Exemple #1
def print_tv_hash(hash_in, ciphersuite, hash_fn, print_pt_fn, is_ell2, opts):
    if len(hash_in) > 2:
        (msg, _, hash_expect) = hash_in[:3]
        msg = hash_in[0]
        hash_expect = None
    # hash to point
    P = hash_fn(msg, ciphersuite)

    if opts.gen_vectors:
        print(b' '.join( hexlify(v) for v in (msg, b'\x00', serialize(P)) ).decode('ascii'))

    if hash_expect is not None:
        if serialize(P) != hash_expect:
            raise SerError("serializing P did not give hash_expect")
        if from_jacobian(deserialize(hash_expect, is_ell2)) != from_jacobian(P):
            raise DeserError("deserializing hash_expect did not give P")

    if opts.quiet:

    print("=============== begin hash test vector ==================")

    sys.stdout.write("ciphersuite: ")
    print_value(ciphersuite, 13, True)

    sys.stdout.write("message:     ")
    print_value(msg, 13, True)


    print("===============  end hash test vector  ==================")
Exemple #2
def print_tv_hash(hash_in, ciphersuite, hash_fn, print_pt_fn, quiet):
    if len(hash_in) > 2:
        (msg, _, hash_expect) = hash_in[:3]
        msg = hash_in[0]
        hash_expect = None
    # hash to point
    P = hash_fn(msg, ciphersuite)

    if hash_expect is not None:
        if serialize(P) != hash_expect:
            raise SerError("serializing P did not give hash_expect")
        if from_jacobian(deserialize(hash_expect)) != from_jacobian(P):
            raise DeserError("deserializing hash_expect did not give P")

    if quiet:

    print("=============== begin hash test vector ==================")

    sys.stdout.write("ciphersuite: ")
    print_value(ciphersuite, 13, True)

    sys.stdout.write("message:     ")
    print_value(msg, 13, True)


    print("===============  end hash test vector  ==================")
Exemple #3
 def run_tests():
     import random
     from curve_ops import psi
     for _ in range(0, 128):
         t1 = Fq2(p, random.getrandbits(380), random.getrandbits(380))
         t2 = Fq2(p, random.getrandbits(380), random.getrandbits(380))
         # make sure each helper function actually returns a point on the curve
         for t in (t1, t2):
             P = osswu2_help(t)
             Pp = from_jacobian(P)
             assert Pp[0]**3 + Ell2p_a * Pp[0] + Ell2p_b == Pp[1]**2
             P = iso3(P)
             Pp = from_jacobian(P)
             assert Pp[0]**3 + Fq2(p, 4, 4) == Pp[1]**2
             P = psi(P)
             Pp = from_jacobian(P)
             assert Pp[0]**3 + Fq2(p, 4, 4) == Pp[1]**2
             P = clear_h2(P)
             Pp = from_jacobian(P)
             assert Pp[0]**3 + Fq2(p, 4, 4) == Pp[1]**2
         # now test end-to-end
         P = opt_swu2_map(t1, t2)
         Pp = from_jacobian(P)
         assert Pp[0]**3 + Fq2(p, 4, 4) == Pp[1]**2
Exemple #4
def print_tv_sig(sig_in, ciphersuite, sign_fn, keygen_fn, print_pk_fn,
                 print_sig_fn, ver_fn, is_ell2, opts):
    if len(sig_in) > 2:
        (msg, sk, sig_expect) = sig_in[:3]
        (msg, sk) = sig_in
        sig_expect = None
    # generate key and signature
    (x_prime, pk) = keygen_fn(sk)
    sig = sign_fn(x_prime, msg, ciphersuite)

    if ver_fn is not None and not ver_fn(pk, sig, msg, ciphersuite):
        raise RuntimeError("verifying generated signature failed")

    if opts.gen_vectors:
        print(b' '.join(hexlify(v)
                        for v in (msg, sk, serialize(sig))).decode('ascii'))

    if sig_expect is not None:
        if serialize(sig) != sig_expect:
            raise SerError("serializing sig did not give sig_expect")
        if from_jacobian(deserialize(sig_expect,
                                     is_ell2)) != from_jacobian(sig):
            raise DeserError("deserializing sig_expect did not give sig")

    if opts.quiet:

    # output the test vector
    print("================== begin test vector ====================")

    print("g1 generator:")

    print("g2 generator:")

    print("group order: 0x%x" % q)
    sys.stdout.write("ciphersuite: ")
    print_value(ciphersuite, 13, True)

    sys.stdout.write("message:     ")
    print_value(msg, 13, True)

    sys.stdout.write("sk:          ")
    print_value(sk, 13, True)

    sys.stdout.write("x_prime:     ")
    print_value(x_prime, 13, True)

    print("public key:")


    print("==================  end test vector  ====================")
Exemple #5
def print_tv_pop(sig_in, ciphersuite, sign_fn, keygen_fn, print_pk_fn,
                 print_sig_fn, ver_fn, quiet):
    if len(sig_in) > 2:
        (_, sk, sig_expect) = sig_in[:3]
        (_, sk) = sig_in
        sig_expect = None
    # generate key and signature
    (x_prime, pk) = keygen_fn(sk)
    sig = sign_fn(x_prime, pk, ciphersuite)

    if sig_expect is not None:
        if serialize(sig) != sig_expect:
            raise SerError("serializing sig did not give sig_expect")
        if from_jacobian(deserialize(sig_expect)) != from_jacobian(sig):
            raise DeserError("deserializing sig_expect did not give sig")

    if ver_fn is not None and not ver_fn(pk, sig, ciphersuite):
        raise RuntimeError("verifying generated signature failed")

    if quiet:

