Exemple #1
def GaussForm(AtomicData):
	# At some point here, we need to add the portion that will find the scat factor based on atomtype
	# but for now...
	# scattering_params = etbl.get(at_type)
	#step = 0
	OutputArray = cp.zeros((BoxS,BoxS,BoxS))
	OutputArray = cp.array(OutputArray, dtype = np.complex64)
	scalefac = float(BoxS*apix)
	for atom in AtomicData:
		#step += 1
		#t1 = time.time()
		if(atom[0][0] == 'H'):
			scattering_params = cp.array([1.0,3.15])
		elif(atom[0] == 'OCbb'):
			scattering_params = cp.array([1.35,4.15])
			scattering_params = cp.array([1.2,3.2])
		scattering_params = (scattering_params/scalefac)
		coords = atom[1:]
		center = cp.array([cp.float(coords[0]/apix),coords[1]/apix,cp.float(coords[2]/apix)])
		s = cp.float(1/scattering_params[1])
		ampl = cp.float((1/cp.sqrt(cp.power(2*pi,3)))*(1/cp.power(s,3)))
		coords = None
		OutputArray += ((cp.float(scattering_params[0]) * cp.fft.ifftshift(ampl* cp.exp(-cp.power(pi,2)*(cp.power(ii,2)+cp.power(jj,2)+cp.power(kk,2))/(2*cp.power(s,2)) - ( (2*pi)*1j*(ii*center[0]+jj*center[1]+kk*center[2]) )) )))
		center = None
		#t2 = time.time()
		#print('Atom Addition Time: ' + str(t2-t1))
		#print('Current atom: ' + str(step))
		ToAdd, Rem, ampl, s, center, coords, scattering_params,t1,t2 = None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None
	OutputArray = cp.asnumpy(OutputArray)
	#print('This is the size: ' + str(OutputArray.nbytes))
	return OutputArray
def GaussForm(AtomicData, Params):
    #step = 0
    OutputArray = cp.zeros((340, 340, 340))
    OutputArray = cp.array(OutputArray, dtype=np.complex64)
    scattering_params = cp.array(Params)
    for atom in AtomicData:
        #step += 1
        #t1 = time.time()
        coords = atom[1:]
        center = cp.array([
            cp.float(coords[0] / apix), coords[1] / apix,
            cp.float(coords[2] / apix)
        s = cp.float(1 / scattering_params[1])
        ampl = cp.float(
            (1 / cp.sqrt(cp.power(2 * pi, 3))) * (1 / cp.power(s, 3)))
        coords = None
        OutputArray += ((cp.float(scattering_params[0]) * cp.fft.ifftshift(
            ampl *
            cp.exp(-cp.power(pi, 2) *
                   (cp.power(ii, 2) + cp.power(jj, 2) + cp.power(kk, 2)) /
                   (2 * cp.power(s, 2)) -
                   ((2 * pi) * 1j *
                    (ii * center[0] + jj * center[1] + kk * center[2]))))))
        center = None
        #t2 = time.time()
        #print('Atom Addition Time: ' + str(t2-t1))
        #print('Current atom: ' + str(step))
        ToAdd, Rem, ampl, s, center, coords, t1, t2 = None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
    OutputArray = cp.asnumpy(OutputArray)
    #print('This is the size: ' + str(OutputArray.nbytes))
    return OutputArray
Exemple #3
def GaussForm(AtomicData, HParams):
    OutputArray = cp.zeros((340, 340, 340))
    OutputArray = cp.array(OutputArray, dtype=np.complex64)
    for atom in AtomicData:
        if (atom[0][0] == 'H'):
            scattering_params = cp.array(HParams)
            scattering_params = cp.array([1, 3])
        coords = atom[1:]
        center = cp.array([
            cp.float(coords[0] / apix), coords[1] / apix,
            cp.float(coords[2] / apix)
        s = cp.float(1 / scattering_params[1])
        ampl = cp.float(
            (1 / cp.sqrt(cp.power(2 * pi, 3))) * (1 / cp.power(s, 3)))
        coords = None
        OutputArray += ((cp.float(scattering_params[0]) * cp.fft.ifftshift(
            ampl *
            cp.exp(-cp.power(pi, 2) *
                   (cp.power(ii, 2) + cp.power(jj, 2) + cp.power(kk, 2)) /
                   (2 * cp.power(s, 2)) -
                   ((2 * pi) * 1j *
                    (ii * center[0] + jj * center[1] + kk * center[2]))))))
        center = None
        ToAdd, Rem, ampl, s, center, coords, scattering_params, t1, t2 = None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
    OutputArray = cp.asnumpy(OutputArray)
    return OutputArray
Exemple #4
def mse(image1: np.ndarray, image2: np.ndarray) -> np.float:
    Mean squared error between two numpy ndarrays.
    If available we will use the GPU (cupy) else we will use the CPU (numpy)
     - image1: fist numpy ndarray
     - image2: second numpy ndarray
     - Mean squared error numpy.float
    err = np.float(np.sum((np.asarray(image1) - np.asarray(image2))**2))
    err /= np.float(image1.shape[0] * image1.shape[1])
    return err
 def fit(self, epochs=1, batch_size=1, gamma=0.9, **args):
     X = args['X_train']
     y = args['y_train']
     if 'verbose' in args:
         verbose = args['verbose']
         verbose = None
     epochs = int(epochs)
     loss_val = cp.zeros((cp.int(epochs)))
     par_gpu = deepcopy(self.start)
     momentum = {
         var: cp.zeros_like(self.start[var])
         for var in self.start.keys()
     for i in tqdm(range(np.int(epochs))):
         for X_batch, y_batch in self.iterate_minibatches(X, y, batch_size):
             n_batch = cp.float(y_batch.shape[0])
             grad_p = self.model.grad(par_gpu,
             for var in par_gpu.keys():
                 momentum[var] = gamma * momentum[
                     var] - self.step_size * grad_p[var]
                 par_gpu[var] += momentum[var]
         loss_val[i] = self.model.log_likelihood(par_gpu,
         if verbose and (i % (epochs / 10) == 0):
             print('loss: {0:.8f}'.format(cp.asnumpy(loss_val[i])))
     return par_gpu, cp.asnumpy(loss_val)
Exemple #6
def GaussForm(AtomicData):
    OutputArray = cp.zeros((BoxS, BoxS, BoxS))
    OutputArray = cp.array(OutputArray, dtype=np.complex64)
    scalefac = float(apix)

