def get_timeline(start=None, stop=None): #get user and access to mongo account = get_account() storage = get_storage(namespace='events_log') #get data in payload start = request.params.get('start', default=None) stop = request.params.get('stop', default=None) #set returned variable output = {} total = None #build filter for mongo request (put advanced option in it) mfilter = {'$and': [{'crecord_type': 'event'}]} if start: mfilter['and'].append({'timestamp': {'$gt': start}}) if stop: mfilter['and'].append({'timestamp': {'$lt': stop}}) #clean mfilter mfilter = clean_mfilter(mfilter) records = storage.find(mfilter, account=account) tmp_output = {} for record in records: dump = record.dump() if not tmp_output.has_key(dump['event_id']): tmp_output[dump['event_id']] = [] tmp_output[dump['event_id']].append(dump) events = {} for tag in tmp_output.keys(): prev_id = None for record in tmp_output[tag]: item = {} if (prev_id != None): events[prev_id]['end'] = datetime.fromtimestamp( record['timestamp']).isoformat( ) #strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') item['title'] = str(dump['component']) if 'long_output' in record: item['description'] = record['long_output'] item['start'] = datetime.fromtimestamp( record['timestamp']).isoformat( ) #strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') item['durationEvent'] = True events[record['_id']] = item prev_id = record['_id'] output['events'] = events.values() output['dateTimeFormat'] = 'iso8601' output['wiki-url'] = "" output['wiki-section'] = "Simile JFK Timeline" #return the total, the success of function and the requested data in output return output
def get_timeline(start=None,stop=None): #get user and access to mongo account = get_account() storage = get_storage(namespace='events_log') #get data in payload start = request.params.get('start', default=None) stop = request.params.get('stop', default=None) #set returned variable output = { } total = None #build filter for mongo request (put advanced option in it) mfilter = {'$and':[{'crecord_type':'event'}]} if start : mfilter['and'].append({'timestamp': {'$gt': start}}) if stop : mfilter['and'].append({'timestamp': {'$lt': stop}}) #clean mfilter mfilter = clean_mfilter(mfilter) records = storage.find(mfilter, account=account) tmp_output = {} for record in records: dump = record.dump() if not tmp_output.has_key(dump['event_id']) : tmp_output[dump['event_id']] = [] tmp_output[dump['event_id']].append(dump) events = {} for tag in tmp_output.keys() : prev_id = None for record in tmp_output[tag] : item = {} if ( prev_id != None ) : events[prev_id]['end'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(record['timestamp']).isoformat()#strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') item['title'] = str(dump['component']) if 'long_output' in record : item['description'] = record['long_output'] item['start'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(record['timestamp']).isoformat()#strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') item['durationEvent'] = True events[record['_id']] = item prev_id = record['_id'] output['events'] = events.values() output['dateTimeFormat'] = 'iso8601' output['wiki-url'] = "" output['wiki-section'] = "Simile JFK Timeline" #return the total, the success of function and the requested data in output return output
total = 0 except Exception, err:'Error: %s' % err) total = 0 if total == 0: return HTTPError(404, str(ids) +" Not Found") else: if search: mfilter['_id'] = { '$regex' : '.*'+search+'.*', '$options': 'i' } logger.debug(" + mfilter: "+str(mfilter)) #clean mfilter mfilter = clean_mfilter(mfilter) records = storage.find(mfilter, sort=msort, limit=limit, offset=start, account=account) total = storage.count(mfilter, account=account) output = [] #----------------dump record and post filtering------- for record in records: if record: do_dump = True if onlyWritable: if not record.check_write(account=account): do_dump = False
mfilter = {'$and': []} for word in search: mor = [] for field in fields: mor.append({field: {'$regex': '.*%s.*' % word, '$options': 'i'}}) mfilter['$and'].append({'$or': mor}) if not show_internals: if mfilter: mfilter = {'$and': [mfilter, {'me': {'$nin':internal_metrics }}]} else: mfilter = {'me': {'$nin': internal_metrics }} logger.debug(" + mfilter: %s" % mfilter) mfilter = clean_mfilter(mfilter) data = manager.find(limit=0, skip=0, mfilter=mfilter, data=False, sort=msort) total = data.count() data = [meta for meta in data.skip(start).limit(limit)] return {'success': True, 'data' : data, 'total' : total} ### manipulating meta @delete('/perfstore',checkAuthPlugin={'authorized_grp':group_managing_access}) @delete('/perfstore/:_id',checkAuthPlugin={'authorized_grp':group_managing_access}) def remove_meta(_id=None): if not _id: _id = json.loads(request.body.readline()) if not _id: