Exemple #1
    def backward_cuda(self, grad):
        # the same routine
        assert self.is_compiled

        batch_sz = grad.shape[0]
        flat_grad_cuda = grad.reshape((-1, self.output_ch))

        d_W_cuda = cp.matmul(cp.transpose(self.last_input_col_cuda),
        self.grads_cuda["w"] = d_W_cuda.reshape(self.kernel_shape)
        self.grads_cuda["b"] = cp.sum(flat_grad_cuda, axis=0)

        d_X_cuda = cp.matmul(grad, cp.transpose(self.W_cuda))
        d_in_cuda = cp.zeros(shape=(batch_sz, *self.input_shape),

        # if this part could be re-written, it would be better
        for i, r in enumerate(range(0, self.output_sz)):
            for j, c in enumerate(range(0, self.output_sz)):
                # patch = d_X_cuda[:, i, j, :]
                # patch = patch.reshape((batch_sz, self.kernel_sz, self.kernel_sz, self.input_ch))
                # d_in_cuda[:, r:r + self.kernel_sz, c:c + self.kernel_sz, :] += patch
                d_in_cuda[:, r:r + self.kernel_sz, c:c +
                          self.kernel_sz, :] += d_X_cuda[:, i, j, :].reshape(
                              (batch_sz, self.kernel_sz, self.kernel_sz,

        return d_in_cuda
Exemple #2
def calc_inv(ir):
    ir = np.transpose(ir)
    q = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.transpose(ir), ir))
    hh = np.matmul(ir, np.transpose(q))
    return hh.tolist()
Exemple #3
def mvdr(x, sv):
    Minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer weights

    x : ndarray
        Received signal, assume 2D array with size [num_sensors, num_samples]

    sv: ndarray
        Steering vector, assume 1D array with size [num_sensors, 1]

    Note: Unlike MATLAB where input matrix x is of size MxN where N represents
    the number of array elements, we assume row-major formatted data where each
    row is assumed to be complex-valued data from a given sensor (i.e. NxM)
    if x.shape[0] > x.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Matrix has more sensors than samples. Consider \
            transposing and remember cuSignal is row-major, unlike MATLAB')

    if x.shape[0] != sv.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Steering Vector and input data do not align')

    R = cp.cov(x)
    R_inv = cp.linalg.inv(R)
    svh = cp.transpose(cp.conj(sv))

    wB = cp.matmul(R_inv, sv)
    # wA is a 1x1 scalar
    wA = cp.matmul(svh, wB)
    w = wB / wA

    return w
    def check_usv(self, shape, dtype):
        array = testing.shaped_random(
            shape, numpy, dtype=dtype, seed=self.seed)
        a_cpu = numpy.asarray(array, dtype=dtype)
        a_gpu = cupy.asarray(array, dtype=dtype)
        result_cpu = numpy.linalg.svd(a_cpu, full_matrices=self.full_matrices)
        result_gpu = cupy.linalg.svd(a_gpu, full_matrices=self.full_matrices)
        # Check if the input matrix is not broken
        cupy.testing.assert_allclose(a_gpu, a_cpu)

        assert len(result_gpu) == 3
        for i in range(3):
            assert result_gpu[i].shape == result_cpu[i].shape
            assert result_gpu[i].dtype == result_cpu[i].dtype
        u_cpu, s_cpu, vh_cpu = result_cpu
        u_gpu, s_gpu, vh_gpu = result_gpu
        cupy.testing.assert_allclose(s_gpu, s_cpu, atol=1e-4)

        k, = s_cpu.shape
        # reconstruct the matrix
        if self.full_matrices:
            a_gpu_usv = cupy.dot(u_gpu[:, :k] * s_gpu, vh_gpu[:k, :])
            a_gpu_usv = cupy.dot(u_gpu * s_gpu, vh_gpu)
        cupy.testing.assert_allclose(a_gpu, a_gpu_usv, atol=1e-4)

