Exemple #1
    def set(self, arr, stream=None):
        """Copies an array on the host memory to cuda.ndarray.

            arr (numpy.ndarray): The source array on the host memory.
            stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream object. If it is given, the
                copy runs asynchronously. Otherwise, the copy is synchronous.

        if not isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('Only numpy.ndarray can be set to cupy.ndarray')
        if self._dtype != arr.dtype:
            raise TypeError('{} array cannot be set to {} array'.format(
                arr.dtype, self._dtype))
        if self._shape != arr.shape:
            raise ValueError('Shape mismatch')
        if not self.flags.c_contiguous:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot set to non-contiguous array')

        arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(arr)
        ptr = internal.get_ndarray_ptr(arr)
        if stream is None:
            self.data.copy_from_host(ptr, self.nbytes)
            self.data.copy_from_host_async(ptr, self.nbytes, stream)
Exemple #2
    def set(self, arr, stream=None):
        """Copies an array on the host memory to cuda.ndarray.

            arr (numpy.ndarray): The source array on the host memory.
            stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream object. If it is given, the
                copy runs asynchronously. Otherwise, the copy is synchronous.

        if not isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('Only numpy.ndarray can be set to cupy.ndarray')
        if self._dtype != arr.dtype:
            raise TypeError('{} array cannot be set to {} array'.format(
                arr.dtype, self._dtype))
        if self._shape != arr.shape:
            raise ValueError('Shape mismatch')
        if not self.flags.c_contiguous:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot set to non-contiguous array')

        arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(arr)
        ptr = internal.get_ndarray_ptr(arr)
        if stream is None:
            self.data.copy_from_host(ptr, self.nbytes)
            self.data.copy_from_host_async(ptr, self.nbytes, stream)
Exemple #3
    def get(self, stream=None):
        """Returns a copy of the array on host memory.

            stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream object. If it is given, the
                copy runs asynchronously. Otherwise, the copy is synchronous.

            numpy.ndarray: Copy of the array on host memory.

        a_gpu = ascontiguousarray(self)
        a_cpu = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype=self._dtype)
        ptr = internal.get_ndarray_ptr(a_cpu)
        if stream is None:
            a_gpu.data.copy_to_host(ptr, a_gpu.nbytes)
            a_gpu.data.copy_to_host_async(ptr, a_gpu.nbytes, stream)
        return a_cpu
Exemple #4
    def get(self, stream=None):
        """Returns a copy of the array on host memory.

            stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream object. If it is given, the
                copy runs asynchronously. Otherwise, the copy is synchronous.

            numpy.ndarray: Copy of the array on host memory.

        a_gpu = ascontiguousarray(self)
        a_cpu = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype=self._dtype)
        ptr = internal.get_ndarray_ptr(a_cpu)
        if stream is None:
            a_gpu.data.copy_to_host(ptr, a_gpu.nbytes)
            a_gpu.data.copy_to_host_async(ptr, a_gpu.nbytes, stream)
        return a_cpu
Exemple #5
def array(obj, dtype=None, copy=True, ndmin=0):
    """Creates an array on the current device.

    This function currently does not support the ``order`` and ``subok``

        obj: cupy.ndarray object or any other object that can be passed to
        dtype: Data type specifier.
        copy (bool): If False, this function returns ``obj`` if possible.
            Otherwise this function always returns a new array.
        ndmin (int): Minimum number of dimensions. Ones are inserated to the
            head of the shape if needed.

        cupy.ndarray: An array on the current device.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.array`

    # TODO(beam2d): Support order and subok options
    if isinstance(obj, cupy.ndarray):
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = obj.dtype
        a = obj.astype(dtype, copy)

        ndim = a.ndim
        if ndmin > ndim:
            a.shape = (1,) * (ndmin - ndim) + a.shape
        return a
        a_cpu = numpy.array(obj, dtype=dtype, copy=False, ndmin=ndmin)
        if a_cpu.ndim > 0:
            a_cpu = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a_cpu)
        a = cupy.ndarray(a_cpu.shape, dtype=a_cpu.dtype)
        a.data.copy_from_host(internal.get_ndarray_ptr(a_cpu), a.nbytes)
        if a_cpu.dtype == a.dtype:
            return a
            return a.view(dtype=a_cpu.dtype)
Exemple #6
def array(obj, dtype=None, copy=True, ndmin=0):
    """Creates an array on the current device.

    This function currently does not support the ``order`` and ``subok``

        obj: cupy.ndarray object or any other object that can be passed to
        dtype: Data type specifier.
        copy (bool): If False, this function returns ``obj`` if possible.
            Otherwise this function always returns a new array.
        ndmin (int): Minimum number of dimensions. Ones are inserated to the
            head of the shape if needed.

        cupy.ndarray: An array on the current device.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.array`

    # TODO(beam2d): Support order and subok options
    if isinstance(obj, cupy.ndarray):
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = obj.dtype
        a = obj.astype(dtype, copy)

        ndim = a.ndim
        if ndmin > ndim:
            a.shape = (1, ) * (ndmin - ndim) + a.shape
        return a
        a_cpu = numpy.array(obj, dtype=dtype, copy=False, ndmin=ndmin)
        if a_cpu.ndim > 0:
            a_cpu = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a_cpu)
        a = cupy.ndarray(a_cpu.shape, dtype=a_cpu.dtype)
        a.data.copy_from_host(internal.get_ndarray_ptr(a_cpu), a.nbytes)
        if a_cpu.dtype == a.dtype:
            return a
            return a.view(dtype=a_cpu.dtype)