def test_client_secret_jwt(self, client): _ci = client.client_info _ci.token_endpoint = "" _ci.provider_info = { 'issuer': '', 'token_endpoint': "" } csj = ClientSecretJWT() request = AccessTokenRequest() csj.construct(request, cli_info=client.client_info, algorithm="HS256", authn_endpoint='userinfo') assert request["client_assertion_type"] == JWT_BEARER assert "client_assertion" in request cas = request["client_assertion"] _skey = [SYMKey(k=b64e(as_bytes(_ci.client_secret)), use='sig')] jso = JWT(rec_keys={client.client_id: _skey}).unpack(cas) assert _eq(jso.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"]) _rj = JWS() info = _rj.verify_compact( cas, [SYMKey(k=b64e(as_bytes(_ci.client_secret)))]) assert _eq(info.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"]) assert info['aud'] == [_ci.provider_info['issuer']]
def left_hash(msg, func="HS256"): """ 128 bits == 16 bytes """ if func == 'HS256': return as_unicode(b64e(sha256_digest(msg)[:16])) elif func == 'HS384': return as_unicode(b64e(sha384_digest(msg)[:24])) elif func == 'HS512': return as_unicode(b64e(sha512_digest(msg)[:32]))
def test_a_1_1c(): hmac = cryptojwt.intarr2bin(HMAC_KEY) signer = SIGNER_ALGS["HS256"] header = b'{"typ":"JWT",\r\n "alg":"HS256"}' payload = b'{"iss":"joe",\r\n "exp":1300819380,' \ b'\r\n "":true}' sign_input = b64e(header) + b'.' + b64e(payload) sig = signer.sign(sign_input, hmac) assert b64e(sig) == b'dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk'
def add_code_challenge(client_info, state): """ PKCE RFC 7636 support :return: """ try: cv_len = client_info.config['code_challenge']['length'] except KeyError: cv_len = 64 # Use default # code_verifier: string of length cv_len code_verifier = unreserved(cv_len) _cv = code_verifier.encode() try: _method = client_info.config['code_challenge']['method'] except KeyError: _method = 'S256' try: # Pick hash method _hash_method = CC_METHOD[_method] # Use it on the code_verifier _hv = _hash_method(_cv).hexdigest() # base64 encode the hash value code_challenge = b64e(_hv.encode()).decode() except KeyError: raise Unsupported('PKCE Transformation method:{}'.format(_method)) client_info.state_db.add_info(state, code_verifier=code_verifier, code_challenge_method=_method) return {"code_challenge": code_challenge, "code_challenge_method": _method}
def test_a_1_1b(): payload = b'{"iss":"joe",\r\n "exp":1300819380,' \ b'\r\n "":true}' val = b64e(payload) assert val == ( b'eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9' b'leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ')
def thumbprint(self, hash_function, members=None): """ Create a thumbprint of the key following the outline in :param hash_function: A hash function to use for hashing the information :param members: Which attributes of the Key instance that should be included when computing the hash value. :return: A base64 encode hash over a set of Key attributes """ if members is None: members = self.required members.sort() ser = self.serialize() _se = [] for elem in members: try: _val = ser[elem] except KeyError: # should never happen with the required set pass else: if isinstance(_val, bytes): _val = as_unicode(_val) _se.append('"{}":{}'.format(elem, json.dumps(_val))) _json = '{{{}}}'.format(','.join(_se)) return b64e(DIGEST_HASH[hash_function](_json))
def encryption_key(self, alg, **kwargs): """ Return an encryption key as per :param alg: encryption algorithm :param kwargs: :return: encryption key as byte string """ if not self.key: self.deserialize() tsize = ALG2KEYLEN[alg] # _keylen = len(self.key) if tsize <= 32: # SHA256 _enc_key = sha256_digest(self.key)[:tsize] elif tsize <= 48: # SHA384 _enc_key = sha384_digest(self.key)[:tsize] elif tsize <= 64: # SHA512 _enc_key = sha512_digest(self.key)[:tsize] else: raise JWKException("No support for symmetric keys > 512 bits") logger.debug('Symmetric encryption key: {}'.format( as_unicode(b64e(_enc_key)))) return _enc_key
