Exemple #1
def smooth_rank_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
    mask = K.cast(K.greater(y_true[:, None] - y_true[:, :, None], 0),
    exped = K.exp(y_pred[:, None] - y_pred[:, :, None])
    result = K.sum(exped * mask, axis=[1, 2])
    return result / K.sum(mask, axis=(1, 2))
Exemple #2
def zero_one_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
    n_instances, n_objects = get_instances_objects(y_true)
    equal_ranks = K.cast(K.all(K.equal(y_pred, y_true), axis=1), dtype="float32")
    denominator = K.cast(n_instances, dtype="float32")
    zero_one_loss = K.sum(equal_ranks) / denominator
    return zero_one_loss
Exemple #3
def hinged_rank_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
    mask = K.cast(K.greater(y_true[:, None] - y_true[:, :, None], 0),
    diff = y_pred[:, :, None] - y_pred[:, None]
    hinge = K.maximum(mask * (1 - diff), 0)
    n = K.sum(mask, axis=(1, 2))
    return K.sum(hinge, axis=(1, 2)) / n
Exemple #4
def test_tensorify():
    a = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
    out = tensorify(a)
    assert isinstance(out, tf.Tensor)

    b = K.zeros((5, 3))
    out = tensorify(b)
    assert b == out
Exemple #5
def zero_one_accuracy_for_scores(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
    n_instances, n_objects = get_instances_objects(y_true)
    predicted_rankings = scores_to_rankings(n_objects, y_pred)
    y_true = K.cast(y_true, dtype='float32')
    equal_ranks = K.cast(K.all(K.equal(predicted_rankings, y_true), axis=1),
    denominator = K.cast(n_instances, dtype='float32')
    zero_one_loss = K.sum(equal_ranks) / denominator
    return zero_one_loss
Exemple #6
def spearman_correlation_for_scores(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
    n_instances, n_objects = get_instances_objects(y_true)
    predicted_rankings = scores_to_rankings(n_objects, y_pred)
    y_true = K.cast(y_true, dtype='float32')
    sum_of_squared_distances = tf.constant(0.0)
    for i in np.arange(K.int_shape(y_pred)[1]):
        objects_pred = predicted_rankings[:, i]
        objects_true = y_true[:, i]
        t = (objects_pred - objects_true)**2
        sum_of_squared_distances = sum_of_squared_distances + tf.reduce_sum(t)
    denominator = K.cast(n_objects * (n_objects**2 - 1) * n_instances,
    spearman_correlation = 1 - (6 * sum_of_squared_distances) / denominator
    return spearman_correlation
Exemple #7
    def ndcg(y_true, y_pred):
        y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)

        max_rank = K.max(y_true)

        def rank_to_relevance(rank):
            # Convert a rank to a relevance, which is (somewhat arbitrarily)
            # defined to be inversely proportional to the rank and normalized
            # to [0, 1]. Other conversion functions are possible.
            normalized_inverse = (max_rank - rank) / max_rank
            # define the relevance as 2**a
            return K.pow(2.0, normalized_inverse) - 1.0

        relevance_true = rank_to_relevance(y_true)
        relevance_pred = rank_to_relevance(y_pred)

        # Calculate ideal dcg:
        most_relevant_items, most_relevant_idx = tf.math.top_k(
            relevance_true, k)
        # arange starts at 0, but ranks start at 1 and the log term starts at 2
        log_term = K.log(K.arange(k, dtype="float32") + 2.0)
        # keras only natively supports the natural logarithm, have to switch base
        log2_term = log_term / K.log(2.0)
        idcg = K.sum(most_relevant_items / log2_term, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

        # Calculate actual dcg:

        # The index of the row of every element in toppred_ind, i.e.
        # [[0, 0],
        #  [1, 1]]
        row_ind = K.cumsum(K.ones_like(most_relevant_idx, dtype="int32"),
                           axis=0) - 1

        # Indices of the k truly most relevant items, sorted by relevance. We
        # want to sort the predictions based on those indices, since that is
        # what we're trying to match.
        full_indices = K.stack([row_ind, most_relevant_idx], axis=-1)

        # Predicted relevances for the items that *should* have the top k
        # slots, ordered by the relevance rank they *should* have (so the
        # log2_term from the true predictions still has the right oder)
        top_k_preds = tf.gather_nd(relevance_pred, full_indices)

        weighted = top_k_preds / log2_term
        dcg = K.sum(weighted, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

        gain = dcg / idcg
        return gain
Exemple #8
def make_smooth_ndcg_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
    n_objects = K.max(y_true) + 1.
    y_true_f = K.cast(y_true, 'float32')
    relevance = n_objects - y_true_f - 1.
    log_term = K.log(relevance + 2.) / K.log(2.)
    exp_relevance = K.pow(2., relevance) - 1.
    gains = exp_relevance / log_term