        # assert unitary
            cupy.matmul(u_gpu.T.conj(), u_gpu),
            cupy.matmul(vh_gpu, vh_gpu.T.conj()),
Exemple #5
def _b_orthonormalize(B, blockVectorV, blockVectorBV=None, retInvR=False):
    """B-orthonormalize the given block vector using Cholesky."""
    normalization = blockVectorV.max(axis=0) + cupy.finfo(
    blockVectorV = blockVectorV / normalization
    if blockVectorBV is None:
        if B is not None:
            blockVectorBV = B(blockVectorV)
            blockVectorBV = blockVectorV
        blockVectorBV = blockVectorBV / normalization
    VBV = cupy.matmul(blockVectorV.T.conj(), blockVectorBV)
        # VBV is a Cholesky factor
        VBV = _cholesky(VBV)
        VBV = linalg.inv(VBV.T)
        blockVectorV = cupy.matmul(blockVectorV, VBV)
        if B is not None:
            blockVectorBV = cupy.matmul(blockVectorBV, VBV)
            blockVectorBV = None
    except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
        # LinAlg Error: cholesky transformation might fail in rare cases
        # raise ValueError("cholesky has failed")
        blockVectorV = None
        blockVectorBV = None
        VBV = None

    if retInvR:
        return blockVectorV, blockVectorBV, VBV, normalization
        return blockVectorV, blockVectorBV
Exemple #6
def wint(n, t):

    N = len(t)
    s = cp.linspace(1e-40, 1, n)
    # Inverse vandermonde matrix
    tmp1 = cp.arange(n)
    tmp2 = cp.arange(1, n + 2)
    iv = cp.linalg.inv(cp.exp(cp.outer(tmp1, cp.log(s))))
    u = cp.diff(
        cp.exp(cp.outer(tmp2, cp.log(s))) *
        cp.tile(1.0 / tmp2[..., cp.newaxis],
                [1, n]))  # integration over short intervals
    W1 = cp.matmul(iv, u[1:n + 1, :])  # x*pn(x) term
    W2 = cp.matmul(iv, u[0:n, :])  # const*pn(x) term

    # Compensate for overlapping short intervals
    tmp1 = cp.arange(1, n)
    tmp2 = (n - 1) * cp.ones((N - 2 * (n - 1) - 1))
    tmp3 = cp.arange(n - 1, 0, -1)
    p = 1 / cp.concatenate((tmp1, tmp2, tmp3))
    w = cp.zeros(N)
    for j in range(N - n + 1):
        # Change coordinates, and constant and linear parts
        W = ((t[j + n - 1] - t[j])**2) * W1 + (t[j + n - 1] - t[j]) * t[j] * W2

        for k in range(n - 1):
            w[j:j + n] = w[j:j + n] + p[j + k] * W[:, k]

    wn = w
    wn[-40:] = (w[-40]) / (N - 40) * cp.arange(N - 40, N)
    return wn
def backpropagate(node_array, output_array, weights_matrix, layer_n_list):
    My implementation of a backpropagation algorithm. 
    Inputs - \n
    node_array - list of np arrays, each array (each list element) corresponds to the nodes in each layer, for each training observation. The first element is the input layer, last element is output layer. \n
    Output_aray - a numpy array corresponding to the y values of each observation \n
    weights_matrix - A list where the elements are two dimensional numpy arrays of float64s. \n
    layer_n_list - the vector corresponding to the neural network structure.
    Example- [10,5,3] corresponds to some unknown amount of inputs, 10 nodes in layer 1, 5 in layer 2, and 3 output nodes. \n \n
    Outputs - \n
    grad_adjustment_vector - list of numpy arrays containing the amounts that the weights should be adjusted to reduce error in a given iteration of the backprop algorithm \n
    Output err-r also used in adjusting weights in backprop algorithm
    output_error = node_array[-1] - output_array
    d_vector = [output_error]
    grad_adjustmet_vector = [cp.matmul(output_error.T, node_array[-2])]
    for i in cp.arange(len(layer_n_list)-1):
        output_error = cp.matmul(output_error, weights_matrix[-int(i+1)][:,1:]) * (node_array[-int(i+2)][:,1:]*(1-node_array[-int(i+2)][:,1:]))
        grad_adjustment = cp.matmul(output_error.T, node_array[-int(i+3)])