    # Fit STDEV values
    if (args.reso != 0):
        resofac = sigmoid(args.reso, a_, b_, c_, d_)
        args.Heavystd *= resofac
        args.OCstd *= resofac
        args.Hstd *= resofac

    for atom in AtomicData:
        #t1 = time.time()
        if (atom[0][0] == 'H'):
            scattering_params = cp.array([args.HAmp, args.Hstd])
        elif (atom[0] == 'OCbb'):
            scattering_params = cp.array([args.OCAmp, args.OCstd])
            scattering_params = cp.array([args.HeavyAmp, args.Heavystd])
        scattering_params = (scattering_params / scalefac)
        if (scattering_params[1] == 0.0):
        coords = atom[1:]
        center = cp.array([
            cp.float(coords[0] / apix), coords[1] / apix,
            cp.float(coords[2] / apix)
        s = cp.float(1 / scattering_params[1])
        ampl = cp.float(
            (1 / cp.sqrt(cp.power(2 * pi, 3))) * (1 / cp.power(s, 3)))
        coords = None
        OutputArray += ((cp.float(scattering_params[0]) * cp.fft.ifftshift(
            ampl *
            cp.exp(-cp.power(pi, 2) *
                   (cp.power(ii, 2) + cp.power(jj, 2) + cp.power(kk, 2)) /
                   (2 * cp.power(s, 2)) -
                   ((2 * pi) * 1j *
                    (ii * center[0] + jj * center[1] + kk * center[2]))))))
        center = None
        #t2 = time.time()
        #print('Atom Addition Time: ' + str(t2-t1))
        ToAdd, Rem, ampl, s, center, coords, scattering_params, t1, t2 = None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
    OutputArray = cp.asnumpy(OutputArray)
    return OutputArray
Exemple #7
def sim_map_lite(pose, ii, jj, kk, boxsize, apix, etbl):
    #fourier indices as input(ii,jj,kk)
    import cupy
    outmap = cupy.zeros((boxsize, boxsize, boxsize))

