def draw_epipolar_lines(Irgb1, Irgb2, pts1, pts2, H): """ Draws epipolar lines, and displays them to the user in an interactive manner. Input: nparray Irgb1, Irgb2: H x W x 3 nparray pts1, pts2: N x 2 nparray H: 3x3 """ h, w = Irgb1.shape[0:2] for i, pt1 in enumerate(pts1): Irgb1_ = Irgb1.copy() Irgb2_ = Irgb2.copy() pt2 = pts2[i] pt1_h = np.hstack((pt1, np.array([1.0]))) pt2_h = np.hstack((pt2, np.array([1.0]))) epiline2 =,, pt1_h)) epiline1 =, epiline2) epiline1 = epiline1 / epiline1[2] epiline2 = epiline2 / epiline2[2] print "Epiline1 is: slope={0} y-int={1}".format(-epiline1[0] / epiline1[1], -epiline1[2] / epiline1[1]) print "Epiline2 is: slope={0} y-int={1}".format(-epiline2[0] / epiline2[1], -epiline2[2] / epiline2[1]) Irgb1_ = util_camera.draw_line(Irgb1_, epiline1) Irgb2_ = util_camera.draw_line(Irgb2_, epiline2) cv.Circle(cv.fromarray(Irgb1_), tuple(intrnd(*pts1[i])), 3, (255, 0, 0)) cv.Circle(cv.fromarray(Irgb2_), tuple(intrnd(*pts2[i])), 3, (255, 0, 0)) print "(Displaying epipolar lines from img1 to img2. Press <enter> to continue.)" cv2.namedWindow('display1') cv2.imshow('display1', Irgb1_) cv2.namedWindow('display2') cv2.imshow('display2', Irgb2_) cv2.waitKey(0)
def paraToMat(para): k_v = para[0:5] K = array([[k_v[0], k_v[1], k_v[2]], [0, k_v[3], k_v[4]], [0, 0, 1]]) k1 = para[5] k2 = para[6] RTpara = para[7:] RTpara = RTpara.reshape(len(RTpara)/6, 6) #empty the original RT array Array_RT = [] r_v = zeros((1, 3)) for idx in xrange(len(RTpara)): para = RTpara[idx] r_v[0] = copy(para[0:3]) R = zeros((3, 3)) cv.Rodrigues2(cv.fromarray(r_v), cv.fromarray(R)) t_v = para[3:6] RT = zeros((3, 4)) RT[:, 0] = R[:, 0] RT[:, 1] = R[:, 1] RT[:, 2] = R[:, 2] RT[:, 3] = t_v Array_RT.append(RT) return(K, Array_RT, k1, k2)
def LoadImage(filename, rotate180=False, RGB=False): '''wrapper around cv.LoadImage that also handles PGM. It always returns a colour image of the same size''' if filename.endswith('.pgm'): from ..image import scanner try: pgm = PGM(filename) except Exception as e: print('Failed to load %s: %s' % (filename, e)) return None im_full = numpy.zeros((960,1280,3),dtype='uint8') if RGB: scanner.debayer_RGB(pgm.array, im_full) else: scanner.debayer(pgm.array, im_full) if rotate180: scanner.rotate180(im_full) return cv.GetImage(cv.fromarray(im_full)) img = cv.LoadImage(filename) if rotate180: from ..image import scanner img = numpy.ascontiguousarray(cv.GetMat(img)) scanner.rotate180(img) img = cv.GetImage(cv.fromarray(img)) return img
def line_pro(self): val,im = if val==True: gray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) edges = cv2.Canny(gray,80,120) cv2.imshow("image2",edges) cv2.waitKey(5) storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) lines = cv.HoughLines2(cv.fromarray(edges), storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD, 1, math.pi / 180, 120, 0,10) for (rho, theta) in lines:,theta,lines,im) a = math.cos(theta) b = math.sin(theta) x0 = a * rho y0 = b * rho pt1 = (cv.Round(x0 + 1000*(-b)), cv.Round(y0 + 1000*(a))) pt2 = (cv.Round(x0 - 1000*(-b)), cv.Round(y0 - 1000*(a))) cv.Line(cv.fromarray(im), pt1, pt2, cv.RGB(255, 0, 0), 3, 8) cv2.imshow("image1",im) cv2.waitKey(5) #lines = cv.HoughLines2(cv.fromarray(edges), storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC, 1,math.pi / 180,val, 50, 10) #for lin in lines: # print "lin=",lin # theta=math.atan2((lin[1][1]-lin[0][1]),(lin[1][0]-lin[0][0])) # if math.sin(theta)!=0: # m=-(math.cos(theta)/math.sin(theta)) # c=lin[0][1]-(m*lin[0][0]) #,m,c,lin,im) # d=self.dist(lin) # print "d=",d # cv.Line(cv.fromarray(im), lin[0], lin[1], cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 3, 8) # #print "lin[0]=",lin[0],"lin[1]=",lin[1] cv2.imshow("image1",im) cv2.waitKey(5)
def numpy_to_iplimage_color(numpy_format): cvMat = cv.fromarray(numpy_format) cv.SaveImage('cvMat.png', cvMat) #Saves the image iplimage = cv.LoadImage('cvMat.png', cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) f**k = cv.fromarray(numpy_format) os.system('rm cvMat.png') return iplimage
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): frame = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(self.image, 'bgr8') cv_image = np.array(frame, dtype=np.uint8) unclosed_gray = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) kernel = np.array([[1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1]], 'uint8') kernel7 = np.ones((7,7),'uint8') gray = cv2.dilate(cv2.erode(unclosed_gray, kernel7), kernel7) edges = cv2.Canny(gray,50,150,apertureSize = 3) # kernel = np.ones((3,3),'uint8') dilated_edges = cv2.dilate(edges, kernel) minLineLength = 140 maxLineGap = 10 lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(dilated_edges,1,np.pi/180,300,minLineLength,maxLineGap) if lines is not None: for x1,y1,x2,y2 in lines[0]: cv2.line(cv_image,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0,255,0),2) frame = cv.fromarray(cv_image) edges = cv.fromarray(edges) dilated_edges = cv.fromarray(dilated_edges) cv.ShowImage("im window", frame) cv.ShowImage("im window2", edges) cv.ShowImage("im window3", dilated_edges) cv.MoveWindow("im window2", 820, 60) cv.MoveWindow("im window3", 820, 660) print "Yoda"
def gotimage(self, imgmsg): if imgmsg.encoding == "bayer_bggr8": imgmsg.encoding = "8UC1" img = CvBridge().imgmsg_to_cv(imgmsg) # cv.ShowImage("DataMatrix", img) # cv.WaitKey(6) print "gotimage" if(self.find == False): return self.track(img) self.find = False # monocular case if 0 and 'l' in self.cams: for (code, corners) in self.tracking.items(): model = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0,0,0], [.1, 0, 0], [.1, .1, 0], [0, .1, 0]], numpy.float32)) rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(model, cv.fromarray(numpy.array(corners, numpy.float32)), self.cams['l'].intrinsicMatrix(), self.cams['l'].distortionCoeffs(), rot, trans) self.broadcast(imgmsg)
