Exemple #1
 def shutdown(self):
   ''' Shut down the Later instance:
       - close the request queue
       - close the TimerQueue if any
       - close the worker thread pool
       - dispatch a Thread to wait for completion and fire the
         _finished Event
   if self._timerQ:
   # queue actions to detect activity completion
Exemple #2
 def _refresh_sqltags_data(api, sqltags, max_age=None):
     ''' Refresh the queue and recordings if any unexpired records are stale
     or if all records are expired.
     recordings = set(sqltags.recordings())
     need_refresh = (
         # any current recordings whose state is stale
         any(not recording.is_expired() and recording.is_stale(
             max_age=max_age) for recording in recordings) or
         # no recording is current
         not all(recording.is_expired() for recording in recordings))
     if need_refresh:
         print("refresh queue and recordings...")
         Ts = [bg_thread(api.queue), bg_thread(api.recordings)]
         for T in Ts:
Exemple #3
    def pushto(self, dstS, *, capacity=64, progress=None):
        ''' Allocate a Queue for Blocks to push from this Store to another Store `dstS`.
        Return `(Q,T)` where `Q` is the new Queue and `T` is the
        Thread processing the Queue.

        * `dstS`: the secondary Store to receive Blocks.
        * `capacity`: the Queue capacity, arbitrary default `64`.
        * `progress`: an optional `Progress` counting submitted and completed data bytes.

        Once called, the caller can then .put Blocks onto the Queue.
        When finished, call Q.close() to indicate end of Blocks and
        T.join() to wait for the processing completion.
        sem = Semaphore(capacity)
        ##sem = Semaphore(1)
        name = "%s.pushto(%s)" % (self.name, dstS.name)
        with Pfx(name):
            Q = IterableQueue(capacity=capacity, name=name)
            srcS = self
            T = bg_thread(lambda: (
                self.push_blocks(name, Q, srcS, dstS, sem, progress),
            return Q, T
Exemple #4
    def bg(self):
        ''' Submit a function to complete the `Task` in a separate `Thread`,
        returning the `Thread`.

        This dispatches a `Thread` to run `self.call()`
        and as such the `Task` must be in "pending" state,
        and transitions to "running".
        return bg_thread(self.call, name=self.name)
Exemple #5
    def bg(self, func, *a, **kw):
        ''' Submit a function to compute the result in a separate `Thread`,
        returning the `Thread`.

        This dispatches a `Thread` to run `self.call(func,*a,**kw)`
        and as such the `Result` must be in "pending" state,
        and transitions to "running".
        return bg_thread(self.call,
                         args=[func] + list(a),
Exemple #6
    def keys(self):
        seen = set()
        Q = IterableQueue()

        def keys_from(S):
            for h in S.keys():

        busy = 0
        for S in self.read:
            bg_thread(partial(keys_from, S))
            busy += 1
        for h in Q:
            if h is None:
                busy -= 1
                if not busy:
            elif h not in seen:
                yield h
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, name, pipeline, subpipeline, outQ, **kw):
        super().__init__(name, pipeline, None, outQ, **kw)
        self.subpipeline = subpipeline

        def copy_out(sub_outQ, outQ):
            for item in sub_outQ:

        self.copier = bg_thread(copy_out,
                                name="%s.copy_out" % (self, ),
                                args=(subpipeline.outQ, outQ))
Exemple #8
 def startup(self):
   ''' Connect to the server and log in.
   self._sock = self.conn_spec.connect()
   self.recvf = self._sock.makefile('r', encoding='iso8859-1')
   self.sendf = self._sock.makefile('w', encoding='ascii')
   self.client_auth(self.conn_spec.user, self.conn_spec.password)
   self._result_queue = IterableQueue()
   self._client_worker = bg_thread(
       self._client_response_worker, args=(self._result_queue,)
   return self
Exemple #9
 def cmd_refresh(self, argv):
     ''' Usage: {cmd} [queue] [recordings]
       Update the db state from the PlayOn service.
     api = self.options.api
     if not argv:
         argv = ['queue', 'recordings']
     xit = 0
     Ts = []
     for state in argv:
         with Pfx(state):
             if state == 'queue':
                 print("refresh queue...")
             elif state == 'recordings':
                 print("refresh recordings...")
                 warning("unsupported update target")
                 xit = 1
     print("wait for API...")
     for T in Ts:
     return xit
Exemple #10
def blocked_chunks_of2(
    ''' Generator which connects to a scanner of a chunk stream in
      order to emit low level edge aligned data chunks.

