.drop(columns=["Low", "High", "Open"]) except KeyError: pass except AttributeError: pass try:
y_TS = today_TS - DAY_IN_SEC two_before_TS = y_TS - DAY_IN_SEC # defining the array containing all the date from start_period until today date_complete_int = date_gen(START_DATE) # converting the timestamp format date into string date_tot = [str(single_date) for single_date in date_complete_int] # searching only the last five days last_five_days = date_tot[(len(date_tot) - 5): len(date_tot)] # defining the details to query on MongoDB query = {"Exchange": "coinbase-pro", "Pair": "ethusd"} # retrieving the wanted data on MongoDB collection matrix = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_cw_clean"), query) # checking the time column date_list = np.array(matrix["Time"]) last_five_days_mongo = date_list[(len(date_list) - 5): len(date_list)] # finding the date to download as difference between complete array of date and # date now stored on MongoDB date_to_add = Diff(last_five_days, last_five_days_mongo) print(date_to_add) if date_to_add != []: if len(date_to_add) > 1: date_to_add.sort()
# converting the timestamp format date into string date_tot = [str(single_date) for single_date in date_complete_int] # #################### setup mongo connection ################## # creating the empty collections cleandata within the database index mongo_indexing() collection_dict_upload = mongo_coll() # ################### fixing the "Pair Volume" information ################# q_dict: Dict[str, str] = {} q_dict = {"Time": str(y_TS)} daily_mat = query_mongo(DB_NAME, MONGO_DICT.get("coll_exc_raw"), q_dict) daily_mat = daily_mat[ ["Pair", "Exchange", "Close Price", "Time", "Crypto Volume", "date"] ] # selecting the exchange used in the index computation daily_mat = daily_mat.loc[daily_mat["Exchange"].isin(EXCHANGES)] # creating a column containing the hour of extraction daily_mat["date"] = [str(d) for d in daily_mat["date"]] daily_mat["hour"] = daily_mat["date"].str[11:16] daily_mat = daily_mat.loc[daily_mat.Time != 0] daily_mat = exc_pair_cleaning(daily_mat) daily_mat = exc_value_cleaning(daily_mat)