    # Calculate ideal dcg:
    idcg = K.sum(gains, axis=-1)

    # Calculate smoothed dcg:
    exped = K.exp(y_pred)
    exped = exped / K.sum(exped, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    # toppred, toppred_ind = tf.nn.top_k(gains * exped, k)
    return 1 - K.sum(exped * gains, axis=-1) / idcg
Exemple #9
def zero_one_rank_loss_for_scores_ties(y_true, s_pred):
    y_true, s_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(s_pred)
    n_objects = K.cast(K.max(y_true) + 1, dtype='float32')
    mask = K.greater(y_true[:, None] - y_true[:, :, None], 0)
    mask2 = K.greater(s_pred[:, None] - s_pred[:, :, None], 0)
    mask3 = K.equal(s_pred[:, None] - s_pred[:, :, None], 0)

    # Calculate Transpositions
    transpositions = tf.logical_and(mask, mask2)
    transpositions = K.sum(K.cast(transpositions, dtype='float32'),
                           axis=[1, 2])
    transpositions += (K.sum(K.cast(mask3, dtype='float32'), axis=[1, 2]) -
                       n_objects) / 4.

    denominator = n_objects * (n_objects - 1.) / 2.
    result = transpositions / denominator
    return K.mean(result)
Exemple #10
def zero_one_rank_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
    mask = K.greater(y_true[:, None] - y_true[:, :, None], 0)
    # Count the number of mistakes (here position difference less than 0)
    mask2 = K.less(y_pred[:, None] - y_pred[:, :, None], 0)
    mask3 = K.equal(y_pred[:, None] - y_pred[:, :, None], 0)

    # Calculate Transpositions
    transpositions = tf.logical_and(mask, mask2)
    transpositions = K.sum(K.cast(transpositions, dtype='float32'),
                           axis=[1, 2])

    n_objects = K.max(y_true) + 1
    transpositions += (K.sum(K.cast(mask3, dtype='float32'), axis=[1, 2]) -
                       n_objects) / 4.
    denominator = K.cast((n_objects * (n_objects - 1.)) / 2., dtype='float32')
    result = transpositions / denominator
    return K.mean(result)
 def _predict_scores_fixed(self, X, **kwargs):
     self.logger.info("Predicting scores")
     n_instances, n_objects, n_features = tensorify(X).get_shape().as_list()
     y = []
     for i in range(n_instances):
     y = np.array(y)
     X = self.one_hot_encoder_labels(X, y)
     return FATENetwork._predict_scores_fixed(self, X, **kwargs)
Exemple #12
    def ndcg(y_true, y_pred):
        y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
        n_objects = K.cast(K.int_shape(y_pred)[1], 'float32')
        relevance = K.pow(2., ((n_objects - y_true) * 60) / n_objects) - 1.
        relevance_pred = K.pow(2.,
                               ((n_objects - y_pred) * 60) / n_objects) - 1.

        # Calculate ideal dcg:
        toprel, toprel_ind = tf.nn.top_k(relevance, k)
        log_term = K.log(K.arange(k, dtype='float32') + 2.) / K.log(2.)
        idcg = K.sum(toprel / log_term, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        # Calculate actual dcg:
        toppred, toppred_ind = tf.nn.top_k(relevance_pred, k)
        row_ind = K.cumsum(K.ones_like(toppred_ind), axis=0) - 1
        ind = K.stack([row_ind, toppred_ind], axis=-1)
        pred_rel = K.sum(tf.gather_nd(relevance, ind) / log_term,
        gain = pred_rel / idcg
        return gain
Exemple #13
def relevance_gain(grading, max_grade):
    """Maps a ranking (0 to `max_grade`, lower is better) to its gain.

    The gain is defined similar to the Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG)
    metric. The value is always in [0, 1]. Therefore, it can be
    interpreted as a probability.

    max_grade: float
        The highest achievable grade.
    grading: float
        A grading. Higher gradings are assumed to be better.
        0 <= grading <= max_grade must always hold.

    >>> y_true = [0, 3, 2, 1] # (A > D > C > B)
    >>> K.eval(relevance_gain(y_true, max_grade=3)).tolist()
    [0.875, 0.0, 0.125, 0.375]
    grading = tensorify(grading)
    inverse_grading = -grading + tf.cast(max_grade, grading.dtype)
    return (2**inverse_grading - 1) / (2**tf.cast(max_grade, tf.float32))
Exemple #14
 def topk_acc(y_true, y_pred):
     y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)
     acc = tf.nn.in_top_k(y_pred, tf.argmax(y_true, axis=-1), k=k)
     acc = K.cast(acc, dtype='float32')
     return acc
Exemple #15
def err(y_true, y_pred, utility_function=None, probability_mapping=None):
    """Computes the Expected Reciprocal Rank or any Cascade Metric.