    ii = cupy.asarray(ii)
    jj = cupy.asarray(jj)
    kk = cupy.asarray(kk)

    pi = cupy.pi

    for presi in range(1, pose.total_residue()):
        #get number of atoms
        for pres_atj in range(1, pose.residue(presi).natoms()):
            #for each atom, simulate gaussian with appropriate electron scattering factor
            #at_type = pose.residue(presi).atom_type(pres_atj)
            #print('this is the atom-type:' + at_type.str())

            #scattering_params = etbl.get(at_type)
            scattering_params = cupy.array([1, 1])
            coords = pose.residue(presi).xyz(pres_atj)
            center = cupy.array(
                [coords[0] / apix, coords[1] / apix, coords[2] / apix])
            s = cupy.float(1 / scattering_params[1])

            ampl = cupy.float((1 / cupy.sqrt(cupy.power(2 * pi, 3))) *
                              (1 / cupy.power(s, 3)))

            ii_ampl = cupy.float(scattering_params[0])

            outmap = outmap + ii_ampl * cupy.fft.ifftn(
                cupy.fft.ifftshift(ampl * cupy.exp(
                    -cupy.power(pi, 2) *
                    (cupy.power(ii, 2) + cupy.power(jj, 2) +
                     cupy.power(kk, 2)) / (2 * cupy.power(s, 2)) -
                    ((2 * pi) * 1j *
                     (ii * center[0] + jj * center[1] + kk * center[2])))))

    outmap = numpy.real(cupy.asnumpy(cupy.transpose(outmap)))
    return outmap
Exemple #8
    def learn_mapping(self, seeds, loss_type, **kwargs):
            Learn the mapping function. The objective is l2 loss or
            hinge loss. Orthogonal constraint is optional.
            seeds: A list of two lists. seeds[0][i] and seeds[1][i] specifies
                   a seeding pair

            loss_type: 'l2' or 'hinge'
              'l2': min_R \sum_i |R * x_i - y_i|^2
              'hinge': min_R \sum_i \sum_{j!=i}
                          max{0, th_i + |R * x_i - y_i|^2 - |R * x_i - y_j|^2}
                       The objetive is optimzied by SGD. Each iteration samples
                       some random negative examples

            kwargs: misc parameters, mostly for hinge loss minimizer
              orth: (False) whether to contrain the mapping being orthogonal
              epochs: number of epochs in SGD optimizer
                     if loss_type='hinge'
              seed_per_batch, number of seeds per minibatch in SGD
              lr: learning rate
              dist: the distance (cosine or squared Euclidean) in hinge loss.
                    Cosine is suggested.
              samples: number of negative samples per seeding pair
              alpha: determine threshold `th_i` in the following way
                     th_i = percentile(
                            d(R * x_i, y_j) - d(R * x_i, y_i), alpha)
              constant_th: constant threshold for all pairs. 
                     If given, alpha is futile. 
              src_vocab, tgt_vocab: source and target vocabs. If given, will
                    report P@1 during the minimization of hinge loss
              queries: for reporting test accuracy, src_vocab and tgt_vocab 
                    must be given
            W: linear mapping
        # prepare default params
        orth = kwargs.get('orth')
        epochs = kwargs.get('epochs')
        dist = kwargs.get('dist')
        lr = kwargs.get('lr')
        s_per_b = kwargs.get('seed_per_batch')
        sample_method = kwargs.get('sample_method')
        ns = kwargs.get('samples')
        alpha = kwargs.get('alpha')
        constant_th = kwargs.get('constant_th')
        src_vocab = kwargs.get('src_vocab', None)
        tgt_vocab = kwargs.get('tgt_vocab', None)
        queries = kwargs.get('queries', None)
        seed_dict = {}
        for i, j in zip(*seeds):
            if i not in seed_dict:
                seed_dict[i] = [j]