    # output the test vector
    print("================== begin test vector ====================")

    print("g1 generator:")

    print("g2 generator:")

    print("group order: 0x%x" % q)
    sys.stdout.write("ciphersuite: ")
    print_value(ciphersuite, 13, True)

    sys.stdout.write("sk:          ")
    print_value(sk, 13, True)

    sys.stdout.write("x_prime:     ")
    print_value(x_prime, 13, True)

    print("public key:")


    print("==================  end test vector  ====================")
Exemple #6
def _serialize_ell2(P, compressed):
    if not isinstance(P[0], Fq2):
        raise SerError("cannot serialize a point not on E2")
    if len(P) != 3:
        raise SerError("can only serialize Jacobian points")

    first_tag = 0xe0 if compressed else 0x60

    # handle point at infinity
    if P[2] == 0:
        return first_tag.to_bytes(
            1, "big") + b'\x00' * 47 + b'\xc0' + b'\x00' * (47 if compressed
                                                            else 143)

    (x, y) = from_jacobian(P)
    if pow(y, 2) != _gx2(x):
        raise SerError("cannot serialize invalid point")

    x_str = _to_bytes_F2(x)
    x_str[0] = x_str[0] | first_tag
    if not compressed:
        x_str[48] = x_str[48] | 0x80
        return struct.pack("=" + "B" * 192, *(x_str + _to_bytes_F2(y)))

    y_neg = sgn0(y) < 0
    tag_bits = 0xa0 if y_neg else 0x80
    x_str[48] = x_str[48] | tag_bits
    return struct.pack("=" + "B" * 96, *x_str)
Exemple #7
 def run_tests():
     import random
     for _ in range(0, 128):
         t1 = Fq(p, random.getrandbits(380))
         t2 = Fq(p, random.getrandbits(380))
         # test helpers individually
         for t in (t1, t2):
             P = osswu_help(t)
             Pp = from_jacobian(P)
             assert Pp[0]**3 + EllP_a * Pp[0] + EllP_b == Pp[1]**2
             P = iso11(P)
             Pp = from_jacobian(P)
             assert Pp[0]**3 + 4 == Pp[1]**2
             P = clear_h(P)
             Pp = from_jacobian(P)
             assert Pp[0]**3 + 4 == Pp[1]**2
         # now test end-to-end
         P = from_jacobian(opt_swu_map(t1, t2))
         assert P[0]**3 + 4 == P[1]**2
Exemple #8
def _miller_loop(T, P, Q):
    if len(P) == 3:
        P = from_jacobian(P)
    res_num = Fq12.one(p)
    res_den = Fq12.one(p)
    R = Q
    T_bits = [1 if b == '1' else 0
              for b in bin(T)[3:]]  # all except MSB in MSB-to-LSB order
    for b in T_bits:
        (d_num, d_den) = _double_eval(R, P)
        res_num = pow(res_num, 2) * d_num
        res_den = pow(res_den, 2) * d_den
        R = point_double(R)
        if b:
            (a_num, a_den) = _add_eval(R, Q, P)
            res_num = res_num * a_num
            res_den = res_den * a_den
            R = point_add(R, Q)
    return res_num / res_den
def _serialize_help(P, compressed, to_bytes, clen, g):
    # point at infinity
    if P[2] == 0:
        if compressed:
            return b'\xc0' + b'\x00' * (clen - 1)
        return b'\x40' + b'\x00' * (2 * clen - 1)

    (x, y) = from_jacobian(P)
    if pow(y, 2) != g(x):
        raise SerError("cannot serialize invalid point")

    x_str = to_bytes(x)
    if not compressed:
        return struct.pack("=" + "B" * 2 * clen, *(x_str + to_bytes(y)))

    y_neg = sgn0(y) < 0
    tag_bits = 0xa0 if y_neg else 0x80
    x_str[0] = x_str[0] | tag_bits
    return struct.pack("=" + "B" * clen, *x_str)
Exemple #10
def _serialize_ell1(P, compressed):
    if not isinstance(P[0], Fq):
        raise SerError("cannot serialize a point not on E1")
    if len(P) != 3:
        raise SerError("can only serialize Jacobian points")

    # handle point at infinity
    if P[2] == 0:
        if compressed:
            return b'\xc0' + b'\x00' * 47
        return b'\x40' + b'\x00' * 95

    (x, y) = from_jacobian(P)
    if pow(y, 2) != _gx1(x):
        raise SerError("cannot serialize invalid point")

    x_str = _to_bytes_F1(x)
    if not compressed:
        return struct.pack("=" + "B" * 96, *(x_str + _to_bytes_F1(y)))

    y_neg = sgn0(y) < 0
    tag_bits = 0xa0 if y_neg else 0x80
    x_str[0] = x_str[0] | tag_bits
    return struct.pack("=" + "B" * 48, *x_str)
Exemple #11
def print_g1_hex(P, margin=8):
    indent_str = " " * margin
    if len(P) == 3:
        P = from_jacobian(P)
    print(indent_str, "x = 0x%x" % P[0])
    print(indent_str, "y = 0x%x" % P[1])
Exemple #12
def print_g2_hex(P, margin=8):
    if len(P) == 3:
        P = from_jacobian(P)
    print_f2_hex(P[0], 'x', margin)
    print_f2_hex(P[1], 'y', margin)