def test_encode_decode_cv1(self):
        import cv
        fmts = [
            cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8S, cv.IPL_DEPTH_16U,
            cv.IPL_DEPTH_16S, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32S, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,

        cvb_en = CvBridge()
        cvb_de = CvBridge()

        for w in range(100, 800, 100):
            for h in range(100, 800, 100):
                for f in fmts:
                    for channels in (1, 2, 3, 4):
                        original = cv.CreateImage((w, h), f, channels)
                        cv.Set(original, (1, 2, 3, 4))
                        rosmsg = cvb_en.cv_to_imgmsg(original)
                        newimg = cvb_de.imgmsg_to_cv(rosmsg)
                            cv.GetElemType(original) == cv.GetElemType(newimg))
                            cv.GetSize(original) == cv.GetSize(newimg))
                            len(original.tostring()) == len(newimg.tostring()))
Exemple #2
    def cv_to_imgmsg(self, cvim, encoding="passthrough"):
        Convert an OpenCV :ctype:`CvArr` type (that is, an :ctype:`IplImage` or :ctype:`CvMat`) to a ROS sensor_msgs::Image message.

        :param cvim:      An OpenCV :ctype:`IplImage` or :ctype:`CvMat`
        :param encoding:  The encoding of the image data, one of the following strings:

           * ``"passthrough"``
           * one of the standard strings in sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h

        :rtype:           A sensor_msgs.msg.Image message
        :raises CvBridgeError: when the ``cvim`` has a type that is incompatible with ``encoding``

        If encoding is ``"passthrough"``, then the message has the same encoding as the image's OpenCV type.
        Otherwise desired_encoding must be one of the standard image encodings

        This function returns a sensor_msgs::Image message on success, or raises :exc:`opencv_latest.cv_bridge.CvBridgeError` on failure.
        warnings.warn("Will be removed in Indigo. Use cv2_to_imgmsg instead",
        import cv
        img_msg = sensor_msgs.msg.Image()
        (img_msg.width, img_msg.height) = cv.GetSize(cvim)
        if encoding == "passthrough":
            img_msg.encoding = self.cvtype_to_name[cv.GetElemType(cvim)]
            img_msg.encoding = encoding
            # Verify that the supplied encoding is compatible with the type of the OpenCV image
            if self.encoding_as_cvtype(encoding) != cv.GetElemType(cvim):
                raise CvBridgeError, "encoding specified as %s, but image has incompatible type %s" % (
                    encoding, self.cvtype_to_name[cv.GetElemType(cvim)]) = cvim.tostring()
        img_msg.step = len( / img_msg.height
        return img_msg
 def test_crop_oriented_boxes(self):
     box_num = 0
     for cropped_image in oriented_bounding_boxes.cropped_oriented_boxes(
             "test/test_case_bbox.xml", "test/test_case.png"):
         box_num += 1
         gold_standard = cv.LoadImage("test/test_case_%03d.png" % box_num)
         diff = cv.CloneImage(gold_standard)
         cv.AbsDiff(cropped_image, gold_standard, diff)
         self.assertEquals(cv.Sum(diff), (0, 0, 0, 0))
def cv_to_imgmsg(cvim, encoding = "passthrough"):
        return bridge.cv_to_imgmsg(cvim, encoding)
        img_msg = Image()
        (img_msg.width, img_msg.height) = cv.GetSize(cvim)
        if encoding == "passthrough":
            img_msg.encoding = bridge.cvtype_to_name[cv.GetElemType(cvim)]
            img_msg.encoding = encoding
            if encoding_as_cvtype(encoding) != cv.GetElemType(cvim):
                raise CvBridgeError, "invalid encoding" = cvim.tostring()
        img_msg.step = len( / img_msg.height
        return img_msg
  def detect(self, image):
    #resize the image base on the scaling parameters we've been configured with
    scaled_width = int(.5 + image.width * self.width_scaling)
    scaled_height = int(.5 + image.height * self.height_scaling)
    #in cvMat its row, col so height comes before width
    image_scaled = cv.CreateMat(scaled_height, scaled_width, cv.GetElemType(image))
    cv.Resize(image, image_scaled, cv.CV_INTER_LINEAR)

