Exemple #1
def evol(s, B, U, chi, d):
    for i_bond in [0, 1]:
        ia = np.mod(i_bond - 1, 2)
        ib = np.mod(i_bond, 2)
        ic = np.mod(i_bond + 1, 2)
        chia = B[ib].shape[1]
        chic = B[ic].shape[2]
        # Construct theta matrix and time evolution #
        theta = cp.tensordot(B[ib], B[ic], axes=(2, 1))  # i a j b
        theta = cp.tensordot(U, theta, axes=([2, 3], [0, 2]))  # ip jp a b
        theta = cp.tensordot(cp.diag(s[ia]), theta, axes=([1, 2]))  # a ip jp b
        theta = cp.reshape(cp.transpose(theta, (1, 0, 2, 3)),
                           (d * chia, d * chic))  # ip a jp b
        # Schmidt decomposition #
        X, Y, Z = cp.linalg.svd(theta, full_matrices=0)
        chi2 = np.min([cp.sum(Y > 10.**(-10)).get(), chi])
        piv = cp.zeros(len(Y), cp.bool)
        piv[(cp.argsort(Y)[::-1])[:chi2]] = True
        Y = Y[piv]
        invsq = cp.sqrt(sum(Y**2))
        X = X[:, piv]
        Z = Z[piv, :]
        # Obtain the new values for B and s #
        s[ib] = Y / invsq
        X = cp.reshape(X, (d, chia, chi2))
        X = cp.transpose(cp.tensordot(cp.diag(s[ia]**(-1)), X, axes=(1, 1)),
                         (1, 0, 2))
        B[ib] = cp.tensordot(X, cp.diag(s[ib]), axes=(2, 0))
        B[ic] = cp.transpose(cp.reshape(Z, (chi2, d, chic)), (1, 0, 2))

    return s, B
Exemple #2
def get_SpikeSample(dataRAW, row, col, params):
    given a batch of data (time by channels), and some time (row) and channel (col) indices for
    spikes, this function returns the 1D time clips of voltage around those spike times
    nT, nChan = dataRAW.shape

    # times around the peak to consider
    dt = cp.arange(params.nt0)

    # the negativity is expected at nt0min, so we align the detected peaks there
    dt = -params.nt0min + dt

    # temporal indices (awkward way to index into full matrix of data)
    indsT = row + dt[:, np.newaxis] + 1  # broadcasting
    indsC = col

    indsC[indsC <
          0] = 0  # anything that's out of bounds just gets set to the limit
        indsC >=
        nChan] = nChan - 1  # only needed for channels not time (due to time buffer)

    indsT = cp.transpose(cp.atleast_3d(indsT), [0, 2, 1])
    indsC = cp.transpose(cp.atleast_3d(indsC), [2, 0, 1])

    # believe it or not, these indices grab just the right timesamples forour spikes
    ix = indsT + indsC * nT

    # grab the data and reshape it appropriately (time samples  by channels by num spikes)
    clips = dataRAW.T.ravel()[ix[:, 0, :]].reshape((dt.size, row.size),
                                                   order='F')  # HERE
    return clips
def HaversineLocal(busMatrix, lineMatrix, haversine=True):
    MatrizOnibus = cp.copy(busMatrix)
    MatrizLinhas = cp.copy(lineMatrix)

    MatrizLinhas = cp.dsplit(MatrizLinhas, 2)
    MatrizOnibus = cp.dsplit(MatrizOnibus, 2)

    infVector = cp.squeeze(cp.sum(cp.isnan(MatrizLinhas[0]), axis=1), axis=-1)

    MatrizLinhas[0] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizLinhas[0], axis=-1)
    MatrizLinhas[1] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizLinhas[1], axis=-1)
    MatrizOnibus[0] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizOnibus[0], axis=-1)
    MatrizOnibus[1] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizOnibus[1], axis=-1)

    MatrizOnibus[0] *= cp.pi / 180
    MatrizOnibus[1] *= cp.pi / 180
    MatrizLinhas[1] = cp.transpose(MatrizLinhas[1], [2, 3, 0, 1]) * cp.pi / 180
    MatrizLinhas[0] = cp.transpose(MatrizLinhas[0], [2, 3, 0, 1]) * cp.pi / 180