        if orth:
            C = self.src_space[seeds[0]].T.dot(self.tgt_space[seeds[1]])
            U, _, Vh = xp.linalg.svd(C)
            self.W = U.dot(Vh)
            if not gpu:
                self.W = xp.linalg.lstsq(self.src_space[seeds[0]],
                self.W = xp.linalg.pinv(self.src_space[seeds[0]]).dot(

        if loss_type == 'l2':
            self.loss = xp.linalg.norm(
                        - self.tgt_space[seeds[1]]) ** 2
        elif loss_type == 'hinge':
            # SGD optimizer, each iteration samples seeds and negative samples
            # Initialized with l2 solution
            self.loss = []
            dim = self.src_space.shape[1]
            total_it = 0
            th = self.determine_th(seeds, alpha, dist, constant_th)
            for ep in range(epochs):
                S = [_ for _ in zip(*(seeds + [th]))]
                for it in range(0, len(S), s_per_b):
                    i_s, i_t, th_i = zip(*S[it:min(len(S), it + s_per_b)])
                    i_s, i_t, th_i = list(i_s), list(i_t), xp.array(th_i)
                    B = len(i_s)
                    Wx = self.src_space[i_s].dot(self.W)
                    D = distance_function(Wx, self.tgt_space, dist)
                    if sample_method == 'random':
                        j = [xp.random.choice(
                             [_ for _ in range(self.tgt_size)\
                                if _ not in seed_dict[i_s_]],
                                ns).tolist() for i_s_ in i_s]
                    elif sample_method == 'top':
                        j = []
                        for ii, i_s_ in enumerate(i_s):
                            d_ii = xp.copy(D[ii])
                            d_ii[seed_dict[i_s_]] = xp.float('inf')
                                top_k(d_ii, ns, biggest=False)[0].tolist())

                    delta = D[xp.tile(range(B), (ns, 1)).T, j]\
                            - D[xp.arange(B), i_t][:, None]

                    # print some diagnostics
                    ell = xp.sum(xp.maximum(th_i[:, None] - delta, 0)) / B
                    if gpu:
                        ell = ell.get()
                    if total_it % 100 == 0:
                        if all([src_vocab, tgt_vocab, queries]):
                            P_at_1 = self.report_precision(
                                src_vocab, tgt_vocab, queries)
                            p_str = ', p@1 {}%'.format(P_at_1[0])
                            p_str = ''
                        print("Epoch {}, Iter {}, loss {:.2f}".format(
                            ep, total_it, ell) + p_str,

                    incur_loss = delta < th_i[:, None]
                    n_incur = [xp.sum(xp.array(_)) for _ in incur_loss]
                    if dist == 'sqeuc':
                        delta_y = [xp.sum(self.tgt_space[j[_]][incur_loss[_]],\
                                axis=0) - self.tgt_space[i_t[_]] * n_incur[_]\
                                for _ in range(B)]
                        grad = self.src_space[i_s].T.dot(xp.vstack(delta_y))
                    elif dist == 'cos':
                        Wx_norm = xp.linalg.norm(Wx, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=1)
                        delta_y = [
                            xp.sum(self.tgt_space[j[_]][incur_loss[_]] / (eps+\
                            ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=1)), axis=0) -\
                            self.tgt_space[i_t[_]] /\
                            xp.linalg.norm(self.tgt_space[i_t[_]]) * n_incur[_]
                            for _ in range(B)
                        delta_cos = [xp.sum(delta[_][incur_loss[_]])\
                                     for _ in range(B)]
                        grad = (self.src_space[i_s] / Wx_norm).T.dot(
                                xp.vstack(delta_y)) +\
                                (self.src_space[i_s] * xp.vstack(delta_cos)).T\
                    if orth:
                        # Use Cayley transform to maintain orthogonality
                        A = grad.dot(self.W.T)
                        A = A - A.T
                        Q = xp.linalg.inv(xp.eye(dim) + lr / 2 *
                                          A).dot(xp.eye(dim) - lr / 2 * A)
                        self.W = Q.dot(self.W)
                        self.W -= lr * grad / B

                    total_it += 1
        return self.W
Exemple #9
def sim_map(pose, mrc, apix, etbl):

