def update_tree(self, ed, lexer): getter = self.get_getter(lexer) if not getter: return filename = ed.get_filename() lines = ed.get_text_all().split("\n") heads = list(getter(filename, lines)) ed.set_prop(app.PROP_CODETREE, False) app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_LOCK) app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_ITEM_DELETE, 0) last_levels = {0: 0} for index, data in enumerate(heads): pos = data[0] level = data[1] header = data[2] icon_index = data[3] if len(data) > 3 else -1 for test_level in reversed(range(level)): parent = last_levels.get(test_level) if parent is None: continue identity = app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_ITEM_ADD, parent, index=-1, text=header, image_index=icon_index) # when adding level K, forget all levels > K last_levels = { k: v for k, v in last_levels.items() if k <= level } last_levels[level] = identity if type(pos) == int: if index == len(heads) - 1: end_y = len(lines) - 1 s = ed.get_text_line(end_y) if s is None: end_x = 0 else: end_x = len(s) else: end_y = heads[index + 1][0] # line_index of next header end_x = 0 rng = (0, pos, end_x, end_y) else: rng = pos app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_ITEM_SET_RANGE, identity, index=-1, text=rng) break app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_UNLOCK)
def execCurrentFileAsPlugin(self): fn = ed.get_filename() if not fn.endswith('.py'): return app.msg_status(_('Fail. Use only for python file.')) app.app_log(app.LOG_CONSOLE_CLEAR, 'm') cmd = r'exec(open(r"{fn}", encoding="UTF-8").read().lstrip("\uFEFF"))' # cmd = f(r'exec(open(r"{}", encoding="UTF-8").read().lstrip("\uFEFF"))', fn) pass; #log('cmd={!r}',(cmd)) ans = app.app_proc(app.PROC_EXEC_PYTHON, cmd) print('>>> run {!r}'.format(fn)) print(ans)
def open_selected(self): pass; #LOG and log('ok',) bs_dir = os.path.dirname(ed.get_filename()) crts = ed.get_carets() for (cCrt, rCrt, cEnd, rEnd) in crts: if -1==cEnd: continue if rCrt!=rEnd: continue (rTx1, cTx1), (rTx2, cTx2) = apx.minmax((rCrt, cCrt), (rEnd, cEnd)) selTx = ed.get_text_substr(cTx1, rTx1, cTx2, rTx2) op_file = os.path.join(bs_dir, selTx) if not os.path.exists(op_file): app.msg_status(NO_FILE_FOR_OPEN.format(op_file)) continue op_ed = _file_open(op_file) op_ed.focus()
def do_report(fn): lex = ed.get_prop(app.PROP_LEXER_CARET) def_json = os.path.join(apx.get_def_setting_dir(), "default.json") usr_json = os.path.join(app.app_path(app.APP_DIR_SETTINGS), "user.json") lex_json = os.path.join(app.app_path(app.APP_DIR_SETTINGS), "lexer {}.json".format(lex)) # def_opts = apx.get_app_default_opts() # pass; LOG and log('?? get_app_default_opts') # def_opts = apx.get_app_default_opts( object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) # if 'font_name' != list(def_opts.keys())[0]: # pass; apx.log('Not natural order') # return False def_opts = apx._get_file_opts(def_json, {}, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) usr_opts = apx._get_file_opts(usr_json, {}, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) lex_opts = apx._get_file_opts(lex_json, {}, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) def_opts = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(def_opts)) # clone to pop usr_opts = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(usr_opts)) # clone to pop lex_opts = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(lex_opts)) # clone to pop fil_opts = get_ovrd_ed_opts(ed) cmt_opts = {} # Find Commentary for def opts in def file # Rely: _commentary_ is some (0+) lines between opt-line and prev opt-line def_body = open(def_json).read() def_body = def_body.