Exemple #1
def default_fit(degree, ptsTime, dim=3, totalTime=1., constraintFlag=constraint_flag.NONE, curveConstraints=None):
    pD = None
    if curveConstraints is None:
        pD = problem_definition(dim)
        pD = problem_definition(curveConstraints)
    # set initial and goal positions to the ones of the list (might not be used if constraints do not correspond)
    pD.init_pos = array([ptsTime[0][0]]).T
    pD.end_pos = array([ptsTime[-1][0]]).T
    # assign curve constraints
    pD.totalTime = totalTime
    pD.degree = degree
    pD.flag = constraintFlag
    problem = setup_control_points(pD)
    bezierLinear = problem.bezier()
    pD.totalTime = totalTime
    pD.degree = degree
    problem = setup_control_points(pD)
    bezierLinear = problem.bezier()

    allsEvals = [(bezierLinear(time), pt) for (pt, time) in ptsTime]
    allLeastSquares = [to_least_square(el.B(), el.c() + pt) for (el, pt) in allsEvals]
    Ab = [sum(x) for x in zip(*allLeastSquares)]

    res = quadprog_solve_qp(Ab[0] + identity(problem.numVariables * dim) * 0.0001, Ab[1])
    return bezierLinear.evaluate(res.reshape((-1, 1)))
Exemple #2
    def test_problem_definition(self):
        pD = problem_definition(3)
        pD.init_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.]).transpose()
        pD.end_vel = matrix([0., 1., 1.]).transpose()
        pD.init_acc = matrix([0., 1., -1.]).transpose()
        pD.end_acc = matrix([0., 0., 0]).transpose()
        pD.init_pos = array([[0., 0., 0.]]).T
        pD.end_pos = array([[1., 1., 1.]]).T
        pD.flag = constraint_flag.INIT_VEL | constraint_flag.INIT_POS

        generate_integral_problem(pD, integral_cost_flag.ACCELERATION)

        # generate problem
        problem = setup_control_points(pD)
        bezierLinear = problem.bezier()
        bezierFixed = bezierLinear.evaluate(array([zeros(12)]).T)
        self.assertTrue(bezierFixed.nbWaypoints == pD.degree + 1)
        self.assertTrue(norm(bezierFixed(0.) - pD.init_pos) <= 0.001)
            norm(bezierFixed.derivate(0.0, 1) - pD.init_vel) <= 0.001)
def MakeBeizerConvexhull2D(in_LB):
    #dimension of our problem (here 3 as our curve is 3D)
    dim = 2  # dimension = 3, 3D
    refDegree = 3  # degree = 3, polynomial we have to get 4 control points (start,end,c1,c2)
    pD = problem_definition(dim)
    pD.degree = refDegree  #we want to fit a curve of the same degree as the reference curve for the sanity check
    pD.flag = constraint_flag.INIT_POS | constraint_flag.END_POS
    #set initial position
    pD.init_pos = array([in_LB.point_x[0], in_LB.point_y[0]])
    #set end position
    pD.end_pos = array(
        [in_LB.point_x[-1], in_LB.point_y[-1]]
    )  # -1 refers to the last index, -2 refers to the second last index and so on
    problem = setup_control_points(pD)
    #generates the variable bezier curve with the parameters of problemDefinition
    variableBezier = problem.bezier()

    #We describe a degree 3 curve as a Bezier curve with 4 control points
    distance = in_LB.point_x[-1] - in_LB.point_x[0]
    distance_x = abs(distance)
    distance = in_LB.point_y[-1] - in_LB.point_y[0]
    distance_y = abs(distance)

    waypoints = array([
        [in_LB.point_x[0], in_LB.point_y[0]],
        [in_LB.point_x[0] + distance_x, in_LB.point_y[0]],
        [in_LB.point_x[0], in_LB.point_y[0] + distance_y],
        [in_LB.point_x[-1], in_LB.point_y[-1]]
    ]).transpose()  #[in_LB.point_x[0],in_LB.point_y[0]+distance_y],
    ref = bezier(waypoints)
    #plotting sampled points
    numSamples = 10
    fNumSamples = float(numSamples)
    ptsTime = [(ref(float(t) / fNumSamples), float(t) / fNumSamples)
               for t in range(numSamples + 1)]

