def collectCheckboardPoints(self): self.pointsArray1 = np.zeros((nimages, num_pts, 2)) self.pointsArray2 = np.zeros((nimages, num_pts, 2)) cv.NamedWindow("camera") cv.NamedWindow("camera2") i = 0 while True : frame = cv.QueryFrame(self.video1) # print type(frame) # [rows1, cols] = cv.GetSize(frame) image = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, frame.nChannels) cv.Copy(frame, image) cv.ShowImage("camera", frame) grayScaleFullImage = cv.CreateImage((image.width, image.height), 8, 1) cv.CvtColor(image, grayScaleFullImage, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) frame2 = cv.QueryFrame(self.video2) image2 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame2), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, frame2.nChannels) cv.Copy(frame2, image2) cv.ShowImage("camera2", frame2) grayScaleFullImage2 = cv.CreateImage((image2.width, image2.height), 8, 1) cv.CvtColor(image2, grayScaleFullImage2, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) found, points = cv.FindChessboardCorners(grayScaleFullImage, dims, cv.CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH) if found != 0: print "found chess board " + str(np.shape(points)) cv.DrawChessboardCorners(image, dims, points, found) cv.ShowImage("win2", image) cv.WaitKey(2) # else: # print "no chess" found2, points2 = cv.FindChessboardCorners(grayScaleFullImage2, dims, cv.CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH) if found2 != 0: print "found chess board2" cv.DrawChessboardCorners(image2, dims, points2, found2) cv.ShowImage("win3", image2) cv.WaitKey(2) if found and found2: print "entered here!!!!!" self.pointsArray1[i, :] = points self.pointsArray2[i, :] = points2 i = i + 1 if i == nimages: self.size = cv.GetSize(image) break if cv.WaitKey(10) == 27: break cv.DestroyWindow("Camera 1") cv.DestroyWindow("Camera 2")
def handle_msg(self, msg): """ Detects the calibration target and, if found and provides enough new information, adds it to the sample database. Returns a MonoDrawable message with the display image and progress info. """ rgb = self.mkgray(msg) linear_error = -1 # Get display-image-to-be (scrib) and detection of the calibration target scrib, corners, downsampled_corners, board, ( x_scale, y_scale) = self.downsample_and_detect(rgb) if self.calibrated: # Show rectified image # TODO Pull out downsampling code into function if x_scale != 1.0 or y_scale != 1.0: rgb_rect = self.remap(rgb) cv.Resize(rgb_rect, scrib) else: scrib = self.remap(rgb) if corners: # Report linear error src = self.mk_image_points([(corners, board)]) undistorted = list(cvmat_iterator(self.undistort_points(src))) linear_error = self.linear_error(undistorted, board) # Draw rectified corners scrib_src = [(x / x_scale, y / y_scale) for (x, y) in undistorted] cv.DrawChessboardCorners(scrib, (board.n_cols, board.n_rows), scrib_src, True) elif corners: # Draw (potentially downsampled) corners onto display image src = self.mk_image_points([(downsampled_corners, board)]) cv.DrawChessboardCorners(scrib, (board.n_cols, board.n_rows), cvmat_iterator(src), True) # Add sample to database only if it's sufficiently different from any previous sample. params = self.get_parameters(corners, board, cv.GetSize(rgb)) if self.is_good_sample(params): self.db.append((params, rgb)) self.good_corners.append((corners, board)) print "*** Added sample %d, p_x = %.3f, p_y = %.3f, p_size = %.3f, skew = %.3f" % tuple( [len(self.db)] + params) rv = MonoDrawable() rv.scrib = scrib rv.params = self.compute_goodenough() rv.linear_error = linear_error return rv