    return grad_adjustmet_vector, d_vector[0]
Exemple #8
def MWU_game_algorithm(payoff_mat, phi=1 / 2, steps_number=10000):
    payoff_mat = np.array(payoff_mat)
    rows_number = payoff_mat.shape[0]
    cols_number = payoff_mat.shape[1]
    p_0 = np.ones((1, rows_number))
    p_0 = p_0 / rows_number
    p_t = p_0
    j_sumed = np.zeros((cols_number, 1))
    smallest_column_payoff = 1
    p_best = p_0
    p_t_sum = np.zeros((1, rows_number))
    for i in range(steps_number):
        payoffs = np.matmul(p_t, payoff_mat)
        j_best_response = np.argmax(payoffs)
        if (payoffs[0, j_best_response] < smallest_column_payoff):
            smallest_column_payoff = payoffs[0, j_best_response]
            p_best = p_t
        j_sumed[j_best_response] += 1
        m_t = payoff_mat[:, j_best_response]
        m_t_negative = (m_t < 0)
        p_t_significant = (p_t > SIGNIFICANCE_CONST)
        to_update = np.logical_or(m_t_negative, p_t_significant[0])
        m_t_updating = np.where(to_update, m_t, 0)
        p_t_updating = np.where(to_update, p_t, 0)
        p_t = np.multiply((1 - phi * m_t_updating), p_t_updating)
        p_t = p_t / p_t.sum()
        p_t_sum = p_t_sum + p_t
    j_distribution = j_sumed / j_sumed.sum()
    game_value = np.matmul(np.matmul(p_best, payoff_mat), j_distribution)[0][0]
    return p_best, j_distribution, -game_value, game_value
    def __world2image__(self, qwxyz, t, K, point3d):
        if self.pose_cupy is False:
            I = np.eye(4)
            I[:3, 3] = t
            quat = Quaternion(qwxyz)
            Rm = quat.rotation_matrix
            Rm_inv = np.linalg.inv(Rm)
            I[:3, :3] = Rm
            Iinv = np.linalg.inv(I)
            hpts3d = self.__homogeneousCoord__(point3d).T
            point3d_local = np.matmul(Iinv, hpts3d)[0:3,:]
            image_pixel = self.__hnormalized__(np.matmul(K, point3d_local).T)
            I = cp.eye(4)
            I[:3, 3] = cp.asarray(t)
            quat = Quaternion(qwxyz)
            Rm = cp.asarray(quat.rotation_matrix)
            Rm_inv = cp.linalg.inv(Rm)
            Rm_inv = cp.asnumpy(Rm_inv)
            I[:3, :3] = cp.asarray(Rm)
            Iinv = cp.linalg.inv(I)
            hpts3d = self.__homogeneousCoord__(cp.asarray(point3d)).T
            point3d_local = cp.matmul(Iinv, hpts3d)[0:3,:]
            image_pixel = self.__hnormalized__(cp.matmul(cp.asarray(K), point3d_local).T)
            image_pixel = cp.asnumpy(image_pixel)

        return image_pixel, Rm_inv
Exemple #10
    def update_render(self) -> QPixmap:
        # TODO
        img = cp.zeros(
            (self.shader_resolution[1], self.shader_resolution[0], 3),

        v_color = cp.array([255, 255, 255], cp.uint8)
        if self.render_method == self.PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE:
            for model in self.models:
                v_extend = cp.concatenate(
                    (model.v, cp.ones((model.v_size, 1), cp.float32)), axis=1)
                v_im = cp.transpose(
                              cp.matmul(self.em, cp.transpose(v_extend))))
                v_im = v_im / v_im[:, 2:]
                v_im = v_im[:, :2]
                v_im = v_im.astype(cp.int32)
                for i in range(len(v_im)):
                    if 0 <= v_im[i,
                                 0] <= self.shader_resolution[0] and 0 <= v_im[
                                     i, 1] <= self.shader_resolution[1]:
                        img[v_im[i, 1], v_im[i, 0], :] = v_color
            img = cp.asnumpy(img)
            pixmap = QImage(img.data, img.shape[1], img.shape[0],
            pixmap = QPixmap(pixmap)
            return pixmap
Exemple #11
 def predict(self, X, returndict=0, returnclass=0):
     predictions = X
     if returndict == 1:
         values = {}
         values["h0"] = X
     layers = len(self.structure) - 1
     for i in range(layers - 1):
         predictions = cp.matmul(
             self.params["w" + str(i + 1)],
             predictions) + self.params["b" + str(i + 1)]
         if returndict == 1:
             values["a" + str(i + 1)] = predictions
         predictions = NeuralNet.activate(predictions, self.activation)
         if returndict == 1:
             values["h" + str(i + 1)] = predictions
     predictions = cp.matmul(self.params["w" + str(layers)],
                             predictions) + self.params["b" + str(layers)]
     if returndict == 1:
         values["a" + str(layers)] = predictions
     if returnclass == 1:
         return cp.argmax(predictions, axis=0)
     cp.clip(predictions, -700, 700)
     predictions = cp.exp(predictions) / cp.sum(cp.exp(predictions), axis=0)
     if returndict == 1:
         values["h" + str(layers)] = predictions
     if returndict == 0:
         return predictions
         return values
def propagate(input_array, weights_matrix, layer_n_list):
    forward propagation algorithm. \n
    Inputs - \n
    input_array - two dimensional numpy array corresponding to x data \n 
    weights_matrix - A list where the elements are two dimensional numpy arrays of float64s. \n
    layer_n_list- the vector corresponding to the neural network structure.
    Example- [10,5,3] corresponds to some unknown amount of inputs, 10 nodes in layer 1, 5 in layer 2, and 3 output nodes. \n
    Output - \n
    node_array - list of np arrays, each array (each list element) corresponds to the nodes in each layer, for each training observation. The first element is the input layer, last element is output layer. \n

