def main(write_match):
    c_data = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers('../data/networkdata/match' +
                                                  str(write_match) + '_c.csv')
    # c means clustering coefficient data.
    # c[0] is player name, c[1] is the clustering coefficient value.
    c = []
    for item in c_data:
        c.append([item[0], float(item[1])])
    # First divide into 2 groups: Group A and others.
    center, bel = kmeans(c, write_match, 2)
    # Make center[1] group A.
    if center[0] > center[1]:
        center[0], center[1] = center[1], center[0]
        for i, item in enumerate(bel):
            if item == 1:
                bel[i] = 0
                bel[i] = 1
    # Copy other item to d[].
    d = []
    for i, item in enumerate(c):
        if bel[i] == 0:
    # Divide others into 2 groups: Group B and Group C.
    center2, bel2 = kmeans(d, write_match, 2)
    # Make center2[0] Group C and center2[1] Group B.
    if center2[0] > center2[1]:
        center2[0], center2[1] = center2[1], center2[0]
    # Return every group's center.
    return [center2[0], center2[1], center[1]]
Exemple #2
        tnlocs = [nloc[i]]
        dat = ps_data[key]
        size = dat[1] * 20
        alpha = dat[1] / 160 + 0.15

length_factor = 1.05
width_factor = 0.68

full_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers('../data/fullevents.csv')
passing_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers(

write_team = 'Huskies'

for write_match in range(1, 39):
    location = {}
    passing_data = {}
    pair_passing_data = {}
    substitution_list = []

    for item in full_events:
        if int(item[0]) is not write_match:
        if item[1].find(write_team) is -1:
Exemple #3
def main(write_match, left_time, right_time):
    full_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers(
    passing_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers(

    write_team = 'Huskies'
    location = {}
    name_list = []

    # Count and average coordinates.
    for item in full_events:
        if int(item[0]) is not write_match:
        if item[1].find(write_team) is -1:

        tm = float(item[5])
        if item[4].find('2') != -1:
            tm += 3600

        if left_time > tm or tm > right_time:

        name = (item[2].split('_'))[1]
        if name not in name_list:
        if item[3] != '':
            nm = (item[3].split('_'))[1]
            if nm not in name_list:

        if item[6].find('Pass') is not -1:
            add_coordinates(location, name, float(item[8]), float(item[9]))
            if item[3] != '' and item[3] != item[2]:
                add_coordinates(location, (item[3].split('_'))[1],
                                float(item[10]), float(item[11]))
        elif item[6].find('Save') is not -1 or item[6].find(
                'Goalkeeper') is not -1:
            add_coordinates(location, name, 0, 50)
        elif item[6].find('Duel') is not -1 or item[6].find('Others') is not -1 or \
                item[6].find('Foul') is not -1 or item[6].find('Offside') is not -1 or item[6].find('Shot') is not -1:
            add_coordinates(location, name, float(item[8]), float(item[9]))

    # Compute the player's average location.
    for key in location:
        loc = location[key]
        assert loc[2] is not 0
        location[key] = [loc[0] / loc[2], loc[1] / loc[2]]

    # Compute the average coordinate distance between players.
    dC = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            if location.get(name1) is None:
                if name1.find('G') != -1:
                    location[name1] = [0, 50]
            if location.get(name2) is None:
                if name2.find('G') != -1:
                    location[name2] = [0, 50]
            dC[key] = euclid_distance_loc(location[name1], location[name2])

    # Count the times of each pass and passing times distance
    head_pass = {}
    hand_pass = {}
    high_pass = {}
    simple_pass = {}
    launch = {}
    cross = {}
    smart_pass = {}
    dT = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            dT[key] = 0

    for item in passing_events:
        if int(item[0]) is not write_match:
        if item[1].find(write_team) is -1:

        tm = float(item[5])
        if item[4].find('2') != -1:
            tm += 3600

        if left_time > tm or tm > right_time:
        name1 = (item[2].split('_'))[1]
        name2 = (item[3].split('_'))[1]
        if name1 == name2:
        key = name1 + '.' + name2
        dT[key] += 1
        dis = euclid_distance(float(item[7]), float(item[8]), float(item[9]),
        if item[6].find('Head') != -1:  # Head pass
            add_counts(head_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Hand') != -1:  # Hand pass
            add_counts(hand_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('High') != -1:  # High pass
            add_counts(high_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Simple') != -1:  # Simple pass
            add_counts(simple_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Launch') != -1:  # Launch
            add_counts(launch, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Cross') != -1:  # Cross
            add_counts(cross, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Smart') != -1:  # Smart pass
            add_counts(smart_pass, key, dis)

