Exemple #1
def solve():
    ciphertext = encrypter('A' * 16 * 3)
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext)
    blocks = [blocks[0], '00' * 16, blocks[0]]
    plaintext = decrypter("".join(blocks))
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(plaintext)
    foundkey = crypty.xor_hex_strings(blocks[0], blocks[2])
    print "Key : %s" % (foundkey)
Exemple #2
def get_suffix(block_size):
  suffix_len = get_suffix_size()
  guessed_suffix = ""
  for idx in xrange(0,suffix_len):
    prefix_len = block_size - len(guessed_suffix)%block_size - 1
    plaintext = 'A'*prefix_len + guessed_suffix
    ciphertext_1 = encryption_oracle(crypty.a2h('A'*prefix_len))
    last_blk_idx = len(plaintext)/block_size
    for c in xrange(0,256):
      ciphertext_2 = encryption_oracle(crypty.a2h(plaintext[last_blk_idx*block_size:]+chr(c)))
      if crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext_2)[0] == crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext_1)[last_blk_idx]:
  return guessed_suffix
Exemple #3
def get_prefix_size():
    for i in xrange(32, 32 + 16):
        ciphertext = encryption_oracle(crypty.a2h('A' * i))
        idx = get_rep_block_idx(crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext))
        if idx is not None:
            return (16 * idx) - i + 32
    return None
Exemple #4
def MDFunction1(plaintext, IV, pad=True):
    hash = simplePadIVFn(IV)
    if pad:
        plaintext = simplePadMessageFn(plaintext)
    for block in get_blocks(a2h(plaintext), block_size=8):
        block = h2a(block)
        hash = simpleHashFn(block, hash)
    return hash
Exemple #5
def solve():
    iv, ciphertext = encrypter()
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext)
    plaintext = ""
    for i in xrange(len(blocks)):
        x = decipher_block(iv, blocks[i])
        iv = blocks[i]
        plaintext += x
    print plaintext.decode("hex")
Exemple #6
def solve():
  block_size = get_block_size()
  plaintext = crypty.a2h("A" * block_size)
  ciphertext = encryption_oracle(plaintext)
  ciphertext_blks = crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext, block_size=block_size)
  if ciphertext_blks[0] == ciphertext_blks[1]:
    print "[+] Detected ECB Encryption."
  print get_suffix(block_size)
Exemple #7
def solve():
    ciphertext = encrypter('A' * 16)
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext)
    old_cipher_block = blocks[1]
    new_cipher_block = crypty.xor_hex_strings(
        crypty.xor_hex_strings(old_cipher_block, crypty.a2h('A' * 16)),
    blocks[1] = new_cipher_block
    if decrypter("".join(blocks)):
        print "New Ciphertext : %s" % ("".join(blocks))
Exemple #8
def get_suffix(block_size, suffix_len, prefix_size):
    prefix_pad_len = (block_size - (prefix_size) % block_size) % block_size
    guessed_suffix = ""
    for idx in xrange(0, suffix_len):
        plaintext_len = prefix_pad_len + block_size - len(
            guessed_suffix) % block_size - 1
        actual_plaintext = 'X' * prefix_size + 'A' * plaintext_len + guessed_suffix
        ciphertext_1 = encryption_oracle(crypty.a2h('A' * plaintext_len))
        last_blk_idx = len(actual_plaintext) / block_size
        for c in xrange(0, 256):
            ciphertext_2 = encryption_oracle(
                crypty.a2h('A' * prefix_pad_len +
                           actual_plaintext[last_blk_idx * block_size:] +
            if crypty.get_blocks(
                    ciphertext_2)[(prefix_pad_len + prefix_size) /
                                  block_size] == crypty.get_blocks(
                guessed_suffix += chr(c)
    return guessed_suffix
Exemple #9
def encrypt_manual(hex_string, key, iv):
  Manually AES-128-CBC Encrypts the input hex string using key, iv and AES-128-ECB
  :param hex_string: Hex string
  :param key: Hex string
  :param iv: Hex string
  :return: hex string
    assert len(iv) == len(key)
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(hex_string, block_size=16)
    ciphertext = ""
    for block in blocks:
        if len(crypty.h2a(block)) % 16 is not 0:
            block = crypty.pad_pkcs_7(block, block_size=16)
        xor_block = crypty.xor_hex_strings(block, iv)
        iv = ecb_cipher.infra.encrypt(xor_block, key)
        ciphertext += iv

    return ciphertext
Exemple #10
def decrypt_manual(hex_string, key, iv, raiser=True):
  Manually AES-128-CBC decrypts the input hex string using key, iv and AES-128-ECB
  :param hex_string: Hex string
  :param key: Hex string
  :param iv: Hex string
  :return: hex string
    assert len(iv) == len(key)
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(hex_string, block_size=16)
    plaintext = ""
    for block in blocks:
        xor_block = ecb_cipher.infra.decrypt(block, key)
        plaintext += crypty.xor_hex_strings(xor_block, iv)
        iv = block
    if crypty.is_pcks7_padded(plaintext):
        plaintext = crypty.unpad_pkcs_7(plaintext)
    elif raiser:
        raise Exception("Wrongly padded hex string")
    return plaintext
Exemple #11
def solve():
  ciphertexts = get_ciphertexts()
  for idx,ciphertext in enumerate(ciphertexts):
    blocks = crypty.get_blocks(ciphertext, block_size=16)
    if len(blocks)>len(set(blocks)):
      print "[+] Found ECB Encrypted line : %d "%(idx)