    #import mrcfile as mrc
    #from pyrosetta import *

    #import numpy
    import cupy
    #from pyrosetta.toolbox import cleanATOM

    #mrc = mrcfile.open('examples/1ye3.mrc')
    #pose = pose_from_pdb('examples/1ye3.clean.pdb')

    #etbl = read_etable('examples/etable.txt')

    mrcsz = mrc.data.shape
    outmap = cupy.zeros(mrcsz)

    ij = cupy.fft.fftfreq(mrcsz[1], 1)

    ii = numpy.zeros(mrcsz)
    jj = numpy.zeros(mrcsz)
    kk = numpy.zeros(mrcsz)

    for ii_ndx in range(0, mrcsz[1]):
        for jj_ndx in range(0, mrcsz[1]):
            for kk_ndx in range(0, mrcsz[1]):
                ii[ii_ndx, jj_ndx, kk_ndx] = ij[ii_ndx]
                jj[ii_ndx, jj_ndx, kk_ndx] = ij[jj_ndx]
                kk[ii_ndx, jj_ndx, kk_ndx] = ij[kk_ndx]

    ii = cupy.fft.fftshift(cupy.asarray(ii))
    jj = cupy.fft.fftshift(cupy.asarray(jj))
    kk = cupy.fft.fftshift(cupy.asarray(kk))

    pi = cupy.pi

    for presi in range(1, pose.total_residue()):
        #get number of atoms
        for pres_atj in range(1, pose.residue(presi).natoms()):
            #for each atom, simulate gaussian with appropriate electron scattering factor
            #at_type = pose.residue(presi).atom_type(pres_atj)
            #print('this is the atom-type:' + at_type.str())

            #scattering_params = etbl.get(at_type)
            scattering_params = cupy.array([1, 1])
            coords = pose.residue(presi).xyz(pres_atj)
            center = cupy.array(
                [coords[0] / apix, coords[1] / apix, coords[2] / apix])
            s = cupy.float(1 / scattering_params[1])

            ampl = cupy.float((1 / cupy.sqrt(cupy.power(2 * pi, 3))) *
                              (1 / cupy.power(s, 3)))

            ii_ampl = cupy.float(scattering_params[0])

            outmap = outmap + ii_ampl * cupy.fft.ifftn(
                cupy.fft.ifftshift(ampl * cupy.exp(
                    -cupy.power(pi, 2) *
                    (cupy.power(ii, 2) + cupy.power(jj, 2) +
                     cupy.power(kk, 2)) / (2 * cupy.power(s, 2)) -
                    ((2 * pi) * 1j *
                     (ii * center[0] + jj * center[1] + kk * center[2])))))

    outmap = numpy.real(cupy.asnumpy(cupy.transpose(outmap)))
    return outmap
Exemple #10
def loglike(theta):
    Compute the loglikelihood function.
    NOTE: Not called directly by user code; the function signature must
          correspond to the requirements of the numerical sampler used.
    theta : Input parameter vector

    loglike : float

    global init_loglike, ndata_unflagged, per_bl_sig, weight_vector, data_vis, einschema

    if init_loglike == False:

        # Find total number of visibilities
        ndata = data_vis.shape[0]*data_vis.shape[1]*data_vis.shape[2]*2 # 8 because each polarisation has two real numbers (real & imaginary)
        flag_ll = np.logical_not(data_flag[:,0,0])
        ndata_unflagged = ndata - np.where(flag_ll == False)[0].shape[0] * 8
        print ('Percentage of unflagged visibilities: ', ndata_unflagged, '/', ndata, '=', (ndata_unflagged/ndata)*100)