    #least square form of ||Ax-b||**2
    def to_least_square(A, b):
        return dot(A.T, A), -dot(A.T, b)

    def genCost(variableBezier, ptsTime):
        #first evaluate variableBezier for each time sampled
        allsEvals = [(variableBezier(time), pt) for (pt, time) in ptsTime]
        #then compute the least square form of the cost for each points
        allLeastSquares = [
                            el.c() + pt) for (el, pt) in allsEvals
        ]  # el.c() + pt ?
        #and finally sum the costs
        Ab = [sum(x) for x in zip(*allLeastSquares)]
        return Ab[0], Ab[1]

    A, b = genCost(variableBezier, ptsTime)
    costAb = generate_integral_problem(pD, integral_cost_flag.ACCELERATION)

    problemSize = problem.numVariables * dim  # what is this? dimension * degree ?

    convexhull_1_ineq = array(in_LB.convexhull1.equations)
    convexhull_2_ineq = array(in_LB.convexhull2.equations)

    nConvexEq = convexhull_1_ineq.shape[0]

    ineqMatrix = zeros((nConvexEq * 4 + nConvexEq * 4 * 2 + nConvexEq * 4,
                        problemSize))  # C1,C2[4*2*2]
    ineqVector = zeros(nConvexEq * 4 + nConvexEq * 4 * 2 + nConvexEq * 4)

    # ineqMatrix = zeros((convexhull_1_ineq.shape[0] * 4 * 2, problemSize)) # C1,C2[4*2*2]
    # ineqVector = zeros(convexhull_1_ineq.shape[0] * 4 * 2)

    array_CB = np.array([], dtype=float).reshape(0, 4)

    vec_CB = []

    piecewiseCurve = variableBezier.split(array([[0.3, 0.6]]).T)
    # left side
    constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(0)
    array_C_cur = array(convexhull_1_ineq)[:, 0:2]
    vec_C_cur = -array(convexhull_1_ineq)[:, 2]
    for k in range(4):
        mat_Info_Point_i = constrainedCurve.waypointAtIndex(k)

        vec_C_temp = vec_C_cur - array_C_cur.dot(mat_Info_Point_i.c())
        arr_C_temp = dot(array_C_cur, mat_Info_Point_i.B())

        array_CB = np.vstack([array_CB, arr_C_temp])
        vec_CB = np.hstack([vec_CB, vec_C_temp])

    # overlapped space
    constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(1)
    for i in range(2):
        if i == 0:
            array_C_cur = array(convexhull_1_ineq)[:, 0:2]
            vec_C_cur = -array(convexhull_1_ineq)[:, 2]
            array_C_cur = array(convexhull_2_ineq)[:, 0:2]
            vec_C_cur = -array(convexhull_2_ineq)[:, 2]
        for k in range(4):
            print array_C_cur
            mat_Info_Point_i = constrainedCurve.waypointAtIndex(k)

            vec_C_temp = vec_C_cur - array_C_cur.dot(mat_Info_Point_i.c())
            arr_C_temp = dot(array_C_cur, mat_Info_Point_i.B())

            array_CB = np.vstack([array_CB, arr_C_temp])
            vec_CB = np.hstack([vec_CB, vec_C_temp])
    # right side
    constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(2)
    array_C_cur = array(convexhull_2_ineq)[:, 0:2]
    vec_C_cur = -array(convexhull_2_ineq)[:, 2]

    for k in range(4):
        mat_Info_Point_i = constrainedCurve.waypointAtIndex(k)

        vec_C_temp = vec_C_cur - array_C_cur.dot(mat_Info_Point_i.c())
        arr_C_temp = dot(array_C_cur, mat_Info_Point_i.B())

        array_CB = np.vstack([array_CB, arr_C_temp])
        vec_CB = np.hstack([vec_CB, vec_C_temp])

    ineqMatrix = array_CB
    ineqVector = vec_CB

    res = quadprog_solve_qp(costAb.cost.A,
    fitBezier = variableBezier.evaluate(res.reshape((-1, 1)))

    #now plotting the obtained curve, in red the concerned part
    piecewiseFit = fitBezier.split(array([[0.3, 0.6]]).T)
    plotBezier2D(piecewiseFit.curve_at_index(0), ax=ax_mouse, color="b")
    plotBezier2D(piecewiseFit.curve_at_index(1), ax=ax_mouse, color="r")
    plotBezier2D(piecewiseFit.curve_at_index(2), ax=ax_mouse, color="b")
def CreateBeizierChull(p_s, p_g, list_Chull):
    #problem setting
    dim = 2  # dimension = 3, 3D
    refDegree = 3  # degree = 3, polynomial we have to get 4 control points (start,end,c1,c2)
    pD = problem_definition(dim)
    pD.degree = refDegree

    pD.init_pos = p_s
    pD.end_pos = p_g
    pD.flag = constraint_flag.INIT_POS | constraint_flag.END_POS  #| constraint_flag.INIT_VEL #| constraint_flag.END_VEL

