def test_get_image_or_cutout_size_nomatch(self, app):
     """ Cutout: size but no matching point, no filter, no collection. """
     with app.test_request_context('/'):
         tst_args = parse_cutout_args({'ra': '102.0', 'dec': '10.2', 'sizeArcSec':'2'},
         with pytest.raises(ImageNotFound, match=self.no_coords_cone_emsg) as reqex:
             cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(tst_args)
Exemple #2
def query_coordinates (args):
    Return some metadata for images which contain the given point.
    co_args = au.parse_cutout_args(args)        # get coordinates
    collection = au.parse_collection_arg(args)  # optional collection restriction
    filt = au.parse_filter_arg(args)            # optional filter restriction
    return jsonify(imgr.query_coordinates(co_args, collection=collection, filt=filt))
Exemple #3
def fetch_cutout_by_filter (args):
    """ Make and return an image cutout for a filtered image.
        The band is specified by the required 'filter' argument. """

    # parse the parameters for the cutout
    co_args = au.parse_cutout_args(args)
    filt = au.parse_filter_arg(args, required=True)  # test for required filter
    collection = au.parse_collection_arg(args)
    return imgr.get_image_or_cutout(co_args, filt=filt, collection=collection)
Exemple #4
def fetch_cutout (args):
    Return an image cutout. if cutout size is not specified, return the entire image.
    # parse the parameters for the cutout
    co_args = au.parse_cutout_args(args)
    collection = au.parse_collection_arg(args)
    filt = au.parse_filter_arg(args)
    return imgr.get_image_or_cutout(co_args, filt=filt, collection=collection)
    def test_make_cutout_and_save_m13_no_overlap(self, app):
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            disjoint_co_args = parse_cutout_args({'ra':'18.0', 'dec':'4.0', 'sizeArcSec':'10'},
            co_filename = "shouldnotexist.fits"

            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(co_filename) is False  # not cached
            with pytest.raises(RequestException, match=self.no_overlap_emsg) as reqex:
                self.imgr.make_cutout_and_save(self.hh_tstfyl, disjoint_co_args, co_filename)
            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(co_filename) is False  # still not cached
 def test_parse_cutout_args(self):
     """ Calls both parse_cutout_size and parse_coordinate_args. """
     co_args = autils.parse_cutout_args({
         'ra': '118.005',
         'dec': '-2.0',
         'radius': '0.001'
     assert co_args is not None
     assert 'ra' in co_args
     assert 'dec' in co_args
     assert 'center' in co_args
     assert 'size' in co_args
     assert 'co_size' in co_args
class TestImageManager(object):

    test_args = {
        'debug': True,
        'dbconfig_file': TEST_DBCONFIG_FILEPATH

    bad_path = '/bad/path'
    m13_path = '/vos/images/XTRAS/m13.fits'
    dc19_path = '/vos/images/DC19/F090W.fits'
    dc20_path = '/vos/images/DC20/F356W.fits'
    jades_path = '/vos/images/JADES/goods_s_F277W_2018_08_29.fits'
    irods_path = '/iplant/fake/nosuchfile.fits'

    jades_size = 9
    dc19_size = 9
    dc20_size = 9

    no_coords_emsg = "No matching image for coordinates was found"
    no_coords_cone_emsg = "No matching image for coordinates \\(in cone\\) was found"
    no_overlap_emsg = "There is no overlap between the reference image and the given center coordinate:.*"
    retimg_emsg = "iRods connection capabilities not yet implemented."
    write_co_emsg = "Unexpected error while writing image cutout to cache file"

    hh_tstfyl = f"{TEST_RESOURCES_DIR}/HorseHead.fits"
    hh_filter = 'OG590'
    m13_tstfyl = f"{TEST_RESOURCES_DIR}/m13.fits"

    hh_co_args = parse_cutout_args({'ra':'85.27497', 'dec':'-2.458265',
                                    'sizeDeg':'4'}, required=True)
    m13_co_args = parse_cutout_args({'ra':'250.4226', 'dec':'36.4602', 'sizeArcSec':'12'},
    m13_co_filename = f"_m13__250.4226_36.4602_12.0arcsec.fits"

