def _setCssText(self, cssText): self._checkReadonly() prods = Choice( PreDef.hexcolor(stop=True), PreDef.ident(stop=True), PreDef.string(stop=True), PreDef.unicode_range(stop=True), ) ok, seq, store, unused = ProdParser().parse(cssText, 'Value', prods) self.wellformed = ok if ok: # only 1 value anyway! self._type = seq[0].type self._value = seq[0].value self._setSeq(seq)
def _setCssText(self, cssText): # noqa: C901 """ Format:: unary_operator : '-' | '+' ; operator : '/' S* | ',' S* | /* empty */ ; expr : term [ operator term ]* ; term : unary_operator? [ NUMBER S* | PERCENTAGE S* | LENGTH S* | EMS S* | EXS S* | ANGLE S* | TIME S* | FREQ S* ] | STRING S* | IDENT S* | URI S* | hexcolor | function | UNICODE-RANGE S* ; function : FUNCTION S* expr ')' S* ; /* * There is a constraint on the color that it must * have either 3 or 6 hex-digits (i.e., [0-9a-fA-F]) * after the "#"; e.g., "#000" is OK, but "#abcd" is not. */ hexcolor : HASH S* ; :exceptions: - :exc:`~xml.dom.SyntaxErr`: Raised if the specified CSS string value has a syntax error (according to the attached property) or is unparsable. - :exc:`~xml.dom.InvalidModificationErr`: TODO: Raised if the specified CSS string value represents a different type of values than the values allowed by the CSS property. - :exc:`~xml.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr`: Raised if this value is readonly. """ self._checkReadonly() # used as operator is , / or S nextSor = ',/' term = Choice( Sequence( PreDef.unary(), Choice( PreDef.number(nextSor=nextSor), PreDef.percentage(nextSor=nextSor), PreDef.dimension(nextSor=nextSor), ), ), PreDef.string(nextSor=nextSor), PreDef.ident(nextSor=nextSor), PreDef.uri(nextSor=nextSor), PreDef.hexcolor(nextSor=nextSor), PreDef.unicode_range(nextSor=nextSor), # special case IE only expression Prod( name='expression', match=lambda t, v: t == self._prods.FUNCTION and (cssutils.helper.normalize(v) in ( 'expression(', 'alpha(', 'blur(', 'chroma(', 'dropshadow(', 'fliph(', 'flipv(', 'glow(', 'gray(', 'invert(', 'mask(', 'shadow(', 'wave(', 'xray(', ) or v.startswith('progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.')), nextSor=nextSor, toSeq=lambda t, tokens: ( ExpressionValue._functionName, ExpressionValue(cssutils.helper.pushtoken(t, tokens), parent=self), ), ), # CSS Variable var( PreDef.variable( nextSor=nextSor, toSeq=lambda t, tokens: ( 'CSSVariable', CSSVariable(cssutils.helper.pushtoken(t, tokens), parent=self), ), ), # calc( PreDef.calc( nextSor=nextSor, toSeq=lambda t, tokens: ( CalcValue._functionName, CalcValue(cssutils.helper.pushtoken(t, tokens), parent=self), ), ), # TODO: # # rgb/rgba( # Prod(name='RGBColor', # match=lambda t, v: t == self._prods.FUNCTION and ( # cssutils.helper.normalize(v) in (u'rgb(', # u'rgba(' # ) # ), # nextSor=nextSor, # toSeq=lambda t, tokens: (RGBColor._functionName, # RGBColor( # cssutils.helper.pushtoken(t, tokens), # parent=self) # ) # ), # other functions like rgb( etc PreDef.function( nextSor=nextSor, toSeq=lambda t, tokens: ( 'FUNCTION', CSSFunction(cssutils.helper.pushtoken(t, tokens), parent=self), ), ), ) operator = Choice( PreDef.S(), PreDef.char('comma', ',', toSeq=lambda t, tokens: ('operator', t[1])), PreDef.char('slash', '/', toSeq=lambda t, tokens: ('operator', t[1])), optional=True, ) # CSSValue PRODUCTIONS valueprods = Sequence( term, Sequence( operator, # mayEnd this Sequence if whitespace # TODO: only when setting via other class # used by variabledeclaration currently PreDef.char('END', ';', stopAndKeep=True, optional=True), term, minmax=lambda: (0, None), ), ) # parse wellformed, seq, store, notused = ProdParser().parse(cssText, 'CSSValue', valueprods, keepS=True) if wellformed: # - count actual values and set firstvalue which is used later on # - combine