    # Haversine or euclidian, based on <haversine>
    if haversine:
        results = 1000*2*6371.0088*cp.arcsin(
            (cp.sin((MatrizOnibus[0] - MatrizLinhas[0])*0.5)**2 + \
             cp.cos(MatrizOnibus[0])* cp.cos(MatrizLinhas[0]) * cp.sin((MatrizOnibus[1] - MatrizLinhas[1])*0.5)**2)
        results = cp.sqrt((MatrizOnibus[0] - MatrizLinhas[0])**2 +
                          (MatrizOnibus[1] - MatrizLinhas[1])**2)

    return results, infVector
Exemple #4
def my_sum(S1, sig, varargin=None):
    # returns a running sum applied sequentially across a choice of dimensions and bin sizes
    # S1 is the matrix to be filtered
    # sig is either a scalar or a sequence of scalars, one for each axis to be filtered.
    #  it's the plus/minus bin length for the summing filter
    # varargin can be the dimensions to do filtering, if len(sig) != x.shape
    # if sig is scalar and no axes are provided, the default axis is 2
    idims = 1
    if varargin is not None:
        idims = varargin
    idims = _make_vect(idims)
    if _is_vect(idims) and _is_vect(sig):
        sigall = sig
        sigall = np.tile(sig, len(idims))

    for sig, idim in zip(sigall, idims):
        Nd = S1.ndim
        S1 = cp.transpose(S1, [idim] + list(range(0, idim)) +
                          list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
        dsnew = S1.shape
        S1 = cp.reshape(S1, (S1.shape[0], -1), order='F')
        dsnew2 = S1.shape
        S1 = cp.concatenate((cp.full(
            (sig, dsnew2[1]), 0), S1, cp.full((sig, dsnew2[1]), 0)),
        Smax = S1[:dsnew2[0], :]
        for j in range(1, 2 * sig + 1):
            Smax = Smax + S1[j:j + dsnew2[0], :]
        S1 = cp.reshape(Smax, dsnew, order='F')
        S1 = cp.transpose(
            list(range(1, idim + 1)) + [0] + list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
    return S1
Exemple #5
def calc_inv(ir):
    ir = np.transpose(ir)
    q = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.transpose(ir), ir))
    hh = np.matmul(ir, np.transpose(q))
    return hh.tolist()
Exemple #6
    def backward_cuda(self, grad):
        # the same routine
        assert self.is_compiled

        batch_sz = grad.shape[0]
        flat_grad_cuda = grad.reshape((-1, self.output_ch))

        d_W_cuda = cp.matmul(cp.transpose(self.last_input_col_cuda),
        self.grads_cuda["w"] = d_W_cuda.reshape(self.kernel_shape)
        self.grads_cuda["b"] = cp.sum(flat_grad_cuda, axis=0)

        d_X_cuda = cp.matmul(grad, cp.transpose(self.W_cuda))
        d_in_cuda = cp.zeros(shape=(batch_sz, *self.input_shape),

        # if this part could be re-written, it would be better
        for i, r in enumerate(range(0, self.output_sz)):
            for j, c in enumerate(range(0, self.output_sz)):
                # patch = d_X_cuda[:, i, j, :]
                # patch = patch.reshape((batch_sz, self.kernel_sz, self.kernel_sz, self.input_ch))
                # d_in_cuda[:, r:r + self.kernel_sz, c:c + self.kernel_sz, :] += patch
                d_in_cuda[:, r:r + self.kernel_sz, c:c +
                          self.kernel_sz, :] += d_X_cuda[:, i, j, :].reshape(
                              (batch_sz, self.kernel_sz, self.kernel_sz,

        return d_in_cuda
def backward_pass(x, y, output, hidden_output, W_output):
    output_error = -(y - output)  # Calculate error
    output_over_net = output*(1 - output)  # Derivative of sigmoid function
    sigmoid_on_error = cp.multiply(output_error, output_over_net)  # Calculate the sigmoid function's affect on error

    W_output = cp.transpose(W_output)
    hidden_error = cp.dot(sigmoid_on_error, W_output)  # Calculate the affect of output weights on hidden weights' error
    hidden_over_net = hidden_output*(1 - hidden_output)  # Derivative of sigmoid function
    sigmoid_on_hidden_error = cp.multiply(hidden_error, hidden_over_net)  # Calculate the sigmoid function's affect on error

    # Correctly arrange matrices for calculations
    x = cp.atleast_2d(x)
    hidden_output = cp.atleast_2d(hidden_output)
    x_transpose = cp.transpose(x)
    hidden_output_transpose = cp.transpose(hidden_output)
    sigmoid_on_hidden_error = sigmoid_on_hidden_error.reshape(1, sigmoid_on_hidden_error.size)
    sigmoid_on_error = sigmoid_on_error.reshape(1, sigmoid_on_error.size)

    # Calculate weight changes
    W_hidden_c = cp.dot(x_transpose, sigmoid_on_hidden_error)
    W_output_c = cp.dot(hidden_output_transpose, sigmoid_on_error)