    imgr = ImageManager(test_args)          # instance of class under tests

    def cleancache(self):
        for fyl in os.listdir(DEFAULT_CO_CACHE_DIR):
            os.remove(os.path.join(DEFAULT_CO_CACHE_DIR, fyl))

    def test_setup_app (self, app):
        " Create an instance of the app: should be executed only once by "
        assert app is not None

    def test_cleanup(self, client):
        assert True                         # nothing to test at the moment

    def test_fetch_image_by_filter_badfilt(self, app):
        Bad filter. Also tests image_metadata_by_query.
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            img = self.imgr.fetch_image_by_filter('BADfilt')
            assert img is None

    def test_fetch_image_by_filter_badcoll(self, app):
        Bad collection. Also tests image_metadata_by_query.
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            img = self.imgr.fetch_image_by_filter(self.hh_filter, collection='BADcoll')
            assert img is None

    def test_fetch_image_by_filter(self, app):
        Fetch a small image from the test resources directory by filter.
        Also tests fetch_image_by_path and image_metadata_by_query.
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            img = self.imgr.fetch_image_by_filter(self.hh_filter)
            assert img is not None
            assert img.status_code == 200
            assert img.is_streamed is True

    def test_fetch_image_by_filter_both(self, app):
        Fetch a small image from the test resources directory by filter and collection.
        Also tests fetch_image_by_path and image_metadata_by_query.
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            img = self.imgr.fetch_image_by_filter(self.hh_filter, collection='TEST')
            assert img is not None
            assert img.status_code == 200
            assert img.is_streamed is True

    def test_get_cutout(self, app):
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(self.m13_co_filename) is False  # not cached
            cout = self.imgr.get_cutout(self.m13_tstfyl, self.m13_co_args)
            assert cout is not None
            assert cout.status_code == 200
            assert cout.is_streamed is True

            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(self.m13_co_filename) is True  # cached now

            cout2 = self.imgr.get_cutout(self.m13_tstfyl, self.m13_co_args)  # get it again
            assert cout2 is not None
            assert cout2.status_code == 200
            assert cout2.is_streamed is True

            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(self.m13_co_filename) is True  # still cached

    def test_get_image_or_cutout_nomatch(self, app):
        """ No matching point, no filter, no collection, no size. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            tst_args = { 'ra': '102.0', 'dec': '10.2' }
            with pytest.raises(ImageNotFound, match=self.no_coords_emsg) as reqex:
                cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(tst_args)

    def test_get_image_or_cutout_nosize(self, app):
        """ Whole image: m13 center point, no filter, no collection. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            tst_args = { 'ra': '250.4226', 'dec': '36.4602' }
            cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(tst_args)
            assert cout.status_code == 200
            assert cout.is_streamed is True

    def test_get_image_or_cutout_size_nomatch(self, app):
        """ Cutout: size but no matching point, no filter, no collection. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            tst_args = parse_cutout_args({'ra': '102.0', 'dec': '10.2', 'sizeArcSec':'2'},
            with pytest.raises(ImageNotFound, match=self.no_coords_cone_emsg) as reqex:
                cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(tst_args)

    def test_get_image_or_cutout_size(self, app):
        """ Cutout: m13 center point, no filter, no collection. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(self.m13_co_args)
            assert cout.status_code == 200
            assert cout.is_streamed is True

    def test_get_image_or_cutout_nosize_coll(self, app):
        """ Whole image: m13 center point, no filter, good collection. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            tst_args = { 'ra': '250.4226', 'dec': '36.4602' }
            cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(tst_args, collection='TEST')
            assert cout.status_code == 200
            assert cout.is_streamed is True

    def test_get_image_or_cutout_size_coll(self, app):
        """ Cutout: m13 center point, no filter, good collection. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(self.m13_co_args, collection='TEST')
            assert cout.status_code == 200
            assert cout.is_streamed is True

    def test_get_image_or_cutout_size_filt(self, app):
        """ Cutout: HorseHead center point, good filter, no collection. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            cout = self.imgr.get_image_or_cutout(self.hh_co_args, filt=self.hh_filter,
            assert cout.status_code == 200
            assert cout.is_streamed is True

    def test_image_metadata_badid(self):
        """ No record with given ID. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata(9999)
        assert res is None

