Exemple #1
 def dlg_import_choose_mcrs(self):
     l,lt    = '\n', '\n  '
     while True:
         imp_file= app.dlg_file(True, '', '', 'Cuda macros|*.cuda-macros|All file|*.*')
         if imp_file is None:
             return (None, None)
         vers_mcrs   = apx._json_loads(open(imp_file).read())
         if vers_mcrs is None:
             if app.ID_OK != app.msg_box('No macros in file\n  '+imp_file+'\n\nChoose another file?'
                 return (None, None)
             continue #while
         vers        = vers_mcrs.get('vers', {})
         if (app.app_api_version() < vers.get('ver-api', app.app_api_version())
         and app.ID_OK != app.msg_box(
                     'Macros from'
                 +l+ 'are recorded in CudaText with version' 
                 +lt+    '"{}"'
                 +l+ 'Your CudaText has older version' 
                 +lt+    '"{}"'
                 +l+ ''
                 +l+ 'No guarantee of correct working!'
                 +l+ ''
                 +l+ 'Continue import?'.format(vers['ver-app'], app.app_exe_version())
                 ,   app.MB_OKCANCEL)):
             return (None, None)
         mcrs    = vers_mcrs.get('macros', [])
         if 0!=len(mcrs):
             break #while
         if app.ID_OK != app.msg_box('No macros in file\n  '+imp_file+'\n\nChoose another file?'
             return (None, None)
        #while True:
     return (imp_file, mcrs)
def check_cudatext():

    fn = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'cudatext_download.html')
    app.msg_status('Downloading: '+DOWNLOAD_PAGE, True)
    get_url(DOWNLOAD_PAGE, fn, True)

    if not os.path.isfile(fn):
        app.msg_status('Cannot download: '+DOWNLOAD_PAGE)

    text = open(fn, encoding='utf8').read()
    items = re.findall(DOWNLOAD_REGEX, text)
    if not items:
        app.msg_status('Cannot find download links')

    items = sorted(items, key=lambda i:i[REGEX_GROUP_VER], reverse=True)
    print('Found links:')
    for i in items:
        print('  '+i[0])

    url = items[0][0]
    ver_inet = items[0][REGEX_GROUP_VER]
    ver_local = app.app_exe_version()

    if versions_ordered(ver_inet, ver_local):
        app.msg_box('Latest CudaText is already here.\nHere: %s\nInternet: %s'
                   %(ver_local, ver_inet), app.MB_OK+app.MB_ICONINFO)

    if app.msg_box('Newer CudaText is available.\nHere: %s\nInternet: %s\n\nOpen download URL in browser?'
                  %(ver_local, ver_inet), app.MB_YESNO+app.MB_ICONINFO) == app.ID_YES:
        print('Opened download URL')
Exemple #3
def check_cudatext():

    fn = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'cudatext_download.html')
    app.msg_status('Downloading: '+DOWNLOAD_PAGE, True)
    get_url(DOWNLOAD_PAGE, fn, True)

    if not os.path.isfile(fn):
        app.msg_status('Cannot download: '+DOWNLOAD_PAGE)

    text = open(fn, encoding='utf8', errors='replace').read()
    items = re.findall(FILE_RE, text)
    if not items:
        app.msg_status('Cannot find download links')

    items = sorted(items, reverse=True)
    print('Found links:')
    for i in items:
        print('  '+i[0])

    url = items[0][0]
    ver_inet = items[0][REGEX_GROUP_VER]
    ver_local = app.app_exe_version()

    if versions_ordered(ver_inet, ver_local):
        app.msg_box('Latest CudaText is already here.\nLocal: %s\nInternet: %s'
                   %(ver_local, ver_inet), app.MB_OK+app.MB_ICONINFO)