      * `chunks`: a source iterable of data chunks, handed to `scanner`
      * `scanner`: optional callable accepting a `CornuCopyBuffer` and
        returning an iterable of `int`s, such as a generator. `scanner`
        may be `None`, in which case only the rolling hash is used
        to locate boundaries.
      * `min_block`: the smallest amount of data that will be used
        to create a Block, default from `MIN_BLOCKSIZE` (`{MIN_BLOCKSIZE}`)
      * `max_block`: the largest amount of data that will be used to
        create a Block, default from `MAX_BLOCKSIZE` (`{MAX_BLOCKSIZE}`)

      The iterable returned from `scanner(chunks)` yields `int`s which are
      considered desirable block boundaries.
    if min_block is None:
        min_block = MIN_BLOCKSIZE
    elif min_block < 8:
        raise ValueError("rejecting min_block < 8: %s" % (min_block, ))
    if max_block is None:
        max_block = MAX_BLOCKSIZE
    elif max_block >= 1024 * 1024:
        raise ValueError("rejecting max_block >= 1024*1024: %s" %
                         (max_block, ))
    if min_block >= max_block:
        raise ValueError("rejecting min_block:%d >= max_block:%d" %
                         (min_block, max_block))
    # source data for aligned chunk construction
    dataQ = IterableQueue()
    # queue of offsets from the parser
    offsetQ = IterableQueue()
    # copy chunks to the parser and also to the post-parser chunk assembler
    tee_chunks = tee(chunks, dataQ)
    parse_bfr = CornuCopyBuffer(tee_chunks)

    runstate = defaults.runstate

    def run_parser(runstate, bfr, min_block, max_block, offsetQ):
        ''' Thread body to scan `chunks` for offsets.
        The chunks are copied to `parseQ`, then their boundary offsets.

        If thwere is a scanner we scan the input data with it first.
        When it terminates (including from some exception), we scan
        the remaining chunks with scanbuf.

        The main function processes `parseQ` and uses its chunks and offsets
        to assemble aligned chunks of data.
            offset = 0
            if scanner:
                # Consume the chunks and offsets via a queue.
                # The scanner puts offsets onto the queue.
                # When the scanner fetches from the chunks, those chunks are copied to the queue.
                # Accordingly, chunks _should_ arrive before offsets within them.
                # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    for offset in scanner(bfr):
                        if runstate.cancelled:
                        # the scanner should yield only offsets, not chunks and offsets
                        if not isinstance(offset, int):
                            warning("discarding non-int from scanner %s: %s",
                                    scanner, offset)
                except Exception as e:
                    warning("exception from scanner %s: %s", scanner, e)
            # Consume the remainder of chunk_iter; the tee() will copy it to parseQ.
            # This is important to ensure that no chunk is missed.
            # We run these blocks through scanbuf() to find offsets.
            cso = bfr.offset  # offset after all the chunks so far
            assert offset <= cso
            sofar = cso - offset
            if sofar >= max_block:
                sofar = 0
            for offset in scan(bfr,
                if runstate.cancelled:
                offsetQ.put(cso + offset)
            # end of offsets and chunks