def follow(self,show): key=0 framecount=0 offset=80 while(chr(key & 255)!='q' and self.stop!=True): if self.frame!=None: self.mutex.acquire() frame=self.frame self.mutex.release() if chr(key & 255)=='d': self.face_detected=0 if framecount%2==0: faces=self.detect_faces(frame) if faces!=(): self.calc_histogramm(faces[0],cv.fromarray(frame)) self.face_detected=1 center_point=(faces[0][0]+faces[0][2]/2,faces[0][1]+faces[0][3]/2) if show: for x,y,w,h in faces: cv2.rectangle(numpy.asarray(frame), (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2), tuple(map(int,center_point)), 1, (0, 255, 0)), (320,180), offset, (0, 0, 255)) elif self.face_detected==1: self.face_detected=0 if (self.face_detected==0): frame,center_point=self.track_object(cv.fromarray(frame)) if framecount%1==0 and 'center_point' in locals(): self.motor.move_to_pos(center_point,[320,180],offset,[2,2]) if show: cv2.imshow('FlatBuddy', numpy.asarray(frame)) framecount=framecount+1 key=cv2.waitKey(10)
def callback(data): img=np.zeros((250,500,3), np.uint8) #system output font=cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0,thickness=2) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), "System output", (20,50), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), "2D + 3D", (20,100), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), ":", (350,75), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), str(data.id_2d_plus_3d), (450,75), font, (255, 255, 255)) #2d cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), "2D", (20,150), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), ":", (350,150), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), str(data.id_2d), (450,150), font, (255, 255, 255)) #3d cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), "3D", (20,200), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), ":", (350,200), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(img), str(data.id_3d), (450,200), font, (255, 255, 255)) cv2.imshow("SYSTEM OUTPUT", img) cv2.waitKey(3)
def imtransform(I, H0, fillval=np.nan): # transform image using center as origin if len(I.shape) == 3: Iout = np.copy(I) Iout[:, :, 0] = imtransform(I[:, :, 0], H0, fillval=fillval) Iout[:, :, 1] = imtransform(I[:, :, 1], H0, fillval=fillval) Iout[:, :, 2] = imtransform(I[:, :, 2], H0, fillval=fillval) return Iout else: T0 = np.eye(3) T0[0, 2] = I.shape[1] / 2.0 T0[1, 2] = I.shape[0] / 2.0 T1 = np.eye(3) T1[0, 2] = -I.shape[1] / 2.0 T1[1, 2] = -I.shape[0] / 2.0 H =, H0), T1) # transform each channel separately if not I.flags.c_contiguous: I = np.copy(I) Icv = cv.fromarray(I) I1cv = cv.CreateMat(I.shape[0], I.shape[1], Icv.type) H = H[:2] H = cv.fromarray(H) # cv.WarpPerspective(Icv,I1cv,cv.fromarray(np.copy(H)),fillval=-1); cv.WarpAffine(Icv, I1cv, H) # ,fillval=fillval); I1 = np.asarray(I1cv) # I1[np.nonzero(I1<0)]=fillval return I1
def imtransform2(I, H0, fillval=3.0): # transform image using center as origin if len(I.shape) == 3: Iout = np.copy(I) Iout[:, :, 0] = imtransform2(I[:, :, 0], H0, fillval=fillval) Iout[:, :, 1] = imtransform2(I[:, :, 1], H0, fillval=fillval) Iout[:, :, 2] = imtransform2(I[:, :, 2], H0, fillval=fillval) return Iout else: T0 = np.eye(3) T0[0, 2] = I.shape[1] / 2.0 T0[1, 2] = I.shape[0] / 2.0 T1 = np.eye(3) T1[0, 2] = -I.shape[1] / 2.0 T1[1, 2] = -I.shape[0] / 2.0 H =, H0), T1) # transform each channel separately Icv = cv.fromarray(np.copy(I)) I1cv = cv.CreateMat(I.shape[0], I.shape[1], Icv.type) cv.WarpPerspective(Icv, I1cv, cv.fromarray(np.copy(H)), fillval=1.0) I1 = np.asarray(I1cv) I1[np.nonzero(I1 < 0)] = fillval return I1
def simplest_color_balance(image, s1=0, s2=0, mask=None): #tick = time.time() UMAX = 255 copy = image.copy() layers = cv2.split(copy) for i, layer in enumerate(layers): hist = cv2.calcHist([layer], [0], mask, [UMAX + 1], [0, UMAX]) cumsum = hist.cumsum() size = cumsum[-1] lb = size * s1 / 100.0 ub = size * (1 - s2 / 100.0) # reinit borders left = bisect.bisect_left(cumsum, lb) right = bisect.bisect_right(cumsum, ub) if (right - left) <= 0: left = UMAX / 2 - 1 right = UMAX / 2 #print left, right # replacing values if left != 0: left_mask = cv2.inRange(layer, np.array(0), np.array(left)) cv.Set(cv.fromarray(layer), left, cv.fromarray(left_mask)) if right != UMAX: right_mask = cv2.inRange(layer, np.array(right), np.array(UMAX)) cv.Set(cv.fromarray(layer), right, cv.fromarray(right_mask)) layers[i] = layer layers = map(lambda x: cv2.normalize(x, x, 0, UMAX, cv2.NORM_MINMAX), layers) copy = cv2.merge(layers) #cv2.imshow('filter', copy) #tock = time.time() #print tock - tick return copy
def __init__(self): # Initial process state self.x = np.array([0, 0]).T # Process noise (TODO estimate it. ALS technique) self.Q = np.eye(2) * 1e-4 # Observation noise self.R = np.eye(3) * 1e-2 # Estimate covariance self.P = np.zeros_like(self.Q) # Time at which the last observation has been taken self.last_obs = time.time() # Camera calibration matrix self.K = np.array([[353.526260, 0.000000, 190.146881], [0.000000, 356.349156, 138.256491], [0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000]]) # Inverse calibration matrix self.Kinv = np.linalg.inv(self.K) # Matrices for undistort self.cv_camera_matrix = cv.fromarray(self.K) self.distortion_coefficients = cv.fromarray( np.matrix([0.053961, -0.153046, 0.001022, 0.017833, 0.0000])) # Camera frame with respect to fixed frame self.Pcf = np.array([0.0, 0.32, 0.48]).T # Length of the string self.l = 0.30
def localize(self, tags): global arr_ball_pos tag_positions = Tag_Positions() for t in tags.tags: current_tag_position = Tag_Position() = #This is all Open CV matrix stuff that is more complicated #than it should be. a = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[[float(t.x), float(t.y)]]])) b = cv.fromarray(numpy.empty((1, 1, 2))) cv.PerspectiveTransform(a, b, self.transform) current_tag_position.x = numpy.asarray(b)[0, 0, 0] current_tag_position.y = numpy.asarray(b)[0, 0, 1] current_tag_position.theta = t.zRot - self.zRot_offset #Adjust tag angle based on its position current_tag_position.theta += correct(current_tag_position.x, current_tag_position.y, arr_correct_theta) if (current_tag_position.theta < -pi): current_tag_position.theta += 2 * pi if (current_tag_position.theta > pi): current_tag_position.theta -= 2 * pi tag_positions.tag_positions.append(current_tag_position) for tcache in arr_ball_pos: tag_positions.tag_positions.append(tcache)
