Exemple #1
def warn_annual_sellers():
    If a book is a year old, mark it as to be deleted and send them an email
    last_year = datetime.today() - timedelta(365)
    old_books = Book.objects.filter(status='F', list_date__lte=last_year)
    if old_books.count():
Exemple #2
def warn_annual_sellers():
    If a book is a year old, mark it as to be deleted and send them an email
    last_year = datetime.today() - timedelta(365)
    old_books = Book.objects.filter(status='F', list_date__lte=last_year)
    if old_books.count():
Exemple #3
def update_book(request):
    This view is used to update book data
        - GETTest
        - EmailTest
        - HoldGlitchTest
        - NotAllowedTest
    if not request.method == "POST":
        t = loader.get_template('405.html')
        c = RC(request)
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(t.render(c), ['POST'])
    bunch = Book.objects.none()
    action = request.POST.get("Action", '')

    # We need at least 1 thing to edit, otherwise bad things can happen
    # Since the keys have to be unique, the template appends a number to each idToEdit
    if not request.POST.has_key('idToEdit'):
        var_dict = {
            'message' : "Didn't get any books to process",
        t = loader.get_template('400.html')
        c = RC(request, var_dict)
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(t.render(c))
    # For each form key of idToEdit add its value to our list of items to process
    for value in request.POST.getlist('idToEdit'):
        bunch = bunch | Book.objects.filter(pk=int(value))
    if action == "Delete":
        bunch = bunch.exclude(status='D')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='D', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = { 'num_deleted': bunch.count() }
        template = 'books/update_book/deleted.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:1] == "To Be Deleted"[:1]:
        # apparently some browsers have issues passing spaces
        # can't do this for Deleted, Seller Paid, and Sold Books
        bunch = bunch.exclude(status__in='DPS')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='T', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {
            'num_doomed' : bunch.count(),
            'num_owners' : len(set(map(lambda x: x.seller, bunch))),
        template = 'books/update_book/to_be_deleted.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Sold":
        # Allow only if For Sale or On Hold
        bunch = bunch.filter(status__in='FO')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='S', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {
            'sold' : bunch.count(),
            'num_owners' : len(set(map(lambda x: x.seller, bunch))),
        bunch.update(status='S', sell_date=datetime.today())
        template = 'books/update_book/sold.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:5] == "Seller Paid"[:5]:
        # apparently some browsers have issues passing spaces
        # only staff can do this
        if not request.user.is_staff: bunch = Book.objects.none()
        # A Seller can be paid only after the book was sold
        else: bunch = bunch.filter(status='S')

        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='P', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {'paid' : bunch.count()}
        template = 'books/update_book/seller_paid.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Missing":
        # Must be For Sale, On Hold or To Be Deleted for it to go Missing
        bunch = bunch.filter(status__in='FOT')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='M', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {
            'num_owners' : len(set(map(lambda x: x.seller, bunch))),
            'num_missing' : bunch.count(),
        template = 'books/update_book/missing.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict,  context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:4] == "Place on Hold"[:4]:
        # apparently some browsers have issues passing spaces
        extended = bunch.filter(status='O', holder=request.user)
        new_hold = bunch.filter(status='F')
        failed = bunch.exclude(status__in='OF', holder=request.user)
        for book in new_hold:
            Log(action='O', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        for book in extended:
            Log(action='X', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        held = extended | new_hold
        var_dict = {
            'failed' : failed,
            'extended' : extended,
            'new_hold' : new_hold,
            'num_held' : held.count(),
            'total_price' : sum(map(lambda x: x.price, held)),
        extended.update(hold_date = datetime.today())
        new_hold.update(status='O', hold_date=datetime.today(), holder=request.user)
        template = 'books/update_book/place_hold.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:5] == "Remove Holds"[:5]:
        bunch = bunch.filter(status='O')
        if not request.user.is_staff: bunch = bunch.filter(holder=request.user)
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='R', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {'removed' : bunch.count()}
        bunch.update(status='F', hold_date=None, holder=None)
        template = 'books/update_book/remove_holds.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Edit":
        if bunch.count() > 1: too_many = True
        else: too_many = False
        item = bunch[0]
        initial = {
            'seller' : item.seller.id,
            'price' : item.price,
            'barcode' : item.metabook.barcode,
        form = BookForm(initial=initial)
        logs = Log.objects.filter(book=item)
        var_dict = {
            'form' : form,
            'too_many' : too_many,
            'id' : item.id,
            'logs' : logs,
        template = 'books/update_book/edit.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Undelete":
        # only staff can do this
        if not request.user.is_staff: 
            bunch = Book.objects.none()