    # cost_Ab.cost.A & cost_Ab.cost.b
    cost_Ab = generate_integral_problem(pD, integral_cost_flag.ACCELERATION)
    problem = setup_control_points(pD)
    variableBezier = problem.bezier()
    problemSize = problem.numVariables * dim  # dimension * control points

    # convex hulls
    n_Chulls = len(list_Chull)
    n_Splits = n_Chulls - 1
    nConvexEq = list_Chull[0].equations.shape[0]
    print nConvexEq

    # split the original curve
    arr_T_intv = makeTimeInterval(n_Chulls, n_Splits)
    piecewiseCurve = variableBezier.split(arr_T_intv)

    # Equality Equation Matrix
    # n_eq_rows = n_Chulls*nConvexEq*(refDegree+1) + refDegree*dim
    # n_eq_cols = problemSize
    # ineqMatrix = zeros((n_eq_rows,n_eq_cols))
    # ineqVector = zeros(n_eq_rows)

    array_CB = np.array([], dtype=float).reshape(0, problemSize)
    vec_CB = []

    # assign the convexhull constraints
    for i in range(n_Chulls):
        k = i
        constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(k)
        array_CB, vec_CB = stackInEqConstOfChull(array_CB, vec_CB,

    # assign the derivative cosntraints
    dev_Bezier = variableBezier.compute_derivate(1)
    print 'B_t'
    print variableBezier.nbWaypoints
    print 'B_dot_t'
    print dev_Bezier.nbWaypoints

    vecDesC = zeros(2)
    des_dev_x = 100.0
    des_dev_y = 100.0
    for i in range(refDegree):
        matBc = dev_Bezier.waypointAtIndex(i)

        if (i == 0):
            des_dev_x = 4.0
        # if(i == 1):
        #     des_dev_x = -0.1
        if (i == 2):
            des_dev_x = 2.0

        array_CB = np.vstack([array_CB, matBc.B()])

        vecDesC[0] = des_dev_x - matBc.c()[0]
        vecDesC[1] = des_dev_y - matBc.c()[1]

        vec_CB = np.hstack([vec_CB, vecDesC])

    # assign final matrix
    ineqMatrix = array_CB
    ineqVector = vec_CB

    res = quadprog_solve_qp(cost_Ab.cost.A,
    fitBezier = variableBezier.evaluate(res.reshape((-1, 1)))

    #now plotting the obtained curve, in red the concerned part
    piecewiseFit = fitBezier.split(arr_T_intv)

    # ax_dev = fig.
    dev_fitBezier = fitBezier.compute_derivate(1)
    plotBezier2D(dev_fitBezier, ax=ax_dev, color="g", showControlPoints=True)
def createBezierChullwithSlack(p_s, p_g, list_Chull, list_Chull_dev):
    # problem setting
    dim = len(p_s)  # dimension = 3, 3D
    refDegree = 3  # degree = 3, polynomial we have to get 4 control points (start,end,c1,c2)
    pD = problem_definition(dim)
    pD.degree = refDegree
    pD.init_pos = p_s
    pD.end_pos = p_g
    # pD.flag = constraint_flag.INIT_POS | constraint_flag.END_POS #| constraint_flag.INIT_VEL #| constraint_flag.END_VEL

    #cost_Ab.cost.A & cost_Ab.cost.b
    cost_Ab = generate_integral_problem(pD, integral_cost_flag.ACCELERATION)
    problem = setup_control_points(pD)
    variableBezier = problem.bezier()
    problemSize = problem.numVariables * dim  # dimension * control points

    # #changing to solve slack variable
    num_slack = 1
    mat_origin = cost_Ab.cost.A
    vec_origin = cost_Ab.cost.b

    newCostP = np.zeros(
        (mat_origin.shape[0] + num_slack, mat_origin.shape[1] + num_slack))
    newCostP[0:mat_origin.shape[0], :mat_origin.shape[1]] = mat_origin
    newCostP[newCostP.shape[0] - num_slack,
             newCostP.shape[1] - num_slack] = 1e-4

    newCostq = np.zeros(len(vec_origin) + num_slack)
    newCostq[:len(vec_origin)] = vec_origin
    newCostq[-1] = -1e+5

