Exemple #1
def setValues(threshold):
    """Adds trackbars to the main window for adjusting thresholding values

    Optionally uses some other window (specified by 'window').
    global current
    current = threshold

    for i,v in enumerate(threshold[1]):
        T[1][i] = v
        if trackbar_window:
            cv.SetTrackbarPos("ch%d min"%(i+1), trackbar_window, v)
    for i,v in enumerate(threshold[2]):
        T[2][i] = v
        if trackbar_window:
            cv.SetTrackbarPos("ch%d max"%(i+1), trackbar_window, v)
Exemple #2
def getCornerMap(frame):
    global corner
    cornerMap = cv.CreateMat(frame.height, frame.width, cv.CV_32FC1)
    if (corner < 1):
        corner = 1
        cv.SetTrackbarPos("corner", "RGB module", 1)
    cv.CornerHarris(frame, cornerMap, corner)
    return (cornerMap)
Exemple #3
def change_object(idx):
    currentcolors = []
    for i in range(6):
        currentcolors.append(colors[idx * 6 + i])
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('object', objects, idx)
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('hue', objects, int(currentcolors[0]))
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('saturation', objects, int(currentcolors[1]))
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('value', objects, int(currentcolors[2]))
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('maxhue', objects, int(currentcolors[3]))
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('maxsaturation', objects, int(currentcolors[4]))
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('maxvalue', objects, int(currentcolors[5]))
Exemple #4
def show_images(args):
    '''show all images'''
    global image, idx

    if len(args) > 1:
        tbar = cv.CreateTrackbar('Image', 'Bayer', 0,
                                 len(args) - 1, change_image)
    cv.SetMouseCallback('Bayer', mouse_event, None)

    idx = 0
    pgm = None
    while True:
        (image, pgm) = change_image(idx)
        oldidx = idx
        newidx = cuav_util.key_menu(oldidx,
                                    '%s.png' % args[idx][:-4],
        idx += (newidx - oldidx)
        cv.SetTrackbarPos('Image', 'Bayer', idx)
  def process_section(self):
    """ calculates the min/max slider values for a given section and sets the
        slider values to them
    print "sections:", self.sections

    if len(self.sections) > 0:
      # pull out all sections with 'a' in the front
      adds = [[x[1], x[2]] for x in self.sections if x[0] == 'a']

      # pull out all sections with a 's' in the front
      subs = [[x[1], x[2]] for x in self.sections if x[0] == 's']

      print "adds: ", adds
      print "subs: ", subs
      # mins default to highest value, maxs default to lowest value
      minmax = [[255,0] for x in xrange(6)]

      for i in adds:
        # get coords for easy access
        x0 = i[0][0]
        y0 = i[0][1]
        x1 = i[1][0]
        y1 = i[1][1]

        # Make sure that x0, y0 are smaller than x1, y1
        if x0 > x1:
          x0, x1 = x1, x0
        if y0 > y1:
          y0, y1 = y1, y0

        # Go through pixel by pixel
        for x in xrange(x0, x1):
          for y in xrange(y0, y1):
            in_range = True

            # the point will be out of range if it is in a subtracted section somewhere
            for p in subs:
              if x > p[0][0] and y > p[0][1] and x < p[1][0] and y < p[1][1]:
                in_range = False

            if in_range:
              # Now it isn't part of a subtracted region
              (b,g,r) = self.image[y,x]
              (h,s,v) = self.hsv[y,x]
              allv = [r,g,b, h, s, v]
              for j in xrange(len(allv)):
                if allv[j] < minmax[j][0]:
                  minmax[j][0] = int(allv[j])
                if allv[j] > minmax[j][1]:
                  minmax[j][1] = int(allv[j])

    # Now set sliders to those values
    names = [["low_red", "high_red"], ["low_green", "high_green"],\
                 ["low_blue", "high_blue"], ["low_hue", "high_hue"],\
                 ["low_sat", "high_sat"], ["low_val", "high_val"]]

    for i in xrange(len(names)):
      for j in xrange(2):
        self.thresholds[names[i][j]] = minmax[i][j]
        cv.SetTrackbarPos(names[i][j], 'sliders', minmax[i][j])
Exemple #6
def check_key_press(key_press):
    """ this handler is called when a real key press has been
        detected, and updates everything appropriately
    # get D so that we can change values in it
    global D
    D.last_key_pressed = key_press

    if key_press == ord('q') or key_press == 27:  # if a 'q' or ESC was pressed
        print "quitting... first, stopping the FSM"
        D.STOP = True  # stop the FSM...
        time.sleep(2)  # give it some time to stop
        D.running = False  # stops the main loop

    elif key_press == ord('F'):
        # toggle our FSM
        if D.STOP == True:  # the FSM is not running
            print "Starting FSM..."
            D.STOP = False  # so the FSM will run...
            D.start_fsm_time = time.time()  # record our fsm's starting time...
            transition(0.1, state_start)
            D.STOP = True  # will stop one, if it's running
            print "Stopping FSM..."
            time.sleep(2.0)  # wait a bit so that the FSM thread will stop

    elif key_press == ord('i'):
    elif key_press == ord('k'):
    elif key_press == ord('j'):
    elif key_press == ord('l'):

    elif key_press == ord('\n'):
    elif key_press in [ord('z'), ord(' ')]:

    elif key_press == ord('S'):  # save to file
        x = D.thresholds  # the value we will save
        f = open("./thresh.txt", "w")  # open the file "thresh.txt" for writing
        print >> f, x  # print x to the file object f
        f.close()  # it's good to close the file afterwards
        print "Saving current slider threshold values..."

