def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=False):
        """Return transaction with hash txid

        Raises IndexError if transaction not found.

        verbose - If true a dict is returned instead with additional
        information on the transaction.

        Note that if all txouts are spent and the transaction index is not
        enabled the transaction may not be available.
            r = self._call('getrawtransaction', b2lx(txid),
                           1 if verbose else 0)
        except JSONRPCError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getrawtransaction(): %s (%d)' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'],
        if verbose:
            r['tx'] = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r['hex']))
            del r['hex']
            del r['txid']
            del r['version']
            del r['locktime']
            del r['vin']
            del r['vout']
            r['blockhash'] = lx(r['blockhash']) if 'blockhash' in r else None
            r = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r))

        return r
 def lockunspent(self, unlock, outpoints):
     """Lock or unlock outpoints"""
     json_outpoints = [{
         'txid': b2lx(outpoint.hash),
         'vout': outpoint.n
     } for outpoint in outpoints]
     return self._call('lockunspent', unlock, json_outpoints)
    def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=False):
        """Return transaction with hash txid

        Raises IndexError if transaction not found.

        verbose - If true a dict is returned instead with additional
        information on the transaction.

        Note that if all txouts are spent and the transaction index is not
        enabled the transaction may not be available.
            r = self._call('getrawtransaction', b2lx(txid), 1 if verbose else 0)
        except JSONRPCError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getrawtransaction(): %s (%d)' %
                    (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))
        if verbose:
            r['tx'] = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r['hex']))
            del r['hex']
            del r['txid']
            del r['version']
            del r['locktime']
            del r['vin']
            del r['vout']
            r['blockhash'] = lx(r['blockhash']) if 'blockhash' in r else None
            r = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r))

        return r
    def gettransaction(self, txid):
        """Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction txid

        Raises IndexError if transaction not found in the wallet.

        FIXME: Returned data types are not yet converted.
            r = self._call('gettransaction', b2lx(txid))
        except JSONRPCError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getrawtransaction(): %s (%d)' %
                    (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))
        return r
    def gettransaction(self, txid):
        """Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction txid

        Raises IndexError if transaction not found in the wallet.

        FIXME: Returned data types are not yet converted.
            r = self._call('gettransaction', b2lx(txid))
        except JSONRPCError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getrawtransaction(): %s (%d)' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'],
        return r
    def gettxout(self, outpoint, includemempool=True):
        """Return details about an unspent transaction output.

        Raises IndexError if outpoint is not found or was spent.

        includemempool - Include mempool txouts
        r = self._call('gettxout', b2lx(outpoint.hash), outpoint.n, includemempool)

        if r is None:
            raise IndexError('%s.gettxout(): unspent txout %r not found' % (self.__class__.__name__, outpoint))

        r['txout'] = CTxOut(int(r['value'] * COIN),
        del r['value']
        del r['scriptPubKey']
        r['bestblock'] = lx(r['bestblock'])
        return r
    def gettxout(self, outpoint, includemempool=True):
        """Return details about an unspent transaction output.

        Raises IndexError if outpoint is not found or was spent.

        includemempool - Include mempool txouts
        r = self._call('gettxout', b2lx(outpoint.hash), outpoint.n,

        if r is None:
            raise IndexError('%s.gettxout(): unspent txout %r not found' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, outpoint))

        r['txout'] = CTxOut(int(r['value'] * COIN),
        del r['value']
        del r['scriptPubKey']
        r['bestblock'] = lx(r['bestblock'])
        return r
    def getblock(self, block_hash):
        """Get block <block_hash>

        Raises IndexError if block_hash is not valid.
            block_hash = b2lx(block_hash)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('%s.getblock(): block_hash must be bytes; got %r instance' %
                    (self.__class__.__name__, block_hash.__class__))
            r = self._call('getblock', block_hash, False)
        except JSONRPCError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getblock(): %s (%d)' %
                    (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))
        blockver = struct.unpack("<i",unhexlify(r[:8]))[0]
        if blockver > 100:
            return CNewBlock.deserialize(unhexlify(r))
            return CBlock.deserialize(unhexlify(r))
    def getblock(self, block_hash):
        """Get block <block_hash>

        Raises IndexError if block_hash is not valid.
            block_hash = b2lx(block_hash)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                '%s.getblock(): block_hash must be bytes; got %r instance' %
                (self.__class__.__name__, block_hash.__class__))
            r = self._call('getblock', block_hash, False)
        except JSONRPCError as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getblock(): %s (%d)' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'],
        blockver = struct.unpack("<i", unhexlify(r[:8]))[0]
        if blockver > 100:
            return CNewBlock.deserialize(unhexlify(r))
            return CBlock.deserialize(unhexlify(r))
Exemple #10
 def lockunspent(self, unlock, outpoints):
     """Lock or unlock outpoints"""
     json_outpoints = [{'txid':b2lx(outpoint.hash), 'vout':outpoint.n}
                       for outpoint in outpoints]
     return self._call('lockunspent', unlock, json_outpoints)
Exemple #11
 def __repr__(self):
     return "CInv(type=%s hash=%s)" % (self.typemap[self.type], b2lx(self.hash))