def options_layout(self): miller_index = get_matrix_input(, label="Miller index", default=((1, 0, 0), ), help="The surface plane defined by its Miller index (h, k, l)") min_slab_size = dcc.Input("min_slab_size"), value=6) min_vacuum_size = dcc.Input("min_vacuum_size"), value=10) #lll_reduce = dcc.Checklist() center_slab = dcc.Checklist("center_slab"), options=[{"label": " ", "value": "center_slab"}], values=[]) #in_unit_planes = ... #primitive = ... #max_normal_search = ... #shift = ... #tol = ... # get_layout(name, display_name, type) # get_inputs(name, type) # get_value(type, inputs) options = html.Div([miller_index, Label("Min slab size:"), min_slab_size, Label("Min vacuum size:"), min_vacuum_size, Label("Center slab:"), center_slab]) return options
def add_initial_layout(data): algorithm_choices = html.Div([ Label("Algorithm:"), dcc.RadioItems("algorithm"), options=[ { "label": "ChemEnv Analysis", "value": "chemenv" }, { "label": "LocalEnv Analysis", "value": "localenv" }, { "label": "Bonding Graph", "value": "bondinggraph" }, ], inputClassName="mpc-radio", labelClassName="mpc-radio", value="chemenv", ), ]) analysis = html.Div("analysis")) return html.Div( [algorithm_choices, html.Br(), analysis, html.Br()])
def _get_soap_graph(feature, label): spectrum = { "data": [{ "coloraxis": "coloraxis", #'hovertemplate': 'x: %{x}<br>y: %{y}<br>color: %{z}<extra></extra>', "type": "heatmap", "z": feature.tolist(), }] } spectrum["layout"] = { "xaxis": { "visible": False }, "yaxis": { "visible": False }, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "coloraxis": { "colorscale": [ [0.0, "#0d0887"], [0.1111111111111111, "#46039f"], [0.2222222222222222, "#7201a8"], [0.3333333333333333, "#9c179e"], [0.4444444444444444, "#bd3786"], [0.5555555555555556, "#d8576b"], [0.6666666666666666, "#ed7953"], [0.7777777777777778, "#fb9f3a"], [0.8888888888888888, "#fdca26"], [1.0, "#f0f921"], ], "showscale": False, }, "margin": { "l": 0, "b": 0, "t": 0, "r": 0, "pad": 0 }, # "height": 20*feature.shape[0], # for fixed size plots # "width": 20*feature.shape[1] } return Columns([ Column(Label(label), size="1"), Column( dcc.Graph( figure=spectrum, config={"displayModeBar": False}, responsive=True, style={"height": "60px"}, )), ])
def _get_soap_graph(feature, label): spectrum = px.imshow(feature, aspect="equal", color_continuous_scale="plasma") coloraxis = spectrum.layout.coloraxis coloraxis["showscale"] = False layout = { "xaxis": { "visible": False }, "yaxis": { "visible": False }, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "coloraxis": coloraxis, "margin": { "l": 0, "b": 0, "t": 0, "r": 0, "pad": 0 }, # "height": 20*feature.shape[0], # for fixed size plots # "width": 20*feature.shape[1] } spectrum.layout = layout return Columns([ Column(Label(label), size="1"), Column( dcc.Graph( figure=spectrum, config={"displayModeBar": False}, responsive=True, style={"height": "60px"}, )), ])
def update_contents(self, new_store_contents): """ Structure -> mpid -> BibTeX references from MP -> (optional doi lookup via Crossref) -> formatting. Formatting is very messy right now. DOI lookup and (possibly) formatting should be cached in a builder. """ struct = self.from_data(new_store_contents) if not isinstance(struct, Structure): raise PreventUpdate( "Literature mentions can only be retrieved for crystallographic " "structures at present and not molecules. Please make a feature " "request if this would be useful for you, and it will be " "prioritized." ) with MPRester() as mpr: mpids = mpr.find_structure(struct) if len(mpids) == 0: raise PreventUpdate( "No structures in the Materials Project database match this " "crystal structure, so literature mentions cannot be retrieved. " "Please submit this structure to Materials Project if you'd " "like it to be added to the Materials Project database." ) all_references = [] for mpid in mpids: all_references.append(mpr.get_materials_id_references(mpid)) self.logger.debug(f"Retrieved references for {mpid}.") if self.use_crossref: cr = Crossref(mailto=CROSSREF_MAILTO) individual_references = set() for references in all_references: individual_references.update(set(references.split("\n\n"))) # exclude Materials Proect references (these are intended to be # references for the structure specifically) refs_to_remove = set() for ref in individual_references: if "Jain2013" in ref: refs_to_remove.add(ref) individual_references -= refs_to_remove works = [, limit=1) for ref in individual_references] self.logger.debug(f"Retrieved {len(works)} works from Crossref.") items = [ work["message"]["items"][0] for work in works if len(work["message"]["items"]) > 0 ] dois_to_item = { item["DOI"]: { "cited-by": item.get("is-referenced-by-count", 0), "score": item["score"], "title": item.get("title", None), "authors": item.get("author", []), "journal": item.get("container-title", [None])[0], "issue": item.get("issue", None), "volume": item.get("volume", None), "pages": item.get("page", None), "date-parts": item.get("issued", {}).get("date-parts", [[None]]), } for item in items if item["score"] > 40 } num_refs = len(dois_to_item) sorted_dois = sorted( list(dois_to_item.keys()), key=lambda doi: -dois_to_item[doi]["cited-by"], ) if self.use_crossref_formatting: # use Crossref to retrieve pre-formatted text # remove leading "1. " from Science CSL style refs = { doi: content_negotiation(ids=doi, format="text", style="science")[ 3: ] for doi in dois_to_item.keys() } self.logger.debug( f"Retrieved {len(refs)} formatted references from Crossref." ) md = " \n\n".join( f"> [{refs[doi]}]({doi}) " f"Cited by {dois_to_item[doi]['cited-by']}." for doi in sorted_dois ) formatted_references = dcc.Markdown( md, className="mpc-markdown" ) else: # else retrieve BibTeX entries to extract a nice author list # and perform our own formatting entries = { doi: content_negotiation(ids=doi, format="bibtex") for doi in sorted_dois } formatted_entries = [] for doi, entry in entries.items(): author_string = self._bibtex_entry_to_author_text(entry) journal_div = self._item_to_journal_div(dois_to_item[doi]) formatted_entries.append( html.Blockquote( [ html.A( [ html.Div( [ html.I( # necessary since titles can contain HTML for superscripts etc. dcc.Markdown( dois_to_item[doi]["title"], dangerously_allow_html=True ) ) ] ), html.Div([author_string]), html.Div( [ journal_div, html.Span( f" Cited by {dois_to_item[doi]['cited-by']}." ), ] ), ], href=f"{doi}", ) ], className="mpc", style={"padding-left": "1rem", "margin-bottom": "1rem"} ) ) formatted_references = html.Div(formatted_entries) else: # this uses pybtex directly on stored BibTeX entries from MP # most-accurate references and faster since no Crossref lookup # is required but no dois/hyperlinks available all_entries = {} for references in all_references: all_entries.update(Parser().parse_string(references).entries) md = self._pybtex_entries_to_markdown(all_entries) formatted_references = dcc.Markdown(md, className="mpc-markdown") num_refs = len(all_entries) return html.Div( [ Label(f"{num_refs} references found{':' if num_refs>0 else '.'}"), formatted_references, ], style={"max-height": "20rem", "overflow-y": "scroll"}, )
def options_layout(self): options = html.Div([ html.Div([ Label("Rotation axis"), dcc.Input( value="[1, 0, 0]","gb_rotation_axis"), type="text", className="input", ), ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ Label("Choose Σ"), dcc.Dropdown("gb_sigma_options"), options=[], placeholder="...", ), ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ Label("Choose rotation angle"), dcc.Dropdown("gb_rotation_options"), options=[], placeholder="...", ), ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ Label("Grain width"), dcc.Slider("gb_expand_times"), min=1, max=6, step=1, value=2, marks={ 2: "2", 4: "4", 6: "6" }, ), ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ Label("Distance between grains in Å"), dcc.Input( value="0.0","gb_vacuum_thickness"), type="text", className="input", ), ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ Label("Plane"), dcc.Input( value="None","gb_plane"), type="text", className="input", ), ]), ]) return options