    # Compute the average passing distance.
    dP = {}
    kdP = {
        'Head pass': 0.8,
        'Hand pass': 0.6,
        'High pass': 1.3,
        'Simple pass': 1.0,
        'Launch': 0.7,
        'Cross': 1.2,
        'Smart pass': 1.1
    kdP_total = kdP['Head pass'] + kdP['Hand pass'] + kdP['High pass'] + kdP['Simple pass'] + \
                kdP['Cross'] + kdP['Smart pass'] + kdP['Launch']
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            score = get_counts(head_pass, key) * kdP['Head pass'] \
                    + get_counts(hand_pass, key) * kdP['Hand pass'] \
                    + get_counts(high_pass, key) * kdP['High pass'] \
                    + get_counts(simple_pass, key) * kdP['Simple pass'] \
                    + get_counts(launch, key) * kdP['Launch'] \
                    + get_counts(cross, key) * kdP['Cross'] \
                    + get_counts(smart_pass, key) * kdP['Smart pass']
            score = score / kdP_total
            dP[key] = score

    # Compute dT and ready for standardize
    maxdC = 0
    maxdP = 0
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            if dT[key] == 0:
            dT[key] = 1 / dT[key]
            maxdC = max(maxdC, dC[key])
            maxdP = max(maxdP, dP[key])

    # Standardize & Compute w
    w = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            if dT[key] == 0:
            dC[key] = dC[key] / maxdC
            dP[key] = dP[key] / maxdP
            w[key] = 1 / (0.7 * dT[key] + 0.2 * dC[key] + 0.1 * dP[key])
            w[key] = math.exp(w[key])

    a = {}
    k = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        count = 0
        for name2 in name_list:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            if w.get(key) is None:
                a[key] = 0
                a[key] = 1
                count += 1
        k[name1] = count

    c_count = 0
    c_num = 0
    c = {}
    for name in name_list:
        sum = 0
        for name2 in name_list:
            for name3 in name_list:
                key1 = name2 + '.' + name
                key2 = name + '.' + name3
                key3 = name2 + '.' + name3
                if a[key1] == 1 and a[key2] == 1 and a[key3] == 1:
                    sum = sum + (w[key1] + w[key2]) / 2
        if k[name] != 0 and k[name] != 1:
            c[name] = sum / k[name] / (k[name] - 1)
            c_count += c[name]
            c_num += 1
            # print(name, c[name])
            c[name] = 0

    return c
Exemple #4
def main(write_match):
    full_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers(
    passing_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers(

    write_team = 'Huskies'
    location = {}
    substitution_list = []
    name_list = []
    dT = {}

    for item in full_events:
        if int(item[0]) is not write_match:
        if item[1].find(write_team) is -1:
        name = (item[2].split('_'))[1]
        if name not in name_list:

    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            dT[key] = 0

    for item in passing_events:
        if int(item[0]) is not write_match:
        if item[1].find(write_team) is -1:
        name1 = (item[2].split('_'))[1]
        name2 = (item[3].split('_'))[1]
        if name1 == name2:
        key = name1 + '.' + name2
        dT[key] += 1

    graph = pr.Graph()

    for name in name_list:
        sum = 0
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name == name2:
            key = name + '.' + name2
            sum += dT[key]
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name == name2:
            key = name + '.' + name2
            c = dT[key] / sum
            graph.add_link(name, name2, c)