def UpdateWingMask(self, npfRoiMean): #global globalLock self.npMaskWings = N.zeros([self.heightRoi, self.widthRoi], dtype=N.uint8) # Coordinates of the body ellipse. centerBody = (self.widthRoi/2, self.heightRoi/2) sizeBody = (self.lengthBody, self.widthBody) angleBody = 0.0 # Left wing ellipse. sizeLeft = (self.lengthBody*10/10, self.lengthBody*7/10) centerLeft = (centerBody[0] - sizeLeft[0]/2 + self.lengthBody*1/10, centerBody[1] - sizeLeft[1]/2 - 1) angleLeft = 0.0 # Right wing ellipse. sizeRight = (self.lengthBody*10/10, self.lengthBody*7/10) centerRight = (centerBody[0] - sizeRight[0]/2 + self.lengthBody*1/10, centerBody[1] + sizeRight[1]/2) angleRight = 0.0 # Draw ellipses on the mask. #cv2.ellipse(self.npMaskWings, # (centerBody, sizeBody, angleBody), # 255, cv.CV_FILLED) cv2.ellipse(self.npMaskWings, (centerLeft, sizeLeft, angleLeft*180.0/N.pi), 255, cv.CV_FILLED) cv2.ellipse(self.npMaskWings, (centerRight, sizeRight, angleRight*180.0/N.pi), 255, cv.CV_FILLED) if (npfRoiMean is not None): # Mean Fly Body Mask. #with globalLock: # self.thresholdForeground = rospy.get_param('tracking/thresholdForeground', 25.0) (threshOut, npMaskBody) = cv2.threshold(npfRoiMean.astype(N.uint8), self.thresholdForeground, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) self.npMaskWings = cv2.bitwise_and(self.npMaskWings, npMaskBody) # Publish non-essential stuff. if globalNonessential: npMaskWings1 = copy.copy(self.npMaskWings) npMaskWings1.resize(npMaskWings1.size) imgMaskWings = self.cvbridge.cv_to_imgmsg(cv.fromarray(self.npMaskWings), 'passthrough') = list(npMaskWings1) self.pubImageMask.publish(imgMaskWings) npMaskBody1 = copy.copy(npMaskBody) npMaskBody1.resize(npMaskBody1.size) imgMaskBody = self.cvbridge.cv_to_imgmsg(cv.fromarray(npMaskBody), 'passthrough') = list(npMaskBody1) self.pubImageMaskBody.publish(imgMaskBody)
def localize(self, tags): global arr_ball_pos tag_positions = Tag_Positions() for t in tags.tags: current_tag_position = Tag_Position() = #This is all Open CV matrix stuff that is more complicated #than it should be. a = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[[float(t.x), float(t.y)]]])) b = cv.fromarray(numpy.empty((1,1,2))) cv.PerspectiveTransform(a, b, self.transform) current_tag_position.x = numpy.asarray(b)[0,0,0] current_tag_position.y = numpy.asarray(b)[0,0,1] current_tag_position.theta = t.zRot - self.zRot_offset #Adjust tag angle based on its position current_tag_position.theta += correct(current_tag_position.x, current_tag_position.y, arr_correct_theta) if (current_tag_position.theta < -pi): current_tag_position.theta += 2*pi if (current_tag_position.theta > pi): current_tag_position.theta -= 2*pi tag_positions.tag_positions.append(current_tag_position) for tcache in arr_ball_pos: tag_positions.tag_positions.append(tcache)
def __init__(self,image_raw='image_raw',pattern=None,KK=None,kc=None,timeout=4.0): self.image_raw=image_raw self.bridge = CvBridge() self.pattern=pattern px=self.pattern['corners_x']*self.pattern['spacing_x'] py=self.pattern['corners_y']*self.pattern['spacing_y'] self.pattern['type'] = """<KinBody name="calibration"> <Body name="calibration"> <Geom type="box"> <extents>%f %f 0.001</extents> <translation>%f %f 0</translation> <diffusecolor>0 0.5 0</diffusecolor> </Geom> <Geom type="box"> <extents>%f %f 0.002</extents> <translation>%f %f 0</translation> <diffusecolor>0 1 0</diffusecolor> </Geom> </Body> </KinBody> """%(px*0.5+2.0*self.pattern['spacing_x'],py*0.5+2.0*self.pattern['spacing_y'],px*0.5,py*0.5,px*0.5,py*0.5,px*0.5,py*0.5) self.obstaclexml = """<KinBody name="obstacle"> <Body name="obstacle"> <Geom type="box"> <extents>%f %f 0.001</extents> <translation>0 0 0.001</translation> <diffusecolor>1 0 0</diffusecolor> </Geom> </Body> </KinBody>"""%(px+0.1,py+0.1) self.timeout=timeout self.cvKK = None if KK is None else cv.fromarray(KK) self.cvkc = None if kc is None else cv.fromarray(kc)
def dewarp(imagedir): # Loading from json file C = CameraParams() C.load(imagedir+"/params.json") K = cv.fromarray(C.K) D = cv.fromarray(C.D) print "loaded camera parameters" mapx = None mapy = None for f in os.listdir(imagedir): if (f.find('pgm')<0): continue image = imagedir+'/'+f print image original = cv.LoadImage(image,cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) dewarped = cv.CloneImage(original); # setup undistort map for first time if (mapx == None or mapy == None): im_dims = (original.width, original.height) mapx = cv.CreateImage( im_dims, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); mapy = cv.CreateImage( im_dims, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); cv.InitUndistortMap(K,D,mapx,mapy) cv.Remap( original, dewarped, mapx, mapy ) tmp1=cv.CreateImage((im_dims[0]/2,im_dims[1]/2),8,1) cv.Resize(original,tmp1) tmp2=cv.CreateImage((im_dims[0]/2,im_dims[1]/2),8,1) cv.Resize(dewarped,tmp2) cv.ShowImage("Original", tmp1 ) cv.ShowImage("Dewarped", tmp2) cv.WaitKey(-1)
def detcb(imagemsg): if imagemsg.header.stamp > timestart: cvimage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(imagemsg, 'mono8') corners = self.detect(cvimage) if corners is not None: with donecond: # get the pose with respect to the attached sensor tf frame if self.cvKK is None or self.cvkc is None: KK, kc, Ts, error = self.calibrateIntrinsicCamera( [self.getObjectPoints()], [corners], (cvimage.width, cvimage.height), usenonlinoptim=False) T = Ts[0] else: cvrvec = cv.CreateMat(1, 3, cv.CV_64F) cvtvec = cv.CreateMat(1, 3, cv.CV_64F) cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2( cv.fromarray(self.getObjectPoints()), cv.fromarray(corners), self.cvKK, self.cvkc, cvrvec, cvtvec) T = matrixFromAxisAngle(array(cvrvec)[0]) T[0:3, 3] = array(cvtvec)[0] data[0] = { 'T': T, 'corners_raw': corners, 'image_raw': array(cvimage) } if 'type' in self.pattern: data[0]['type'] = self.pattern['type'] donecond.notifyAll()
