Exemple #1
    def tocsc(self, copy=False):
        """Converts the matrix to Compressed Sparse Column format.

            copy (bool): If ``False``, it shares data arrays as much as
                possible. Actually this option is ignored because all
                arrays in a matrix cannot be shared in dia to csc conversion.

            cupy.sparse.csc_matrix: Converted matrix.

        if self.data.size == 0:
            return csc.csc_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)

        num_rows, num_cols = self.shape
        num_offsets, offset_len = self.data.shape

        row, mask = core.ElementwiseKernel(
            'int32 offset_len, int32 offsets, int32 num_rows, '
            'int32 num_cols, T data', 'int32 row, bool mask', '''
            int offset_inds = i % offset_len;
            row = offset_inds - offsets;
            mask = (row >= 0 && row < num_rows && offset_inds < num_cols
                    && data != 0);
            ''', 'dia_tocsc')(offset_len, self.offsets[:, None], num_rows,
                              num_cols, self.data)
        indptr = cupy.zeros(num_cols + 1, dtype='i')
        indptr[1:offset_len + 1] = cupy.cumsum(mask.sum(axis=0))
        indptr[offset_len + 1:] = indptr[offset_len]
        indices = row.T[mask.T].astype('i', copy=False)
        data = self.data.T[mask.T]
        return csc.csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr),
Exemple #2
    def transpose(self, axes=None, copy=False):
        """Returns a transpose matrix.

            axes: This option is not supported.
            copy (bool): If ``True``, a returned matrix shares no data.
                Otherwise, it shared data arrays as much as possible.

            cupy.sparse.spmatrix: Transpose matrix.

        if axes is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Sparse matrices do not support an \'axes\' parameter because '
                'swapping dimensions is the only logical permutation.')

        shape = self.shape[1], self.shape[0]
        return csc.csc_matrix(
            (self.data, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=shape, copy=copy)