def load_sourcesCSV(self, _sourceCSV, _component, _signalComplex): ''' _sourceCSV: .csv file, i.e. ./res/File_8.csv _model: name of the model , for retrieving the _component: name of the component, for retrieving the h5.dataset _signalComplex: array with pair name of signals [meas, angle] that refer to a complex signal ''' if (_sourceCSV != ''): self.iocsv= InputCSVStream(_sourceCSV, ',') ''' select the signals according to variables ''' ''' name is the representation of the measurement meas signals/variables that name the signal of a measurement i.e: name KTHLAB:EMLAB; meas KTHLAB:EMLAB:Magnitude,KTHLAB:EMLAB:Angle i.e: name bus1.V; meas bus1.v,bus1.angle ''' self.iocsv.load_csvValues(_component, _signalComplex[0], _signalComplex[1]) print 'PMU Signal ', self.iocsv.get_senyal(_component).__str__()
class Validation(): ''' class for validation, things to do TODO: pass the data read to the era method (both simulation and measurement) TODO: save the result in the same .h5 file of the simulation ''' def __init__(self, _variables): ''' Loading output variables of the model, their values will be stored in h5 and plotted argv[0]: file with variable names from the model ''' self.outputs= OutputModelVar(_variables) self.outputs.load_varList() print self.outputs.get_varList() self.measurements= [] def load_sourcesCSV(self, _sourceCSV, _component, _signalComplex): ''' _sourceCSV: .csv file, i.e. ./res/File_8.csv _model: name of the model , for retrieving the _component: name of the component, for retrieving the h5.dataset _signalComplex: array with pair name of signals [meas, angle] that refer to a complex signal ''' if (_sourceCSV != ''): self.iocsv= InputCSVStream(_sourceCSV, ',') ''' select the signals according to variables ''' ''' name is the representation of the measurement meas signals/variables that name the signal of a measurement i.e: name KTHLAB:EMLAB; meas KTHLAB:EMLAB:Magnitude,KTHLAB:EMLAB:Angle i.e: name bus1.V; meas bus1.v,bus1.angle ''' self.iocsv.load_csvValues(_component, _signalComplex[0], _signalComplex[1]) print 'PMU Signal ', self.iocsv.get_senyal(_component).__str__() def load_sourcesH5(self, _sourceH5, _model, _component): ''' _sourceH5: .h5 file, i.e. './res/PMUdata_Bus1VA2VALoad9PQ.h5' _model: name of the model , for retrieving the _component: name of the component, for retrieving the h5.dataset ''' if (_sourceH5 != ''): self.ioh5= InputH5Stream(_sourceH5) self.ioh5.open_h5() self.ioh5.load_h5(_model, _component) print 'Simulation Signal ', self.ioh5.get_senyal(_component).__str__() def load_pandaSource(self, _sourceCSV, _sourceH5, _modelName, _component, _variable): ''' _sourceCSV: something like './res/PMUdata_Bus1VA2VALoad9PQ.csv' _sourceH5: something like 'PMUdata_Bus1VA2Venam1.h5' ''' csvData = pd.read_csv(_sourceCSV,sep=",",usecols=(1,2,3,4,5,6)) csvData.to_hdf(_sourceH5,'df', complib='zlib', complevel=9) self.ioh5.open_exth5(_sourceH5) self.ioh5.open_load_h5(_modelName, _component, _variable) # return self.iocsv.get_senyal('KTHLAB:EMLAB'), self.ioh5.get_senyal('block0') # return (csvData, self.ioh5.get_senyal('block0')) def get_sources(self, _measurement, _component): ''' _measurement> 'KTHLAB:EMLAB' _component> 'block0' ''' return [self.iocsv.get_senyal(_measurement), self.ioh5.get_senyal(_component)] def method_ME(self, _measSignal, _simSignal, _order): ''' TODO: create a subset of signals from original signal in object senyal call mode estimation method with each subset, inside a loop ''' meEngine= ModeEstimation() meEngine.set_order(_order) ''' 1) mode Estimation with PMU signal ''' if _measSignal!= None: meEngine.modeEstimationMat('C:/Users/fragom/PhD_CIM/PYTHON/ScriptMAE/lib/mes.jar',_measSignal) ''' 2) mode Estimation with simulation signal ''' if _simSignal!= None: meEngine.modeEstimationPY(_simSignal.get_signalReal()) ''' TODO: pass the whole signal to Vedran mode estimation ''' # print 'Model Frequency ', meEngine.get_modeFrequency() # print 'Model Damping ', meEngine.get_modeDamping() def method_ERA(self, _measSignal, _simSignal): ''' _measSignal as output _simSignal as input ''' '''TODO: match sampletime from meas with sim ''' # if (_measSignal.get_sampleTime()!= _simSignal.get_sampleTime()): timeSignal= _measSignal.get_sampleTime() if _measSignal!= None and _simSignal!= None: outSignal= _measSignal.get_signalMag() inSignal= _simSignal.get_signalReal() else: if _measSignal!= None: outSignal= _measSignal.get_signalMag() inSignal= _measSignal.get_signalMag() if _simSignal!= None: outSignal= _simSignal.get_signalReal() inSignal= _simSignal.get_signalReal() num_states = 2 # a,b,c = mr.compute_ERA_model([timeSignal,outSignal,inSignal], num_states) a,b,c = mr.compute_ERA_model(numpy.array(outSignal[0:1000]), num_states) print 'Measurements: ' print 'A= ', a print 'B= ', b print 'C= ', c a,b,c = mr.compute_ERA_model(numpy.array(inSignal), num_states) print 'Simulation: ' print 'A= ', a print 'B= ', b print 'C= ', c
''' Created on 4 jun 2015 @author: fragom ''' from ctrl.StreamCSVFile import InputCSVStream from datetime import datetime import time, os, platform if __name__ == '__main__': print 'platform.system() ', platform.system() ''' load names from .csv ''' csvpmu= InputCSVStream('./res/File_8.csv', ',') # print csvpmu.load_csvHeader() variable= 'KTHLAB:EMLAB:Magnitude'.split(':')[:-1] variable = ':'.join(variable) csvpmu.load_csvValues(variable,'KTHLAB:EMLAB:Magnitude','KTHLAB:EMLAB:Angle') # print csvpmu.get_senyal(variable) # variable= 'NTNU_PMU:Va:Magnitude'.split(':')[:-1] # variable = ':'.join(variable) # csvpmu.load_csvValues(variable, 'NTNU_PMU:Va:Magnitude','NTNU_PMU:Va:Angle') # print csvpmu.get_senyal(variable) # print 'hola' ''' select variable, matching variable from model with variable from memory (.csv) ''' # csvpmu.load_column('KTHLAB:Frequency') # print csvpmu.get_signal('KTHLAB:Frequency') # print len(csvpmu.get_column('KTHLAB:Frequency')) # csvpmu.load_column('Timestamp')