def getFusionIOSoftwareInventory(self, csurData): started = False updateSoftwareList = [] regex = r"^FusionIOSoftware.*" csurUtils.log("Begin Getting FusionIO Software Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("csurData = " + ":".join(csurData), "debug") fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') for data in csurData: if not re.match(regex, data) and not started: continue elif re.match(regex, data): started = True continue else: csurSoftwareList = data.split('|') csurSoftware = csurSoftwareList[0].strip() csurSoftwareEpoch = csurSoftwareList[1].strip() csurSoftwareVersion = csurSoftwareList[2].strip() command = "rpm -q --queryformat=\"%{buildtime} %{version}-%{release}\" " + csurSoftware + " 2> /dev/null" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.softwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") if result.returncode != 0: fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + csurSoftware.ljust(25) + "| " + csurSoftwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| Missing".ljust(25, ' ') + "|" + "\n")) updateSoftwareList.append(csurSoftware + "-") continue installedSoftware = out.strip() installedSoftwareList = installedSoftware.split() installedSoftwareEpoch = installedSoftwareList[0] installedSoftwareVersion = installedSoftwareList[1] fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + csurSoftware.ljust(25) + "| " + csurSoftwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedSoftwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) fh.close() csurUtils.log("End Getting Software Inventory", "info")
def getCommonFirmwareInventory(self, firmwareDict, updateList): biosFirmwareType = "BIOS" + self.systemModel fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') csurUtils.log("Begin Getting Compute Node Common Firmware Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("firmwareDict = " + str(firmwareDict), "debug") csurUtils.log("updateList = " + ":".join(updateList), "debug") #BIOS command = "dmidecode -s bios-release-date" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") biosFirmwareDate = out.strip() biosFirmwareDateList = biosFirmwareDate.split('/') installedFirmwareVersion = biosFirmwareDateList[2] + '.' + biosFirmwareDateList[0] + '.' + biosFirmwareDateList[1] csurFirmwareVersion = firmwareDict.get(biosFirmwareType) if installedFirmwareVersion != csurFirmwareVersion: updateList.append(biosFirmwareType) fh.write(csurUtils.conversion("| " + biosFirmwareType.ljust(25) + "| " + csurFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) #iLO command = "hponcfg -g|grep \"Firmware Revision\"|awk '{print $4}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedFirmwareVersion = out.strip() if installedFirmwareVersion != firmwareDict.get('iLO'): updateList.append('iLO') fh.write(csurUtils.conversion("| " + 'iLO'.ljust(25) + "| " + firmwareDict.get('iLO').ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) fh.close() csurUtils.log("End Getting Compute Node Common Firmware Inventory", "info")
def getComputeNodeSpecificFirmwareInventory(self, firmwareDict, updateList): fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') csurUtils.log("Begin Getting Compute Node Specific Firmware Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("firmwareDict = " + str(firmwareDict), "debug") csurUtils.log("updateList = " + ":".join(updateList), "debug") #Fusion-IO command = "fio-status|grep -i -m 1 firmware|awk '{sub(/,/,\"\"); sub(/v/, \"\");print $2\".\"$4}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedFirmwareVersion = out.strip() fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + 'FusionIO'.ljust(25) + "| " + firmwareDict.get('FusionIO').ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) fh.close() csurUtils.log("End Getting Compute Node Specific Firmware Inventory", "info")
def getComputeNodeSpecificFirmwareInventory(self, firmwareDict, updateList): fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') csurUtils.log("Begin Getting Compute Node Specific Firmware Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("firmwareDict = " + str(firmwareDict), "debug") csurUtils.log("updateList = " + ":".join(updateList), "debug") #Power Management Controller fh2 = open("dmidecode.log", 'w')["dmidecode"], stdout=fh2) fh2.close() command = "egrep -A 1 \"^\s*Power Management Controller Firmware\s*$\" dmidecode.log |grep -v Power |sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedFirmwareVersion = out.strip() fh.write(csurUtils.conversion("| " + 'PMCDL580Gen8'.ljust(25) + "| " + (firmwareDict.get('PMCDL580Gen8')).ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) fh.close() os.remove("dmidecode.log") csurUtils.log("End Getting Compute Node Specific Firmware Inventory", "info")