    node_array = [input_array]
    for i in cp.arange(len(layer_n_list)-1):
        foo = cp.matmul(node_array[int(i)], weights_matrix[int(i)].T)
        foo = sigmoid(foo)

        foo = cp.concatenate((cp.array([[1]]*foo.shape[0]), foo), axis=1)


    foo = cp.matmul(node_array[-1], weights_matrix[-1].T)
    foo = sigmoid(foo)

    return node_array
Exemple #13
    def v_grad(self, i, j, neg_i, neg_j, vi, vj, neg_vi, neg_vj, v_i_s,
               v_n_i_s, inv_v_i_s, inv_v_n_i_s, mid_ij, mid_n_ij, inv_ij,
               inv_n_ij, mask):
        lvi, lvj = self.vars[i], self.c_vars[j]
        lneg_vi, lneg_vj = self.vars[neg_i], self.c_vars[neg_j]
        pos_i = wb.batch_log2(vi,
        neg_i_ = wb.batch_log2(neg_vi,
                               prod=True) / self.num_neg
        pos_j = wb.batch_log(vj,
        neg_j_ = wb.batch_log(neg_vj,

        return ((- (cp.matmul(pos_i, lvi)) + (cp.matmul(neg_i_, lneg_vi)).reshape(-1, self.num_neg, self.n_dim, self.n_dim).sum(axis=1)) * mask.reshape(-1, 1, 1)).reshape(-1, self.window_size, self.n_dim, self.n_dim).sum(axis=1), \
                 - (cp.matmul(pos_j, lvj)) * mask.reshape(-1, 1, 1), \
                (cp.matmul(neg_j_, lneg_vj)) * mask.repeat(self.num_neg).reshape(-1, 1, 1) / self.num_neg #+ 2 * self.var_reg * lneg_vj
Exemple #14
    def predict(self, Xtest, use_gpu=False):
        """Predict using the linear model
        Let :math:`B^k` be the basis vectors of class :math:`k`, and :math:`x` be the RCDT sapce feature vector of an input, 
        the NS method performs classification by
        .. math::
            arg\min_k \| B^k (B^k)^T x - x\|^2
        Xtest : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_rows, n_columns)
            Image data for testing.
        use_gpu: boolean flag; IF TRUE, use gpu for calculations
            default = False.
        ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
           Predicted target values per element in Xtest.

        # calculate the RCDT using parallel CPUs
        print('\nCalculating RCDTs for testing images ...')
        Xrcdt = self.rcdt_parallel(Xtest)

        # vectorize RCDT matrix
        X = Xrcdt.reshape([Xrcdt.shape[0], -1])

        # import cupy for using GPU
        if use_gpu:
            import cupy as cp
            X = cp.array(X)

        # find nearest subspace for each test sample
        print('Finding nearest subspace for each test sample ...')
        D = []
        for class_idx in range(self.num_classes):
            basis = self.subspaces[class_idx]
            basis = basis[:self.len_subspace, :]