def party_value(pv): if pv: s = b64e(pv) r = int2big_endian(len(s)) r.extend(s) return r else: return [0, 0, 0, 0]
def test_encryption_key(): sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b') _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A128KW') _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc)) assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWBw' sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b') _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A192KW') _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc)) assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWB14GQqHAGC86' sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b') _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A256KW') _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc)) assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWB14GQqHAGC86vweU_Pi62X8' ek = sha256_digest( 'YzE0MjgzNmRlODI5Yzg2MGYyZTRjNGE0NTZlMzBkZDRiNzJkNDA5MzUzNjM0ODkzM2E2MDk3ZWY' )[:16] assert as_unicode(b64e(ek)) == 'yf_UUkAFZ8Pn_prxPPgu9w' sk = SYMKey( key= 'YzE0MjgzNmRlODI5Yzg2MGYyZTRjNGE0NTZlMzBkZDRiNzJkNDA5MzUzNjM0ODkzM2E2MDk3ZWY' ) _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A128KW') _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc)) assert _v == as_unicode(b64e(ek))
def x5t_calculation(cert): """ base64url-encoded SHA-1 thumbprint (a.k.a. digest) of the DER encoding of an X.509 certificate. :param cert: DER encoded X.509 certificate :return: x5t value """ if isinstance(cert, str): der_cert = base64.b64decode(cert.encode('ascii')) else: der_cert = base64.b64decode(cert) return b64e(hashlib.sha1(der_cert).digest())
def test_jwe_09_a1(): # RSAES OAEP and AES GCM msg = b"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." # A.1.1 header = b'{"alg":"RSA-OAEP","enc":"A256GCM"}' b64_header = b64e(header) # A.1.2 assert b64_header == b"eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ" # A.1.3 cek = intarr2bytes([ 177, 161, 244, 128, 84, 143, 225, 115, 63, 180, 3, 255, 107, 154, 212, 246, 138, 7, 110, 91, 112, 46, 34, 105, 47, 130, 203, 46, 122, 234, 64, 252 ]) # A.1.4 Key Encryption enc_key = [ 56, 163, 154, 192, 58, 53, 222, 4, 105, 218, 136, 218, 29, 94, 203, 22, 150, 92, 129, 94, 211, 232, 53, 89, 41, 60, 138, 56, 196, 216, 82, 98, 168, 76, 37, 73, 70, 7, 36, 8, 191, 100, 136, 196, 244, 220, 145, 158, 138, 155, 4, 117, 141, 230, 199, 247, 173, 45, 182, 214, 74, 177, 107, 211, 153, 11, 205, 196, 171, 226, 162, 128, 171, 182, 13, 237, 239, 99, 193, 4, 91, 219, 121, 223, 107, 167, 61, 119, 228, 173, 156, 137, 134, 200, 80, 219, 74, 253, 56, 185, 91, 177, 34, 158, 89, 154, 205, 96, 55, 18, 138, 43, 96, 218, 215, 128, 124, 75, 138, 243, 85, 25, 109, 117, 140, 26, 155, 249, 67, 167, 149, 231, 100, 6, 41, 65, 214, 251, 232, 87, 72, 40, 182, 149, 154, 168, 31, 193, 126, 215, 89, 28, 111, 219, 125, 182, 139, 235, 195, 197, 23, 234, 55, 58, 63, 180, 68, 202, 206, 149, 75, 205, 248, 176, 67, 39, 178, 60, 98, 193, 32, 238, 122, 96, 158, 222, 57, 183, 111, 210, 55, 188, 215, 206, 180, 166, 150, 166, 106, 250, 55, 229, 72, 40, 69, 214, 216, 104, 23, 40, 135, 212, 28, 127, 41, 80, 175, 174, 168, 115, 171, 197, 89, 116, 92, 103, 246, 83, 216, 182, 176, 84, 37, 147, 35, 45, 219, 172, 99, 226, 233, 73, 37, 124, 42, 72, 49, 242, 35, 127, 184, 134, 117, 114, 135, 206 ] b64_ejek = b'ApfOLCaDbqs_JXPYy2I937v_xmrzj' \ b'-Iss1mG6NAHmeJViM6j2l0MHvfseIdHVyU2BIoGVu9ohvkkWiRq5DL2jYZTPA9TAdwq3FUIVyoH-Pedf6elHIVFi2KGDEspYMtQARMMSBcS7pslx6flh1Cfh3GBKysztVMEhZ_maFkm4PYVCsJsvq6Ct3fg2CJPOs0X1DHuxZKoIGIqcbeK4XEO5a0h5TAuJObKdfO0dKwfNSSbpu5sFrpRFwV2FTTYoqF4zI46N9-_hMIznlEpftRXhScEJuZ9HG8C8CHB1WRZ_J48PleqdhF4o7fB5J1wFqUXBtbtuGJ_A2Xe6AEhrlzCOw' iv = intarr2bytes([227, 197, 117, 252, 2, 219, 233, 68, 180, 225, 77, 219]) aadp = b64_header + b'.' + b64_ejek gcm = AES_GCMEncrypter(key=cek) ctxt, tag = split_ctx_and_tag(gcm.encrypt(msg, iv, aadp)) _va = to_intarr(ctxt) assert _va == [ 229, 236, 166, 241, 53, 191, 115, 196, 174, 43, 73, 109, 39, 122, 233, 96, 140, 206, 120, 52, 51, 237, 48, 11, 190, 219, 186, 80, 111, 104, 50, 142, 47, 167, 59, 61, 181, 127, 196, 21, 40, 82, 242, 32, 123, 143, 168, 226, 73, 216, 176, 144, 138, 247, 106, 60, 16, 205, 160, 109, 64, 63, 192 ] assert bytes2intarr(tag) == [ 130, 17, 32, 198, 120, 167, 144, 113, 0, 50, 158, 49, 102, 208, 118, 152 ] #tag = long2hexseq(tag) #iv = long2hexseq(iv) res = b".".join([b64_header, b64_ejek, b64e(iv), b64e(ctxt), b64e(tag)]) # print(res.split(b'.')) expected = b'.'.join([ b'eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ', b'ApfOLCaDbqs_JXPYy2I937v_xmrzj' b'-Iss1mG6NAHmeJViM6j2l0MHvfseIdHVyU2BIoGVu9ohvkkWiRq5DL2jYZTPA9TAdwq3FUIVyoH-Pedf6elHIVFi2KGDEspYMtQARMMSBcS7pslx6flh1Cfh3GBKysztVMEhZ_maFkm4PYVCsJsvq6Ct3fg2CJPOs0X1DHuxZKoIGIqcbeK4XEO5a0h5TAuJObKdfO0dKwfNSSbpu5sFrpRFwV2FTTYoqF4zI46N9-_hMIznlEpftRXhScEJuZ9HG8C8CHB1WRZ_J48PleqdhF4o7fB5J1wFqUXBtbtuGJ_A2Xe6AEhrlzCOw', b'48V1_ALb6US04U3b', b'5eym8TW_c8SuK0ltJ3rpYIzOeDQz7TALvtu6UG9oMo4vpzs9tX_EFShS8iB7j6jiSdiwkIr3ajwQzaBtQD_A', b'ghEgxninkHEAMp4xZtB2mA' ]) assert res == expected
def test_a_1_1a(): header = b'{"typ":"JWT",\r\n "alg":"HS256"}' val = b64e(header) assert val == b"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9"
def add_kid(self): """ Construct a Key ID using the thumbprint method and add it to the key attributes. """ self.kid = b64e(self.thumbprint('SHA-256')).decode('utf8')
def serialize(self, private=True): res = self.common() res["k"] = as_unicode(b64e(bytes(self.key))) return res
def enc_setup(self, msg, key=None, auth_data=b'', **kwargs): """ :param msg: Message to be encrypted :param auth_data: :param key: An EC key :param kwargs: :return: """ encrypted_key = "" self.msg = msg self.auth_data = auth_data # Generate the input parameters try: apu = b64d(kwargs["apu"]) except KeyError: apu = get_random_bytes(16) try: apv = b64d(kwargs["apv"]) except KeyError: apv = get_random_bytes(16) # Handle Local Key and Ephemeral Public Key if not key: raise Exception("EC Key Required for ECDH-ES JWE Encryption Setup") # epk is either an Elliptic curve key instance or a JWK description of # one. This key belongs to the entity on the other side. try: _epk = kwargs['epk'] except KeyError: _epk = ec.generate_private_key(NIST2SEC[as_unicode(key.crv)], default_backend()) epk = ECKey().load_key(_epk.public_key()) else: if isinstance(_epk, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey): epk = ECKey().load_key(_epk) elif isinstance(_epk, ECKey): epk = _epk else: raise ValueError("epk of a type I can't handle") params = { "apu": b64e(apu), "apv": b64e(apv), "epk": epk.serialize(False) } cek = iv = None if 'cek' in kwargs and kwargs['cek']: cek = kwargs['cek'] if 'iv' in kwargs and kwargs['iv']: iv = kwargs['iv'] iv = self._generate_iv(self.enc, iv=iv) if self.alg == "ECDH-ES": try: dk_len = KEY_LEN[self.enc] except KeyError: raise Exception( "Unknown key length for algorithm %s" % self.enc) cek = ecdh_derive_key(_epk, key.key, apu, apv, str(self.enc).encode(), dk_len) elif self.alg in ["ECDH-ES+A128KW", "ECDH-ES+A192KW", "ECDH-ES+A256KW"]: _pre, _post = self.alg.split("+") klen = int(_post[1:4]) kek = ecdh_derive_key(_epk, key.key, apu, apv, str(_post).encode(), klen) cek = self._generate_key(self.enc, cek=cek) encrypted_key = aes_key_wrap(kek, cek, default_backend()) else: raise Exception("Unsupported algorithm %s" % self.alg) return cek, encrypted_key, iv, params, epk