        # Set visibility weights
        weight_vector=np.zeros(data_vis.shape, dtype='float') # ndata/2 because the weight_vector is the same for both real and imag parts of the vis.
        if not sigmaSim:
            per_bl_sig = np.zeros((data_nbl))
            bl_incr = 0;
            for a1 in np.arange(data_nant):
              for a2 in np.arange(a1+1,data_nant):
                #per_bl_sig[bl_incr] = np.sqrt((sefds[a1]*sefds[a2])/(data_chanwidth*data_inttime[bl_incr])) # INI: Removed the sq(2) from the denom. It's for 2 pols.
                per_bl_sig[bl_incr] = (1.0/corr_eff) * np.sqrt((sefds[a1]*sefds[a2])/(2*data_chanwidth*data_inttime[bl_incr])) # INI: Added the sq(2) bcoz MeqS uses this convention
                weight_vector[baseline_dict[(a1,a2)]] = 1.0 / np.power(per_bl_sig[bl_incr], 2)
                bl_incr += 1;
            weight_vector[:] = 1.0 /np.power(sigmaSim, 2)

        weight_vector *= np.logical_not(data_flag)
        weight_vector = cp.array(weight_vector.reshape((data_vis.shape[0], data_vis.shape[1], 2, 2)))

        # Compute einsum schema
        einschema = einsum_schema(hypo)

        init_loglike = True # loglike initialised; will not enter on subsequent iterations

    # Set up arrays necessary for forward modelling
    # Set up the phase delay matrix
    lm = cp.array([[theta[1], theta[2]]])
    phase = phase_delay(lm, data_uvw_cp, data_chan_freq_cp)

    if hypo == 1:
        # Set up the shape matrix for Gaussian sources
        gauss_shape = gaussian_shape(data_uvw, data_chan_freq, np.array([[theta[3], theta[4], theta[5]]]))
        gauss_shape = cp.array(gauss_shape)

    # Set up the brightness matrix
    stokes = cp.array([[theta[0], 0, 0, 0]])
    brightness =  convert(stokes, ['I', 'Q', 'U', 'V'], [['RR', 'RL'], ['LR', 'LL']])

    '''print ('einschema: ', einschema)
    print ('phase.shape: ', phase.shape)
    print ('gauss_shape.shape: ', gauss_shape.shape)
    print ('brightness.shape: ', brightness.shape)'''

    # Compute the source coherency matrix (the uncorrupted visibilities, except for the phase delay)
    if hypo == 0:
        source_coh_matrix =  cp.einsum(einschema, phase, brightness)
    elif hypo == 1:
        source_coh_matrix =  cp.einsum(einschema, phase, gauss_shape, brightness)

    ### Uncomment the following and assign sampled complex gains per ant/chan/time to the Jones matrices
    '''# Set up the G-Jones matrices
    die_jones = cp.zeros((data_ntime, data_nant, data_nchan, 2, 2), dtype=cp.complex)
    if hypo == 0:
        for ant in np.arange(data_nant):
          for chan in np.arange(data_nchan):
              delayterm = theta[ant+12]*(chan-refchan_delay)*data_chanwidth # delayterm in 'turns'; 17th chan (index 16) freq is the reference frequency.
              pherr = theta[ant+3] + delayterm*360 # convert 'turns' to degrees; pherr = pec_ph + delay + rate; rates are zero
              re, im = pol_to_rec(1,pherr)
              die_jones[:, ant, chan, 0, 0] = die_jones[:, ant, chan, 1, 1] = re + 1j*im
    elif hypo == 1:
        for ant in np.arange(data_nant):
          for chan in np.arange(data_nchan):
              delayterm = theta[ant+15]*(chan-refchan_delay)*data_chanwidth # delayterm in 'turns'; 17th chan (index 16) freq is the reference frequency.
              pherr = theta[ant+6] + delayterm*360 # convert 'turns' to degrees; pherr = pec_ph + delay + rate; rates are zero
              re, im = pol_to_rec(1,pherr)
              die_jones[:, ant, chan, 0, 0] = die_jones[:, ant, chan, 1, 1] = re + 1j*im'''
    # Predict (forward model) visibilities
    # If the die_jones matrix has been declared above, assign it to both the kwargs die1_jones and die2_jones in predict_vis()
    model_vis = predict_vis(data_uniqtime_indices, data_ant1, data_ant2, die1_jones=None, dde1_jones=None, source_coh=source_coh_matrix, dde2_jones=None, die2_jones=None, base_vis=None)