    # Calculate bias changes
    B_hidden_c = sigmoid_on_hidden_error
    B_output_c = sigmoid_on_error

    return W_output_c, W_hidden_c, B_hidden_c, B_output_c
  def local_cov_bet_class_NN(self,key,label,nb_class,batchsize,k):

    return Sb
Exemple #9
    def update_render(self) -> QPixmap:
        # TODO
        img = cp.zeros(
            (self.shader_resolution[1], self.shader_resolution[0], 3),

        v_color = cp.array([255, 255, 255], cp.uint8)
        if self.render_method == self.PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE:
            for model in self.models:
                v_extend = cp.concatenate(
                    (model.v, cp.ones((model.v_size, 1), cp.float32)), axis=1)
                v_im = cp.transpose(
                              cp.matmul(self.em, cp.transpose(v_extend))))
                v_im = v_im / v_im[:, 2:]
                v_im = v_im[:, :2]
                v_im = v_im.astype(cp.int32)
                for i in range(len(v_im)):
                    if 0 <= v_im[i,
                                 0] <= self.shader_resolution[0] and 0 <= v_im[
                                     i, 1] <= self.shader_resolution[1]:
                        img[v_im[i, 1], v_im[i, 0], :] = v_color
            img = cp.asnumpy(img)
            pixmap = QImage(img.data, img.shape[1], img.shape[0],
            pixmap = QPixmap(pixmap)
            return pixmap
Exemple #10
def my_conv2(x, sig, varargin=None, **kwargs):
    # TODO: Fix so output matches my_conv2_cpu
    # x is the matrix to be filtered along a choice of axes
    # sig is either a scalar or a sequence of scalars, one for each axis to be filtered
    # varargin can be the dimensions to do filtering, if len(sig) != x.shape
    # if sig is scalar and no axes are provided, the default axis is 2
    if sig <= .25:
        return x
    idims = 1
    if varargin is not None:
        idims = varargin
    idims = _make_vect(idims)
    if _is_vect(idims) and _is_vect(sig):
        sigall = sig
        sigall = np.tile(sig, len(idims))

    for sig, idim in zip(sigall, idims):
        Nd = x.ndim
        x = cp.transpose(x, [idim] + list(range(0, idim)) +
                         list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
        dsnew = x.shape
        x = cp.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1), order='F')

        tmax = ceil(4 * sig)
        dt = cp.arange(-tmax, tmax + 1)
        gaus = cp.exp(-dt**2 / (2 * sig**2))
        gaus = gaus / cp.sum(gaus)

        y = convolve_gpu(x, gaus, **kwargs)
        y = y.reshape(dsnew, order='F')
        y = cp.transpose(
            list(range(1, idim + 1)) + [0] + list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
    return y
Exemple #11
    def power_iteration(self, A, sample_vect_shape, num_iters):
        bk = np.random.randn(sample_vect_shape[0], sample_vect_shape[1])
        for i in range(0, num_iters):
            bk1 = A(bk)
            bk1_norm = np.linalg.norm(bk1)

            bk = bk1 / bk1_norm
        Mx = A(bk)
        xx = np.transpose(np.dot(bk.ravel(), bk.ravel()))
        eig_b = np.transpose(bk.ravel()).dot(Mx.ravel()) / xx

        return eig_b
Exemple #12
def chw_cupy_random_rotate(chw_imageset, return_param=False):
    if len(chw_imageset.shape) == 3:
        chw_imageset = cupy.expand_dims(chw_imageset, axis=0)
    k = cupy.random.randint(4)
    pil_imageset = cupy.transpose(chw_imageset, axes=(0, 2, 3, 1))
    pil_rotated_imageset = cupy.rot90(
        pil_imageset, k, axes=(1, 2))  #pil_imgはn,x,y,colorになっている。axis=(1,2)で指定
    chw_rotated_imageset = cupy.transpose(pil_rotated_imageset,
                                          axes=(0, 3, 1, 2))
    if return_param:
        return chw_rotated_imageset, {'k': k}
        return chw_rotated_imageset
Exemple #13
def my_conv2(S1, sig, varargin=None):
    # S1 is the matrix to be filtered along a choice of axes
    # sig is either a scalar or a sequence of scalars, one for each axis to be filtered
    # varargin can be the dimensions to do filtering, if len(sig) != x.shape
    # if sig is scalar and no axes are provided, the default axis is 2
    if sig <= .25:
        return S1
    idims = 1
    if varargin is not None:
        idims = varargin
    idims = _make_vect(idims)
    if _is_vect(idims) and _is_vect(sig):
        sigall = sig
        sigall = np.tile(sig, len(idims))

    for sig, idim in zip(sigall, idims):
        Nd = S1.ndim
        S1 = cp.transpose(S1, [idim] + list(range(0, idim)) +
                          list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
        dsnew = S1.shape
        S1 = cp.reshape(S1, (S1.shape[0], -1), order='F')
        dsnew2 = S1.shape

        tmax = ceil(4 * sig)
        dt = np.arange(-tmax, tmax + 1)
        gaus = np.exp(-dt**2 / (2 * sig**2))
        gaus = gaus[:, np.newaxis] / np.sum(gaus)

        cNorm = lfilter(gaus,
                            (cp.ones(dsnew2[0]), cp.zeros(tmax)))[:,
        cNorm = cNorm[tmax:, :]
        S1 = lfilter(gaus,
                             (S1, cp.zeros((tmax, dsnew2[1]), order='F')),
        S1 = S1[tmax:, :]
        S1 = S1.reshape(dsnew, order='F')
        S1 = S1 / cNorm

