Exemple #1
def for_dtypes_combination(types, names=['dtype'], full=None):
    if full is None:
        full = int(os.environ.get('CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION', '0')) != 0

    if full:
        combination = parameterized.product({name: types for name in names})
        ts = []
        for _ in range(len(names)):
            # Make shffuled list of types for each name
            t = list(types)

        combination = [dict(zip(names, typs)) for typs in zip(*ts)]

    def decorator(impl):
        def test_func(self, *args, **kw):
            for dtypes in combination:
                kw_copy = kw.copy()

                    impl(self, *args, **kw_copy)
                except Exception:

        return test_func
    return decorator
Exemple #2
def for_dtypes_combination(types, names=['dtype'], full=None):
    if full is None:
        full = int(os.environ.get('CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION', '0')) != 0

    if full:
        combination = parameterized.product({name: types for name in names})
        ts = []
        for _ in range(len(names)):
            # Make shffuled list of types for each name
            t = list(types)

        combination = [dict(zip(names, typs)) for typs in zip(*ts)]

    def decorator(impl):
        def test_func(self, *args, **kw):
            for dtypes in combination:
                kw_copy = kw.copy()

                    impl(self, *args, **kw_copy)
                except Exception:

        return test_func

    return decorator
Exemple #3
def for_dtypes_combination(types, names=('dtype',), full=None):
    """Decorator that checks the fixture with a product set of dtypes.

         types(list of dtypes): dtypes to be tested.
         names(list of str): Argument names to which dtypes are passed.
         full(bool): If ``True``, then all combinations
             of dtypes will be tested.
             Otherwise, the subset of combinations will be tested
             (see the description below).

    Decorator adds the keyword arguments specified by ``names``
    to the test fixture. Then, it runs the fixtures in parallel
    with passing (possibly a subset of) the product set of dtypes.
    The range of dtypes is specified by ``types``.

    The combination of dtypes to be tested changes depending
    on the option ``full``. If ``full`` is ``True``,
    all combinations of ``types`` are tested.
    Sometimes, such an exhaustive test can be costly.
    So, if ``full`` is ``False``, only a subset of possible combinations
    is randomly sampled. If ``full`` is ``None``, the behavior is
    determined by an environment variable ``CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION``.
    If the value is set to ``'1'``, it behaves as if ``full=True``, and
    otherwise ``full=False``.

    types = list(types)

    if len(types) == 1:
        name, = names
        return for_dtypes(types, name)

    if full is None:
        full = int(os.environ.get('CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION', '0')) != 0

    if full:
        combination = parameterized.product({name: types for name in names})
        ts = []
        for _ in range(len(names)):
            # Make shuffled list of types for each name
            shuffled_types = types[:]
            ts.append(types + shuffled_types)

        combination = [tuple(zip(names, typs)) for typs in zip(*ts)]
        # Remove duplicate entries
        combination = [dict(assoc_list) for assoc_list in set(combination)]

    def decorator(impl):
        def test_func(self, *args, **kw):
            for dtypes in combination:
                kw_copy = kw.copy()

                    impl(self, *args, **kw_copy)
                except Exception:

        return test_func
    return decorator
Exemple #4
def for_dtypes_combination(types, names=('dtype',), full=None):
    """Decorator that checks the fixture with a product set of dtypes.

         types(list of dtypes): dtypes to be tested.
         names(list of str): Argument names to which dtypes are passed.
         full(bool): If ``True``, then all combinations
             of dtypes will be tested.
             Otherwise, the subset of combinations will be tested
             (see the description below).

    Decorator adds the keyword arguments specified by ``names``
    to the test fixture. Then, it runs the fixtures in parallel
    with passing (possibly a subset of) the product set of dtypes.
    The range of dtypes is specified by ``types``.