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n") def_body = def_body[def_body.find("{") + 1 :] # Cut head with start '{' def_body = def_body.lstrip() for opt in def_opts.keys(): pos_opt = def_body.find('"{}"'.format(opt)) cmt = def_body[:pos_opt].strip() cmt = re.sub("^\s*//", "", cmt, flags=re.M) cmt = cmt.strip() cmt_opts[opt] = html.escape(cmt) def_body = def_body[def_body.find("\n", pos_opt) + 1 :] # Cut the opt with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(RPT_HEAD) f.write("<h4>Hign priority: editor options</h4>") f.write("<table>\n") f.write("<tr>\n") f.write("<th>Option name</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>default</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>user</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>lexer<br>{}</th>\n".format(lex)) f.write( '<th title="{}">Value in<br>file<br>{}</th>\n'.format( ed.get_filename(), os.path.basename(ed.get_filename()) ) ) f.write("<th>Comment</th>\n") f.write("</tr>\n") for opt in fil_opts.keys(): winner = "def" winner = "usr" if opt in usr_opts else winner winner = "lex" if opt in lex_opts else winner winner = "fil" if opt in fil_opts else winner f.write("<tr>\n") f.write("<td>{}</td>\n".format(opt)) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "def" else "nxt", def_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "usr" else "nxt", usr_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "lex" else "nxt", lex_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "fil" else "nxt", fil_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("<td><pre>{}</pre></td>\n".format(cmt_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("</tr>\n") def_opts.pop(opt, None) usr_opts.pop(opt, None) lex_opts.pop(opt, None) f.write("</table><br/>\n") f.write("<h4>Overridden default options</h4>") f.write("<table>\n") f.write("<tr>\n") f.write("<th>Option name</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>default</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>user</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>lexer<br>{}</th>\n".format(lex)) f.write("<th>Comment</th>\n") f.write("</tr>\n") for opt in def_opts.keys(): winner = "def" winner = "usr" if opt in usr_opts else winner winner = "lex" if opt in lex_opts else winner winner = "fil" if opt in fil_opts else winner f.write("<tr>\n") f.write("<td>{}</td>\n".format(opt)) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "def" else "nxt", def_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "usr" else "nxt", usr_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "lex" else "nxt", lex_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("<td><pre>{}</pre></td>\n".format(cmt_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("</tr>\n") usr_opts.pop(opt, None) lex_opts.pop(opt, None) f.write("</table><br/>\n") f.write("<h4>Overridden user-only options</h4>") f.write("<table>\n") f.write("<tr>\n") f.write("<th>Option name</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>user</th>\n") f.write("<th>Value in<br>lexer<br>{}</th>\n".format(lex)) f.write("<th>Comment</th>\n") f.write("</tr>\n") for opt in usr_opts.keys(): winner = "usr" winner = "lex" if opt in lex_opts else winner f.write("<tr>\n") f.write("<td>{}</td>\n".format(opt)) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "usr" else "nxt", usr_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win" if winner == "lex" else "nxt", lex_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("<td><pre>{}</pre></td>\n".format(cmt_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("</tr>\n") lex_opts.pop(opt, None) for opt in lex_opts.keys(): winner = "lex" f.write("<tr>\n") f.write("<td>{}</td>\n".format(opt)) f.write('<td class="{}"></td> \n'.format("non")) f.write('<td class="{}">{}</td>\n'.format("win", lex_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("<td><pre>{}</pre></td>\n".format(cmt_opts.get(opt, ""))) f.write("</tr>\n") lex_opts.pop(opt, None) f.write("</table><br/>\n") f.write(RPT_FOOT) return True