    pr_map = graph.get_PR()
    with open('../data/networkdata/match' + str(write_match) + '_pr.csv',
              newline='') as csv_file:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel')
        for key in pr_map:
            csv_writer.writerow([key, pr_map[key]])
Exemple #5
def main(write_match):
    full_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers(
    passing_events = csvreader.csv_reader_without_headers(
    # Only consider our team: Huskies.
    write_team = 'Huskies'
    location = {}
    substitution_list = []
    name_list = []
    # Count substitutions and average coordinates of players.
    for item in full_events:
        if int(item[0]) is not write_match:
        if item[1].find(write_team) is -1:
        name = (item[2].split('_'))[1]
        if name not in name_list:
        if item[6].find('Pass') is not -1:
            add_coordinates(location, name, float(item[8]), float(item[9]))
            if item[3] is not '' and item[3] != item[2]:
                add_coordinates(location, (item[3].split('_'))[1],
                                float(item[10]), float(item[11]))
        elif item[6].find('Save') is not -1 or item[6].find(
                'Goalkeeper') is not -1:
            add_coordinates(location, name, 0, 50)
        elif item[6].find('Substitution') is not -1:
        elif item[6].find('Duel') is not -1 or item[6].find('Others') is not -1 or \
             item[6].find('Foul') is not -1 or item[6].find('Offside') is not -1 or \
             item[6].find('Shot') is not -1:
            add_coordinates(location, name, float(item[8]), float(item[9]))
    # Compute the player's average location.
    for key in location:
        loc = location[key]
        assert loc[2] is not 0
        location[key] = [loc[0] / loc[2], loc[1] / loc[2]]
    # Compute the average coordinate distance between players.
    dC = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            dC[key] = euclid_distance_loc(location[name1], location[name2])
    # Count the times of each pass and passing times distance
    head_pass = {}
    hand_pass = {}
    high_pass = {}
    simple_pass = {}
    launch = {}
    cross = {}
    smart_pass = {}
    dT = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            dT[key] = 0
    for item in passing_events:
        if int(item[0]) is not write_match:
        if item[1].find(write_team) is -1:
        name1 = (item[2].split('_'))[1]
        name2 = (item[3].split('_'))[1]
        if name1 == name2:
        key = name1 + '.' + name2
        dT[key] += 1
        # Use euclid distance.
        dis = euclid_distance(float(item[7]), float(item[8]), \
                              float(item[9]), float(item[10]))
        if item[6].find('Head') != -1:  # Head pass
            add_counts(head_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Hand') != -1:  # Hand pass
            add_counts(hand_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('High') != -1:  # High pass
            add_counts(high_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Simple') != -1:  # Simple pass
            add_counts(simple_pass, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Launch') != -1:  # Launch
            add_counts(launch, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Cross') != -1:  # Cross
            add_counts(cross, key, dis)
        elif item[6].find('Smart') != -1:  # Smart pass
            add_counts(smart_pass, key, dis)
    # Compute the average passing distance.
    dP = {}
    kdP = {
        'Head pass': 0.8,
        'Hand pass': 0.6,
        'High pass': 1.3,
        'Simple pass': 1.0,
        'Launch': 0.7,
        'Cross': 1.2,
        'Smart pass': 1.1
    kdP_total = kdP['Head pass'] + kdP['Hand pass'] + kdP['High pass'] + \
                kdP['Simple pass'] + kdP['Cross'] + kdP['Smart pass'] + kdP['Launch']
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            score = get_counts(head_pass, key) * kdP['Head pass'] \
                    + get_counts(hand_pass, key) * kdP['Hand pass'] \
                    + get_counts(high_pass, key) * kdP['High pass'] \
                    + get_counts(simple_pass, key) * kdP['Simple pass'] \
                    + get_counts(launch, key) * kdP['Launch'] \
                    + get_counts(cross, key) * kdP['Cross'] \
                    + get_counts(smart_pass, key) * kdP['Smart pass']
            score = score / kdP_total
            dP[key] = score
    # Compute dT and ready for standardize
    maxdC = 0
    maxdP = 0
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            if dT[key] == 0:
            dT[key] = 1 / dT[key]
            maxdC = max(maxdC, dC[key])
            maxdP = max(maxdP, dP[key])
    # Standardize & Compute weight of each edge.
    w = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        for name2 in name_list:
            if name1 == name2:
            if name1 in substitution_list or name2 in substitution_list:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            if dT[key] == 0:
            # Standardize.
            dC[key] = dC[key] / maxdC
            dP[key] = dP[key] / maxdP
            # Calculate weight of each edge.
            w[key] = 1 / (0.7 * dT[key] + 0.2 * dC[key] + 0.1 * dP[key])
            w[key] = math.exp(w[key])
    # Write weight result to an file.
    headers = ['From', 'To', 'w']
    file_name = '../data/networkdata/match' + str(write_match) + '_w.csv'
    with open(file_name, 'w', newline='') as csv_file:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel')
        for key in w:
            [name1, name2] = key.split('.')
            csv_writer.writerow([name1, name2, w[key]])
    # Calculate Clustering Coefficient of every player.
    a = {}
    k = {}
    for name1 in name_list:
        count = 0
        for name2 in name_list:
            key = name1 + '.' + name2
            if w.get(key) is None:
                a[key] = 0
                a[key] = 1
                count += 1
        k[name1] = count
    c_count = 0
    c_num = 0
    c = {}
    for name in name_list:
        sum = 0
        for name2 in name_list:
            for name3 in name_list:
                key1 = name2 + '.' + name
                key2 = name + '.' + name3
                key3 = name2 + '.' + name3
                if a[key1] == 1 and a[key2] == 1 and a[key3] == 1:
                    sum = sum + (w[key1] + w[key2]) / 2
        if k[name] != 0 and k[name] != 1:
            c[name] = sum / k[name] / (k[name] - 1)
            c_count += c[name]
            c_num += 1
            c[name] = 0
    # Write result to an file.
    headers = ['Name', 'Clustering Coefficient']
    file_name = '../data/networkdata/match' + str(write_match) + '_c.csv'
    with open(file_name, 'w', newline='') as csv_file:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel')
        for key in c:
            if c[key] is not 0:
                csv_writer.writerow([key, c[key]])