    #Here, we'll actually call the openCV detector    
    found, corners = cv.FindChessboardCorners(image_scaled, (self.corners_x, self.corners_y), cv.CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH)

    if found:
      board_corners = self.get_board_corners(corners)
      #find the perimeter of the checkerboard
      perimeter = 0.0
      for i in range(len(board_corners)):
        next = (i + 1) % 4
        xdiff = board_corners[i][0] - board_corners[next][0]
        ydiff = board_corners[i][1] - board_corners[next][1]
        perimeter += math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff)

      #estimate the square size in pixels
      square_size = perimeter / ((self.corners_x - 1 + self.corners_y - 1) * 2)
      radius = int(square_size * 0.5 + 0.5)

      corners = cv.FindCornerSubPix(image_scaled, corners, (radius, radius), (-1, -1), (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1))

      if self.display:
        #uncomment to debug chessboard detection
        cv.DrawChessboardCorners(image_scaled, (self.corners_x, self.corners_y), corners, 1)
        cv.ShowImage("image_scaled", image_scaled)

      object_points = None

      #we'll also generate the object points if the user has specified spacing
      if self.spacing_x != None and self.spacing_y != None:
        object_points = cv.CreateMat(3, self.corners_x * self.corners_y, cv.CV_32FC1)

        for y in range(self.corners_y):
          for x in range(self.corners_x):
            cv.SetReal2D(object_points, 0, y*self.corners_x + x, x * self.spacing_x)
            cv.SetReal2D(object_points, 1, y*self.corners_x + x, y * self.spacing_y)
            cv.SetReal2D(object_points, 2, y*self.corners_x + x, 0.0)

      #not sure why opencv functions return non opencv compatible datatypes... but they do so we'll convert
      corners_cv = cv.CreateMat(2, self.corners_x * self.corners_y, cv.CV_32FC1)
      for i in range(self.corners_x * self.corners_y):
        cv.SetReal2D(corners_cv, 0, i, corners[i][0])
        cv.SetReal2D(corners_cv, 1, i, corners[i][1])

      return (corners_cv, object_points)

      rospy.logdebug("Didn't find checkerboard")
      return (None, None)
Exemple #6
    def cv_to_imgmsg(self, cvim, encoding="passthrough"):
        Convert an OpenCV :ctype:`CvArr` type (that is, an :ctype:`IplImage` or :ctype:`CvMat`) to a ROS sensor_msgs::Image message.

        :param cvim:      An OpenCV :ctype:`IplImage` or :ctype:`CvMat`
        :param encoding:  The encoding of the image data, one of the following strings:

           * ``"passthrough"``
           * ``"rgb8"``
           * ``"rgba8"``
           * ``"bgr8"``
           * ``"bgra8"``
           * ``"mono8"``
           * ``"mono16"``

        :rtype:           A sensor_msgs.msg.Image message
        :raises CvBridgeError: when the ``cvim`` has a type that is incompatible with ``encoding``
        If encoding is ``"passthrough"``, then the message has the same encoding as the image's OpenCV type.
        Otherwise encoding must be one of the strings "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8", "bgra8", "mono8" or "mono16",
        in which case the OpenCV image must have the appropriate type:

                for "rgb8", "bgr8"
                for "rgba8", "bgra8"
                for "mono8"
                for "mono16"