def dlg(self): if app.app_api_version()<'1.0.146': return app.msg_status(_("Need update CudaText")) # dlg_custom: "type=tabs" pass; #LOG and log('=',()) fvdata = get_fav_data() tab_nms = fvdata.get('fv_tabs', [_('Fi&les'), _('Pro&jects')]) tabs = fvdata.get('fv_tab', 0) files = fvdata.get('fv_files', []) projs = fvdata.get('fv_projs', []) fold = fvdata.get('fv_fold', True) last = fvdata.get('fv_last', 0) fvrs_h = _('Choose file to open.') brow_h = _('Choose file to append.' '\r Shift+Click to choose folder' ) def n2c(n): if 1<=n<=10: return str(n%10) if 11<=n<=11+ord('Z')-ord('A'): return chr(n-11+ord('A')) return ' ' while True: paths = files if tabs==0 else projs last = min(max(0, last), len(paths)-1) hasf = bool(paths) itms = [f('{}: {}{}' , n2c(1+nf) , os.path.basename(fn) if os.path.isfile(fn) else '['+os.path.basename(fn)+']' if os.path.isdir(fn) else '? '+os.path.basename(fn) , ' ('+os.path.dirname(fn)+')' if fold else '' ) for nf,fn in enumerate(paths)] itms = itms if itms else [' '] aid,vals,chds = dlg_wrapper(_('Favorites'), 500+10,300+10, [ # dict( tp='lb' ,t=5 ,l=5 ,w=400 ,cap=_('&Files:') ,hint=fvrs_h ) # &f dict(cid='tabs',tp='tabs' ,t=5,h=30 ,l=5 ,w=400-3 ,items=tab_nms ,act='1' ) # ,dict(cid='fvrs',tp='lbx' ,t=5+23,h=240 ,l=5 ,w=400-5 ,items=itms ,en=hasf) ,dict(cid='open',tp='bt' ,t=5+20 ,l=5+400 ,w=100 ,cap=_('&Open') ,props='1' ,en=hasf) # default ,dict(cid='addc',tp='bt' ,t=5+65 ,l=5+400 ,w=100 ,cap=_('&Add opened') ,en=(tabs==0)) # &a ,dict(cid='brow',tp='bt' ,t=5+90 ,l=5+400 ,w=100 ,cap=_('Add&...') ,hint=brow_h ) # &. ,dict(cid='delt',tp='bt' ,t=5+135 ,l=5+400 ,w=100 ,cap=_('&Delete') ,en=hasf) # &d ,dict(cid='fvup',tp='bt' ,t=5+180 ,l=5+400 ,w=100 ,cap=_('Move &up') ,en=hasf) # &u ,dict(cid='fvdn',tp='bt' ,t=5+205 ,l=5+400 ,w=100 ,cap=_('Move do&wn') ,en=hasf) # &w ,dict(cid='fold',tp='ch' ,tid='-' ,l=5 ,w=120 ,cap=_('Show &paths') ,act='1' ) # &p ,dict(cid='help',tp='bt' ,t=5+300-53 ,l=5+500-100 ,w=100 ,cap=_('&Help') ) # &h ,dict(cid='-' ,tp='bt' ,t=5+300-28 ,l=5+500-100 ,w=100 ,cap=_('Close') ) ]+ [dict(cid='act'+str(n),tp='bt',cap='&'+str((n+1)%10),t=0,l=0,w=0) for n in range(10)] # &1 - &0 , dict(fvrs=last ,tabs=tabs ,fold=fold), focus_cid='fvrs') if aid is None or aid=='-': return None scam = app.app_proc(app.PROC_GET_KEYSTATE, '') if aid=='help': dlg_wrapper(_('Help for "Favorites"'), 410, 310, [dict(cid='htxt',tp='me' ,t=5 ,h=300-28,l=5 ,w=400 ,props='1,0,1' ) # ro,mono,border ,dict(cid='-' ,tp='bt' ,t=5+300-23 ,l=5+400-80 ,w=80 ,cap=_('&Close')) ], dict(htxt=_( '• Quick opening.' '\rUse Alt+1, Alt+2, ..., Alt+9, Alt+0' '\rto direct open file' '\r"1: *", "2: *",..., "9: *", "0: *"' '\r ' '\r• Import. ' '\rSelect "SynFav.ini" for "Add..." to import Favorites from SynWrite.' '\rSee "SynFav.ini" in folder "SynWrite/Settings".' ) ), focus_cid='htxt') continue#while fold = vals['fold'] last = vals['fvrs'] tabs = vals['tabs'] def save_and_open(path): fvdata['fv_tab'] = tabs fvdata['fv_files'] = files fvdata['fv_projs'] = projs fvdata['fv_fold' ] = fold fvdata['fv_last' ] = last save_fav_data(fvdata) if os.path.isdir( path): path= app.dlg_file(True, '', path, '') if not path: return False app.file_open(path) return True #def save_and_open if aid=='open' and paths and last>=0: if save_and_open(paths[last]): break#while if aid[0:3]=='act' and paths: nf = int(aid[3]) if nf<len(paths) and save_and_open(paths[nf]): break#while if aid=='tabs': pass; #LOG and log('tabs={}',(tabs)) continue#while # Modify store_b = 'fold' in chds if False:pass elif aid=='addc': fn = ed.get_filename() if fn and not any([os.path.samefile(fn, f) for f in paths]): paths += [fn] store_b = True # elif aid=='brow' and scam=='s': # # Ask dir # dr = dlg_dir('') # if dr elif aid=='brow': # Ask file fn = app.dlg_dir('') if scam=='s' else app.dlg_file(True, '', '', '') if fn and os.path.basename(fn).upper()=='SynFav.ini'.upper(): store_b = import_SynFav(fn, paths) elif fn and not any([os.path.samefile(fn, f) for f in paths]): paths += [fn] store_b = True elif aid=='delt' and paths and last>=0: del paths[last] last = min(max(0, last), len(paths)-1) store_b = True elif aid in ('fvup', 'fvdn') and paths: newp = last + (-1 if aid=='fvup' else +1) if 0<=newp<len(paths): paths[last], paths[newp] = paths[newp], paths[last] last = newp store_b = True # Store if store_b: fvdata['fv_tab'] = tabs fvdata['fv_files'] = files fvdata['fv_projs'] = projs fvdata['fv_fold' ] = fold fvdata['fv_last' ] = last save_fav_data(fvdata)
def add_cur_file(self): self._add_filename(ed.get_filename())