        S1 = cp.transpose(
            list(range(1, idim + 1)) + [0] + list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
    return S1
Exemple #14
def col2im(col, pad, stride, block, x_shape, channels):
    Function to convert a column matrix back to the multi-channel image
    Currently not used
    im = cp.zeros(x_shape)
    for k, (i, j) in enumerate(product(range(block), repeat=2)):
        im[j::stride, i::stride, :] = cp.transpose(col[k, :].reshape(
            block, block, channels),
                                                   axes=(1, 0, 2))
    if pad:
        return cp.transpose(im, axes=(1, 0, 2))[:-1, :-1, :]
        return cp.transpose(im, axes=(1, 0, 2))
Exemple #15
def my_conv2(S1, sig, varargin=None):
    # S1 is the matrix to be filtered along a choice of axes
    # sig is either a scalar or a sequence of scalars, one for each axis to be filtered
    # varargin can be the dimensions to do filtering, if len(sig) != x.shape
    # if sig is scalar and no axes are provided, the default axis is 2
    if sig <= .25:
        return S1
    idims = 1
    if varargin is not None:
        idims = varargin
    idims = _make_vect(idims)
    if _is_vect(idims) and _is_vect(sig):
        sigall = sig
        sigall = np.tile(sig, len(idims))

    for sig, idim in zip(sigall, idims):
        Nd = S1.ndim
        S1 = cp.transpose(S1, [idim] + list(range(0, idim)) +
                          list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
        dsnew = S1.shape
        S1 = cp.reshape(S1, (S1.shape[0], -1), order='F')
        dsnew2 = S1.shape

        tmax = ceil(4 * sig)
        dt = cp.arange(-tmax, tmax + 1)
        gaus = cp.exp(-dt**2 / (2 * sig**2))
        gaus = gaus[:, cp.newaxis] / cp.sum(gaus)

        # This GPU FFT-based convolution leads to a splitting step 3.5x faster than the
        # custom GPU lfilter implementation below.
        cNorm = convolve(cp.ones((dsnew2[0], 1)), gaus).ravel()[:, cp.newaxis]
        S1 = convolve(S1, gaus)

        # Slow Custom GPU lfilter implementation:
        # cNorm = _apply_lfilter(
        #     _gaus_lfilter(sig),
        #     cp.concatenate((cp.ones(dsnew2[0]), cp.zeros(tmax)))[:, np.newaxis])
        # cNorm = cNorm[tmax:, :]
        # S1 = _apply_lfilter(_gaus_lfilter(sig), cp.asfortranarray(cp.concatenate(
        #     (S1, cp.zeros((tmax, dsnew2[1]), order='F')), axis=0)))
        # S1 = S1[tmax:, :]

        S1 = S1.reshape(dsnew, order='F')
        S1 = S1 / cNorm

        S1 = cp.transpose(
            list(range(1, idim + 1)) + [0] + list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
    return S1
Exemple #16
def regularize_conv(kernel, input_shape, clip_to, devices=-1):

    kernel = cp.transpose(kernel, (3, 2, 1, 0))  # tensor flow format

    kernel = cp.rot90(kernel, k=2, axes=(0, 1))  # normalizing the back prop
    kernel = cp.transpose(kernel, (0, 1, 3, 2))

    kernel = cp_regularize_conv(kernel, input_shape, clip_to, devices)

    kernel = cp.transpose(kernel, (0, 1, 3, 2))
    kernel = cp.rot90(kernel, k=2, axes=(0, 1))

    kernel = cp.transpose(kernel, (3, 2, 1, 0))  # back to chainer format
    return kernel
Exemple #17
def diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1):
    """Returns specified diagonals.