    # dispatch the parser
              args=(runstate, parse_bfr, min_block, max_block, offsetQ),

    # data source for assembling aligned chunks
    data_bfr = CornuCopyBuffer(dataQ)
    sofar = 0
    offset = None
    for offset in offsetQ:
        assert offset >= sofar
        block_size = offset - sofar
        assert block_size >= 0, ("block_size:%d <= 0 -- sofar=%d, offset=%d" %
                                 (block_size, sofar, offset))
        if block_size < min_block:
            # skip over small edges
            assert scanner is not None, (
                "scanner=None but still got an overly near offset"
                " (sofar=%d, offset=%d => block_size=%d < min_block:%d)" %
                (sofar, offset, block_size, min_block))
        subchunks = data_bfr.takev(block_size)
        assert sum(map(len, subchunks)) == block_size
        if block_size > max_block:
            # break up overly long blocks without a parser
            assert scanner is not None, (
                "scanner=None but still got an overly distant offset"
                " (sofar=%d, offset=%d => block_size=%d > max_block:%d)" %
                (sofar, offset, block_size, max_block))
            yield from blocked_chunks_of2(subchunks,
            yield b''.join(subchunks)
        sofar += block_size
    bs = b''.join(data_bfr)
    if bs:
        assert len(bs) <= max_block
        yield bs
Exemple #11
def blocked_chunks_of(
    ''' Generator which connects to a scanner of a chunk stream in
      order to emit low level edge aligned data chunks.

      *OBSOLETE*: we now use the simpler and faster `blocked_chunks_of2`.

      * `chunks`: a source iterable of data chunks, handed to `scanner`
      * `scanner`: optional callable accepting a `CornuCopyBuffer` and
        returning an iterable of `int`s, such as a generator. `scanner`
        may be `None`, in which case only the rolling hash is used
        to locate boundaries.
      * `min_block`: the smallest amount of data that will be used
        to create a Block, default from `MIN_BLOCKSIZE` (`{MIN_BLOCKSIZE}`)
      * `max_block`: the largest amount of data that will be used to
        create a Block, default from `MAX_BLOCKSIZE` (`{MAX_BLOCKSIZE}`)
      * `histogram`: if not `None`, a `defaultdict(int)` to collate counts.
        Integer indices count block sizes and string indices are used
        for `'bytes_total'` and `'bytes_hash_scanned'`.

      The iterable returned from `scanner(chunks)` yields `int`s which are
      considered desirable block boundaries.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-statements
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
    with Pfx("blocked_chunks_of"):
        if min_block is None:
            min_block = MIN_BLOCKSIZE
        elif min_block < 8:
            raise ValueError("rejecting min_block < 8: %s" % (min_block, ))
        if max_block is None:
            max_block = MAX_BLOCKSIZE
        elif max_block >= 1024 * 1024:
            raise ValueError("rejecting max_block >= 1024*1024: %s" %
                             (max_block, ))
        if min_block >= max_block:
            raise ValueError("rejecting min_block:%d >= max_block:%d" %
                             (min_block, max_block))
        # obtain iterator of chunks; this avoids accidentally reusing the chunks
        # if for example chunks is a sequence
        chunk_iter = iter(chunks)
        # Set up parseQ, an iterable yielding a mix of source data and
        # offsets representing desirable block boundaries.
        # If there is no scanner, this is just chunk_iter.
        # If there is a scanner we dispatch the scanner in a separate
        # Thread and feed it a tee() of chunk_iter, which copies chunks
        # to the parseQ when chunks are obtained by the scanner. The
        # Thread runs the scanner and copies its output offsets to the
        # parseQ.
        # The tee() arranges that chunks arrive before any offsets within them.
        if scanner is None:
            # No scanner, consume the chunks directly.
            parseQ = chunk_iter
            # Consume the chunks and offsets via a queue.
            # The scanner puts offsets onto the queue.
            # When the scanner fetches from the chunks, those chunks are copied to the queue.
            # When the scanner terminates, any remaining chunks are also copied to the queue.
            parseQ = IterableQueue()
            chunk_iter = tee(chunk_iter, parseQ)

            def run_parser():
                ''' Thread body to run the supplied scanner against the input data.
                bfr = CornuCopyBuffer(chunk_iter)
                # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    for offset in scanner(bfr):
                        # the scanner should yield only offsets, not chunks and offsets
                        if not isinstance(offset, int):
                            warning("discarding non-int from scanner %s: %s",
                                    scanner, offset)
                except Exception as e:
                    exception("exception from scanner %s: %s", scanner, e)
                # Consume the remainder of chunk_iter; the tee() will copy it to parseQ.
                for _ in chunk_iter:
                # end of offsets and chunks