    if app.msg_box('CudaText update is available.\nLocal: %s\nInternet: %s\n\nOpen download URL in browser?'
                  %(ver_local, ver_inet), app.MB_YESNO+app.MB_ICONINFO) == app.ID_YES:
        print('Opened download URL')
Exemple #4
 def dlg_import_choose_mcrs(self):
     l, lt = '\n', '\n  '
     while True:
         imp_file = app.dlg_file(True, '', '',
                                 'Cuda macros|*.cuda-macros|All file|*.*')
         if imp_file is None:
             return (None, None)
         vers_mcrs = apx._json_loads(open(imp_file).read())
         if vers_mcrs is None:
             if app.ID_OK != app.msg_box(
                     'No macros in file\n  ' + imp_file +
                     '\n\nChoose another file?', app.MB_OKCANCEL):
                 return (None, None)
             continue  #while
         vers = vers_mcrs.get('vers', {})
         if (app.app_api_version() < vers.get('ver-api',
                 and app.ID_OK != app.msg_box(
                     'Macros from' + lt + imp_file + l +
                     'are recorded in CudaText with version' + lt + '"{}"' +
                     l + 'Your CudaText has older version' + lt + '"{}"' +
                     l + '' + l + 'No guarantee of correct working!' + l +
                     '' + l + 'Continue import?'.format(
                         vers['ver-app'], app.app_exe_version()),
             return (None, None)
         mcrs = vers_mcrs.get('macros', [])
         if 0 != len(mcrs):
             break  #while
         if app.ID_OK != app.msg_box(
                 'No macros in file\n  ' + imp_file +
                 '\n\nChoose another file?', app.MB_OKCANCEL):
             return (None, None)
     #while True:
     return (imp_file, mcrs)
Exemple #5
 def export_to_file(self, exp_file, mcrs):
     pass;                   LOG and log('exp_file, mcrs={}',(exp_file, mcrs))
     open(exp_file, 'w').write(json.dumps(
         {   'vers':{
             ,   'ver-app':app.app_exe_version()
             ,   'ver-api':app.app_api_version()
         ,   'macros':[{
                 'nm':   mcr['nm']
              ,  'evl':  mcr['evl']
                 } for mcr in mcrs]
     ,   indent=4))
Exemple #6
 def adapt_menu(self,id_menu=0):
     ''' Add or change top-level menu Macros
         Param id_menu points to exist menu item (ie by ConfigMenu) for filling
     pass;                   LOG and log('id_menu={}',id_menu)
     PLUG_HINT   = '_'+'cuda_macros:adapt_menu'  # "_" is sign for ConfigMenu. ":" is subst for "," to avoid call "import ..."
     if id_menu!=0:
         # Use this id
         app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_CLEAR, str(id_menu))
         top_nms = app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ENUM, 'top')
         if PLUG_HINT in top_nms:
             # Reuse id from 'top'
             inf     = [inf for inf in top_nms.splitlines() if PLUG_HINT in inf][0]     ##?? 
             id_menu = inf.split('|')[2]
             app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_CLEAR, id_menu)
             # Create BEFORE Plugins
             top_nms = top_nms.splitlines()
             pass;              #LOG and log('top_nms={}',top_nms)
             if app.app_exe_version() >= '1.0.131':
                 plg_ind = [i for (i,nm) in enumerate(top_nms) if '|plugins' in nm][0]
             else: # old, pre i18n
                 plg_ind = top_nms.index('&Plugins|')                                                    ##?? 
             id_menu = app.app_proc( app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{};{}'.format('top', PLUG_HINT, _('&Macros'), plg_ind))
     # Fill
     def hotkeys_desc(cmd_id):
         hk_s= get_hotkeys_desc(cmd_id)
         hk_s= '\t\t'+hk_s if hk_s else hk_s
         return hk_s
     hk_s    = hotkeys_desc(                                    'cuda_macros,dlg_config')
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{}'.format(id_menu, 'cuda_macros,dlg_config',_('&Macros...')+hk_s))
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};;-'.format(   id_menu))
     hk_s    = hotkeys_desc(                                    cmds.cmd_MacroStart)
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{}'.format(id_menu, cmds.cmd_MacroStart,     _('&Start record')+hk_s))
     hk_s    = hotkeys_desc(                                    cmds.cmd_MacroStop)
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{}'.format(id_menu, cmds.cmd_MacroStop,      _('St&op record')+hk_s))
     hk_s    = hotkeys_desc(                                    cmds.cmd_MacroCancel)
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{}'.format(id_menu, cmds.cmd_MacroCancel,    _('&Cancel record')+hk_s))
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};;-'.format(   id_menu))
     hk_s    = hotkeys_desc(                                    'cuda_macros,dlg_export')
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{}'.format(id_menu, 'cuda_macros,dlg_export',_('&Export...')+hk_s))
     hk_s    = hotkeys_desc(                                    'cuda_macros,dlg_import')
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{}'.format(id_menu, 'cuda_macros,dlg_import',_('&Import...')+hk_s))
     if 0==len(self.macros): return
     app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};;-'.format(   id_menu))
     id_sub  = app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{};{}'.format(id_menu, 0, _('&Run')))
     for mcr in self.macros:
         hk_s= hotkeys_desc(                                       f('cuda_macros,run,{}',mcr['id']))
         app.app_proc(app.PROC_MENU_ADD, '{};{}{};{}'.format(id_sub, 'cuda_macros,run,'  ,mcr['id'], mcr['nm']+hk_s))
Exemple #7
 def export_to_file(self, exp_file, mcrs):
     LOG and log('exp_file, mcrs={}', (exp_file, mcrs))
     open(exp_file, 'w').write(
                 'vers': {
                     'ver-mcr': JSON_FORMAT_VER,
                     'ver-app': app.app_exe_version(),
                     'ver-api': app.app_api_version()
                 'macros': [{
                     'nm': mcr['nm'],
                     'evl': mcr['evl']
                 } for mcr in mcrs]
Exemple #8
def check_cudatext():

    fn = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'cudatext_download.html')
    app.msg_status('Downloading: ' + DOWNLOAD_PAGE, True)
    get_url(DOWNLOAD_PAGE, fn, True)

    if not os.path.isfile(fn):
        app.msg_status('Cannot download: ' + DOWNLOAD_PAGE)

    text = open(fn, encoding='utf8').read()
    items = re.findall(DOWNLOAD_REGEX, text)
    if not items:
        app.msg_status('Cannot find download links')

    items = sorted(items, key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True)
    print('Found links:')
    for i in items:
        print('  ' + i[0])

    url = items[0][0]
    ver_inet = items[0][1]
    ver_local = app.app_exe_version()

    #ver_inet = '' #test
    #ver_local = '0' #test

    if versions_ordered(ver_inet, ver_local):
            'Latest CudaText is already here\nHere: %s\nInternet: %s' %
            (ver_local, ver_inet), app.MB_OK + app.MB_ICONINFO)

    text = '\n'.join([
        'type=label\1pos=6,20,500,0\1cap=CudaText newer version is available at this URL:',
        'type=linklabel\1pos=6,45,800,0\1cap=' + url + '\1props=' + url +
        '\1font_size=9', 'type=button\1pos=300,100,400,0\1cap=OK\1props=1'
    app.dlg_custom('CudaText update', 700, 132, text)