        This function returns a sensor_msgs::Image message on success, or raises :exc:`opencv_latest.cv_bridge.CvBridgeError` on failure.
        img_msg = sensor_msgs.msg.Image()
        (img_msg.width, img_msg.height) = cv.GetSize(cvim)
        if encoding == "passthrough":
            img_msg.encoding = self.cvtype_names[cv.GetElemType(cvim)]
            img_msg.encoding = encoding
            # Verify that the supplied encoding is compatible with the type of the OpenCV image
            if self.encoding_as_cvtype(encoding) != cv.GetElemType(cvim):
                raise CvBridgeError, "encoding specified as %s, but image has incompatible type %s" % (
                    encoding, self.cvtype_names[cv.GetElemType(cvim)])
        img_msg.step = img_msg.width * cv.CV_MAT_CN(cv.GetElemType(cvim)) = cvim.tostring()
        return img_msg
Exemple #7
    def downsample_and_detect(self, img):
        Downsample the input image to approximately VGA resolution and detect the
        calibration target corners in the full-size image.

        Combines these apparently orthogonal duties as an optimization. Checkerboard
        detection is too expensive on large images, so it's better to do detection on
        the smaller display image and scale the corners back up to the correct size.

        Returns (scrib, corners, downsampled_corners, board, (x_scale, y_scale)).
        # Scale the input image down to ~VGA size
        (width, height) = cv.GetSize(img)
        scale = math.sqrt( (width*height) / (640.*480.) )
        if scale > 1.0:
            scrib = cv.CreateMat(int(height / scale), int(width / scale), cv.GetElemType(img))
            cv.Resize(img, scrib)
            scrib = cv.CloneMat(img)
        # Due to rounding, actual horizontal/vertical scaling may differ slightly
        x_scale = float(width) / scrib.cols
        y_scale = float(height) / scrib.rows

        if self.pattern == Patterns.Chessboard:
            # Detect checkerboard
            (ok, downsampled_corners, board) = self.get_corners(scrib, refine = True)

            # Scale corners back to full size image
            corners = None
            if ok:
                if scale > 1.0:
                    # Refine up-scaled corners in the original full-res image
                    # TODO Does this really make a difference in practice?
                    corners_unrefined = [(c[0]*x_scale, c[1]*y_scale) for c in downsampled_corners]
                    radius = int(math.ceil(scale))
                    if img.channels == 3:
                        mono = cv.CreateMat(img.rows, img.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
                        cv.CvtColor(img, mono, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
                        mono = img
                    corners = cv.FindCornerSubPix(mono, corners_unrefined, (radius,radius), (-1,-1),
                                                  ( cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1 ))
                    corners = downsampled_corners
            # Circle grid detection is fast even on large images
            (ok, corners, board) = self.get_corners(img)
            # Scale corners to downsampled image for display
            downsampled_corners = None
            if ok:
                print corners
                if scale > 1.0:
                    downsampled_corners = [(c[0]/x_scale, c[1]/y_scale) for c in corners]
                    downsampled_corners = corners

        return (scrib, corners, downsampled_corners, board, (x_scale, y_scale))
Exemple #8
    def detect(self, image):
        #resize the image base on the scaling parameters we've been configured with
        scaled_width = int(.5 + image.width * self.width_scaling)
        scaled_height = int(.5 + image.height * self.height_scaling)

        #in cvMat its row, col so height comes before width
        image_scaled = cv.CreateMat(scaled_height, scaled_width,
        cv.Resize(image, image_scaled, cv.CV_INTER_LINEAR)

        found, corners = cv.FindChessboardCorners(
            image_scaled, (self.corners_x, self.corners_y),

        if found:
            rospy.logdebug("Found cb")
            board_corners = self.get_board_corners(corners)

            #find the perimeter of the checkerboard
            perimeter = 0.0
            for i in range(len(board_corners)):
                next = (i + 1) % 4
                xdiff = board_corners[i][0] - board_corners[next][0]
                ydiff = board_corners[i][1] - board_corners[next][1]
                perimeter += math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff)