    def test_image_metadata(self):
        """ Valid ID. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata(1)
        assert res is not None
        assert res['id'] == 1
        assert res['obs_collection'] == 'JADES'

    def test_image_metadata_by_collection_badcoll(self):
        """ No such collection. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_collection(collection='BADcoll')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 0

    def test_image_metadata_by_collection(self):
        """ Valid collection. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_collection(collection='JADES')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == self.jades_size
        colls = [rec.get('obs_collection') for rec in res]
        assert len(colls) == self.jades_size
        assert len(set(colls)) == 1

    def test_image_metadata_by_path_badpath(self):
        """ No image with given path. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_path(self.bad_path)
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 0

    def test_image_metadata_by_path(self):
        """ Valid path. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_path(self.dc19_path)
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 1
        assert res[0].get('file_path') == self.dc19_path

    def test_image_metadata_by_path_badcoll(self):
        """ Path good but collection bad. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_path(self.dc20_path, collection='BADcoll')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 0

    def test_image_metadata_by_path_goodcoll(self):
        """ Valid path. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_path(self.dc20_path, collection='DC20')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 1
        assert res[0].get('file_path') == self.dc20_path

    def test_image_metadata_by_filter_badfilt(self):
        """ No image with given filter. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_filter('BADfilt')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 0

    def test_image_metadata_by_filter(self):
        """ Valid filter. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_filter('F200W')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 3
        filtrecs = [rec.get('filter') for rec in res]
        assert len(set(filtrecs)) == 1

    def test_image_metadata_by_filter_badcoll(self):
        """ Path good but collection bad. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_filter('F444W', collection='BADcoll')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 0

    def test_image_metadata_by_filter_goodcoll(self):
        """ Valid filter. """
        res = self.imgr.image_metadata_by_filter('F444W', collection='DC20')
        assert res is not None
        assert len(res) == 1
        assert res[0].get('filter') == 'F444W'
        assert res[0].get('obs_collection') == 'DC20'

    def test_is_cutout_cached(self):
        assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached('nosuch.fits', co_dir='/tmp') is False
        assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached('m13.fits', co_dir=TEST_RESOURCES_DIR) is True

    def test_is_irods_file(self):
        assert self.imgr.is_irods_file('/not/an/iRods/filepath') is False
        assert self.imgr.is_irods_file(f"{IRODS_ZONE_NAME}/images/ok") is True
        assert self.imgr.is_irods_file(f"{IRODS_ZONE_NAME}/any/path/ok") is True

    def test_list_collections(self):
        lst = self.imgr.list_collections()
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) > 0
        assert 'DC19' in lst
        assert 'DC20' in lst
        assert 'JADES' in lst

    def test_list_filters(self):
        lst = self.imgr.list_filters()
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) > 0
        assert 'F090W' in lst
        assert 'F335M' in lst
        assert 'F444W' in lst

    def test_list_filters_goodcoll(self):
        lst = self.imgr.list_filters(collection='DC19')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == self.dc19_size
        assert 'F200W' in lst
        assert 'F356W' in lst
        assert 'F410M' in lst

    def test_list_filters_badcoll(self):
        lst = self.imgr.list_filters(collection='BADcoll')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == 0

    def test_list_image_paths(self):
        lst = self.imgr.list_image_paths()
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) > 0
        assert self.m13_path in lst
        assert self.dc19_path in lst
        assert self.dc20_path in lst

    def test_list_image_paths_goodcoll(self):
        lst = self.imgr.list_image_paths(collection='DC20')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == self.dc20_size
        assert self.dc20_path in lst

    def test_list_image_paths_badcoll(self):
        lst = self.imgr.list_image_paths(collection='BADcoll')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == 0

    def test_make_cutout(self, app):
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            with as hdus:
                cout = self.imgr.make_cutout(hdus[0], self.m13_co_args)
                assert cout is not None
                assert isinstance(cout, Cutout2D) is True
                print(f"original={cout.xmax_original}, {cout.ymax_original}")
                print(f"cutout={cout.xmax_cutout}, {cout.ymax_cutout}")
                assert cout.xmax_cutout < cout.xmax_original
                assert cout.ymax_cutout < cout.ymax_original

    def test_make_cutout_and_save_m13(self, app):
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            co_filename = "testMakeCutoutAndSave.fits"
            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(co_filename) is False    # not cached
            self.imgr.make_cutout_and_save(self.m13_tstfyl, self.m13_co_args, co_filename)
            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(co_filename) is True     # cached now

    def test_make_cutout_and_save_m13_no_overlap(self, app):
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            disjoint_co_args = parse_cutout_args({'ra':'18.0', 'dec':'4.0', 'sizeArcSec':'10'},
            co_filename = "shouldnotexist.fits"