    This function extracts the diagonals along two specified axes. The other
    axes are not changed. This function returns a writable view of this array
    as NumPy 1.10 will do.

        a (cupy.ndarray): Array from which the diagonals are taken.
        offset (int): Index of the diagonals. Zero indicates the main
            diagonals, a positive value upper diagonals, and a negative value
            lower diagonals.
        axis1 (int): The first axis to take diagonals from.
        axis2 (int): The second axis to take diagonals from.

        cupy.ndarray: A view of the diagonals of ``a``.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.diagonal`

    if axis1 < axis2:
        min_axis, max_axis = axis1, axis2
        min_axis, max_axis = axis2, axis1

    tr = list(six.moves.range(a.ndim))
    del tr[max_axis]
    del tr[min_axis]
    if offset >= 0:
        a = cupy.transpose(a, tr + [axis1, axis2])
        a = cupy.transpose(a, tr + [axis2, axis1])
        offset = -offset

    diag_size = max(0, min(a.shape[-2], a.shape[-1] - offset))
    ret_shape = a.shape[:-2] + (diag_size,)
    if diag_size == 0:
        return cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype=a.dtype)

    a = a[..., :diag_size, offset:offset + diag_size]

    ret = a.view()
    ret._shape = a.shape[:-2] + (diag_size,)
    ret._strides = a.strides[:-2] + (a.strides[-1] + a.strides[-2],)
    ret._size = internal.prod(ret._shape)
    ret._c_contiguous = -1
    ret._f_contiguous = -1
    return ret
Exemple #18
    def fn():
        with cupy.cuda.Device(node.device_id):
            if transX == 1:
                #xt = chainer.functions.transpose(x)
                xt = cupy.transpose(x)
                xt = x
            if transW == 1:
                #wt = chainer.functions.transpose(w)
                wt = cupy.transpose(w)
                wt = w

            z = cupy.dot(alpha * xt, wt)
            cupy.add(z, beta * b, out=y)
Exemple #19
def my_conv2_cpu(x, sig, varargin=None, **kwargs):
    # (Alternative conv2 function for testing)
    # x is the matrix to be filtered along a choice of axes
    # sig is either a scalar or a sequence of scalars, one for each axis to be filtered
    # varargin can be the dimensions to do filtering, if len(sig) != x.shape
    # if sig is scalar and no axes are provided, the default axis is 2
    if sig <= .25:
        return x
    idims = 1
    if varargin is not None:
        idims = varargin
    idims = _make_vect(idims)
    if _is_vect(idims) and _is_vect(sig):
        sigall = sig
        sigall = np.tile(sig, len(idims))

    for sig, idim in zip(sigall, idims):
        Nd = x.ndim
        x = cp.transpose(x, [idim] + list(range(0, idim)) +
                         list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
        dsnew = x.shape
        x = cp.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1), order='F')

        tmax = ceil(4 * sig)
        dt = np.arange(-tmax, tmax + 1)
        gaus = np.exp(-dt**2 / (2 * sig**2))
        gaus = gaus / np.sum(gaus)

        cNorm = lfilter(gaus, np.array([1.]),
                        np.concatenate((np.ones(dsnew[0]), np.zeros(tmax))))
        cNorm = cNorm[tmax:]

        x_n = cp.asnumpy(x)
        x_n = lfilter(gaus,
                      np.concatenate((x_n, np.zeros((tmax, dsnew[1])))),
        x_n = x_n[tmax:]
        x_n = np.reshape(x_n, dsnew)

        x_n = x_n / cNorm.reshape(-1, 1)
        x = cp.array(x_n)
        x = cp.transpose(
            list(range(1, idim + 1)) + [0] + list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))

    return x
def MWU_game_algorithm_experiment(payoff_mat, phi=1/2, steps_number=10000):
    payoff_mat = np.array(payoff_mat)
    rows_number = payoff_mat.shape[0]
    cols_number = payoff_mat.shape[1]
    p_0 = np.ones((1, rows_number))
    p_0 = p_0/rows_number
    p_t = p_0
    j_sumed = np.zeros((cols_number, 1))
    smallest_column_payoff = 1
    p_best = p_0
    p_t_sum = np.zeros((1, rows_number))

    start = time.time()
    row_row = []
    col_col = []
    row_col = []
    times = []
    curr_index = 125