    # # convex hulls
    n_Chulls = len(list_Chull)
    n_Splits = n_Chulls - 1

    # split the original curve
    arr_T_intv = makeTimeInterval(n_Chulls, n_Splits)
    piecewiseCurve = variableBezier.split(arr_T_intv)
    print arr_T_intv

    # set Inequality Constraints
    array_CB = np.array([], dtype=float).reshape(0, problemSize)
    vec_CB = []

    # print array_CB.shape
    # assign the convexhull constraints
    for i in range(n_Chulls):
        k = i
        constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(k)
        array_CB, vec_CB = stackInEqConstOfChull(array_CB, vec_CB,
    array_CB, vec_CB = normalizeMatAndVec(array_CB, vec_CB)

    # #slack vector
    # vec_slack = np.zeros((array_CB.shape[0],1))
    # vec_slack.fill(0)
    # vec_slack[36:48] =1
    # vec_slack[48:60] =1
    # array_CB = np.hstack([array_CB,vec_slack])

    # vec_slack2 = np.zeros((array_CB.shape[1]))
    # vec_slack2[-1] = -1
    # array_CB = np.vstack([array_CB,vec_slack2])

    # new_vec_CB = np.zeros((array_CB.shape[0]))
    # new_vec_CB[:len(vec_CB)] = vec_CB
    # new_vec_CB[-1] = 0
    # vec_CB = new_vec_CB

    # print array_CB.shape
    # print vec_CB.shape

    #assign final matrix
    ineqMatrix = array_CB
    ineqVector = vec_CB

    # # set equality constraints
    array_CE = np.array([], dtype=float).reshape(0, problemSize)
    vec_CE = []

    matInfo_start = variableBezier.waypointAtIndex(0)
    vec_norm = np.zeros((3, 1))
    vec_norm[2] = 1

    vec_norm = np.transpose(vec_norm)
    print vec_norm.shape
    print matInfo_start.B().shape
    out3 = vec_norm.dot(matInfo_start.B())
    print out3
    array_CE = np.vstack([array_CE, out3])

    vec_temp = -1 * vec_norm.dot(matInfo_start.c())
    vec_CE = np.hstack([vec_CE, vec_temp])

    # matInfo_end = variableBezier.waypointAtIndex(variableBezier.nbWaypoints-1)
    # array_CE = np.vstack([array_CE,matInfo_end.B()])
    # vec_temp = p_g - matInfo_end.c()
    # vec_CE = np.hstack([vec_CE,vec_temp])

    # array_CE, vec_CE = normalizeMatAndVec(array_CE,vec_CE)

    # print array_CE.shape
    # print vec_CE.shape
    # #
    # # constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(0)
    # # array_C_cur = np.array(list_Chull[0].equations)[:,0:(dim)]
    # # vec_C_cur = -np.array(list_Chull[0].equations)[:,(dim)]

    # # mat_Info_Point_i = constrainedCurve.waypointAtIndex(2)
    # # arr_C_temp,vec_C_temp = createInEqConst(mat_Info_Point_i,False,array_C_cur,vec_C_cur)
    # # array_CE = np.vstack([array_CE,arr_C_temp])
    # # vec_CE = np.hstack([vec_CE,vec_C_temp])

    # # constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(1)
    # # array_C_cur = np.array(list_Chull[1].equations)[:,0:(dim)]
    # # vec_C_cur = -np.array(list_Chull[1].equations)[:,(dim)]

    # # mat_Info_Point_i = constrainedCurve.waypointAtIndex(0)
    # # arr_C_temp,vec_C_temp = createInEqConst(mat_Info_Point_i,False,array_C_cur,vec_C_cur)
    # # array_CE = np.vstack([array_CE,arr_C_temp])
    # # vec_CE = np.hstack([vec_CE,vec_C_temp])