            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(co_filename) is False  # not cached
            with pytest.raises(RequestException, match=self.no_overlap_emsg) as reqex:
                self.imgr.make_cutout_and_save(self.hh_tstfyl, disjoint_co_args, co_filename)
            assert self.imgr.is_cutout_cached(co_filename) is False  # still not cached

    def test_make_cutout_and_save_write_error(self, app):
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            with pytest.raises(ServerError, match=self.write_co_emsg) as srverr:
                self.imgr.make_cutout_and_save(self.m13_tstfyl, self.m13_co_args, 'nofile', '/NONE')

    def test_make_cutout_filename_min(self):
        tst_args = { 'ra': '250.4226', 'dec': '36.4602', 'size': '2.4', 'units': u.arcmin }
        fname = self.imgr.make_cutout_filename(self.m13_path, tst_args)
        assert fname is not None
        assert fname == '_m13__250.4226_36.4602_2.4arcmin.fits'

    def test_make_cutout_filename_min2(self):
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.157662568', 'dec': '-27.8075199236', 'size': '10', 'units': u.arcsec }
        fname = self.imgr.make_cutout_filename(self.jades_path, tst_args)
        assert fname is not None
        assert fname == '_goods_s_F277W_2018_08_29__53.157662568_-27.8075199236_10arcsec.fits'

    def test_make_cutout_filename_min3(self):
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953',
                    'size': '0.5', 'units': u.deg }
        fname = self.imgr.make_cutout_filename(self.dc20_path, tst_args)
        assert fname is not None
        assert fname == '_F356W__53.155277381023_-27.787295217953_0.5deg.fits'

    def test_make_cutout_filename_coll(self):
        tst_args = { 'ra': '250.4226', 'dec': '36.4602', 'size': '2.4', 'units': u.arcmin }
        fname = self.imgr.make_cutout_filename(self.m13_path, tst_args, collection='JADES')
        assert fname is not None
        assert fname == 'JADES__m13__250.4226_36.4602_2.4arcmin.fits'

    def test_make_cutout_filename_filt(self):
        tst_args = { 'ra': '250.4226', 'dec': '36.4602', 'size': '2.4', 'units': u.arcmin }
        fname = self.imgr.make_cutout_filename(self.m13_path, tst_args, filt='AFILT')
        assert fname is not None
        assert fname == 'AFILT__m13__250.4226_36.4602_2.4arcmin.fits'

    def test_make_cutout_filename_collNfilt(self):
        tst_args = { 'ra': '250.4226', 'dec': '36.4602', 'size': '2.4', 'units': u.arcmin }
        fname = self.imgr.make_cutout_filename(self.m13_path, tst_args, filt='AFILT', collection='JADES')
        assert fname is not None
        assert fname == 'JADES_AFILT__m13__250.4226_36.4602_2.4arcmin.fits'

    def test_query_cone(self):
        tst_args = { 'ra': '250.4226', 'dec': '36.4602', 'size': '0.002777' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_cone(tst_args, collection='BADcoll')
        assert lst is not None
        assert lst == []

    def test_query_cone_badcoll(self):
        """ Center point, no filter, bad collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.157662568', 'dec': '-27.8075199236', 'size': '0.0002777' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_cone(tst_args, collection='BADcoll')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == 0

    def test_query_cone_badfilt(self):
        """ Center point, bad filter, no collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.157662568', 'dec': '-27.8075199236', 'size': '0.0002777' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_cone(tst_args, filt='BADfilt')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == 0