        # inbound chunks and offsets
        in_offsets = []  # heap of unprocessed edge offsets
        # prime `available_chunk` with the first data chunk, ready for get_next_chunk
            available_chunk = next(parseQ)
        except StopIteration:
            # no data! just return

        def get_next_chunk():
            ''' Fetch and return the next data chunk from the `parseQ`.
          Return None at end of input.
          Also gather all the following offsets from the queue before return.
          Because this inherently means collecting the chunk beyond
          these offsets, we keep that in `available_chunk` for the
          next call.
          Sets parseQ to None if the end of the iterable is reached.
            nonlocal parseQ, in_offsets, hash_value, available_chunk
            if parseQ is None:
                assert available_chunk is None
                return None
            next_chunk = available_chunk
            available_chunk = None
            assert not isinstance(next_chunk, int)
            # scan the new chunk and load potential edges into the offset heap
            hash_value, chunk_scan_offsets = scanbuf(hash_value, next_chunk)
            for cso in chunk_scan_offsets:
                heappush(in_offsets, offset + cso)
            # gather items from the parseQ until the following chunk
            # or end of input
            while True:
                    item = next(parseQ)
                except StopIteration:
                    parseQ = None
                    if isinstance(item, int):
                        heappush(in_offsets, item)
                        available_chunk = item
            return next_chunk

        last_offset = None
        first_possible_point = None
        max_possible_point = None

        def recompute_offsets():
            ''' Recompute relevant offsets from the block parameters.
          The first_possible_point is last_offset+min_block,
            the earliest point at which we will accept a block boundary.
          The max_possible_point is last_offset+max_block,
            the latest point at which we will accept a block boundary;
            we will choose this if no next_offset or hash offset
            is found earlier.
            nonlocal last_offset, first_possible_point, max_possible_point
            first_possible_point = last_offset + min_block
            max_possible_point = last_offset + max_block