            #estimate the square size in pixels
            square_size = perimeter / (
                (self.corners_x - 1 + self.corners_y - 1) * 2)
            radius = int(square_size * 0.5 + 0.5)

            corners = cv.FindCornerSubPix(
                image_scaled, corners, (radius, radius), (-1, -1),
                (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1))
            #cv.DrawChessboardCorners(image_scaled, (self.corners_x, self.corners_y), corners, 1)
            #cv.ShowImage("image_scaled", image_scaled)

            object_points = None

            #we'll also generate the object points if they've been requested
            if self.spacing_x != None and self.spacing_y != None:
                object_points = [None] * (self.corners_x * self.corners_y)

                for i in range(self.corners_y):
                    for j in range(self.corners_x):
                        object_points[i * self.corners_x +
                                      j] = (j * self.spacing_x,
                                            i * self.spacing_y)

            return (corners, object_points)

            rospy.logdebug("Didn't find checkerboard")
            return (None, None)
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, process_noise_cov=(1.0, 800.0)):
     self.kal = cv.CreateKalman(2, 1, 0)
     cv.SetIdentity(self.kal.transition_matrix, 1.0)
     cv.SetIdentity(self.kal.measurement_matrix, 1.0)
     cv.SetIdentity(self.kal.process_noise_cov, 1.0)
     self.kal.process_noise_cov[0, 0] = process_noise_cov[0]
     self.kal.process_noise_cov[1, 1] = process_noise_cov[1]
     cv.SetIdentity(self.kal.measurement_noise_cov, 1.0)
     cv.SetIdentity(self.kal.error_cov_post, 1.0)
     self.measurement = cv.CreateMat(1, 1,
     self.t_previous = None
 def cv_to_imgmsg(self, cvim, encoding = "passthrough"):
     Convert an OpenCV CvArr type (that is, an IplImage or CvMat) to a ROS sensor_msgs Image message.
     If encoding is "passthrough", then the message has the same encoding as the image's OpenCV type.
     Otherwise encoding must be one of the defined strings "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8", "bgra8", "mono8" or "mono16".
     In this case, the image must have the appropriate type:
        CV_8UC3 (for "rgb8", "bgr8"),
        CV_8UC4 (for "rgba8", "bgra8"),
        CV_8UC1 (for "mono8"), or
        CV_16UC1 (for "mono16").
     img_msg = sensor_msgs.msg.Image()
     (img_msg.width, img_msg.height) = cv.GetSize(cvim)
     if encoding == "passthrough":
         img_msg.encoding = self.cvtype_names[cv.GetElemType(cvim)]
         img_msg.encoding = encoding
         # Verify that the supplied encoding is compatible with the type of the OpenCV image
         if self.encoding_as_cvtype(encoding) != cv.GetElemType(cvim):
           raise CvBridgeError, "encoding specified as %s, but image has incompatible type %s" % (encoding, self.cvtype_names[cv.GetElemType(cvim)])
     img_msg.step = img_msg.width * cv.CV_MAT_CN(cv.GetElemType(cvim)) = cvim.tostring()
     return img_msg
def toBinary(img):
    # convert to grayscale
    if cv.GetElemType(img) == cv.CV_8UC3:
        # Create an image to store the output version on
        result = cv.CreateMat(img.rows, img.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
        cv.CvtColor(img, result, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)
        result = cv.CloneMat(img)

    # apply threshold
    # TODO: Make use of better thresholding algorithms
    thr = 230
    cv.Threshold(result, result, thr, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY)

    return result
def cvShiftDFT(src_arr, dst_arr):

    size = cv.GetSize(src_arr)
    dst_size = cv.GetSize(dst_arr)

    if dst_size != size:
        cv.Error(cv.CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "cv.ShiftDFT",
                 "Source and Destination arrays must have equal sizes",
                 __FILE__, __LINE__)

    if (src_arr is dst_arr):
        tmp = cv.CreateMat(size[1] / 2, size[0] / 2, cv.GetElemType(src_arr))

    cx = size[0] / 2
    cy = size[1] / 2  # image center

    q1 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, 0, cx, cy))
    q2 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, 0, cx, cy))
    q3 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, cy, cx, cy))
    q4 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, cy, cx, cy))
    d1 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, 0, cx, cy))
    d2 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, 0, cx, cy))
    d3 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, cy, cx, cy))
    d4 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, cy, cx, cy))

