def response404(self):
     #respondize. stringify. jsonize. repr. 404repr. respond_repr
      return make_response_jsonified({
          'error': "image too large. maximum %d (bytes), %d x %d" % (service_config['max-size'], service_config['max-width'], service_config['max-width'] ),
          "size_pair": "%d x %d" % self.size_pair,
          "volume_bytes": self.volume_bytes
      }, 404)
 def response404(self, comment=None):
     #if comment is None:
     #    #return error404_response_image_notfound(, self.excep if self.excep is not None else self)
     #    return error404_response_image_notfound(self.imageid)
     if True:
         #return uierr.response404(comment="MIME type information could not be found from the orignal image file.")
         #return make_response_jsonified({'error': repr(, 'comment':"MIME type information could not be found from the orignal image file."}, 404)
         # FIXME: call error404_xxxx....
         info_dict = {'error': repr(self.imageid), 'comment':self.comment, "imageio_metadata":self.imageio_metadata, 'format':self.format}
         r = make_response_jsonified(info_dict, 404)
         return r
 def response404(self):
     log_err("self.imageid   "+str(self.imageid  ))
     #return error404_response_image_notfound(self.imageid)   #,self
     info_dict = {'error': "Image not found:"+str(self.imageid), "imageid": self.imageid, 'exception': repr(self)}
     r = make_response_jsonified(info_dict, 404)
     return r
 def response404(self):
      return make_response_jsonified({'error': "image has no mask/alpha channel.", "imageid": self.imageid}, 404)
 def response404(self):
     #respondize. stringify. jsonize. repr. 404repr. respond_repr
      return make_response_jsonified({'error': "image already exists.", "imagename": self.imagename, "hashcode": self.hashcode}, 404)