        # prepare initial state
        last_offset = 0  # latest released boundary
        )  # compute first_possible_point and max_possible_point
        hash_value = 0
        offset = 0
        chunk0 = None
        offset0 = None
        # unblocked outbound data
        pending = _PendingBuffer(max_block)
        # Read data chunks and locate desired boundaries.
        while True:
            chunk = get_next_chunk()
            if chunk is None:
            # verify current chunk start offset against end of previous chunk
            assert chunk0 is None or offset == offset0 + len(chunk0), \
                "offset0=%s, len(chunk0)=%d: sum(%d) != current offset %d" \
                % (offset0, len(chunk0), offset0 + len(chunk0), offset)
            chunk0 = chunk
            offset0 = offset
            chunk = memoryview(chunk)
            chunk_end_offset = offset + len(chunk)
            # process current chunk
            advance_by = 0  # how much data to add to the pending buffer
            release = False  # whether we hit a boundary ==> flush the buffer
            while chunk:
                if advance_by > 0:
                    # advance through this chunk
                    # buffer the advance
                    # release ==> flush the buffer and update last_offset
                    assert advance_by is not None
                    assert advance_by >= 0
                    assert advance_by <= len(chunk)
                    # save the advance bytes and yield any overflow
                    for out_chunk in pending.append(chunk[:advance_by]):
                        yield out_chunk
                        if histogram is not None:
                            out_chunk_size = len(out_chunk)
                            histogram['bytes_total'] += out_chunk_size
                            histogram[out_chunk_size] += 1
                            histogram['buffer_overflow_chunks'] += 1
                    offset += advance_by
                    chunk = chunk[advance_by:]
                    if last_offset != pending.offset:
                        # if the flush discarded a full buffer we need to adjust our boundaries
                        last_offset = pending.offset
                    if release:
                        release = False  # becomes true if we should flush after taking data
                        # yield the current pending data
                        for out_chunk in pending.flush():
                            yield out_chunk
                            if histogram is not None:
                                out_chunk_size = len(out_chunk)
                                histogram['bytes_total'] += out_chunk_size
                                histogram[out_chunk_size] += 1
                        last_offset = pending.offset
                    if not chunk:
                        # consumed the end of the chunk, need a new one
                advance_by = None
                # fetch the next available edge, None if nothing available or suitable
                while True:
                    if in_offsets:
                        next_offset = heappop(in_offsets)
                        if next_offset > offset and next_offset >= first_possible_point:
                        next_offset = None
                if next_offset is None or next_offset > chunk_end_offset:
                    # no suitable edge: consume the chunk and advance
                    take_to = chunk_end_offset
                    # edge before end of chunk: use it
                    take_to = next_offset
                    release = True
                advance_by = take_to - offset
                assert advance_by > 0
        # yield any left over data
        for out_chunk in pending.flush():
            yield out_chunk
            if histogram is not None:
                out_chunk_size = len(out_chunk)
                histogram['bytes_total'] += out_chunk_size
                histogram[out_chunk_size] += 1
Exemple #12
 def startup_shutdown(self):
   ''' Start up and shut down the `FilesDir`: take locks, start worker threads etc.
   self._rfds = {}
   self._unindexed = {}
   self._filemap = SqliteFilemap(self, self.statefilepath)
   hashname = self.hashname
   self.index = self.indexclass(
   # cache of open DataFiles
   self._cache = LRU_Cache(
       maxsize=4, on_remove=lambda k, datafile: datafile.close()
   # Set up data queue.
   # The .add() method adds the data to self._unindexed, puts the
   # data onto the data queue, and returns.
   # The data queue worker saves the data to backing files and
   # updates the indices.
   self._data_progress = Progress(
       name=str(self) + " data queue ",
   if defaults.show_progress:
     proxy_cmgr = upd_state.upd.insert(1)
     proxy_cmgr = nullcontext()
   with proxy_cmgr as data_proxy:
     self._data_proxy = data_proxy
     self._dataQ = IterableQueue(65536)
     self._data_Thread = bg_thread(
         name="%s._data_queue" % (self,),
     self._monitor_Thread = bg_thread(
         name="%s-datafile-monitor" % (self,),
     # shut down the monitor Thread
     mon_thread = self._monitor_Thread
     if mon_thread is not None:
       self._monitor_Thread = None
     # drain the data queue
     self._dataQ = None
     self._data_thread = None
   # update state to substrate
   self._cache = None
   self._filemap = None
   # close the read file descriptors
   for rfd in self._rfds.values():
     with Pfx("os.close(rfd:%d)", rfd):
   del self._rfds
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, block, mapsize=None, blockmapdir=None, runstate=None):
        ''' Initialise the `BlockMap`, dispatch the index generator.

        * `block`: the source `Block`
        * `mapsize`: the size of each index map, default `OFFSET_SCALE`
        * `blockmapdir`: the pathname for persistent storage of `BlockMaps`
        if mapsize is None:
            mapsize = OFFSET_SCALE
        elif mapsize <= 0 or mapsize > OFFSET_SCALE:
            raise ValueError("mapsize(%d) out of range, must be >0 and <=%d" %
                             (mapsize, OFFSET_SCALE))
        # DEBUGGING
        if blockmapdir is None:
            blockmapdir = defaults.S.blockmapdir
        if not isinstance(block, IndirectBlock):
            raise TypeError(
                "block needs to be an IndirectBlock, got a %s instead" %
                (type(block), ))
        hashcode = block.superblock.hashcode
        hashclass = type(hashcode)
        self.hashclass = hashclass
        self.mapsize = mapsize
        if blockmapdir is None:
            self.mappath = mappath = None
            self.mappath = mappath = joinpath(blockmapdir,
                                              "mapsize:%d" % (mapsize, ),
            if not isdir(mappath):
                with Pfx("makedirs(%r)", mappath):
        self.block = block
        self.S = defaults.S
        nsubmaps = len(block) // mapsize + 1
        submaps = [None] * nsubmaps
        self.maps = submaps
        mapped_to = 0
        self.rec_size = OFF_STRUCT.size + len(hashcode)
        self._loaded = False
        # preattach any existing blockmap files
        if mappath is not None:
            for submap_index in range(nsubmaps):
                submappath = joinpath(mappath,
                                      '%d.blockmap' % (submap_index, ))
                if not pathexists(submappath):
                # existing map, attach and install, advance and restart loop
                X("Blockmap.__init__: preattach existing map %r", submappath)
                submaps[submap_index] = MappedFD(submappath, hashclass)
                mapped_to += mapsize
        self.mapped_to = mapped_to
        if mapped_to < len(block):
            self._worker = bg_thread(self._load_maps,
                                     args=(defaults.S, ),
                                     name="%s._load_maps" % (self, ))
            self._worker = None
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self,
        ''' Initialise the PacketConnection.