    if (src_arr is not dst_arr):
        if (not cv.CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(q1, d1)):
                cv.CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "cv.ShiftDFT",
                "Source and Destination arrays must have the same format",
                __FILE__, __LINE__)

        cv.Copy(q3, d1)
        cv.Copy(q4, d2)
        cv.Copy(q1, d3)
        cv.Copy(q2, d4)

        cv.Copy(q3, tmp)
        cv.Copy(q1, q3)
        cv.Copy(tmp, q1)
        cv.Copy(q4, tmp)
        cv.Copy(q2, q4)
        cv.Copy(tmp, q2)
Exemple #13
def cvShiftDFT(src_arr, dst_arr):

    size = cv.GetSize(src_arr)
    dst_size = cv.GetSize(dst_arr)

    if dst_size != size:
        cv.Error(cv.CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "cv.ShiftDFT",
                 "as imagens devem ter tamanhos iguais", __FILE__, __LINE__)

    if (src_arr is dst_arr):
        tmp = cv.CreateMat(size[1] / 2, size[0] / 2, cv.GetElemType(src_arr))

    cx = size[0] / 2
    cy = size[1] / 2  # image center

    q1 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, 0, cx, cy))
    q2 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, 0, cx, cy))
    q3 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, cy, cx, cy))
    q4 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, cy, cx, cy))
    d1 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, 0, cx, cy))
    d2 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, 0, cx, cy))
    d3 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (cx, cy, cx, cy))
    d4 = cv.GetSubRect(src_arr, (0, cy, cx, cy))

    if (src_arr is not dst_arr):
        if (not cv.CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(q1, d1)):
            cv.Error(cv.CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "cv.ShiftDFT",
                     "as imagens devem ter o mesmo formato", __FILE__,

        cv.Copy(q3, d1)
        cv.Copy(q4, d2)
        cv.Copy(q1, d3)
        cv.Copy(q2, d4)

        cv.Copy(q3, tmp)
        cv.Copy(q1, q3)
        cv.Copy(tmp, q1)
        cv.Copy(q4, tmp)
        cv.Copy(q2, q4)
        cv.Copy(tmp, q2)
Exemple #14
    def detect(self, msg):
        Downsample the input image to approximately VGA resolution and detect the
        calibration target corners in the full-size image.

        Combines these apparently orthogonal duties as an optimization. Checkerboard
        detection is too expensive on large images, so it's better to do detection on
        the smaller display image and scale the corners back up to the correct size.

        Returns (scrib, corners, downsampled_corners, board, (x_scale, y_scale)).
        mono = self.mk_gray(msg)
        # Scale the input image down to ~VGA size
        (width, height) = cv.GetSize(mono)
        #print "width: " + str(width) + " height: " + str(height)
        scale = math.sqrt( (width*height) / (640.*480.) )
        if scale > 1.0:
            scrib = cv.CreateMat(int(height / scale), int(width / scale), cv.GetElemType(mono))
            cv.Resize(mono, scrib)
            scrib = cv.CloneMat(mono)
        # Due to rounding, actual horizontal/vertical scaling may differ slightly
        x_scale = float(width) / scrib.cols
        y_scale = float(height) / scrib.rows

        (ok, downsampled_corners) = self.get_corners(scrib, refine = True)