def getDriverInventory(self, csurData): started = False updateDriverList = [] csurUtils.log("Begin Getting Driver Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("csurData = " + ":".join(csurData), "debug") fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') regex = self.OSDistLevel + ".*" + self.systemModel + ".*" for data in csurData: if not re.match(regex, data) and not started: continue elif re.match(regex, data): started = True continue elif re.match(r'\s*$', data): break else: csurDriverList = data.split('|') csurDriver = csurDriverList[0].strip() csurDriverVersion = csurDriverList[1].strip() command = "modinfo " + csurDriver + "|grep -i ^version|awk '{print $2}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.driverError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedDriverVersion = out.strip() fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + csurDriver.ljust(25) + "| " + csurDriverVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedDriverVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) if installedDriverVersion != csurDriverVersion: updateDriverList.append(csurDriver) fh.close() csurUtils.log("updateDriverList = " + ":".join(updateDriverList), "debug") csurUtils.log("End Getting Driver Inventory", "info") return updateDriverList
def getFusionIODriverInventory(self, csurData): started = False updateDriverList = [] csurUtils.log("Begin Getting FusionIO Driver Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("csurData = " + ":".join(csurData), "debug") fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') regex = r"^FusionIODriver.*" for data in csurData: if not re.match(regex, data) and not started: continue elif re.match(regex, data): started = True continue else: csurDriverList = data.split('|') csurDriver = csurDriverList[0].strip() csurDriverVersion = csurDriverList[1].strip() command = "fio-status -v|awk '{print $1}'|egrep -o \"^[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1}\"" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.driverError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedDriverVersion = out.strip() fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + csurDriver.ljust(25) + "| " + csurDriverVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedDriverVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) break fh.close() csurUtils.log("End Getting FusionIO Driver Inventory", "info")
def getStorageFirmwareInventory(self, firmwareDict, updateList): fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') csurUtils.log("Begin Getting Storage Firmware Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("firmwareDict = " + str(firmwareDict), "debug") csurUtils.log("updateList = " + ":".join(updateList), "debug") #hpacucli has been replaced by hpssacli so we need to check in case we are on an older system. if os.path.isfile('/usr/sbin/hpssacli'): arrayCfgUtilFile = '/usr/sbin/hpssacli' else: arrayCfgUtilFile = '/usr/sbin/hpacucli' csurUtils.log("arrayCfgUtilFile = " + arrayCfgUtilFile, "debug") #Get list of storage controllers. command = arrayCfgUtilFile + " ctrl all show status|egrep -o \"P.*Slot\s*[0-9]{1,2}\"|awk '{print $1\":\"$NF}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") controllerList = out.splitlines() hardDriveList = [ ] #This is a complete list of hard drives from all controllers combined. for controller in controllerList: controllerModel = controller[0:controller.index(':')] controllerSlot = controller[controller.index(':') + 1:len(controller)] csurFirmwareVersion = firmwareDict.get(controllerModel) command = arrayCfgUtilFile + " ctrl slot=" + controllerSlot + " show |grep \"Firmware Version\"|awk '{print $3}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedFirmwareVersion = out.strip() if installedFirmwareVersion != csurFirmwareVersion: updateList.append(controllerModel) fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + controllerModel.ljust(25) + "| " + csurFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) if (controllerModel == 'P812') or (controllerModel == 'P431'): csurFirmwareVersion = firmwareDict.get('D2700') command = arrayCfgUtilFile + " ctrl slot=" + controllerSlot + " enclosure all show detail|grep -m 1 \"Firmware Version\"|awk '{print $3}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedFirmwareVersion = out.strip() if installedFirmwareVersion != csurFirmwareVersion: updateList.append('D2700') fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + "D2700".ljust(25) + "| " + csurFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) #Get a list of all hard drives and thier firmware version. command = arrayCfgUtilFile + " ctrl slot=" + controllerSlot + " pd all show detail|grep -A 2 --no-group-separator \"Firmware Revision\"|grep -v Serial|sed -e '$!N;s/\\n/ /'|awk '{print $6, $3}'|sort -k1" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") hardDriveList.extend( out.splitlines() ) #out is an array of hard drives and their firmware version, e.g. 