        * `recv`: inbound binary stream.
          If this is an `int` it is taken to be an OS file descriptor,
          otherwise it should be a `cs.buffer.CornuCopyBuffer`
          or a file like object with a `read1` or `read` method.
        * `send`: outbound binary stream.
          If this is an `int` it is taken to be an OS file descriptor,
          otherwise it should be a file like object with `.write(bytes)`
          and `.flush()` methods.
          For a file descriptor sending is done via an os.dup() of
          the supplied descriptor, so the caller remains responsible
          for closing the original descriptor.
        * `packet_grace`:
          default pause in the packet sending worker
          to allow another packet to be queued
          before flushing the output stream.
          Default: `DEFAULT_PACKET_GRACE`s.
          A value of `0` will flush immediately if the queue is empty.
        * `request_handler`: an optional callable accepting
          (`rq_type`, `flags`, `payload`).
          The request_handler may return one of 5 values on success:
          * `None`: response will be 0 flags and an empty payload.
          * `int`: flags only. Response will be the flags and an empty payload.
          * `bytes`: payload only. Response will be 0 flags and the payload.
          * `str`: payload only. Response will be 0 flags and the str
                  encoded as bytes using UTF-8.
          * `(int, bytes)`: Specify flags and payload for response.
          An unsuccessful request should raise an exception, which
          will cause a failure response packet.
        * `tick`: optional tick parameter, default `None`.
          If `None`, do nothing.
          If a Boolean, call `tick_fd_2` if true, otherwise do nothing.
          Otherwise `tick` should be a callable accepting a byteslike value.
        if name is None:
            name = str(seq())
        self.name = name
        if isinstance(recv, int):
            self._recv = CornuCopyBuffer.from_fd(recv)
        elif isinstance(recv, CornuCopyBuffer):
            self._recv = recv
            self._recv = CornuCopyBuffer.from_file(recv)
        if isinstance(send, int):
            self._send = os.fdopen(os.dup(send), 'wb')
            self._send = send
        if packet_grace is None:
            packet_grace = DEFAULT_PACKET_GRACE
        if tick is None:
            tick = lambda bs: None
        elif isinstance(tick, bool):
            if tick:
                tick = tick_fd_2
                tick = lambda bs: None
        self.packet_grace = packet_grace
        self.request_handler = request_handler
        self.tick = tick
        # tags of requests in play against the local system
        self._channel_request_tags = {0: set()}
        self.notify_recv_eof = set()
        self.notify_send_eof = set()
        # LateFunctions for the requests we are performing for the remote system
        self._running = set()
        # requests we have outstanding against the remote system
        self._pending = {0: {}}
        # sequence of tag numbers
        # TODO: later, reuse old tags to prevent monotonic growth of tag field
        self._tag_seq = Seq(1)
        # work queue for local requests
        self._later = Later(4, name="%s:Later" % (self, ))
        # dispatch queue of Packets to send
        self._sendQ = IterableQueue(16)
        self._lock = Lock()
        self.closed = False
        # debugging: check for reuse of (channel,tag) etc
        self.__sent = set()
        self.__send_queued = set()
        # dispatch Thread to process received packets
        self._recv_thread = bg_thread(self._receive_loop,
                                      name="%s[_receive_loop]" % (self.name, ))
        # dispatch Thread to send data
        # primary purpose is to bundle output by deferring flushes
        self._send_thread = bg_thread(self._send_loop,
                                      name="%s[_send]" % (self.name, ))