    def test_query_cone_badboth(self):
        """ Center point, bad filter, bad collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.157662568', 'dec': '-27.8075199236', 'size': '0.0002777' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_cone(tst_args, filt='BADfilt', collection='BADcoll')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == 0

    def test_query_cone_coll(self):
        """ Center point, no filter, good collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953', 'size': '0.0002777' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_cone(tst_args, collection='DC20')
        assert lst is not None
        print([ (md['id'], md['file_name'], md['obs_collection']) for md in lst])
        assert len(lst) == self.dc19_size

    def test_query_cone_filt(self):
        """ Center point, good filter, no collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953', 'size': '0.0002777' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_cone(tst_args, filt='F277W')
        assert lst is not None
        print([ (md['id'], md['file_name'], md['obs_collection']) for md in lst])
        assert len(lst) == 1

    def test_query_cone_both(self):
        """ Center point, good filter, good collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953', 'size': '0.0002777' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_cone(tst_args, filt='F356W', collection='DC20')
        assert lst is not None
        print([ (md['id'], md['file_name'], md['obs_collection']) for md in lst])
        assert len(lst) == 1

    def test_query_coordinates_badcoll(self):
        """ No filter, bad collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_coordinates(tst_args, collection='BADcoll')
        assert lst is not None
        assert lst == []

    def test_query_coordinates_badfilt(self):
        """ No collection, bad filter. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_coordinates(tst_args, filt='BADfilt')
        assert lst is not None
        assert lst == []

    def test_query_coordinates(self):
        """ Basic query: DC20 center point, no filter, no collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_coordinates(tst_args)
        assert lst is not None
        print([ (md['id'], md['file_name'], md['obs_collection']) for md in lst])
        assert len(lst) == self.jades_size + self.dc19_size + self.dc20_size

    def test_query_coordinates_coll(self):
        """ Center point, no filter, good collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_coordinates(tst_args, collection='DC20')
        assert lst is not None
        print([ (md['id'], md['file_name'], md['obs_collection']) for md in lst])
        assert len(lst) == self.dc20_size

    def test_query_coordinates_filt(self):
        """ Center point, good filter, no collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.155277381023', 'dec': '-27.787295217953' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_coordinates(tst_args, filt='F090W')
        assert lst is not None
        print([ (md['id'], md['file_name'], md['obs_collection']) for md in lst])
        assert len(lst) == 3

    def test_query_coordinates_both(self):
        """ Center point, good filter, good collection. """
        tst_args = { 'ra': '53.157662568', 'dec': '-27.8075199236' }
        lst = self.imgr.query_coordinates(tst_args, collection='DC19', filt='F200W')
        assert lst is not None
        print([ (md['id'], md['file_name'], md['obs_collection']) for md in lst])
        assert len(lst) == 1

    def test_query_image_noargs(self):
        """ No filter, no collection. """
        lst = self.imgr.query_image()
        assert lst is not None
        assert lst == []

    def test_query_image_badcoll(self):
        """ No filter, bad collection. """
        lst = self.imgr.query_image(collection='BADcoll')
        assert lst is not None
        assert lst == []

    def test_query_image_badfilt(self):
        """ Bad filter, no collection. """
        lst = self.imgr.query_image(filt='BADfilt')
        assert lst is not None
        assert lst == []

    def test_query_image_coll(self):
        """ No filter, good collection. """
        lst = self.imgr.query_image(collection='JADES')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == self.jades_size

    def test_query_image_filt(self):
        """ Good filter, no collection. """
        lst = self.imgr.query_image(filt='F335M')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == 3

    def test_query_image_both(self):
        """ Good filter, good collection. """
        lst = self.imgr.query_image(filt='F335M', collection='DC19')
        assert lst is not None
        assert len(lst) == 1

    def test_return_image_at_path_irods(self):
        """ iRods connections are not yet implemented. """
        with pytest.raises(NotYetImplemented, match=self.retimg_emsg) as nyi:

    def test_return_image_at_path(self, app):
        """ Return a small image from the test resources directory. """
        with app.test_request_context('/'):
            # NB: using image in test directory, not images directory:
            img = self.imgr.return_image_at_path(self.m13_tstfyl)
            assert img is not None
            assert img.status_code == 200
            assert img.is_streamed is True