            if use_gpu:
                                             cp.array(basis)) - X,
                proj = X @ basis.T  # (n_samples, n_basis)
                projR = proj @ basis  # (n_samples, n_features)
                D.append(LA.norm(projR - X, axis=1))
        if use_gpu:
            preds = cp.argmin(cp.stack(D, axis=0), axis=0)
            return cp.asnumpy(preds)
            D = np.stack(D, axis=0)
            preds = np.argmin(D, axis=0)
            return preds
def batch_exp(U, V):
    Exponential map at N(U) in the direction of V
    batchsize = U.shape[0]
    n = V.shape[1]
    V_I = V + cp.eye(n).reshape(1, n, n).repeat(batchsize, axis=0)
    return cp.matmul(V_I, cp.matmul(U, V_I))
def batch_Tuv2(U, V, mid=None, inv_sU=None, numIters = 2):
    Returns the transportation matrix from N(U) to N(V):
    if (inv_sU is None) or (mid is None):
        sU, inv_sU = batch_sqrtm(U, numIters = numIters)
    if mid is None:
        mid, _ = batch_sqrtm(cp.matmul(cp.matmul(sU, V), sU), numIters = numIters)
    return cp.matmul(inv_sU, cp.matmul(mid, inv_sU))
def batch_Tuv(U, V, inv=None, sV=None, numIters = 2):
    Returns the transportation matrix from N(U) to N(V):
    if sV is None:
        sV, _ = batch_sqrtm(V, numIters=numIters)
    if inv is None:
        _, inv = batch_sqrtm(cp.matmul(cp.matmul(sV, U), sV), numIters = numIters)
    return cp.matmul(sV, cp.matmul(inv, sV))
Exemple #18
def matmul(a, b, l=False, exception=False):
    """ Does matrix multiplication as a @ b, accounting for
        whether either is of dtype=int8.  'l' indicates whether
        this matrix operation is being used for a latency weight matrix """

    # Exception hardcoded for W_rnn_latency because it has more dims than usual
    if exception == "h_in * W_rnn_latency":

        print("STARTING MATMUL()")

        a = a[cp.newaxis, ...]

        print("new a.shape")






            "cp.sum(a[...,cp.newaxis]*b[:,cp.newaxis,...], axis=-2, dtype=cp.float16)"
        print(cp.sum(a * b, axis=-2, dtype=cp.float16))

        print((a * b).nbytes)


        print((a * b).shape)


        print("cp.matmul(a, b).shape")
        print(cp.matmul(a, b).shape)

        return cp.matmul(a, b)
        a = a[..., 0]
        b = b[:, 0, :, :]
        return cp.matmul(a, b)[..., np.newaxis]
Exemple #19
def update_one(P, flt, r, e, J, delta=0):
    #add discount factor delta to perform weighted RLS
    r_p = cp.multiply(flt.reshape(-1, 1), r)
    k = cp.matmul(P, r_p)  #(N,1)
    rPr = cp.matmul(r_p.T, k)  # scalar
    c = 1.0 / (1.0 + (1 + delta) / (1 - delta) * rPr)  # scalar
    P = P / (1 - delta) - (1 + delta) / (1 - delta)**2 * cp.matmul(
        k, (k.T * c))
    dw = -e * k * c * (1 + delta) / (1 - delta)
    J += dw.reshape(-1, )
    return P, J
def step(u):

    if u.ndim == 3:
        x = np.random.rand(u.shape[0], number_neurons, 1).astype(np.float32)
        x = np.random.rand(number_neurons).astype(np.float32)

    dx = np.matmul(W, x) + np.matmul(V, u)
    x += 0.05 * dx

    return np.matmul(T, x)
Exemple #21
  def forward(self, x, y_prev, c_prev):
    u = np.matmul(x, self.w) + np.matmul(y_prev, self.v) + self.b.reshape(4, 1, -1)

    a0 = sigmoid(u[0])
    a1 = sigmoid(u[1])
    a2 = np.tanh(u[2])
    a3 = sigmoid(u[3])
    self.gates = np.stack((a0, a1, a2, a3))