    ERR[1] is the cascade metric with the reciprocal rank as the utility

    y_true: list of int
        The "ground truth" ranking. In this case, this does not need to
        actually be a ranking. It can be any 2 dimensional array whose
        elements can be transformed to probabilities by the
    y_pred: list of int
        The predicted ranking that is to be evaluated.
    probability_mapping: list of int -> list of float
        A function that maps the elements of `y_true` to probabilities.
        Those values are then interpreted as the probability that the
        corresponding object satisfies the user's need. If `None` is
        specified, the `relevance_gain` function with `max_grade` set to
        the highest grade occurring in the grading is used.
    utility_function: int -> float
        A function that maps a rank (0 being the highest) to its
        "utility". If `None` is specified, this is defined as the
        reciprocal of the rank (resulting in the ERR metric). If a
        different utility is specified, this function can compute any
        cascade metric. Corresponds to the function represented by
        :math:`\\phi` in [1]. This will usually be a monotonically
        decreasing function, since the user is more likely to examine
        the first few results and therefore more likely to derive
        utility from them.


    First, let's keep the default values and evaluate a ranking:
    >>> y_true = [
    ...     [0, 3, 2, 1],
    ...     [2, 3, 1, 0],
    ... ]
    >>> y_pred = [
    ...     [0, 3, 1, 2],
    ...     [1, 2, 3, 0],
    ... ]
    >>> K.eval(err(y_true, y_pred))

    Instead of relying on the relevance gain, we can also explicitly specify
    our own probabilities:
    >>> y_true = [
    ...     [0.3, 0.6, 0.05, 0.05],
    ...     [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7],
    ... ]
    >>> y_pred = [
    ...     [0, 3, 1, 2],
    ...     [1, 2, 3, 0],
    ... ]

    Now `y_true[i, j]` is the probability that object `j` in instance `i`
    satisfies the user's need. To use this probabilities unchanged, we need to
    override the probability mapping with the identity:

    >>> probability_mapping = lambda x: x

    Let us further specify that the rank utilities decrease in an exponential
    manner, e.g. every rank is only half as "valuable" as its predecessor:
    >>> utility_function = lambda r: 1/2**(r - 1) # start with 2**0 = 1

    We can now evaluate the metric:
    >>> K.eval(err(
    ...     y_true,
    ...     y_pred,
    ...     probability_mapping=probability_mapping,
    ...     utility_function=utility_function,
    ... ))

    The resulting metric is technically no longer an expected reciprocal rank,
    since the utility is not given by the reciprocal of the rank. It is a
    different version of a cascade metric. The original paper [1] called it an
    abandonment cascade (with gamma = 1/2), so let us define a new name for it:

    >>> from functools import partial
    >>> abandonment_cascade_half = partial(
    ...     err,
    ...     probability_mapping=probability_mapping,
    ...     utility_function=utility_function,
    ... )
    >>> K.eval(abandonment_cascade_half(y_true, y_pred))

        [1] Chapelle, Olivier, et al. "Expected reciprocal rank for graded
        relevance." Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and
        knowledge management. ACM, 2009. http://olivier.chapelle.cc/pub/err.pdf
    if probability_mapping is None:
        max_grade = tf.reduce_max(y_true)
        probability_mapping = partial(relevance_gain, max_grade=max_grade)
    if utility_function is None:

        def reciprocal_rank(rank):
            return 1 / rank

        utility_function = reciprocal_rank
    y_true, y_pred = tensorify(y_true), tensorify(y_pred)

    ninstances = tf.shape(y_pred)[0]
    nobjects = tf.shape(y_pred)[1]

    # Using y_true and the probability mapping, we can derive the
    # probability that each object satisfies the users need (we need to
    # map over the flattened array and then restore the shape):
    satisfied_probs = tf.reshape(
        tf.map_fn(probability_mapping, tf.reshape(y_true, (-1, ))),

    # sort satisfied probabilities according to the predicted ranking
    rows = tf.range(0, ninstances)
    rows_cast = tf.broadcast_to(tf.reshape(rows, (-1, 1)), tf.shape(y_pred))
    full_indices = tf.stack([rows_cast, tf.cast(y_pred, tf.int32)], axis=2)
    satisfied_at_rank = tf.gather_nd(satisfied_probs, full_indices)

    not_satisfied_n_times = tf.cumprod(1 - satisfied_at_rank,

    # And from the positions predicted in y_pred we can further derive
    # the utilities of each object given their position:
    utilities = tf.map_fn(
        tf.range(1, nobjects + 1),

    discount_at_rank = tf.cast(not_satisfied_n_times, tf.float64) * tf.reshape(
        utilities, (1, -1))
    discounted_document_values = (tf.cast(satisfied_at_rank, tf.float64) *
    results = tf.reduce_sum(discounted_document_values, axis=1)

    return K.mean(results)