def capture_rgb(): rgb_frame = numpy.fromstring(image_generator.get_raw_image_map_bgr(), dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(480, 640, 3) image = cv.fromarray(rgb_frame) cv.CvtColor(cv.fromarray(rgb_frame), image, cv.CV_BGR2RGB) pyimage = pygame.image.frombuffer(image.tostring(), cv.GetSize(image), 'RGB') return pyimage
def step(self, pause=False): try: retval, img_arr = #cv2.imwrite(settings.base_path+'pics/pic1.jpg', img_arr) assert img_arr is not None, "Camera in use by other process" self.add_observation(img_arr, draw=self.show_overlays) if settings.use_simplecv_display: if self.display.isDone(): raise SystemExit, "exiting" img = Image(cv.fromarray(img_arr)) if self.show_overlays or self.trainable: self.annotate_img(img) if self.display.mouseLeft: self.show_overlays = not self.show_overlays if self.display.mouseRight: self.display.done = True else: cv.ShowImage("Index", cv.fromarray(img_arr)) if pause: print("Press any key to continue") cv.WaitKey() cv.DestroyAllWindows() return True except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
def EarthMovers_dist(s1, s2): x = np.array(s1) y = np.array(s2) #print("x = ", x ," y = " , y) a = np.zeros((len(x), 2)) b = np.zeros((len(y), 2)) for i in range(0, len(a)): a[i][0] = x[i] a[i][1] = i + 1.0 for i in range(0, len(b)): b[i][0] = y[i] b[i][1] = i + 1.0 #print("a = ", a ," b = " , b) # Convert from numpy array to CV_32FC1 Mat a64 = cv.fromarray(a) a32 = cv.CreateMat(a64.rows, a64.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Convert(a64, a32) b64 = cv.fromarray(b) b32 = cv.CreateMat(b64.rows, b64.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Convert(b64, b32) # Calculate Earth Mover's dis = cv.CalcEMD2( a32, b32, cv.CV_DIST_L1 ) #CV_DIST_L2 -- Euclidean Distance, CV_DIST_L1 --- Manhattan Distance return dis
def remap(img, mapy, mapx, interp=2): """ transform image using coordinate x,y Interpolation method: 0 = CV_INTER_NN nearest-neigbor interpolation 1 = CV_INTER_LINEAR bilinear interpolation (used by default) 2 = CV_INTER_CUBIC bicubic interpolation 3 = CV_INTER_AREA resampling using pixel area relation. It is the preferred method for image decimation that gives moire-free results. In terms of zooming it is similar to the CV_INTER_NN method return resulting array """ des = N.empty_like(img) # cv.fromarray: array can be 2D or 3D only if cv2.__version__.startswith('2'): cimg = cv.fromarray(img) cdes = cv.fromarray(des) cmapx = cv.fromarray(mapx.astype(N.float32)) cmapy = cv.fromarray(mapy.astype(N.float32)) cv.Remap(cimg, cdes, cmapx, cmapy, flags=interp+cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) else: cimg = img cdes = des cmapx = mapx.astype(N.float32) cmapy = mapy.astype(N.float32) cdes = cv2.remap(cimg, cmapx, cmapy, interp) return N.asarray(cdes)
def LoadImage(filename, rotate180=False, RGB=False): '''wrapper around cv.LoadImage that also handles PGM. It always returns a colour image of the same size''' if filename.endswith('.pgm'): from ..image import scanner try: pgm = PGM(filename) except Exception as e: print('Failed to load %s: %s' % (filename, e)) return None im_full = numpy.zeros((960, 1280, 3), dtype='uint8') if RGB: scanner.debayer_RGB(pgm.array, im_full) else: scanner.debayer(pgm.array, im_full) if rotate180: scanner.rotate180(im_full) return cv.GetImage(cv.fromarray(im_full)) img = cv.LoadImage(filename) if rotate180: from ..image import scanner img = numpy.ascontiguousarray(cv.GetMat(img)) scanner.rotate180(img) img = cv.GetImage(cv.fromarray(img)) return img
def backproject_sample_rect(warp_matrix, sample_dims): warp_matrix_inv = cv2.invert(warp_matrix)[1] #warp_matrix_inv = np.array(warp_matrix_inv)/cv.Get2D(warp_matrix_inv, 2, 2)[0] #print warp_matrix_inv warp_matrix_inv = cv.fromarray(warp_matrix_inv) rectified_shape = np.array((1., 1.)) width_center = rectified_shape[1] / 2 sample_dims = [x / 2 for x in sample_dims] #roi_bottom = (rectified_shape[0] - neighborhood_length) * np.random.random() + \ # neighborhood_length roi_bottom = 0.5 rectified_sample_roi = [ width_center - sample_dims[0], roi_bottom + sample_dims[1], width_center - sample_dims[0], roi_bottom - sample_dims[1], width_center + sample_dims[0], roi_bottom - sample_dims[1], width_center + sample_dims[0], roi_bottom + sample_dims[1] ] rectified_sample_roi = np.array(rectified_sample_roi, dtype=np.float32) rectified_sample_roi = rectified_sample_roi.reshape((1, 4, 2)) backprojected_sample_boundary = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC2) rectified_sample_roi = cv.fromarray(rectified_sample_roi) cv.PerspectiveTransform(rectified_sample_roi, backprojected_sample_boundary, warp_matrix_inv) return cvutils.array2point_list(np.array(backprojected_sample_boundary))
def __init__(self): # Initial process state self.x = np.array([0, 0]).T # Process noise (TODO estimate it. ALS technique) self.Q = np.eye(2) * 1e-4 # Observation noise self.R = np.eye(3) * 1e-2 # Estimate covariance self.P = np.zeros_like(self.Q) # Time at which the last observation has been taken self.last_obs = time.time() # Camera calibration matrix self.K = np.array( [[353.526260, 0.000000, 190.146881], [0.000000, 356.349156, 138.256491], [0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000]] ) # Inverse calibration matrix self.Kinv = np.linalg.inv(self.K) # Matrices for undistort self.cv_camera_matrix = cv.fromarray(self.K) self.distortion_coefficients = cv.fromarray(np.matrix([0.053961, -0.153046, 0.001022, 0.017833, 0.0000])) # Camera frame with respect to fixed frame self.Pcf = np.array([0.0, 0.32, 0.48]).T # Length of the string self.l = 0.30