    for i in range (1, steps_number + 1):
        payoffs = np.matmul(p_t, payoff_mat)
        j_best_response = np.argmax(payoffs)
        if(payoffs[0, j_best_response] < smallest_column_payoff):
            smallest_column_payoff = payoffs[0, j_best_response]
            p_best = p_t
        j_sumed[j_best_response] += 1
        m_t = payoff_mat[:,j_best_response]
        m_t_negative = (m_t < 0)
        p_t_significant = (p_t > SIGNIFICANCE_CONST)
        to_update = np.logical_or(m_t_negative, p_t_significant[0])
        m_t_updating = np.where(to_update,m_t,0)
        p_t_updating = np.where(to_update,p_t,0)
        p_t = np.multiply((1 - phi * m_t_updating), p_t_updating)
        p_t = p_t/p_t.sum()
        p_t_sum = p_t_sum + p_t
        if(i == curr_index):
            j_distribution = j_sumed / j_sumed.sum()
            now = time.time()
            times.append(now - start)
            row_row.append(max(epsilon_value(p_best, np.transpose(p_best), payoff_mat)))
            col_col.append(max(epsilon_value(np.transpose(j_distribution), j_distribution, payoff_mat)))
            row_col.append(max(epsilon_value(p_best, j_distribution, payoff_mat)))
            start -= (time.time() - now)
            curr_index *= 2
    # game_value = np.matmul(np.matmul(p_best, payoff_mat), j_distribution)[0][0]
    # print()
    return times, row_row, col_col, row_col
Exemple #21
def _expand_dims_transpose(arr, mode, mode_out):
    """Return a reshaped and transposed array.

    The input array ``arr`` having ``mode`` as its modes is reshaped and
    transposed so that modes of the output becomes ``mode_out``.

        >>> import cupy
        >>> a = cupy.zeros((10, 20))
        >>> mode_a = ('A', 'B')
        >>> mode_out = ('B', 'C', 'A')
        >>> out = cupy.linalg.einsum._expand_dims_transpose(a, mode_a,
        ...                                                 mode_out)
        >>> out.shape
        (20, 1, 10)

        arr (cupy.ndarray):
        mode (tuple or list): The modes of input array.
        mode_out (tuple or list): The modes of output array.

        cupy.ndarray: The reshaped and transposed array.

    mode = list(mode)
    shape = list(arr.shape)
    axes = []
    for i in mode_out:
        if i not in mode:
    return cupy.transpose(arr.reshape(shape), axes)
Exemple #22
def _gpu_calc_skewness(psd,
    shp = psd.shape
    times = shp[0]
    skewness = np.zeros((shp[0], shp[1]))
    for k in range(0, times, block_size):
        the_max = min([k + block_size, times])
        gpu_array = cp.array(psd[k:the_max, :, :], dtype=float)
        power_array = cp.array(power[k:the_max, :], dtype=float)
        spec_width_array = cp.array(spec_width[k:the_max, :], dtype=float)
        power_array *= spec_width_array**3
        del spec_width_array
        velocity_array = cp.array(velocity[k:the_max, :])
        velocity_array = cp.transpose(cp.tile(velocity_array, (shp[2], 1, 1)),
                                      [1, 2, 0])
        vel_bins_tiled = cp.tile(vel_bins, (the_max - k, shp[1], 1))
        gpu_array = 10**(gpu_array / 10. * dV)
        gpu_array = 1 / power_array * cp.sum(
            (vel_bins_tiled - velocity_array)**3 * gpu_array, axis=2)
        skewness[k:the_max, :] = gpu_array.get()
    return skewness
Exemple #23
    def encode(self, x):
        # print(x.shape)
        # print(x.shape)
        a, b, c = x.shape
        x = x.reshape(a, 1, c).astype(xp.float32)
        # x = xp.hstack([x[:,:,i:b-440+i:221] for i in range(441)]) * hamming
        x = xp.concatenate([
            x[:, :, :-221].reshape(a, -1, 1, 442), x[:, :, 221:].reshape(
                a, -1, 1, 442)
                           axis=2).reshape(a, -1, 442) * self.mado
        # print(x)

        x = xp.fft.fft(x, axis=-1)
        # xp.fft.fft(xp.arange(100).reshape(2,5,10),axis=-1)
        x = xp.concatenate(
            [x.real.reshape(a, 1, -1, 442),
             x.imag.reshape(a, 1, -1, 442)],
        #.reshape(a, 2, -1, 442)
        # xp.concatenate([s.real.reshape(2,5,1,10),s.imag.reshape(2,5,1,10)],axis=2)
        # print(x.shape)
        x = xp.transpose(x, axes=(0, 1, 3, 2))
        # print(x.dtype)
        return x
def make_prediction(img, weights):

    win_size = 64
    win_size_tuple = (win_size, win_size)
    cell_size = 8
    cell_size_tuple = (cell_size, cell_size)
    block_size = (cell_size * 2, cell_size * 2)
    block_stride = (cell_size, cell_size)
    nbins = 9
    feature_size = int(9 * (4 + ((((win_size / cell_size) - 2) * 4) * 2) +
                            ((((win_size / cell_size) - 2) *
                              ((win_size / cell_size) - 2)) * 4)))

    img = cv2.resize(img, win_size_tuple)

    hog = cv2.HOGDescriptor(win_size_tuple, block_size, block_stride,
                            cell_size_tuple, nbins)
    out = hog.compute(img)
    out = cp.transpose(out)
    out = cp.array(out)

    net_hidden = cp.dot(out, weights[1]) + weights[3]
    out_hidden = sigmoid(net_hidden)

    net_output = cp.dot(out_hidden, weights[0]) + weights[2]
    out_output = sigmoid(net_output)

    prediction = cp.argmax(out_output)

    return prediction
Exemple #25
def mvdr(x, sv):
    Minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer weights

    x : ndarray
        Received signal, assume 2D array with size [num_sensors, num_samples]

    sv: ndarray
        Steering vector, assume 1D array with size [num_sensors, 1]