'EG0600FBVFP HPDC' #Sort the hard drive list since it may not be sorted due to multiple controllers. hardDriveList.sort() #Get a unique list of hard drives managed by the controllers. hardDriveModels = [] count = 0 for hd in hardDriveList: hardDriveData = hd.split() if count == 0: hardDriveModels.append(hardDriveData[0].strip()) tmpHardDriveModel = hardDriveData[0] count += 1 elif hardDriveData[0] != tmpHardDriveModel: hardDriveModels.append(hardDriveData[0].strip()) tmpHardDriveModel = hardDriveData[0] #Now check each hard drive's firmware version. for hardDriveModel in hardDriveModels: count = 0 csurFirmwareVersion = firmwareDict.get(hardDriveModel) #This accounts for the cases where the CSUR did not include a hard drive's firmware. if csurFirmwareVersion is None: csurFirmwareVersion = 'Missing' fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + hardDriveModel.ljust(25) + "| " + csurFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| ".ljust(25, ' ') + "|" + "\n")) continue #Now check every hard drive's firmware version that matches the current hardDriveModel. for hd in hardDriveList: hardDriveData = hd.split() if hardDriveData[0].strip() == hardDriveModel: hardDriveFirmwareVersion = hardDriveData[1].strip() ''' If the hard drive version does not match the CSUR version then add it to the updateList. We only care about a one time occurance of a firmware mis-match. ''' if hardDriveFirmwareVersion != csurFirmwareVersion: updateList.append(hardDriveModel) fh.write( csurUtils.conversion( "| " + hardDriveModel.ljust(25) + "| " + csurFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + hardDriveFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) count += 1 break #If all the hard drives for the given model have firmware matching the CSUR then count will be 0. if count == 0: fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + hardDriveModel.ljust(25) + "| " + csurFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + hardDriveFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) fh.close() csurUtils.log("End Getting Storage Firmware Inventory", "info")
def getNICFirmwareInventory(self, firmwareDict, updateList): nicCardModels = [] count = 0 csurUtils.log("Begin Getting NIC Firmware Inventory", "info") csurUtils.log("firmwareDict = " + str(firmwareDict), "debug") csurUtils.log("updateList = " + ":".join(updateList), "debug") nicBusList = self.getNicBusList() #Get a unique list of nic card models. for nd in nicBusList: #['03:00.0 HP331FLR', '44:00.0 HP560SFP', '47:00.0 HP560SFP'] nicCardData = nd.split() if count == 0: nicCardModels.append(nicCardData[1].strip()) tmpNicCardModel = nicCardData[1] count += 1 elif nicCardData[1] != tmpNicCardModel: nicCardModels.append(nicCardData[1].strip()) tmpNicCardModel = nicCardData[1] #Get nic card list which will be used to map nic card bus to nic device. command = "ifconfig -a|egrep -v \"^\s+|^bond|^lo|^\s*$\"|awk '{print $1}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") nicCardList = out.splitlines( ) #['em0', 'em1', 'em2', 'em3', 'p4p1', 'p4p2', 'p5p1', 'p5p2', 'p7p1', 'p7p2', 'p8p1', 'p8p2'] fh = open(self.gapAnalysisFile, 'a') #Loop through all nic cards to check thier firmware. Only record one occcurance of a mismatch. for nicCardModel in nicCardModels: #['HP331FLR', 'HP560SFP'] count = 0 csurNicCardFirmwareVersion = firmwareDict.get(nicCardModel) for data in nicBusList: nicCardData = data.split() nicBus = nicCardData[0].strip() installedNicCardModel = nicCardData[1].strip() if installedNicCardModel == nicCardModel: for nic in nicCardList: command = "ethtool -i " + nic + "|grep " + nicBus result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") if result.returncode != 0: continue else: nicDevice = nic command = "ethtool -i " + nicDevice + "|grep firmware-version|awk '{print $NF}'" result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = result.communicate() if err != '': csurUtils.log(err, "error") self.firmwareError = True csurUtils.log("out = " + out, "debug") installedFirmwareVersion = out.strip() if installedFirmwareVersion != csurNicCardFirmwareVersion and count == 0: updateList.append(nicCardModel) fh.write( csurUtils.conversion( "| " + nicCardModel.ljust(25) + "| " + csurNicCardFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) count += 1 break #We only get here if a nic card matched the nicBus we are looking at. else: continue if count == 1: break if count == 0: fh.write( csurUtils.conversion("| " + nicCardModel.ljust(25) + "| " + csurNicCardFirmwareVersion.ljust(25) + "| " + installedFirmwareVersion.ljust(23) + "|" + "\n")) fh.close() csurUtils.log("End Getting NIC Firmware Inventory", "info")