def unstuffBag(self): bag = rosbag.Bag(self.bag_name) saved_camera_info = False img_n = 0 pano_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("pano") image_names = [] for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['image', 'camera_info']): if ('image' in topic): try: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(msg, "rgb8") image_name = "%s/image_%05d.png" % (pano_dir , img_n) image_names.append("image_%05d.png" % img_n) cv.SaveImage(image_name,cv_image) rospy.loginfo("saving image to %s",image_name) img_n += 1 except CvBridgeError, e: print e if ('camera_info' in topic and not saved_camera_info): mK = numpy.array(msg.K) mK = numpy.reshape(mK, (3,3), 'C' ) K = cv.fromarray(mK) mD = numpy.array(msg.D) mD = numpy.reshape(mD, (5,1), 'C' ) D = cv.fromarray(mD) cv.Save(pano_dir +"/K.yml",K) cv.Save(pano_dir +"/D.yml",D) saved_camera_info = True
def processing(input, args): '''DO ALL PROCESSING IN HERE...''' output = collections.namedtuple('Processing', ['phase_out', 'canny']) if input.channels != 1: # Convert to greyscale grey = cv.CreateMat(input.height, input.width, cv.CV_8UC1) cv.CvtColor(input, grey, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY) else: grey = input # cv.Smooth(grey, smooth, 19) # smooth = cv.CreateMat(input.height, input.width, cv.CV_8UC1) # Simple Canny edge detection canny_edges = cv.CreateMat(input.height, input.width, cv.CV_8UC1) if args.canny: cv.Canny(grey, canny_edges, 70, 100) # Phase congruency calculation # First onvert image to numpy array im = np.asarray(grey) phase_data = phase.phasecong(im, noiseMethod = args.noise) if args.corners: phase_out = cv.fromarray(phase_data.m) else: phase_out = cv.fromarray(phase_data.M) return output(phase_out, canny_edges)
def capture_rgb_frame(self): frame = numpy.fromstring(self.image_generator.get_raw_image_map_bgr(), dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(480, 640, 3) image = cv.fromarray(frame) cv.CvtColor(cv.fromarray(frame), image, cv.CV_BGR2RGB) pygame_image = pygame.image.frombuffer(image.tostring(), cv.GetSize(image), 'RGB') return pygame_image
def get_target_pose(cam): # Populate object_points object_points = cv.fromarray( numpy.array([[p.x, p.y, p.z] for p in cam.features.object_points])) image_points = cv.fromarray( numpy.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in cam.features.image_points])) dist_coeffs = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])) camera_matrix = numpy.array( [[cam.cam_info.P[0], cam.cam_info.P[1], cam.cam_info.P[2]], [cam.cam_info.P[4], cam.cam_info.P[5], cam.cam_info.P[6]], [cam.cam_info.P[8], cam.cam_info.P[9], cam.cam_info.P[10]]]) rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(object_points, image_points, cv.fromarray(camera_matrix), dist_coeffs, rot, trans) rot3x3 = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot3x3) frame = PyKDL.Frame() for i in range(3): frame.p[i] = trans[i, 0] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): frame.M[i, j] = rot3x3[i, j] return frame
def run ( self ): #set up opencv windows cv.NamedWindow("Camera", 1) cv.NamedWindow("Binary", 1) cv.NamedWindow("Settings", 1) #set up sliders cv.CreateTrackbar("Hue", "Settings", hue, 180, on_hueTrackbar) cv.CreateTrackbar("Sat", "Settings", sat, 255, on_satTrackbar) cv.CreateTrackbar("Val", "Settings", val, 255, on_valTrackbar) #run a blocking while loop to capture depth and rgb to opencv window while 1: #pull in camera data (depth,_),(rgb,_)=freenect.sync_get_depth(),freenect.sync_get_video() depth=depth.astype(np.uint8) h1, w1 = depth.shape[:2] h2, w2 = rgb.shape[:2] maxHeight= max(h1,h2) vis = np.zeros((maxHeight, w1+w2), np.uint8) vis2 = np.zeros((h2,w2), np.uint8) cv.CvtColor(cv.fromarray(rgb), cv.fromarray(vis2), cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) #display in a single window vis[:maxHeight, :w1] = depth vis[:maxHeight, w1:w1+w2] = vis2 cv.ShowImage("Camera",cv.fromarray(vis)) cv.WaitKey(100)
def gotimage(self, imgmsg): if imgmsg.encoding == "bayer_bggr8": imgmsg.encoding = "8UC1" img = CvBridge().imgmsg_to_cv(imgmsg) # cv.ShowImage("DataMatrix", img) # cv.WaitKey(6) self.track(img) # monocular case print self.cams if 'l' in self.cams: for (code, corners) in self.tracking.items(): model = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0,0,0], [.1, 0, 0], [.1, .1, 0], [0, .1, 0]], numpy.float32)) rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(model, cv.fromarray(numpy.array(corners, numpy.float32)), self.cams['l'].intrinsicMatrix(), self.cams['l'].distortionCoeffs(), rot, trans) ts = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped() ts.header.frame_id = imgmsg.header.frame_id ts.header.stamp = imgmsg.header.stamp ts.child_frame_id = code posemsg = pm.toMsg(pm.fromCameraParams(cv, rot, trans)) ts.transform.translation = posemsg.position ts.transform.rotation = posemsg.orientation tfm = tf.msg.tfMessage([ts]) self.pub_tf.publish(tfm)
def draw(self, vis): self.adjustCamera() for i in xrange(len(self.colors)): (center, norm, up, right) = self.faceInfo(i) if norm**(center - < 0: corners = (center + up * 0.5 + right * 0.5, center + up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 + right * 0.5) corners = [corner.flatten( for corner in corners] corners = [(int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])) for corner in corners] cv.FillConvexPoly(cv.fromarray(vis), corners, colorTuple(self.colors[i]), lineType=4, shift=0) for i in xrange(len(self.colors)): (center, norm, up, right) = self.faceInfo(i) if norm**(center - < 0: corners = (center + up * 0.5 + right * 0.5, center + up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 + right * 0.5) corners = [corner.flatten( for corner in corners] corners = [(int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])) for corner in corners] for j in xrange(len(corners)): k = (j + 1) % (len(corners)) cv.Line(cv.fromarray(vis), corners[j], corners[k], (0, 0, 0))