    Note: Unlike MATLAB where input matrix x is of size MxN where N represents
    the number of array elements, we assume row-major formatted data where each
    row is assumed to be complex-valued data from a given sensor (i.e. NxM)
    if x.shape[0] > x.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Matrix has more sensors than samples. Consider \
            transposing and remember cuSignal is row-major, unlike MATLAB')

    if x.shape[0] != sv.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Steering Vector and input data do not align')

    R = cp.cov(x)
    R_inv = cp.linalg.inv(R)
    svh = cp.transpose(cp.conj(sv))

    wB = cp.matmul(R_inv, sv)
    # wA is a 1x1 scalar
    wA = cp.matmul(svh, wB)
    w = wB / wA

    return w
Exemple #26
def GlobalReg(X, T, sigma2, outliers):
    [N, D] = X.shape
    M = T.shape[0]

    # Calculate P matrix
    # Nominator of P
    P_num = cp.sum((X[None, :, :] - T[:, None, :])**2, axis=2)
    P_num = cp.exp(-P_num / (2 * sigma2))
    # Denominator of P
    P_den = cp.sum(P_num, axis=0)
    P_den = cp.tile(P_den, (M, 1))
    P_den[P_den == 0] = 2.220446049250313e-16
    c = ((((2 * cp.pi * sigma2)**D / 2) * (outliers / (1 - outliers))) *
         (M / N))
    P_den += c

    P = cp.divide(P_num, P_den)

    P1 = cp.sum(P, axis=1)
    Pt1 = cp.sum(P, axis=0)

    c1 = c * cp.ones(N)
    K1 = cp.dot(cp.transpose(P_num), cp.ones(M))
    a = cp.tile(cp.divide(1, K1 + c1).reshape(N, 1), D)
    Px = cp.dot(P_num, (cp.multiply(a, X)))

    return P1, Pt1, Px
Exemple #27
def tensordot_adjoint_0(B, G, axes, A_ndim, B_ndim):
    # The adjoint of the operator
    # A |--> np.tensordot(A, B, axes)
    if B_ndim == 0:
        return G * B

    G_axes = ocp.arange(ocp.ndim(G))
    if type(axes) is int:
        axes = max(axes, 0)
        B_axes = ocp.arange(B_ndim)
        return ocp.tensordot(G, B, [G_axes[A_ndim - axes:], B_axes[axes:]])

    elif type(axes[0]) is int:
        axes = [axes[0] % A_ndim, axes[1] % B_ndim]
        B_axes = ocp.arange(B_ndim)
        return ocp.tensordot(
            G, B, [G_axes[A_ndim - 1:],
                   ocp.delete(B_axes, axes[1])])  # noqa: E501

        A_axes = ocp.arange(A_ndim)
        B_axes = ocp.arange(B_ndim)
        summed_axes = [
            ocp.asarray(axes[0]) % A_ndim,
            ocp.asarray(axes[1]) % B_ndim,
        ]  # noqa: E501
        other_axes = [
            ocp.delete(A_axes, summed_axes[0]),
            ocp.delete(B_axes, summed_axes[1]),  # noqa: E501
        out = ocp.tensordot(G, B, [G_axes[len(other_axes[0]):], other_axes[1]])
        perm = ocp.argsort(
                (other_axes[0], summed_axes[0][ocp.argsort(summed_axes[1])])))
        return ocp.transpose(out, perm)
Exemple #28
def _symmetric_compute_eigenvalues(S_elems):
    """Compute eigenvalues from the upperdiagonal entries of a symmetric matrix

    S_elems : list of ndarray
        The upper-diagonal elements of the matrix, as returned by
        `hessian_matrix` or `structure_tensor`.

    eigs : ndarray
        The eigenvalues of the matrix, in decreasing order. The eigenvalues are
        the leading dimension. That is, ``eigs[i, j, k]`` contains the
        ith-largest eigenvalue at position (j, k).

