# --------------------------
# We choose a :ref:`time-independent-forecast` to show how to evaluate a grid-based earthquake forecast using PyCSEP. Note,
# the start and end date should be chosen based on the creation of the forecast. This is important for time-independent forecasts
# because they can be rescale to any arbitrary time period.

start_date = time_utils.strptime_to_utc_datetime('2006-11-12 00:00:00.0')
end_date = time_utils.strptime_to_utc_datetime('2011-11-12 00:00:00.0')

# Load forecast
# -------------
# For this example, we provide the example forecast data set along with the main repository. The filepath is relative
# to the root directory of the package. You can specify any file location for your forecasts.

forecast = csep.load_gridded_forecast(datasets.helmstetter_mainshock_fname,

# Plot forecast
# -------------
# The forecast object provides :meth:`csep.core.forecasts.GriddedForecast.plot` to plot a gridded forecast. This function
# returns a matplotlib axes, so more specific attributes can be set on the figure.

ax = forecast.plot(show=True)

Exemple #2
# Example 1: Spatial dataset plot arguments
# -----------------------------------------

# **Load required libraries**

import csep
import cartopy
import numpy
from csep.utils import datasets, plots

# **Load a Grid Forecast from the datasets**
forecast = csep.load_gridded_forecast(datasets.hires_ssm_italy_fname,
                                      name='Werner, et al (2010) Italy')
# **Selecting plotting arguments**
# Create a dictionary containing the plot arguments
args_dict = {'title': 'Italy 10 year forecast',
             'grid_labels': True,
             'borders': True,
             'feature_lw': 0.5,
             'basemap': 'ESRI_imagery',
             'cmap': 'rainbow',
             'alpha_exp': 0.8,
             'projection': cartopy.crs.Mercator()}
# These arguments are, in order: