Exemple #1
    except myrand.NoTimeSeed:
        return False
        return s

urls = [url,

times = [int(time()),
         int(mktime(strptime('Thu Jul 30 20:20:00 2015'))),
         int(mktime(strptime('Thu Apr  2 19:17:00 2015'))),
         int(mktime(strptime('Mon Feb 23 19:06:00 2015'))),
         int(mktime(strptime('Mon Feb 19 13:08:00 2015'))),
         int(mktime(strptime('Mon Feb  9 08:27:00 2015')))]

for i in range(len(urls)):
    ts =  url_is_time_seeded(urls[i], times[i])
    if ts:
        print "Seed", ts, "found, meaning", ctime(ts)
        print "Not time seeded"

#### tests, if any ####
assert decipher == plaintext
assert winning_decrypt == plaintext
warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)
Exemple #2
#!/usr/bin/env python

#     chal25.py - Break random access read/write CTR
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

from cryptopals import warn, xor_str
from fakeserver import ctr_ciphertext, edit_public, ctr_cheat

# test editing
edited = edit_public(ctr_ciphertext, 4, 'COOL')
lines = ctr_cheat(edited).splitlines()[0:4]

# use editing to get keystream & thus plaintext
keystream = edit_public(ctr_ciphertext, 0, "\x00" * len(ctr_ciphertext))
print xor_str(keystream, ctr_ciphertext)

#### tests, if any ####
assert lines[0] == "I'm COOL and I'm ringin' the bell "
warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)
Exemple #3
# After finding the first 16 bytes of keystream, I easily deduced the
# full text from Google. Now I can deduce the whole keystream from the
# longest line, and then decrypt as follows:

line00 = "I have met them at close of day"
line04 = "I have passed with a nod of the head"
line37 = "He, too, has been changed in his turn,"
print "guesses:"
print[xor_str(ciphertexts[0][0:len(line00)], line00)]
print[xor_str(ciphertexts[4][0:len(line04)], line04)]
print[xor_str(ciphertexts[37][0:len(line37)], line37)]

keystream = xor_str(ciphertexts[37][0:len(line37)], line37)

plaintexts = [""] * len(ciphertexts)
for i in range(len(ciphertexts)):
    for j in range(len(ciphertexts[i])):
        plaintexts[i] = plaintexts[i] + xor_str(ciphertexts[i][j],

print '\n'.join(plaintexts)

#### tests ####

assert plaintexts[1] == "Coming with vivid faces"

assert len(ciphertexts) == 40

warn("Passed assertions (" + __file__ + ")")
Exemple #4
    longstring = ''.join(map(hexord, profile[0]))
    word = ""
    for i in range(len(longstring)):
        word += longstring[i]
        if i % 8 == 7:
            print word,
            word = ''

#### tests, CTR ####

assert len(ctr_nonce) == 8
assert len(ctr_ciphertext) == len(plain)
assert plain.splitlines()[9] == "To just let it flow, let my concepts go "
cryptopals.warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)

#### tests ####

_plaintext = "YELLOW SUB"
_key = open('unknown_key.txt', 'r').read().splitlines()[0]
_plaintext = pad_multiple(_plaintext, AES.block_size)
_iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
_cipher = AES.new(_key, AES.MODE_CBC, _iv)
_ciphertext = _cipher.encrypt(_plaintext)

assert (padding_is_valid(_ciphertext, _iv))

_plaintext = "YELLOW SUBMAR\x04\x04\x04"
_key = open('unknown_key.txt', 'r').read().splitlines()[0]
# Note that we skip the padding in order to give this _plaintext bad padding.
Exemple #5
#!/usr/bin/env python

#     chal18.py - Implement CTR
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

import base64
from cryptopals import warn, ctr

ciphertext = base64.b64decode(
nonce = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" # 8 byte nonce

plaintext = ctr(ciphertext, key, nonce, "little")
print plaintext

#### tests ####
assert plaintext[-5:] == "baby "
warn("Passed assertions (" + __file__ + ")")
Exemple #6
        y = y ^ ((y << s) & b)
        y = y ^ ((y << t) & c)
        y = y ^ (y >> l) # lowercase L, not numeral 1
        self.index += 1
        return low_word(y)

    def twist(self):
        for i in range(n):
            x = (self.mt[i] & upper_mask) + (self.mt[(i + 1) % n] & lower_mask)
            xa = x >> 1
            if (x % 2) != 0:
                xa = xa ^ a
            self.mt[i] = self.mt[(i+m) % n] ^ xa # store new into MT[]
        self.index = 0

class NoTimeSeed(Exception):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def __str__(self):
        return "Number may be from RNG not seeded with time" + repr(self.value)

def find_time_seed(target_num, now):
    for s in range(now - 60 * 35, now + 60 * 2):
        m = MTRNG(s)
        if m.extract_number() == target_num:
            return s
    raise NoTimeSeed(target_num)

#### tests, if any ####
cryptopals.warn("No errors:", __file__)
Exemple #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

#     chal21.py - Implement MT19937
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

from cryptopals import warn
from myrand import MTRNG

r = MTRNG(12436)
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()

#### tests, if any ####
warn("No errors:", __file__)
Exemple #8
        return low_word(y)

    def twist(self):
        for i in range(n):
            x = (self.mt[i] & upper_mask) + (self.mt[(i + 1) % n] & lower_mask)
            xa = x >> 1
            if (x % 2) != 0:
                xa = xa ^ a
            self.mt[i] = self.mt[(i + m) % n] ^ xa  # store new into MT[]
        self.index = 0

class NoTimeSeed(Exception):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return "Number may be from RNG not seeded with time" + repr(self.value)

def find_time_seed(target_num, now):
    for s in range(now - 60 * 35, now + 60 * 2):
        m = MTRNG(s)
        if m.extract_number() == target_num:
            return s
    raise NoTimeSeed(target_num)

#### tests, if any ####
cryptopals.warn("No errors:", __file__)
    longstring = ''.join(map(hexord, profile[0]))
    word = ""
    for i in range(len(longstring)):
        word += longstring[i]
        if i % 8 == 7:
            print word,
            word = ''

#### tests, CTR ####

assert len(ctr_nonce)==8
assert len(ctr_ciphertext) == len(plain)
assert plain.splitlines()[9] == "To just let it flow, let my concepts go "
cryptopals.warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)

#### tests ####

_plaintext = "YELLOW SUB"
_key = open('unknown_key.txt', 'r').read().splitlines()[0]
_plaintext = pad_multiple(_plaintext, AES.block_size)
_iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
_cipher = AES.new(_key, AES.MODE_CBC, _iv)
_ciphertext = _cipher.encrypt(_plaintext)

assert(padding_is_valid(_ciphertext, _iv))

_plaintext = "YELLOW SUBMAR\x04\x04\x04"
_key = open('unknown_key.txt', 'r').read().splitlines()[0]
# Note that we skip the padding in order to give this _plaintext bad padding.
Exemple #10
#!/usr/bin/env python

#     chal21.py - Implement MT19937
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

from cryptopals import warn
from myrand import MTRNG

r = MTRNG(12436)
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()

#### tests, if any ####
warn("No errors:", __file__)