def edit_preview(id): article = helper.getArticle(id) render_article = helper.render_article(article) form = forms.EditStaticItem(fl.request.form) if fl.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): # method is POST preview = trimmed = helper.trimPreview(preview) cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() if cursor.execute("select * from preview where id = %s", id) != 0: cursor.execute("update preview set preview=%s where id=%s" , (trimmed, id)) else: cursor.execute("insert into preview values (%s, %s)" , (id, trimmed)) mysql.get_db().commit() cursor.close() return fl.redirect(fl.url_for('panel')) else: # method is probably GET title = render_article['title'] preview = helper.getPreview(id) # Fill form with existing content = title = preview return fl.render_template('archive/edit_static.html', form=form, heading="Edit preview")
def new_article(): form = forms.EditArticle(fl.request.form) # if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(), do real stuff: if fl.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): author = title = alias = if len(alias) == 0: alias = helper.title2alias(title) body = hidden = cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() _no_of_alias = cursor.execute("select * from archive where alias=%s", (alias)) _id = cursor.fetchone() while _no_of_alias > 0 and _id == id: alias = alias + "-" if hidden: cursor.execute("insert into archive values(NULL, %s, NULL, NULL, %s, %s, %s, 1)", (author, title, alias, body)) else: cursor.execute("insert into archive values(NULL, %s, NULL, NULL, %s, %s, %s, 0)", (author, title, alias, body)) mysql.get_db().commit() cursor.close() return fl.redirect(fl.url_for('panel')) return fl.render_template('archive/edit_article.html', form=form, heading="New article")
def delArticle(id): try: cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("delete from archive where id=%s" , (id)) mysql.get_db().commit() cursor.close() return fl.redirect(fl.url_for("panel")) except: fl.abort(404)
def login(): if fl.request.method == 'POST': # get form details username = fl.request.form['username'] password_candidate = fl.request.form['password'] # create cursor cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() # get user by username result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s", [username]) if result > 0: # get stored hash data = cursor.fetchone() password = data[3] # authenticate if hs.sha256_crypt.verify(password_candidate, password): fl.session['logged_in'] = True fl.session['username'] = username fl.flash("You're now logged in.", "success") return fl.redirect(fl.url_for('panel')) else: fl.flash("Failure", "error") return fl.render_template("archive/login.html")
def lab(): ''' get the list of article ''' cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM archive") # result gives # of query results articles = cursor.fetchall() # articles gives a tuple of all results (explicit informaiton) # print("result", result) # DEBUG # print("articles", articles) # DEBUG # for article in articles: # DEBUG # print(article) article_list = list() # make a list of articles, easy to retrieve for article in articles: render_article = helper.render_article(article) article_list.append(render_article) # print(render_article) # DEBUG ''' Get the list of static items''' result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM static") # result gives # of query results static = cursor.fetchall() # articles gives a tuple of all results (explicit informaiton) static_list = list() for static_item in static: render_static = helper.render_static_item(static_item) static_list.append(render_static) # print(static_item) # DEBUG cursor.close() return fl.render_template("archive/lab.html", articles=article_list, static=static_list)
def getMCSbyId(id): cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM mcs where id=%s", id) # get preview mcs_entry = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return mcs_entry
def getArticle(id): cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM archive WHERE id = %s", [id]) # only one will be returned (if > 1, serious bug!!) article = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return article
def getStaticItem(static_type): cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM static WHERE static_type = %s", [static_type]) # only one will be returned (if > 1, serious bug!!) static_item = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() return static_item
def getPreview(id): cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() result = cursor.execute("SELECT preview FROM preview where id=%s", id) # get preview preview = cursor.fetchone() if not preview is None: preview = preview[0] else: preview = "" cursor.close() return preview
def edit_article(id): article = helper.getArticle(id) render_article = helper.render_article(article) form = forms.EditArticle(fl.request.form) if fl.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): # method is POST author = title = body = alias = if len(alias) == 0: alias = helper.title2alias(title) hidden = cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() _no_of_alias = cursor.execute("select * from archive where alias=%s", (alias)) _id = cursor.fetchone() while _no_of_alias > 0 and _id == id: alias = alias + "-" if hidden: cursor.execute("update archive set author=%s, title=%s, alias=%s, body=%s, hidden=1 where id=%s" , (author, title, alias, body, id)) else: cursor.execute("update archive set author=%s, title=%s, alias=%s, body=%s, hidden=0 where id=%s" , (author, title, alias, body, id)) mysql.get_db().commit() cursor.close() return fl.redirect(fl.url_for('panel')) else: # method is probably GET # Fill form with existing content = render_article['author'] = render_article['title'] = helper.pprint_html(render_article['body']) = render_article['alias'] = render_article['hidden'] return fl.render_template('archive/edit_article.html', form=form, heading="Edit article")
def edit_static(static_type): static_item = helper.getStaticItem(static_type) render_static_item = helper.render_static_item(static_item) form = forms.EditStaticItem(fl.request.form) if fl.request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): # method is POST static_type = body = cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("update static set static_type=%s, body=%s where static_type=%s" , (static_type, body, static_type)) mysql.get_db().commit() cursor.close() return fl.redirect(fl.url_for('panel')) else: # method is probably GET # Fill form with existing content = render_static_item['static_type'] = render_static_item['body'] return fl.render_template('archive/edit_static.html', form=form)
def getAllStatic(): # Get static_dic cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() result = cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM static") # result gives # of query results static = cursor.fetchall( ) # articles gives a tuple of all results (explicit informaiton) static_list = list() for static_item in static: render_static = render_static_item(static_item) static_list.append(render_static) cursor.close() return classify_static(static_list)
def archive(): cursor = mysql.get_db().cursor() result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM archive") # result gives # of query results articles = cursor.fetchall() # articles gives a tuple of all results (explicit information) article_list = list() # make a list of articles, easy to retrieve for article in articles: if article[7] == 0: # only display articles that are not hidden render_article = helper.render_article(article) # preview = getPreview(render_article['id']) # get preview by id # render_article['preview'] = preview article_list.append(render_article) cursor.close() return fl.render_template('archive/index.html', articles=article_list)