        # Scale corners back to full size image
        if scale > 1.0:
            # Refine up-scaled corners in the original full-res image
            # TODO Does this really make a difference in practice?
            corners_unrefined = [(c[0]*x_scale, c[1]*y_scale) for c in downsampled_corners]
            radius = int(math.ceil(scale))
            corners = cv.FindCornerSubPix(mono, corners_unrefined, (radius,radius), (-1,-1),
                                          ( cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1 ))
            corners = downsampled_corners

        return (ok, corners, mono, (x_scale, y_scale))
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False

        self.kal = cv.CreateKalman(4, 4, 0)

        cv.SetIdentity(self.kal.process_noise_cov, 1.0)
        self.kal.process_noise_cov[2, 2] = 0.5
        self.kal.process_noise_cov[3, 3] = 0.5

        cv.SetIdentity(self.kal.measurement_noise_cov, 80.0)
        self.kal.measurement_noise_cov[0, 0] = 5E-5  #15.341
        self.kal.measurement_noise_cov[0, 1] = 8E-6  # 2.354
        self.kal.measurement_noise_cov[1, 0] = 8E-6  #1E-2 # 2.354
            1, 1] = 5E-5  # Likely to be similar to the x value.
        self.kal.measurement_noise_cov[2, 2] = 40.0  #0.22291
        self.kal.measurement_noise_cov[3, 3] = 40.0  #0.21742

        self.measurement = cv.CreateMat(4, 1,
        self.t = None
        self.zf = None
Exemple #16
def mat_to_array(cv_mat):
    cvtype_to_dtype = {
        cv.CV_8UC1: 'uint8',
        cv.CV_8SC1: 'int8',
        cv.CV_16UC1: 'uint16',
        cv.CV_16SC1: 'int16',
        cv.CV_32SC1: 'int32',
        cv.CV_32FC1: 'float32',
        cv.CV_64FC1: 'float64',
        cv.CV_8UC2: 'uint8',
        cv.CV_8SC2: 'int8',
        cv.CV_16UC2: 'uint16',
        cv.CV_16SC2: 'int16',
        cv.CV_32SC2: 'int32',
        cv.CV_32FC2: 'float32',
        cv.CV_64FC2: 'float64',
        cv.CV_8UC3: 'uint8',
        cv.CV_8SC3: 'int8',
        cv.CV_16UC3: 'uint16',
        cv.CV_16SC3: 'int16',
        cv.CV_32SC3: 'int32',
        cv.CV_32FC3: 'float32',
        cv.CV_64FC3: 'float64',
        cv.CV_8UC4: 'uint8',
        cv.CV_8SC4: 'int8',
        cv.CV_16UC4: 'uint16',
        cv.CV_16SC4: 'int16',
        cv.CV_32SC4: 'int32',
        cv.CV_32FC4: 'float32',
        cv.CV_64FC4: 'float64',

    ch_count = {
        cv.CV_8UC1: 1,
        cv.CV_8SC1: 1,
        cv.CV_16UC1: 1,
        cv.CV_16SC1: 1,
        cv.CV_32SC1: 1,
        cv.CV_32FC1: 1,
        cv.CV_64FC1: 1,
        cv.CV_8UC2: 2,
        cv.CV_8SC2: 2,
        cv.CV_16UC2: 2,
        cv.CV_16SC2: 2,
        cv.CV_32SC2: 2,
        cv.CV_32FC2: 2,
        cv.CV_64FC2: 2,
        cv.CV_8UC3: 3,
        cv.CV_8SC3: 3,
        cv.CV_16UC3: 3,
        cv.CV_16SC3: 3,
        cv.CV_32SC3: 3,
        cv.CV_32FC3: 3,
        cv.CV_64FC3: 3,
        cv.CV_8UC4: 4,
        cv.CV_8SC4: 4,
        cv.CV_16UC4: 4,
        cv.CV_16SC4: 4,
        cv.CV_32SC4: 4,
        cv.CV_32FC4: 4,
        cv.CV_64FC4: 4,

    arrdtype = cvtype_to_dtype[cv.GetElemType(cv_mat)]
    ch = ch_count[cv.GetElemType(cv_mat)]
    a = numpy.fromstring(cv_mat.tostring(),
                         count=cv_mat.rows * cv_mat.cols * ch)