    The combination of dtypes to be tested changes depending
    on the option ``full``. If ``full`` is ``True``,
    all combinations of ``types`` are tested.
    Sometimes, such an exhaustive test can be costly.
    So, if ``full`` is ``False``, only the subset of possible
    combinations is tested. Specifically, at first,
    the shuffled lists of ``types`` are made for each argument
    name in ``names``.
    Let the lists be ``D1``, ``D2``, ..., ``Dn``
    where :math:`n` is the number of arguments.
    Then, the combinations to be tested will be ``zip(D1, ..., Dn)``.
    If ``full`` is ``None``, the behavior is switched
    by setting the environment variable ``CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION=1``.

    For example, let ``types`` be ``[float16, float32, float64]``
    and ``names`` be ``['a_type', 'b_type']``. If ``full`` is ``True``,
    then the decorated test fixture is executed with all
    :math:`2^3` patterns. On the other hand, if ``full`` is ``False``,
    shuffled lists are made for ``a_type`` and ``b_type``.
    Suppose the lists are ``(16, 64, 32)`` for ``a_type`` and
    ``(32, 64, 16)`` for ``b_type`` (prefixes are removed for short).
    Then the combinations of ``(a_type, b_type)`` to be tested are
    ``(16, 32)``, ``(64, 64)`` and ``(32, 16)``.

    if full is None:
        full = int(os.environ.get('CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION', '0')) != 0

    if full:
        combination = parameterized.product({name: types for name in names})
        ts = []
        for _ in range(len(names)):
            # Make shuffled list of types for each name
            t = list(types)

        combination = [dict(zip(names, typs)) for typs in zip(*ts)]

    def decorator(impl):
        def test_func(self, *args, **kw):
            for dtypes in combination:
                kw_copy = kw.copy()

                    impl(self, *args, **kw_copy)
                except Exception:

        return test_func
    return decorator
Exemple #5
def for_dtypes_combination(types, names=('dtype', ), full=None):
    """Decorator that checks the fixture with a product set of dtypes.

         types(list of dtypes): dtypes to be tested.
         names(list of str): Argument names to which dtypes are passed.
         full(bool): If ``True``, then all combinations
             of dtypes will be tested.
             Otherwise, the subset of combinations will be tested
             (see the description below).

    Decorator adds the keyword arguments specified by ``names``
    to the test fixture. Then, it runs the fixtures in parallel
    with passing (possibly a subset of) the product set of dtypes.
    The range of dtypes is specified by ``types``.

    The combination of dtypes to be tested changes depending
    on the option ``full``. If ``full`` is ``True``,
    all combinations of ``types`` are tested.
    Sometimes, such an exhaustive test can be costly.
    So, if ``full`` is ``False``, only the subset of possible
    combinations is tested. Specifically, at first,
    the shuffled lists of ``types`` are made for each argument
    name in ``names``.
    Let the lists be ``D1``, ``D2``, ..., ``Dn``
    where :math:`n` is the number of arguments.
    Then, the combinations to be tested will be ``zip(D1, ..., Dn)``.
    If ``full`` is ``None``, the behavior is switched
    by setting the environment variable ``CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION=1``.

    For example, let ``types`` be ``[float16, float32, float64]``
    and ``names`` be ``['a_type', 'b_type']``. If ``full`` is ``True``,
    then the decorated test fixture is executed with all
    :math:`2^3` patterns. On the other hand, if ``full`` is ``False``,
    shuffled lists are made for ``a_type`` and ``b_type``.
    Suppose the lists are ``(16, 64, 32)`` for ``a_type`` and
    ``(32, 64, 16)`` for ``b_type`` (prefixes are removed for short).
    Then the combinations of ``(a_type, b_type)`` to be tested are
    ``(16, 32)``, ``(64, 64)`` and ``(32, 16)``.

    if full is None:
        full = int(os.environ.get('CUPY_TEST_FULL_COMBINATION', '0')) != 0

    if full:
        combination = parameterized.product({name: types for name in names})
        ts = []
        for _ in range(len(names)):
            # Make shuffled list of types for each name
            t = list(types)

        combination = [dict(zip(names, typs)) for typs in zip(*ts)]

    def decorator(impl):
        def test_func(self, *args, **kw):
            for dtypes in combination:
                kw_copy = kw.copy()

                    impl(self, *args, **kw_copy)
                except Exception:

        return test_func

    return decorator