    if len(S_elems) == 3:  # Use fast Cython code for 2D
        eigs = cp.stack(_image_orthogonal_matrix22_eigvals(*S_elems))
        matrices = _symmetric_image(S_elems)
        # eigvalsh returns eigenvalues in increasing order. We want decreasing
        eigs = cp.linalg.eigvalsh(matrices)[..., ::-1]
        leading_axes = tuple(range(eigs.ndim - 1))
        eigs = cp.transpose(eigs, (eigs.ndim - 1, ) + leading_axes)
    return eigs
Exemple #29
 def nvst_srstdcal_temp(self):
     sitfline = fits.open(self.sitfpath)[0].data
     sitfsize = sitfline.shape
     R0_num = sitfsize[1]
     setf = cp.ndarray([self.srsize, self.srsize])
     sitf = cp.ndarray([self.srsize, self.srsize])
     sitfcube = cp.ndarray([self.srsize, self.srsize, R0_num])
     self.sr_standard = cp.ndarray([self.srsize, self.srsize, R0_num])
     multipre = sitfsize[0] * self.maxfre * 2.0 / self.srsize
     index_matrix = cp.ndarray([self.srsize, self.srsize])
     x = cp.transpose(cp.mgrid[0:self.srsize,
                               0:self.srsize][0]) - self.srsize / 2
     y = cp.mgrid[0:self.srsize, 0:self.srsize][0] - self.srsize / 2
     indexmatrix = cp.round_(cp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) * multipre)
     for index in range(R0_num):
         self.R0 = self.start_r0 + self.step_r0 * index
         sitfcube[:, :, index] = sitfline[index, indexmatrix].reshape(
             self.srsize, self.srsize)
         sitf = sitfcube[:, :, index]
         sitf = sitf / sitf[self.srsize / 2, self.srsize / 2]
         setf = nvst_tel_sotf()
         sr = setf**2 / (sitf + 0.0000001 * cp.max(sitf))
         sr = sr / sr[self.srsize / 2, self.srsize / 2]
         self.sr_standard[:, :, index] = sr
Exemple #30
    def backprop(self, gradient):
        if self.activation_fun == "relu":  #leaky relu
            dx = np.ones_like(self.output)
            dx[self.output < 0] = 0.01
            dout = gradient * dx
        elif self.activation_fun == "linear":
            dout = gradient

        dout = np.reshape(dout, (dout.shape[0], 1))
        self.data_in = np.reshape(self.data_in, (self.data_in.shape[0], 1))

        self.dw += cp.dot(dout, cp.transpose(
            self.data_in)) + self.lamb * self.weights
        self.db += cp.sum(dout, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        self.Ddata_in = cp.dot(cp.transpose(self.weights), dout)

        self.Ddata_in = np.reshape(self.Ddata_in, self.Ddata_in.shape[0])
Exemple #31
def _get_trans_args(args, trans, shape, params=None):
    if trans == tuple(six_range(len(shape))):
        return args, shape
    if params is not None and any(p.raw for p in params):
        raise NotImplementedError('Illegal conditions')
    args = [cupy.transpose(a, trans) if isinstance(a, cupy.ndarray) else a
            for a in args]
    shape = tuple([shape[i] for i in trans])
    return args, shape
Exemple #32
def rot90(a, k=1, axes=(0, 1)):
    """Rotate an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by axes.

    Note that ``axes`` argument has been introduced since NumPy v1.12.
    The contents of this document is the same as the original one.

        a (~cupy.ndarray): Array of two or more dimensions.
        k (int): Number of times the array is rotated by 90 degrees.
        axes: (tuple of ints): The array is rotated in the plane defined by
            the axes. Axes must be different.

        ~cupy.ndarray: Output array.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.rot90`

    a_ndim = a.ndim
    if a_ndim < 2:
        raise ValueError('Input must be >= 2-d')

    axes = tuple(axes)
    if len(axes) != 2:
        raise ValueError('len(axes) must be 2')
    if axes[0] == axes[1] or abs(axes[0] - axes[1]) == a_ndim:
        raise ValueError('axes must be different')
    if not (-a_ndim <= axes[0] < a_ndim and -a_ndim <= axes[1] < a_ndim):
        raise ValueError('axes must be >= %d and < %d' % (-a_ndim, a_ndim))

    k = k % 4

    if k == 0:
        return a[:]
    if k == 2:
        return _flip(_flip(a, axes[0]), axes[1])

    axes_t = list(range(0, a_ndim))
    axes_t[axes[0]], axes_t[axes[1]] = axes_t[axes[1]], axes_t[axes[0]]

    if k == 1:
        return cupy.transpose(_flip(a, axes[1]), axes_t)
        return _flip(cupy.transpose(a, axes_t), axes[1])
Exemple #33
def _move_axes_to_head(a, axes):
    # This function moves the axes of ``s`` to the head of the shape.
    for idx, axis in enumerate(axes):
        if idx != axis:
        return a

    return cupy.transpose(
        a, axes + [i for i in six.moves.range(a.ndim) if i not in axes])