    self.c = a0 * c_prev + a1 * a2
    self.y = a3 * np.tanh(self.c)
 def __estimate_one_step(self, threshold: int):
     Estimate the solution having a given threshold value and keeping only the singular values above these threshold.
     Values smaller than numerical zero are always discarded.
     :param threshold: Value specifying the smallest singular value (sorted in descending order) to keep. All singular
     values smaller than given are discarded.
     :type threshold: int
     self.current = cp.matmul(self.__V.T[:, :threshold],
                              cp.matmul(cp.diag(cp.divide(1, self.__D[:threshold])),
                                        cp.matmul(self.__U[:, :threshold].T, self.q_estimator)))
Exemple #23
 def _finalize(self):
     epsilon = self.transitions.get('epsilon', None)
     if epsilon is not None:
         epsilon = epsilon + cupy.identity(epsilon.shape[0], dtype=bool)
         for i in range(math.ceil(math.log(epsilon.shape[0], 2))):
             epsilon = cupy.matmul(epsilon, epsilon)
         for key in self.transitions:
             self.transitions[key] = cupy.matmul(epsilon,
         self.transitions['epsilon'] = epsilon
     return self
Exemple #24
def test_accuracy(W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, images, labels):
    nums = labels.shape[1]
    z1 = np.matmul(W1, images) + b1
    a1 = common.relu(z1)
    z2 = np.matmul(W2, a1) + b2
    a2 = common.relu(z2)
    z3 = np.matmul(W3, a2) + b3
    cost = common.cross_entropy_with_softmax(labels, z3) / nums
    pred = np.argmax(labels, axis=0)
    label = np.argmax(z3, axis=0)
    return (np.sum(np.equal(pred, label)) / nums, cost)
Exemple #25
def test_accuracy(W1, W2, W3, images, labels):
    nums = labels.shape[1]
    z1 = np.matmul(W1, images)
    a1 = para_func.relu(z1)
    z2 = np.matmul(W2, a1)
    a2 = para_func.relu(z2)
    z3 = np.matmul(W3, a2)
    # print("output shape", z3.shape, labels.shape)
    cost = para_func.cross_entropy_with_softmax(labels, z3) / nums
    pred = np.argmax(labels, axis=0)
    label = np.argmax(z3, axis=0)
    return (100.0 * np.sum(np.equal(pred, label)) / nums, cost)
Exemple #26
 def free_run(self, dt, simulation_time):
     x = self.x
     r = self.r
     z = cp.matmul(self.Jz.T, r)
     tspan = cp.array(cp.arange(0, simulation_time, dt))
     states_T = cp.zeros((self.N, len(tspan)))
     for i, t in enumerate(tspan):
         x = (1.0 - dt) * x + cp.matmul(self.M, r * dt) + cp.matmul(
             self.Jgz, z * dt)
         r = cp.tanh(x)  #(N,1)
         z = cp.matmul(self.Jz.T, r)
         states_T[:, i] = x[:, 0]
     return states_T
def batch_bures(U, V, numIters = 20, U_stride=None, sU = None, inv_sU = None, prod = False):
    #Avoid recomputing roots if not necessary
    if sU is None:
        if U_stride is not None:
            sU_, inv_sU_ = batch_sqrtm(U[::U_stride], numIters=numIters)
            sU = sU_.repeat(U_stride, axis=0)
            inv_sU = inv_sU_.repeat(U_stride, axis=0)
        else :
            sU, inv_sU = batch_sqrtm(U, numIters=numIters)
    cross, inv = batch_sqrtm(cp.matmul(sU, cp.matmul(V, sU)), numIters = numIters)
    if prod:
        return cp.trace(cross, axis1=1, axis2=2), inv, sU, inv_sU, cross
        return cp.trace(U + V - 2 * cross, axis1=1, axis2=2), inv, sU, inv_sU, cross
Exemple #28
    def test_stream_capture_failure_cublas(self):
        s = cupy.cuda.Stream(non_blocking=True)
        a = cupy.random.random((3, 4))
        b = cupy.random.random((4, 5))

        with s:
            with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as e:
                cupy.matmul(a, b)
            assert 'cuBLAS' in str(e.value)

        # check s left the capture mode and permits normal usage
        assert not s.is_capturing()
Exemple #29
 def setUp(self):
     self.dtype = numpy.dtype(self.dtype)
     if self.dtype.char in 'fF':
         self.r_dtype = numpy.float32
         self.r_dtype = numpy.float64
     n = self.n
     bs = 1 if self.bs is None else self.bs
     nrhs = 1 if self.nrhs is None else self.nrhs
     a = self._make_well_conditioned_matrices((bs, n, n))
     x = self._make_random_matrices((bs, n, nrhs), cupy)
     b = cupy.matmul(a, x)
     a_shape = (n, n) if self.bs is None else (bs, n, n)
     b_shape = [n]
     if self.bs is not None:
         b_shape.insert(0, bs)
     if self.nrhs is not None:
     self.a = a.reshape(a_shape)
     self.b = b.reshape(b_shape)
     self.x_ref = x.reshape(b_shape)
     if self.r_dtype == numpy.float32:
         self.tol = self._tol['f']
     elif self.r_dtype == numpy.float64:
         self.tol = self._tol['d']
Exemple #30
def _eigh(A, B=None):
    Helper function for converting a generalized eigenvalue problem
    A(X) = lambda(B(X)) to standard eigen value problem using cholesky
    if (B is None):  # use cupy's eigh in standard case
        vals, vecs = linalg.eigh(A)
        return vals, vecs
    R = _cholesky(B)
    RTi = linalg.inv(R)
    Ri = linalg.inv(R.T)
    F = cupy.matmul(RTi, cupy.matmul(A, Ri))
    vals, vecs = linalg.eigh(F)
    eigVec = cupy.matmul(Ri, vecs)
    return vals, eigVec