    elif key_press == ord('L'):  # load from file
            f = open("./thresh.txt",
                     "r")  # open the file "thresh.txt" for reading
            data = f.read()  # read everything from f into data
            x = eval(data)  # eval is Python's evaluation function
            f.close()  # it's good to close the file afterwards
            D.thresholds = x
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('low_red', 'sliders', D.thresholds['low_red'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('high_red', 'sliders', D.thresholds['high_red'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('low_green', 'sliders',
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('high_green', 'sliders',
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('low_blue', 'sliders', D.thresholds['low_blue'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('high_blue', 'sliders',
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('low_hue', 'sliders', D.thresholds['low_hue'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('high_hue', 'sliders', D.thresholds['high_hue'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('low_sat', 'sliders', D.thresholds['low_sat'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('high_sat', 'sliders', D.thresholds['high_sat'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('low_val', 'sliders', D.thresholds['low_val'])
            cv.SetTrackbarPos('high_val', 'sliders', D.thresholds['high_val'])
            print "Loaded saved slider threshold values..."
            print "No file named thresh.txt found!"

        print "Did not recognize a command for key #", key_press, "(", chr(
            key_press), ")"
Exemple #7
def check_key_press(key_press):
    """ this handler is called when a real key press has been
        detected, and updates everything appropriately
    # get D so that we can change values in it
    global D
    D.last_key_pressed = key_press

    # if it was ESC, make it 'q'
    if key_press == 27:
        key_press = ord('q')

    # publish the key press, if it's in range
    if ord(' ') <= key_press <= ord('z'):

    # if a 'q' or ESC was pressed, we quit
    if key_press == ord('q'):
        print "quitting"
        rospy.signal_shutdown("Quit requested from keyboard")

    # help menu
    if key_press == ord('h'):
        print " Keyboard Command Menu"
        print " =============================="
        print " q    : quit"
        print " ESC  : quit"
        print " h    : help menu"
        print " w    : show total threshold image in threshold window"
        print " r    : show red image in threshold window"
        print " t    : show green image in threshold window"
        print " y    : show blue image in threshold window"
        print " f    : show thresholded red image in threshold window"
        print " g    : show thresholded blue image in threshold window"
        print " h    : show thresholded green image in threshold window"
        print " a    : show hue image in threshold window"
        print " s    : show saturation image in threshold window"
        print " d    : show value image in threshold window"
        print " z    : show thresholded hue image in threshold window"
        print " x    : show thresholded saturation image in threshold window"
        print " c    : show thresholded value image in threshold window"
        print " v    : saves threshold values to file (overwriting)"
        print " b    : loads threshold values from file"
        print " u    : mousedrags no longer set thresholds"
        print " i    : mousedrag set thresholds to area within drag"

    elif key_press == ord('v'):
        x = D.thresholds
        f = open("./thresh.txt", "w")  # open the file "thresh.txt" for writing
        print >> f, x  # print x to the file object f
        f.close()  # it's good to close the file afterwards
        print "(v) Wrote thresholds to thresh.txt. Use 'b' to load them."

    elif key_press == ord('b'):
        # should check if file exists!
        f = open("./thresh.txt", "r")  # open the file "thresh.txt" for reading
        data = f.read()  # read everything from f into data
        x = eval(data)  # eval is Python's evaluation function
        # eval evaluates strings as if they were at the Python shell
        f.close()  # its good to close the file afterwards
        print "(b) Loaded thresholds from thresh.txt. Use 'v' to save them."

        # Set threshold values in D
        D.thresholds = x

        # Update threshold values on actual sliders
        for i in [
                'low_red', 'high_red', 'low_green', 'high_green', 'low_blue',
                'high_blue', 'low_hue', 'high_hue', 'low_sat', 'high_sat',
                'low_val', 'high_val'
            cv.SetTrackbarPos(i, 'sliders', D.thresholds[i])

    # threshold keypresses:
    elif key_press in D.key_dictionary.keys():
        D.current_threshold = D.key_dictionary[key_press]
Exemple #8
        f.write('%s %u %u\n' % (args[idx], x, y))
        print("Joe at %u,%u of %s" % (x, y, args[idx]))

def change_image(i):
    '''show image idx'''
    global idx, pgm
    idx = i
    pgm = util.PGM(args[idx])
    cv.ShowImage('CanberraUAV', pgm.img)

if len(args) > 1:
    tbar = cv.CreateTrackbar('Image', 'CanberraUAV', 0,
                             len(args) - 1, change_image)
cv.SetMouseCallback('CanberraUAV', mouse_event, None)

idx = 0
pgm = None
while True:
    oldidx = idx
    newidx = util.key_menu(oldidx, len(args), None, None)
    idx += (newidx - oldidx)
    cv.SetTrackbarPos('Image', 'CanberraUAV', idx)

            cv.GetCaptureProperty(g_capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))

        if (frames == 0):
            print "No video"
            loop = False
            # create the trackbar and attach the function "onTrackbarSlide" to it
            loop = True
            cv.CreateTrackbar("Position", "Example3", g_slider_pos, frames,

    while (loop):
        if (not (useTrackbar and downUpdateTrackbarPos)):
            frame = cv.QueryFrame(g_capture)
            if (frame == None):
                cv.SetTrackbarPos("Position", "Example3", 0)
            cv.ShowImage("Example3", frame)
            # wait until a key is pressed, or 33 ms have passed
            char = cv.WaitKey(33)
            if (useTrackbar):
                # if i dont use the listenToSliderVariable, the act of updating the slide makes it
                # slide, seems like a bug to me.
                listenToSlider = False
                curpos = long(
                cv.SetTrackbarPos("Position", "Example3", curpos)
                listenToSlider = True
            # if no key was pressed (timeout) we get -1
            if (char != -1):
                # 27 is esc