def draw(self, vis): self.adjustCamera() for i in xrange(len(self.colors)): (center, norm, up, right) = self.faceInfo(i) if norm ** (center - < 0: corners = (center + up * 0.5 + right * 0.5, center + up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 + right * 0.5) corners = [corner.flatten( for corner in corners] corners = [(int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])) for corner in corners] cv.FillConvexPoly(cv.fromarray(vis), corners, colorTuple(self.colors[i]), lineType=4, shift=0) for i in xrange(len(self.colors)): (center, norm, up, right) = self.faceInfo(i) if norm ** (center - < 0: corners = (center + up * 0.5 + right * 0.5, center + up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 - right * 0.5, center - up * 0.5 + right * 0.5) corners = [corner.flatten( for corner in corners] corners = [(int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])) for corner in corners] for j in xrange(len(corners)): k = (j + 1) % (len(corners)) cv.Line(cv.fromarray(vis), corners[j], corners[k], (0,0,0))
def get_coefficients(self, **kwargs): # Create a [k,x,y]-list containing our radial and circular masks. masks = [mask.radial(**kwargs), mask.circular(**kwargs)] # Prepare a data structure to store our coefficients. coefficients = [ numpy.empty(m.shape[:1] + self.image.shape, dtype=numpy.complex) for m in masks ] for mask_type, mask_coefficients in zip(masks, coefficients): for m, coefficient in zip(mask_type, mask_coefficients): # Create storage arrays for our real and imaginary components. real_coef = cv.CreateMat(self.image.shape[0], self.image.shape[1], cv.CV_64FC1) imag_coef = cv.CreateMat(self.image.shape[0], self.image.shape[1], cv.CV_64FC1) # Filter our image using our masks. cv.Filter2D(cv.fromarray(self.image.astype(numpy.float64)), real_coef, cv.fromarray(m.real.copy())) cv.Filter2D(cv.fromarray(self.image.astype(numpy.float64)), imag_coef, cv.fromarray(m.real.copy())) # Store our coefficients. coefficient[:] = numpy.asarray( real_coef) + 1j * numpy.asarray(imag_coef) return coefficients
def plot_intercontour_hist(image, outer_contour_id, contours, graph, normalized=True): outer_contour = contours[outer_contour_id] (x, y, width, height) = cv2.boundingRect(outer_contour) subimage = get_subimage(image, (x, y), (x + width, y + height)) monochrome = cv2.cvtColor(subimage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) inverted_mask =, monochrome, cv2.CMP_EQ) inner_contours = [contours[int(contour_id)] for contour_id in graph.successors(outer_contour_id)] for i in range(width): for j in range(height): point = (x + i, y + j) outer_contour_test = cv2.pointPolygonTest(outer_contour, point, 0) inner_contours_test = -1 for inner_contour in inner_contours: inner_contour_test = cv2.pointPolygonTest(inner_contour, point, 0) if inner_contour_test > 0: inner_contours_test = 1 break if outer_contour_test >= 0 and inner_contours_test < 0: inverted_mask[j][i] = 0 mask = cv2.bitwise_not(inverted_mask) cv.Set(cv.fromarray(subimage), WHITE, cv.fromarray(inverted_mask)) inner_contour_id = len(str(inner_contours)) print 'inner contour id: ', inner_contour_id image_name = '%d-%s'%(outer_contour_id, inner_contour_id) #cv2.imshow(image_name, subimage) #subhists = plot_hist(subimage, mask, image_name) (subhists, winnames) = plot_hist_hls(subimage, mask, image_name, normalized) return subhists, subimage, mask, x, y, winnames
def genView(panopath, outpath, orientation, viewdir, detail): # panopath: location of raster, depth and plane_pano images # outpath: location to put generated view, depth, and plane images # orientation: [yaw, pitch, roll] of panorama (in degrees) # viewdir: clock-based view; in set [2,3,4,8,9,10] for database # detail: 0 = 768x512 with 60d fov, 1 = 2500x1200 with 90d fov # local constants start = time.time() pi = np.pi width, height, fov = (2500, 1200, 90) if detail else (768, 512, 60) # view details Rpano = geom.RfromYPR(orientation[0],orientation[1],orientation[2]) Yview = np.mod( orientation[0] + 30*viewdir, 360 ) Rview = geom.RfromYPR(Yview, 0, 0) Kview = geom.cameramat(width, height, fov*pi/180) Kinv = alg.inv(Kview) # Load image pano, depth pano, and plane pano images cvIP = cv.LoadImageM( os.path.join(panopath,'raster.jpg'), cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED ) cvDP = cv.fromarray( np.asarray( os.path.join(panopath,'depth.png') ) ) ) pp = np.asarray( os.path.join(panopath,'plane_pano.png') ) ).copy() vals = set(list(pp.reshape(-1))) vals.remove(255) gnd = max(vals) pp[pp==gnd] = np.uint8(0) cvPP = cv.fromarray(pp) # load pixel map pix = np.append(np.array(np.meshgrid(range(width),range(height))).reshape(2,-1),np.ones([1,width*height]),0) midpoint = time.time() print 'Loading pano images took ' + str(midpoint-start) + ' seconds.' # Create output openCV matrices cvI = cv.CreateMat(height,width,cv.CV_8UC3) cvD = cv.CreateMat(height,width,cv.CV_32SC1) cvP = cv.CreateMat(height,width,cv.CV_8UC1) # compute mappings ray = np.transpose(Rpano), Rview, Kinv, pix ) ) ) yaw, pitch = np.arctan2( ray[0,:] , ray[2,:] ) , np.arctan2( -ray[1,:] , np.sqrt((np.array([ray[0,:],ray[2,:]])**2).sum(0)) ) ix, iy = cv.fromarray(np.array(8192/(2*pi)*(pi+yaw),np.float32).reshape(height,width)), cv.fromarray(np.array(4096/pi*(pi/2-pitch),np.float32).reshape(height,width)) dx, dy = cv.fromarray(np.array(5000/(2*pi)*(pi+yaw),np.float32).reshape(height,width)), cv.fromarray(np.array(2500/pi*(pi/2-pitch),np.float32).reshape(height,width)) px, py = cv.fromarray(np.array(1000/(2*pi)*(pi+yaw),np.float32).reshape(height,width)), cv.fromarray(np.array( 500/pi*(pi/2-pitch),np.float32).reshape(height,width)) # call remap function cv.Remap(cvIP,cvI,ix,iy,cv.CV_INTER_CUBIC) cv.Remap(cvDP,cvD,dx,dy,cv.CV_INTER_NN) cv.Remap(cvPP,cvP,px,py,cv.CV_INTER_NN) # write images to file Image.fromarray(np.array(cvI)[:,:,[2,1,0]]).save(os.path.join(outpath,'view.jpg'),'jpeg') Image.fromarray(np.array(cvD)).save(os.path.join(outpath,'depth.png'),'png') Image.fromarray(np.array(cvP)).save(os.path.join(outpath,'plane.png'),'png') print 'Generating views from pano took ' + str(time.time()-midpoint) + ' seconds.'