    # Compute chi-squared and loglikelihood
    diff = model_vis - data_vis.reshape((data_vis.shape[0], data_vis.shape[1], 2, 2))
    chi2 = cp.sum((diff.real*diff.real+diff.imag*diff.imag) * weight_vector)
    loglike = cp.float(-chi2/2.0 - cp.log(2*cp.pi*(1.0/weight_vector.flatten()[cp.nonzero(weight_vector.flatten())])).sum())

    return loglike, []
def REE_gen(para):
    p_r = float(para[0])
    sigma = float(para[1])
    phi_pi = float(para[2])
    phi_x = float(para[3])
    Beta = .99
    nu = float(para[5])
    theta = float(para[6])
    g = float(para[7])
    sig_r = float(para[8])
    alpha = float(para[9])
    psi = float(para[10])
    h = float(para[11])
    gamma = float(para[12])
    rho = float(para[13])
    p_u = float(para[14])
    sig_e = float(para[15])
    sig_u = float(para[16])
    alpha_p = (alpha / (1 - alpha))
    k = ((1 - Beta * theta) * (1 - theta)) / ((1 + alpha_p * psi) * theta *
                                              (1 + gamma * Beta * theta))
    c1 = (sigma / ((1 - h) * (1 - h * Beta)))
    c2 = (nu / (alpha + nu))
    w1 = (1 + (h**2) * Beta + h * Beta) * ((1 + h + (h**2) * Beta)**-1)
    w2 = ((1 - h) * (1 - h * Beta)) * ((sigma * (1 + h + h**2 * (Beta)))**-1)
    w3 = (-h * Beta / (1 + h + (h**2) * Beta))
    w4 = h * ((1 + h + (h**2) * Beta)**-1)
    n1 = k * c2 * c1 + k * (h**2) * Beta * c1 * c2 - k * alpha_p
    n2 = -k * (c2) * (c1) * (h)
    n3 = -k * h * Beta * c1 * c2
    n4 = Beta * ((1 + gamma * Beta * theta)**-1)
    n5 = gamma * (
        (1 + gamma * Beta * theta)**-1) + (-gamma * psi * alpha_p * k)
    x_t = 0
    pi_t = 1
    i_t = 2
    r_t = 3
    u_t = 4
    Ex_t = 5
    Epi_t = 6
    Ei_t = 7
    Ex_t2 = 8
    Epi_t2 = 9
    Ei_t2 = 10

    ex_sh = 0
    epi_sh = 1
    ei_sh = 2
    ex2_sh = 3
    epi2_sh = 4
    ei2_sh = 5

    r_sh = 0
    pi_sh = 1
    i_sh = 2

    neq = 11
    neta = 6
    neps = 3
    GAM0 = np.zeros([neq, neq])
    GAM1 = np.zeros([neq, neq])
    C = np.zeros([neq, 1])
    PSI = np.zeros([neq, neps])
    PPI = np.zeros([neq, neta])
    eq_1 = 0
    eq_2 = 1
    eq_3 = 2
    eq_4 = 3
    eq_5 = 4
    eq_6 = 5
    eq_7 = 6
    eq_8 = 7
    eq_9 = 8
    eq_10 = 9
    eq_11 = 10
    GAM0[eq_1, x_t] = 1
    GAM0[eq_1, Ex_t] = -w1
    GAM0[eq_1, Epi_t] = -w2
    GAM0[eq_1, i_t] = w2
    GAM0[eq_1, r_t] = w2
    GAM0[eq_1, Ex_t2] = -w3
    GAM1[eq_1, x_t] = w4
    GAM0[eq_2, pi_t] = 1
    GAM0[eq_2, x_t] = -n1
    GAM1[eq_2, x_t] = n2
    GAM0[eq_2, Ex_t] = -n3
    GAM0[eq_2, Epi_t] = -n4
    GAM1[eq_2, pi_t] = n5
    GAM1[eq_2, u_t] = 1
    GAM0[eq_3, x_t] = -(1 - rho) * phi_x
    GAM0[eq_3, pi_t] = -(1 - rho) * phi_pi
    GAM0[eq_3, i_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_3, i_t] = rho
    PSI[eq_3, i_sh] = 1