    # print array_CE.shape
    # print vec_CE.shape
    # # array_CE, vec_CE = normalizeMatAndVec(array_CE,vec_CE)

    # vec_slack = np.zeros((array_CE.shape[0],1))
    # vec_slack.fill(0)
    # for i in range(6):
    #     vec_slack[i]=0

    # array_CE = np.hstack([array_CE,vec_slack])

    eqMatrix = array_CE
    eqVector = vec_CE

    array_C_cur = np.array(list_Chull[0].equations)[:, 0:(dim)]
    vec_C_cur = -np.array(list_Chull[0].equations)[:, (dim)]
    print array_C_cur
    print vec_C_cur
    # #
    res = quadprog_solve_qp(mat_origin,

    fitBezier = variableBezier.evaluate(res.reshape((-1, 1)))

    piecewiseFit = fitBezier.split(arr_T_intv)
def createBezierChull(p_s, p_g, list_Chull, list_Chull_dev):
    # problem setting
    dim = len(p_s)  # dimension = 3, 3D
    refDegree = 3  # degree = 3, polynomial we have to get 4 control points (start,end,c1,c2)
    pD = problem_definition(dim)
    pD.degree = refDegree

    #cost_Ab.cost.A & cost_Ab.cost.b
    cost_Ab = generate_integral_problem(pD, integral_cost_flag.ACCELERATION)
    problem = setup_control_points(pD)
    variableBezier = problem.bezier()
    problemSize = problem.numVariables * dim  # dimension * control points

    # convex hulls
    n_Chulls = len(list_Chull)
    n_Splits = n_Chulls - 1

    # split the original curve
    arr_T_intv = makeTimeInterval(n_Chulls, n_Splits)
    piecewiseCurve = variableBezier.split(arr_T_intv)
    print arr_T_intv

    # set Inequality Constraints
    array_CB = np.array([], dtype=float).reshape(0, problemSize)
    vec_CB = []

    # assign the convexhull constraints
    for i in range(n_Chulls):
        k = i
        constrainedCurve = piecewiseCurve.curve_at_index(k)
        array_CB, vec_CB = stackInEqConstOfChull(array_CB, vec_CB,

    # assign the derivative cosntraints
    n_Chulls_dev = len(list_Chull_dev)
    dev_Bezier = variableBezier.compute_derivate(1)

    # array_CB, vec_CB = stackInEqConstOfChull_realtive(array_CB,vec_CB,variableBezier,p_s,list_Chull_dev[0].equations)

    #assign final matrix
    ineqMatrix = array_CB
    ineqVector = vec_CB

    # set equality constraints
    array_CE = np.array([], dtype=float).reshape(0, problemSize)
    vec_CE = []

    matInfo_start = variableBezier.waypointAtIndex(0)
    array_CE = np.vstack([array_CE, matInfo_start.B()])
    vec_temp = p_s - matInfo_start.c()
    vec_CE = np.hstack([vec_CE, vec_temp])

    matInfo_end = variableBezier.waypointAtIndex(variableBezier.nbWaypoints -
    array_CE = np.vstack([array_CE, matInfo_end.B()])
    vec_temp = p_g - matInfo_end.c()
    vec_CE = np.hstack([vec_CE, vec_temp])

    eqMatrix = array_CE
    eqVector = vec_CE

    res = quadprog_solve_qp(cost_Ab.cost.A,
    fitBezier = variableBezier.evaluate(res.reshape((-1, 1)))

    piecewiseFit = fitBezier.split(arr_T_intv)
    plotBezier(piecewiseFit.curve_at_index(0), ax=ax, linewidth=4., color="b")
    plotBezier(piecewiseFit.curve_at_index(1), ax=ax, linewidth=4., color="r")
Exemple #7
y = np.array([wp[1] for wp in points_sampled])
z = np.array([wp[2] for wp in points_sampled])
ax.scatter(x, y, z, color="r")

#-2.-----optimizing the beizer curve following sampled points
from curves.optimization import (problem_definition, setup_control_points)

#dimension of our problem (here 3 as our curve is 3D)
dim = 3  # dimension = 3, 3D
refDegree = 3  # degree = 3, polynomial we have to get 4 control points (start,end,c1,c2)
pD = problem_definition(dim)
pD.degree = refDegree  #we want to fit a curve of the same degree as the reference curve for the sanity check

#generates the variable bezier curve with the parameters of problemDefinition
problem = setup_control_points(pD)
#for now we only care about the curve itself
variableBezier = problem.bezier()

#least square form of ||Ax-b||**2
def to_least_square(A, b):
    return dot(A.T, A), -dot(A.T, b)

def genCost(variableBezier, ptsTime):
    #first evaluate variableBezier for each time sampled
    allsEvals = [(variableBezier(time), pt) for (pt, time) in ptsTime]
    #then compute the least square form of the cost for each points
    allLeastSquares = [