def colour_backproject(target, image, bins, model): """ Implementation of "object location via histogram backprojection" algorithm in Swain and Ballard's 1990 paper. Uses OpenCV library Filter2D to carry out covolution. """ print '\nFirst, we build the target\'s colour histogram:' press_enter_and_wait() target_h = col_hist(target, bins, model) print target_h print '\nNext, we build the image\'s colour histogram:' press_enter_and_wait() image_h = col_hist(image, bins, model) print image_h print '\nNow, we compute "ratio", the ratio of target/image histograms:' press_enter_and_wait() ratio = (target_h * 1.0) / image_h print ratio print '\nNext, we replace each pixel in the image with the value of the', print 'bin in "ratio" that the pixel\'s colour indexes (max value: 1).' press_enter_and_wait() b = np.empty(((image.shape)[0:2]), dtype = float) i = 0 for row in image: j = 0 for pixel in row: index = col2bin(pixel, bins, model) b[i][j] = min(ratio[index[0]][index[1]][index[2]], 1) j += 1 i += 1 print b print '\nOk, now to convolve a mask with b' press_enter_and_wait() b_conv = b radius = 40 w = np.zeros((81,81), dtype = float) i = 0 for row in w: j = 0 for element in row: if (sqrt(pow((10-i),2)+pow((10-j),2)) < radius): w[i][j] = 1 j += 1 i += 1 cv.Filter2D(cv.fromarray(b), cv.fromarray(b_conv), cv.fromarray(w), (-1, -1)) b_conv = np.array(b_conv) print b_conv print '\nFinally, we find the location of the peak of the convolved image:' press_enter_and_wait() print b_conv return np.where(b_conv == b_conv.max()), b_conv
def image_callback(data): global running if (running): image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(data, "bgr8") #normalize image cv.Split(image, rgb_r, rgb_g, rgb_b, None) red_mean = cv2.mean(np.asarray(rgb_r[:, :])) cv.Div(src2=cv.fromarray(np.ones((480, 640))), src1=rgb_r, dst=scaled_r, scale=128 / red_mean[0]) green_mean = cv2.mean(np.asarray(rgb_g[:, :])) cv.Div(src2=cv.fromarray(np.ones((480, 640))), src1=rgb_g, dst=scaled_g, scale=128 / green_mean[0]) blue_mean = cv2.mean(np.asarray(rgb_b[:, :])) cv.Div(src2=cv.fromarray(np.ones((480, 640))), src1=rgb_b, dst=scaled_b, scale=128 / blue_mean[0]) cv.Merge(scaled_r, scaled_g, scaled_b, None, cv_image) cv.CvtColor(cv_image, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV) # --convert from BGR to HSV cv.CvtColor(cv_image, lab, cv.CV_BGR2Lab) cv.Split(hsv, hsv_h, hsv_s, hsv_v, None) cv.Split(cv_image, rgb_r, rgb_g, rgb_b, None) cv.Split(lab, lab_l, lab_a, lab_b, None) cv.Split(luv, luv_l, luv_u, luv_v, None) cv.Split(hls, hls_h, hls_l, hls_s, None) cv.Split(xyz, xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_x, None) cv.Split(ycrcb, ycrcb_y, ycrcb_cr, ycrcb_cb, None) cv.Not(lab_a, a_not) cv.Sub(hsv_s, a_not, sa) cv.Sub(luv_u, hls_h, test) cv.Sub(hls_s, hls_h, sminh) threshold_red(sa) cv.ShowImage("red", red_dilated_image) red_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(image=np.asarray( red_dilated_image[:, :]), mode=cv.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) print_lidar_projections(cv_image) circles = extract_circles(red_contours, [1, 0, 0]) for x, y, radius in circles: cv.Circle(cv_image, (x, y), radius, [0, 0, 1], 3) cv.SetMouseCallback("camera feed", mouse_callback, hsv_image) cv.ShowImage("camera feed", cv_image) cv.WaitKey(3)
def handle_monocular(self, msg): def pt2line(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ point is (x0, y0), line is (x1, y1, x2, y2) """ return abs((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y0) - (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y1)) / math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) (image, camera) = msg rgb = self.mkgray(image) C = self.image_corners(rgb) if C: cc = self.board.n_cols cr = self.board.n_rows errors = [] for r in range(cr): (x1, y1) = C[(cc * r) + 0] (x2, y2) = C[(cc * r) + cc - 1] for i in range(1, cc - 1): (x0, y0) = C[(cc * r) + i] errors.append(pt2line(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)) linearity_rms = math.sqrt( sum([e**2 for e in errors]) / len(errors)) # Add in reprojection check A = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, 0) image_points = cv.fromarray(numpy.array(C)) object_points = cv.fromarray(numpy.zeros([cc * cr, 3])) for i in range(cr): for j in range(cc): object_points[i * cc + j, 0] = j * self.board.dim object_points[i * cc + j, 1] = i * self.board.dim object_points[i * cc + j, 2] = 0.0 dist_coeffs = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])) camera_matrix = numpy.array( [[camera.P[0], camera.P[1], camera.P[2]], [camera.P[4], camera.P[5], camera.P[6]], [camera.P[8], camera.P[9], camera.P[10]]]) rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(object_points, image_points, cv.fromarray(camera_matrix), dist_coeffs, rot, trans) # Convert rotation into a 3x3 Rotation Matrix rot3x3 = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot3x3) # Reproject model points into image object_points_world = numpy.asmatrix(rot3x3) * ( numpy.asmatrix(object_points).T) + numpy.asmatrix(trans) reprojected_h = camera_matrix * object_points_world reprojected = (reprojected_h[0:2, :] / reprojected_h[2, :]) reprojection_errors = image_points - reprojected.T reprojection_rms = numpy.sqrt( numpy.sum(numpy.array(reprojection_errors)**2) / numpy.product(reprojection_errors.shape)) # Print the results print "Linearity RMS Error: %.3f Pixels Reprojection RMS Error: %.3f Pixels" % ( linearity_rms, reprojection_rms) else: print 'no chessboard'
def __initialiseUndistortMap__(self): #print "CameraAccessor - initialiseUndistortMap begin" testImage = cv.QueryFrame( #print "imageType = ", type(testImage) self.photoSize = cv.GetSize(testImage) self.mapx = cv.CreateImage(self.photoSize, 32, 1) self.mapy = cv.CreateImage(self.photoSize, 32, 1) cv.InitUndistortMap(cv.fromarray(self.intrinsecParameters), cv.fromarray(self.distortionParameter), self.mapx, self.mapy)
def execute(signature1, signature2, data): codewords = data["codewords"] fsig1 = cv.fromarray(numpy.asarray([[count, ] + list(word) for count, word in zip(signature1, codewords)], dtype=numpy.float32)) fsig2 = cv.fromarray(numpy.asarray([[count, ] + list(word) for count, word in zip(signature2, codewords)], dtype=numpy.float32)) distance = cv.CalcEMD2(fsig1, fsig2, cv.CV_DIST_L2) return distance