    if cv_mat.rows == 1:
        row_count = ch
        col_count = cv_mat.cols
    elif cv_mat.cols == 1:
        row_count = cv_mat.rows
        col_count = ch
        row_count = cv_mat.rows
        col_count = cv_mat.cols

    a.shape = (row_count, col_count)
    return a
Exemple #17
def enlarge_image(image, factor):
    """ Enlarge the image to the given size
    Image must be of type cv.cvmat"""

    if type(image).__name__=='cvmat':
        new_image = cv.CreateMat(int(round(image.height * factor)), int(round(image.width * factor)), cv.GetElemType(image))
        cv.Resize(image, new_image)
        image = new_image
        logging.debug('Image has been enlarged with factor %.3f (' % (factor))
        return image
        logging.error('Unkown Image Type (')
Exemple #18
def downsize_image(image):
    """ Resize the image to the given size
    Image must be of type cv.cvmat"""
    height_factor = float(image.height/parameter.max_facesize[0])
    width_factor = float(image.width/parameter.max_facesize[1])
    if height_factor > width_factor:        
        new_face = cv.CreateMat(image.height/height_factor, image.width/height_factor, cv.GetElemType(image))
        downsize_factor = height_factor
        new_face = cv.CreateMat(int(image.height/width_factor), int(image.width/width_factor), cv.GetElemType(image))
        downsize_factor = width_factor
    cv.Resize(image, new_face)
    return new_face, downsize_factor
def resizeImage(img, W, H):
    result = cv.CreateMat(H, W, cv.GetElemType(img))
    cv.Resize(img, result)
    return result
    def get_projector_line_associations(self):
        positives = []
        negatives = []
        for i in range(self.number_of_projection_patterns):

        strike_sum = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                  self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_32SC1)
        gray_codes = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                  self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_32SC1)
        for i in range(self.number_of_projection_patterns):
            difference = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                      self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
            cv.Sub(positives[i], negatives[i], difference)

            absolute_difference = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
            cv.AbsDiff(positives[i], negatives[i], absolute_difference)

            #Mark all the pixels that were "too close to call" and add them to the running total
            strike_mask = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                       self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
            cv.CmpS(absolute_difference, self.threshold, strike_mask,
            strikes = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                   self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_32SC1)
            cv.Set(strikes, 1, strike_mask)
            cv.Add(strikes, strike_sum, strike_sum)

            #Set the corresponding bit in the gray_code
            bit_mask = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                    self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
            cv.CmpS(difference, 0, bit_mask, cv.CV_CMP_GT)
            bit_values = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                      self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_32SC1)
            cv.Set(bit_values, 2**i, bit_mask)
            cv.Or(bit_values, gray_codes, gray_codes)

        # Decode every gray code into binary
        projector_line_associations = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
        cv.Copy(gray_codes, projector_line_associations)
        for i in range(
                -1, -1):
            projector_line_associations_bitshifted_right = cv.CreateMat(
                self.camera_info.height, self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_32SC1)
            #Using ConvertScale with a shift of -0.5 to do integer division for bitshifting right
                            (2**-(2**i)), -0.5)

        rospy.loginfo("Post processing...")

        # Remove all pixels that were "too close to call" more than once
        strikeout_mask = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
                                      self.camera_info.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
        cv.CmpS(strike_sum, 1, strikeout_mask, cv.CV_CMP_GT)
        cv.Set(projector_line_associations, -1, strikeout_mask)

        # Remove all pixels that don't decode to a valid scanline number
        invalid_scanline_mask = cv.CreateMat(self.camera_info.height,
        cv.InRangeS(projector_line_associations, 0, self.number_of_scanlines,
        cv.Not(invalid_scanline_mask, invalid_scanline_mask)
        cv.Set(projector_line_associations, -1, invalid_scanline_mask)


        return projector_line_associations
def enhanceImage(img):
    W, H = cv.GetSize(img)
    result = cv.CreateMat(H, W, cv.GetElemType(img))
    cv.Smooth(img, result, smoothtype=cv.CV_BLUR, param1=3)
    return result