Exemple #1
    def delete(self):
        DELETE to leave current room. If the room owner leaves, the room will be deleted.
        player_name = self.get_current_user()
        player = Player(self.db_conn, "name", player_name)
        room_name = player["current_room"]
        if room_name:
            room = Room(self.db_conn, "name", room_name)
            raise APIError(409, log_message="You are currently not in a room.")

        with DBLock():
            if room["owner"] == player_name:
                # Set all players' current_room to None
                for pname in room["current_players"]:
                    p = Player(self.db_conn, "name", pname)
                    p["current_room"] = None
                # Delete the room
                return "{} successfully deleted {}".format(player_name, room_name)
                # Set player's current_room to None and remove from room's
                #   current_players list
                player["current_room"] = None
                room["current_players"] = [
                    p for p in room["current_players"] if p != player_name]
                return "{} successfully left {}".format(player_name, room_name)
Exemple #2
    def delete(self):
        """DELETE to remove yourself from current game"""
        # Get player and the game_id he's in
        player_name = self.get_current_user()
        player = Player(self.db_conn, "name", player_name)
        game_id = player["current_game_id"]
                   log_message="You are not currently in a game.")

        with DBLock():
            # Get game
            game = Game(self.db_conn, "game_id", game_id)

            # Get remaining set of players
            rem_players = list(set(game["players"]) - {player_name})

            # Set new gamemaster
            if not rem_players:
                game["gamemaster"] = None
            # If gamemaster is leaving, assign to a random player
            elif game["gamemaster"] == player_name:
                game["gamemaster"] = choice(rem_players)

            # Set remaining players in game and add players' balls to game's
            #   unclaimed set
            game["players"] = rem_players
            game["unclaimed_balls"] += player["balls"]

            # Set the player's game_id to None and his list of balls to empty
            player["current_game_id"] = None
            player["balls"] = []

        return {"game_id": game_id}
Exemple #3
    def get(self):
        GET to receive list of players in current room

        * `players` array includes ALL players (including owner)
        * `owner` field is useful for highlighting the room owner in the UI
        player_name = self.get_current_user()
        # The reason we don't use get_player in a case like
        #   this, is because this is an authenticated method,
        #   so a player with the name of the current user
        #   SHOULD exist; if he doesn't, then that indicates
        #   a problem on our side (if that happens, the user
        #   will see a 500 Internal Server Error) which
        #   is arguably appropriate in this case.
        player = Player(self.db_conn, "name", player_name)
        room_name = player["current_room"]
        api_assert(room_name, 400, log_message="You are not currently in"
                   " a room.")

        # Again, same thing here; if the player has joined
        #   a room, the room name must exist, otherwise, it
        #   indicates a failure somewhere earlier down the line.
        room = Room(self.db_conn, "name", room_name)
        return {
            "players": room["current_players"],
            "owner": room["owner"]
Exemple #4
    def post(self):
        POST the required parameters to register the pocketing/unpocketing of a ball

        * `ball`: The ball that was pocketed/unpocketed
        gamemaster = self.get_current_user()
        ball = self.body['ball']
        game_id = get_player(self.db_conn, gamemaster)["current_game_id"]
        game = Game(self.db_conn, "game_id", game_id)

        res = {"game_id": game_id}

        # Authenticate
            game["gamemaster"] == gamemaster,
            log_message="You are not the gamemaster of the current game")

        # If ball is already sunk, retable it
        if ball not in get_balls_on_table(self.db_conn, game_id):
            game = Game(self.db_conn, "game_id", game_id)
            # Look for ball in game's set of unclaimed balls
            if ball in game["orig_unclaimed_balls"]:
                game["unclaimed_balls"] += [ball]
            # If it's not there, look for it from each player's set
                for pname in game["players"]:
                    p = Player(self.db_conn, "name", pname)
                    if ball in p["orig_balls"]:
                        p["balls"] += [ball]
            res['message'] = "Ball {} was retabled.".format(ball)
            return res

        # Otherwise, sink the ball
        # Look for it in players' first
        for pname in Game(self.db_conn, "game_id", game_id)["players"]:
            p = get_player(self.db_conn, pname)
            if ball in p["balls"]:
                p["balls"] = list(set(p["balls"]) - {ball})
            # Remove ball from unclaimed
            g = Game(self.db_conn, "game_id", game_id)
            uballs = list(game["unclaimed_balls"])
            game["unclaimed_balls"] = uballs

        res["message"] = "Ball {} was sunk.".format(ball)
        return res
Exemple #5
def get_player(db, player_name, err_code=409):
    """Get player ``player_name``

    :returns: Player with ``player_name``
    :raises APIError: If no Player with ``player_name`` found
        player = Player(db, "name", player_name)
    except NotFoundError:
        raise APIError(
            log_message="No user {} exists.".format(player_name)
    return player
Exemple #6
    def get(self):
        GET to receive list of players in current game

        * `players` array includes ALL players (including gamemaster)
        * `gamemaster` field is useful for highlighting the gamemaster in the UI
        player_name = self.get_current_user()
        player = Player(self.db_conn, "name", player_name)
        game_id = player["current_game_id"]
                   log_message="You are not currently in"
                   " a game.")

        game = Game(self.db_conn, "game_id", game_id)
        return {"players": game["players"], "gamemaster": game["gamemaster"]}
Exemple #7
    def get(self):
        GET to receive state of current_game

        `winner`: Potential winner of the game, or empty string
        `balls_on_table`: Array of balls still on the table
        player_name = self.get_current_user()
        player = Player(self.db_conn, "name", player_name)
        game_id = player["current_game_id"]
                   log_message="You are not currently in"
                   " a game.")

        res = {}
        res["balls_on_table"] = get_balls_on_table(self.db_conn, game_id)
        res["winner"] = get_game_winner(self.db_conn, game_id)

        return res