    GAM0[eq_4, r_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_4, r_t] = p_r
    PSI[eq_4, r_sh] = 1
    GAM0[eq_5, u_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_5, u_t] = p_u
    PSI[eq_5, pi_sh] = 1

    GAM0[eq_6, pi_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_6, Epi_t] = 1
    PPI[eq_6, epi_sh] = 1

    GAM0[eq_7, x_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_7, Ex_t] = 1
    PPI[eq_7, ex_sh] = 1

    GAM0[eq_8, Ex_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_8, Ex_t2] = 1
    PPI[eq_8, ex2_sh] = 1

    GAM0[eq_9, i_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_9, Ei_t] = 1
    PPI[eq_9, ei_sh] = 1


    GAM0[eq_10, Ei_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_10, Ei_t2] = 1
    PPI[eq_10, ei2_sh] = 1

    GAM0[eq_11, Epi_t] = 1
    GAM1[eq_11, Epi_t2] = 1
    PPI[eq_11, epi2_sh] = 1

    G1, impact, RC = gensys(GAM0,
                            DIV=1 + 1e-8,

    # GAM0*x(t) = A*x(t-1) + B*Ex(t+1) + C*Ex(t+2) + E*u(t-1) + DD*eps(t)

    GAM0 = cp.array([[1, 0, w2], [-n1, 1, 0],
                     [-(1 - rho) * phi_x, -(1 - rho) * phi_pi, 1]])
    GAM0inv = cp.linalg.inv(GAM0)
    A = cp.matmul(GAM0inv, cp.array([[w4, 0, 0], [n2, n5, 0], [0, 0, rho]]))
    B = cp.matmul(GAM0inv, cp.array([[w1, w2, 0], [n3, n4, 0], [0, 0, 0]]))
    C = cp.matmul(GAM0inv, cp.array([[w3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]))
    DD = cp.matmul(GAM0inv, cp.array(([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])))
    E = cp.matmul(GAM0inv, cp.array([[-w2, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]))
    R = cp.array([[cp.float(para[0]), 0], [0, cp.float(para[14])]])
    # x(t) = A*x(t-1) + B*Ex(t+1) + C*Ex(t+2) + E*u(t-1) + DD*eps(t)
    V_s = cp.array([[cp.float(para[8])**2, 0,
                     0], [0, cp.float(para[16])**2, 0],
                    [0, 0, cp.float(para[15])**2]])
    M1 = cp.array([[1 / 100, 0, 0, -1 / 100, 0], [0, 1 / 400, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1 / 400, 0, 0]])
    M2 = cp.array([[-1 / 100, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
    V_m = cp.identity(3)
    return G1, impact, RC, A, B, C, E, DD, R, V_s, M1, M2, V_m
m = 1000
Thetasim = cp.zeros([Nsim, 17])
logpost = cp.zeros([Nsim])
LIK = cp.zeros([Nsim])
AA = cp.zeros([Nsim])
DROP = cp.zeros([Nsim])
Thetasim[i, :] = para
c = .02
P3 = cp.eye(17)
POST = cp.load(r"C:\Research\KF Results\no proj\PostDIST.npy")
para = cp.mean(POST[10000:90000, :], 0)
#P3 = cp.cov(POST[0:90000],rowvar= False)
Thetasim[i, :] = para
accept = 0
likij, dropoutj = PFLIKE(Thetasim[i, :], EPS, S, RR, randphi)
obj = cp.float(likij) + cp.float(NK_priors(cp.asnumpy(Thetasim[i, :])))
DROP[i] = dropoutj
LIK[i] = cp.float(likij)
logpost[i] = obj
print('likelihood:', likij)
print('logposterior:', obj)

# In[44]:

#Continue MH
Nsim = 100500
m = 1000
i = cp.load(r'C:\Research\PF Results\Results\No Proj Fac\iter.npy')
Thetasim = cp.load(r'C:\Research\PF Results\Results\No Proj Fac\PostDIST.npy')
logpost = cp.load(r'C:\Research\PF Results\Results\No Proj Fac\logpost.npy')
AA = cp.load(r'C:\Research\PF Results\Results\No Proj Fac\Acceptance.npy')