def update_user(user_id, userData, resources):
            function: Update myself (USER) into the database, username should not be updated

            @userId = cognito userId
            @userData = JSON data which contains user data
            @resources = contains data to be used to access DB

            return: message
        # check if user exists
        if users_functions.get_user(user_id, resources) is None:
            message = "User id : " + user_id + " is not found"
            raise not_found_exception(message)

        json_object = json.loads(userData)
        update_user_data = user_data(**json_object)

        sql_script = sql_scripts.User["Update"].format(
            update_user_data.role_id, update_user_data.crm_id,
            update_user_data.first_name, update_user_data.last_name,
            update_user_data.mobile_phone_number, user_id)
        sql_functions.sql_functions.execute_sql_command(resources, sql_script)

        resp = {"message": "user information updated successfully."}

        return resp
Exemple #2
def handler(event, context):
    # Extracting information from API Gateway
    info = api_gateway.information(event)

    # Extracting information from contants.json
    with open("constants.json", "r") as resources_file:
        resources = json.loads(

        role_id = users_functions.get_user(info.user_id, resources)[0]["roleId"]
        if role_functions.get_role(role_id, "ADMIN", resources) is None:
            raise insufficient_privilege_exception("Role is not sufficient to access this")

        # Route function to the right destination
        if info.http_method == 'GET':
            # route to get_user method to get user to database, if none found then return not found exception (404)

            if info.request_id is not None:
                resp = users_functions.get_user(info.request_id, resources)
                if resp is None:
                    raise not_found_exception("User id : " + info.request_id + " is not found")
                resp = users_functions.list_users(resources)

            return successful_response.ok_response(None, resp).dictate()
        elif info.http_method == 'PUT':
            # route to update_user method to update user to database, expected to return ok if successful (200)
            resp = users_functions.update_user(info.request_id, info.body, resources)
            return successful_response.ok_response(None, resp).dictate()
        elif info.http_method == 'DELETE':
            # route to delete_user method to delete user to database, expected to return no content if successful (204)
            resp = users_functions.delete_user(info.request_id, resources)
            return successful_response.no_content_response(None, resp).dictate()
    except bad_request_exception as e:
        # Throw bad request (400)
        # Show debug if there is debug key in the message
        if "debug" in e.message :
            message = e.message["message"]
            debug = e.message["debug"]
            message = e.message
            debug = None
        return failed_response.bad_request_response(None, message, debug).dictate()
    except insufficient_privilege_exception as e:
        # Throw insufficient exception (403)
        return failed_response.insufficient_privilege_response(None, e.message).dictate()
    except not_found_exception as e:
        # Throw not found exception (404)
        return failed_response.not_found_response(None, e.message).dictate()
    except conflict_exception as e:
        # Throw conflict exception (409)
        return failed_response.conflict_response(None, e.message).dictate()
    except Exception as e:
        # Throw unknown/uncaught(500)
        return failed_response.internal_server_error_response(None, e.message).dictate()

    # Throw not supported exception(405) since non of the request above is satisfied
    return failed_response.not_supported_response(None, "Your request is not supported").dictate()
    def delete_user(user_id, resources):
            function: Delete myself (USER) from the database

            @userId = cognito userId
            @userData = JSON data which contains user data
            @resources = contains data to be used to access DB

            return: message
        # check if user exists
        if users_functions.get_user(user_id, resources) is None:
            message = "User id : " + user_id + " is not found"
            raise not_found_exception(message)

        sql_script = sql_scripts.User["Delete"].format(user_id)
        sql_functions.sql_functions.insert_into_table(resources, sql_script)

        resp = {"message": "user deleted successfully."}

        return resp