if __name__ == "__main__": cv.NamedWindow("win") if len(sys.argv) > 1: filename = sys.argv[1] im = cv.LoadImage(filename, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) im3 = cv.LoadImage(filename, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) else: try: # try opening local copy of image fileName = '../cpp/left01.jpg' im = cv.LoadImageM(fileName, False) im3 = cv.LoadImageM(fileName, True) except: # if local copy cannot be opened, try downloading it url = '' filedata = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() imagefiledata = cv.CreateMatHeader(1, len(filedata), cv.CV_8UC1) cv.SetData(imagefiledata, filedata, len(filedata)) im = cv.DecodeImageM(imagefiledata, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) im3 = cv.DecodeImageM(imagefiledata, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) chessboard_dim = (9, 6) found_all, corners = cv.FindChessboardCorners(im, chessboard_dim) print found_all, len(corners) cv.DrawChessboardCorners(im3, chessboard_dim, corners, found_all) cv.ShowImage("win", im3) cv.WaitKey() cv.DestroyAllWindows()
def handle_msg(self, msg): # TODO Various asserts that images have same dimension, same board detected... (lmsg, rmsg) = msg lrgb = self.mkgray(lmsg) rrgb = self.mkgray(rmsg) epierror = -1 # Get display-images-to-be and detections of the calibration target lscrib, lcorners, ldownsampled_corners, lboard, ( x_scale, y_scale) = self.downsample_and_detect(lrgb) rscrib, rcorners, rdownsampled_corners, rboard, _ = self.downsample_and_detect( rrgb) if self.calibrated: # Show rectified images if x_scale != 1.0 or y_scale != 1.0: rgb_rect = self.l.remap(lrgb) cv.Resize(rgb_rect, lscrib) rgb_rect = self.r.remap(rrgb) cv.Resize(rgb_rect, rscrib) else: lscrib = self.l.remap(lrgb) rscrib = self.r.remap(rrgb) # Draw rectified corners if lcorners: src = self.mk_image_points([(lcorners, lboard)]) lundistorted = list( cvmat_iterator(self.l.undistort_points(src))) scrib_src = [(x / x_scale, y / y_scale) for (x, y) in lundistorted] cv.DrawChessboardCorners(lscrib, (lboard.n_cols, lboard.n_rows), scrib_src, True) if rcorners: src = self.mk_image_points([(rcorners, rboard)]) rundistorted = list( cvmat_iterator(self.r.undistort_points(src))) scrib_src = [(x / x_scale, y / y_scale) for (x, y) in rundistorted] cv.DrawChessboardCorners(rscrib, (rboard.n_cols, rboard.n_rows), scrib_src, True) # Report epipolar error if lcorners and rcorners: epierror = self.epipolar_error(lundistorted, rundistorted, lboard) else: # Draw any detected chessboards onto display (downsampled) images if lcorners: src = self.mk_image_points([(ldownsampled_corners, lboard)]) cv.DrawChessboardCorners(lscrib, (lboard.n_cols, lboard.n_rows), cvmat_iterator(src), True) if rcorners: src = self.mk_image_points([(rdownsampled_corners, rboard)]) cv.DrawChessboardCorners(rscrib, (rboard.n_cols, rboard.n_rows), cvmat_iterator(src), True) # Add sample to database only if it's sufficiently different from any previous sample if lcorners and rcorners: params = self.get_parameters(lcorners, lboard, cv.GetSize(lrgb)) if self.is_good_sample(params): self.db.append((params, lrgb, rrgb)) self.good_corners.append((lcorners, rcorners, lboard)) print "*** Added sample %d, p_x = %.3f, p_y = %.3f, p_size = %.3f, skew = %.3f" % tuple( [len(self.db)] + params) rv = StereoDrawable() rv.lscrib = lscrib rv.rscrib = rscrib rv.params = self.compute_goodenough() rv.epierror = epierror return rv
x0 = [0.] #print silly(x0, goodcorners) print "initial error", silly(x0, goodcorners) xopt = fmin(silly, x0, args=(goodcorners, )) print "xopt", xopt print "final error", silly(xopt, goodcorners) d = 1.0 # - sum(xopt) poly = numpy.poly1d(list(xopt) + [d, 0.]) print "final polynomial" print poly for co in goodcorners: scrib = cv.CreateMat(480, 640, cv.CV_8UC3) cv.SetZero(scrib) cv.DrawChessboardCorners(scrib, (num_x_ints, num_y_ints), [xf(pt, poly) for pt in co], True) cv.ShowImage("snap", scrib) cv.WaitKey() sys.exit(0) for (i, (img, (ok, co))) in enumerate(zip(images, corners)): scrib = cv.CreateMat(img.rows, img.cols, cv.CV_8UC3) cv.CvtColor(img, scrib, cv.CV_GRAY2BGR) if ok: cv.DrawChessboardCorners(scrib, (num_x_ints, num_y_ints), co, True) cv.ShowImage("snap", scrib) cv.WaitKey() print len(goodcorners) ipts = mk_image_points(goodcorners)