def Test(img0, img1, H0, H1): buff = cv.LoadImage('buff.jpg') H0 = cv.fromarray(H0.T.copy()) cv.WarpPerspective(img0, buff, H0) cv.SaveImage("Results/warpBack0.jpg", buff) buff = cv.LoadImage('buff.jpg') H1 = cv.fromarray(H1.T.copy()) cv.WarpPerspective(img1, buff, H1) cv.SaveImage("Results/warpBack1.jpg",buff)
def canny_it(self, iteration): print "24 canny_it" #called by 27# #called by 24 (iterative)# #called by 23# if self.save_images: # save raw image of chess board file_name = self.image_dir + "chess_board_" + str( iteration) + ".jpg" self.cv_image = self.cv_image cv.SaveImage(file_name, cv.fromarray(self.cv_image)) # create an empty image variable, the same dimensions as our camera feed. gray = cv.CreateImage((cv.GetSize(cv.fromarray(self.cv_image))), 8, 1) # convert the image to a grayscale image cv.CvtColor(cv.fromarray(self.cv_image), gray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) # display image on head monitor font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0, 1) position = (30, 60) cv.PutText(cv.fromarray(self.cv_image), "Buscando Tablero", position, font, self.white) msg = cv_bridge.CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(self.cv_image, encoding="bgr8") # create a canny edge detection map of the greyscale cv.Canny(gray, self.canny, self.canny_low, self.canny_high, 3) # display the canny transformation cv.ShowImage("Canny Edge Detection", self.canny) if self.save_images: # save Canny image of chess board file_name = self.image_dir + "canny_board_" + str( iteration) + ".jpg" cv.SaveImage(file_name, self.canny) # flood fill edge of image to leave only objects "go to 9" self.flood_fill_edge(self.canny) #//back from 9, "go to 8" chess_board_centre = self.look_for_chess_board(self.canny) #//back from 8 # 3ms wait cv.WaitKey(3) while chess_board_centre[0] == 0: if random.random() > 0.6: self.baxter_ik_move(self.limb, self.dither()) #"go to 24" (iterate) chess_board_centre = self.canny_it(iteration) #//back from 24 return chess_board_centre
def get_homography(self): # set up source points (model points) srcPoints = cv.fromarray(np.matrix([[63, 343], [537, 367], [550, 137], [78, 123]], dtype=float)) # set up destination points (observed object points) # dstPoints = cv.fromarray(np.matrix([[120,285],[420,359],[455,186],[228,143]], dtype=float)) dstPoints = cv.fromarray(np.matrix([[22, 383], [608, 385], [541, 187], [100, 196]], dtype=float)) # compute homography H = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.FindHomography(srcPoints, dstPoints, H) # def. setting is [method=0,ransacReprojThreshold=3.0,status=None] return H
def rgb2gray(I): if len(I.shape) < 3: return I else: Ichn1 = I[:, :, 0] Icv = cv.fromarray(np.copy(I)) Ichn1cv = cv.fromarray(np.copy(Ichn1)) cv.CvtColor(Icv, Ichn1cv, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY) Iout = np.asarray(Ichn1cv) return Iout
def _ransac(self, fkp, tkp): H = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.FindHomography(cv.fromarray(fkp), cv.fromarray(tkp), H, method=cv.CV_RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=5) H = np.array(H) sx = abs(H[0][0]) sy = abs(H[1][1]) scale_ratio = min(sx, sy) / max(sx, sy) nb_inliners = self._get_nb_inliers(H, fkp, tkp) return nb_inliners, scale_ratio
def histEMD(hist1, hist2, hist1weights, hist2weights): a64 = cv.fromarray(np.hstack((hist1weights, hist1)).copy()) a32 = cv.CreateMat(a64.rows, a64.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Convert(a64, a32) b64 = cv.fromarray(np.hstack((hist2weights, hist2)).copy()) b32 = cv.CreateMat(b64.rows, b64.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Convert(b64, b32) return cv.CalcEMD2(a32, b32, cv.CV_DIST_L2)
def histEMD(hist1, hist2, hist1weights, hist2weights): a64 = cv.fromarray(np.hstack((hist1weights, hist1)).copy()) a32 = cv.CreateMat(a64.rows, a64.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Convert(a64, a32) b64 = cv.fromarray(np.hstack((hist2weights, hist2)).copy()) b32 = cv.CreateMat(b64.rows, b64.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) cv.Convert(b64, b32) return cv.CalcEMD2(a32,b32,cv.CV_DIST_L2)
def observation(self, meas): meas = np.float32([meas]) if not self.initialized: cv.Copy(cv.fromarray(meas.T.copy()), self.kf.state_post) cv.Copy(cv.fromarray(meas.T.copy()), self.kf.state_pre) self.initialized = True if self.kf.CP == 0: cv.KalmanPredict(self.kf) corrected = np.asarray( cv.KalmanCorrect(self.kf, cv.fromarray(meas.T.copy()))) return corrected.T[0].copy()
def fuse(file_path): img = cv2.imread(file_path, 1) cv.ShowImage('origin', cv.fromarray(img)) cv.WaitKey(0) for i in xrange(1): kernel = np.ones((20,20), np.float32)/2500 img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, kernel) cv.ShowImage('origin', cv.fromarray(img)) cv.WaitKey(0)
def achromatic_mask(image): copy = image.copy() (cols, rows) = cv.GetSize(cv.fromarray(copy)) hls = cv2.cvtColor(copy, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS) (hue, lightness, saturation) = cv2.split(hls) inverted_mask = cv2.inRange(hue, np.array(0), np.array(0)) #print sum(sum(inverted_mask)) / 255 mask = cv2.bitwise_not(inverted_mask) cv.Set(cv.fromarray(copy), (0, 0, 0), cv.fromarray(inverted_mask)) cv2.imshow('achromatic mask', copy) return mask, inverted_mask
def main(): I_np = shared.standardImread(Ipath, flatten=True) I_np = shared.prepOpenCV(I_np) cv_imgBAD = cv.fromarray(np.copy(I_np)) cv.SaveImage("party_CV_BAD.png", cv_imgBAD) cv_imgGOOD = cv.fromarray(np.copy(I_np) * 255.0) cv.SaveImage("party_CV_GOOD.png", cv_imgGOOD) print "Done."
def distance3(img, imgpath2): """ NCC score between img1, img2. """ imgCv = cv.fromarray(np.copy(img.astype(np.float32))) img2 = shared.standardImread(imgpath2, flatten=True) bb2 = bb_map.get(imgpath2, None) if bb2 != None: img2 = img2[bb2[0]:bb2[2], bb2[2]:bb2[3]] img2Cv = cv.fromarray(np.copy(img2.astype(np.float32))) outCv = cv.CreateMat(imgCv.height - img2Cv.height + 1, imgCv.width - img2Cv.width + 1, imgCv.type) cv.MatchTemplate(imgCv, img2Cv, outCv, cv.CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) return outCv.max()
def logpolar(img, center=None, mag=1): des = N.empty_like(img) if center is None: center = N.divide(img.shape, 2) # cv.fromarray: array can be 2D or 3D only cimg = cv.fromarray(img) cdes = cv.fromarray(des) cv.LogPolar(cimg, cdes, tuple(center), mag)#, cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) return N.array(cdes)