comma separated list, e.g. font-family to a single item # - remove S which should be an operator but is no needed count, firstvalue = 0, () newseq = self._tempSeq() i, end = 0, len(seq) while i < end: item = seq[i] if item.type == self._prods.S: pass elif (item.value, item.type) == (',', 'operator'): # , separared counts as a single STRING for now # URI or STRING value might be a single CHAR too! newseq.appendItem(item) count -= 1 if firstvalue: # list of IDENTs is handled as STRING! if firstvalue[1] == self._prods.IDENT: firstvalue = firstvalue[0], 'STRING' elif item.value == '/': # / separated items count as one newseq.appendItem(item) elif item.value == '-' or item.value == '+': # combine +- and following number or other i += 1 try: next = seq[i] except IndexError: firstvalue = () # raised later break newval = item.value + next.value newseq.append(newval, next.type, item.line, item.col) if not firstvalue: firstvalue = (newval, next.type) count += 1 elif item.type != cssutils.css.CSSComment: newseq.appendItem(item) if not firstvalue: firstvalue = (item.value, item.type) count += 1 else: newseq.appendItem(item) i += 1 if not firstvalue: self._log.error('CSSValue: Unknown syntax or no value: %r.' % self._valuestr(cssText)) else: # ok and set self._setSeq(newseq) self.wellformed = wellformed if hasattr(self, '_value'): # only in case of CSSPrimitiveValue, else remove! del self._value if count == 1: # inherit, primitive or variable if isinstance( firstvalue[0], str) and 'inherit' == cssutils.helper.normalize( firstvalue[0]): self.__class__ = CSSValue self._cssValueType = CSSValue.CSS_INHERIT elif 'CSSVariable' == firstvalue[1]: self.__class__ = CSSVariable self._value = firstvalue # TODO: remove major hack! self._name = firstvalue[0]._name else: self.__class__ = CSSPrimitiveValue self._value = firstvalue elif count > 1: # valuelist self.__class__ = CSSValueList # change items in list to specific type (primitive etc) newseq = self._tempSeq() commalist = [] nexttocommalist = False def itemValue(item): "Reserialized simple item.value" if self._prods.STRING == item.type: return cssutils.helper.string(item.value) elif self._prods.URI == item.type: return cssutils.helper.uri(item.value) elif (self._prods.FUNCTION == item.type or 'CSSVariable' == item.type): return item.value.cssText else: return item.value def saveifcommalist(commalist, newseq): """ saves items in commalist to seq and items if anything in there """ if commalist: newseq.replace( -1, CSSPrimitiveValue(cssText=''.join(commalist)), CSSPrimitiveValue, newseq[-1].line, newseq[-1].col, ) del commalist[:] for i, item in enumerate(self._seq): if issubclass(type(item.value), CSSValue): # set parent of CSSValueList items to the lists # parent item.value.parent = self.parent if item.type in ( self._prods.DIMENSION, self._prods.FUNCTION, self._prods.HASH, self._prods.IDENT, self._prods.NUMBER, self._prods.PERCENTAGE, self._prods.STRING, self._prods.URI, self._prods.UNICODE_RANGE, 'CSSVariable', ): if nexttocommalist: # wait until complete commalist.append(itemValue(item)) else: saveifcommalist(commalist, newseq) # append new item if hasattr(item.value, 'cssText'): newseq.append( item.value, item.value.__class__, item.line, item.col, ) else: newseq.append( CSSPrimitiveValue(itemValue(item)), CSSPrimitiveValue, item.line, item.col, ) nexttocommalist = False elif ',' == item.value: if not commalist: # save last item to commalist commalist.append(itemValue(self._seq[i - 1])) commalist.append(',') nexttocommalist = True else: if nexttocommalist: commalist.append(item.value.cssText) else: newseq.appendItem(item) saveifcommalist(commalist, newseq) self._setSeq(newseq) else: # should not happen... self.__class__ = CSSValue self._cssValueType = CSSValue.CSS_CUSTOM