        # Filter out any books that aren't deleted
        bunch = bunch.filter(status='D') 

        # For each book revert to what its previous status was before being deleted
        for book in bunch:
            book.status = book.previous_status()
            Log(action='U', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {'num_undeleted' : bunch.count()}
        template = 'books/update_book/undeleted.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
        var_dict = {'action' : action}
        template = 'books/update_book/error.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
Exemple #4
def update_book(request):
    This view is used to update book data
        - GETTest
        - EmailTest
        - HoldGlitchTest
        - NotAllowedTest
    if not request.method == "POST":
        t = loader.get_template('405.html')
        c = RC(request)
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(t.render(c), ['POST'])
    bunch = Book.objects.none()
    action = request.POST.get("Action", '')

    # We need at least 1 thing to edit, otherwise bad things can happen
    # Since the keys have to be unique, the template appends a number to each idToEdit
    if not request.POST.has_key('idToEdit'):
        var_dict = {
            'message': "Didn't get any books to process",
        t = loader.get_template('400.html')
        c = RC(request, var_dict)
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(t.render(c))
    # For each form key of idToEdit add its value to our list of items to process
    for value in request.POST.getlist('idToEdit'):
        bunch = bunch | Book.objects.filter(pk=int(value))

    if action == "Delete":
        bunch = bunch.exclude(status='D')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='D', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {'num_deleted': bunch.count()}
        template = 'books/update_book/deleted.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:1] == "To Be Deleted"[:1]:
        # apparently some browsers have issues passing spaces
        # can't do this for Deleted, Seller Paid, and Sold Books
        bunch = bunch.exclude(status__in='DPS')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='T', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {
            'num_doomed': bunch.count(),
            'num_owners': len(set(map(lambda x: x.seller, bunch))),
        template = 'books/update_book/to_be_deleted.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Sold":
        # Allow only if For Sale or On Hold
        bunch = bunch.filter(status__in='FO')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='S', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {
            'sold': bunch.count(),
            'num_owners': len(set(map(lambda x: x.seller, bunch))),
        bunch.update(status='S', sell_date=datetime.today())
        template = 'books/update_book/sold.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:5] == "Seller Paid"[:5]:
        # apparently some browsers have issues passing spaces
        # only staff can do this
        if not request.user.is_staff:
            bunch = Book.objects.none()
            # A Seller can be paid only after the book was sold
            bunch = bunch.filter(status='S')

        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='P', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {'paid': bunch.count()}
        template = 'books/update_book/seller_paid.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Missing":
        # Must be For Sale, On Hold or To Be Deleted for it to go Missing
        bunch = bunch.filter(status__in='FOT')
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='M', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {
            'num_owners': len(set(map(lambda x: x.seller, bunch))),
            'num_missing': bunch.count(),
        template = 'books/update_book/missing.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:4] == "Place on Hold"[:4]:
        # apparently some browsers have issues passing spaces
        extended = bunch.filter(status='O', holder=request.user)
        new_hold = bunch.filter(status='F')
        failed = bunch.exclude(status__in='OF', holder=request.user)
        for book in new_hold:
            Log(action='O', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        for book in extended:
            Log(action='X', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        held = extended | new_hold
        var_dict = {
            'failed': failed,
            'extended': extended,
            'new_hold': new_hold,
            'num_held': held.count(),
            'total_price': sum(map(lambda x: x.price, held)),
        template = 'books/update_book/place_hold.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action[:5] == "Remove Holds"[:5]:
        bunch = bunch.filter(status='O')
        if not request.user.is_staff: bunch = bunch.filter(holder=request.user)
        for book in bunch:
            Log(action='R', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {'removed': bunch.count()}
        bunch.update(status='F', hold_date=None, holder=None)
        template = 'books/update_book/remove_holds.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Edit":
        if bunch.count() > 1: too_many = True
        else: too_many = False
        item = bunch[0]
        initial = {
            'seller': item.seller.id,
            'price': item.price,
            'barcode': item.metabook.barcode,
        form = BookForm(initial=initial)
        logs = Log.objects.filter(book=item)
        var_dict = {
            'form': form,
            'too_many': too_many,
            'id': item.id,
            'logs': logs,
        template = 'books/update_book/edit.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    elif action == "Undelete":
        # only staff can do this
        if not request.user.is_staff:
            bunch = Book.objects.none()

        # Filter out any books that aren't deleted
        bunch = bunch.filter(status='D')

        # For each book revert to what its previous status was before being deleted
        for book in bunch:
            book.status = book.previous_status()
            Log(action='U', book=book, who=request.user).save()
        var_dict = {'num_undeleted': bunch.count()}
        template = 'books/update_book/undeleted.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))

        var_dict = {'action': action}
        template = 'books/update_book/error.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))